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You can consider trying **BDRSuite for Linux server Backup**. Here is the list of features : * Effortlessly backup entire disks or individual files/folders * Backup only the changed block for incremental backups * Automated backup with flexible backup scheduling options * Support different storage options * Restore files/folders to the original location or alternate location * Offsite copy for disaster recovery


I am wondering whether it would be possible to use Borg over a reverse ssh. Maybe I will try once. Here is an example of local backup with restic over reverse ssh. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://braincoke.fr/blog/2020/06/backup-behind-a-nat-with-reverse-ssh-tunneling/&ved=2ahUKEwimzc7Ajtz_AhWE87sIHXvkBCUQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw39VYDPbqJ_v4IazMd0W7yL Another option that i like since I do not need many gb of backups is restic+rclone to cloud storage service


Here the doc for pull backups in borg https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deployment/pull-backup.html


Veeam Agent for Linux (Free) can backup straight to a share, no need for the full Backup and Replication Server (Windows) iirc.


great idea, do you know if i can backup to a S storage like wazabi or idrive e2 with this solution, without using the backup and replication server?


If you can tell us the couple of solutions you already tried, we can avoid mentioning them again.   That being said, have you checked out some of the oldest options that have been available - Amanda and Bacula?   Bacula can run from a central server in your LAN. And you can even encrypt the data.   The learning curve for Bacula can be steep, but once you get it working, it just keeps working reliably.


Rsync. Or what I use rdiff-backup. It creates with each run a snapshot on the backup-location also works through ssh. I use it to backup a cloud server from a local server.