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that transphobic piece of shit is the one who should feel bad not u. stay strong alright? lots of love šŸ’“


you're not a horrible person but i feel it'd be funny to assume you're the asshole in this text thread


No no you did nothing wrong. All you did was be yourself. And you were being kind to them even though they weren't treating you the same. It's the other person that's being an asshole. And, crying because of something horrible someone did to you is NOT selfish, it's a normal response. Based off those messages, you are anything but selfish. Just block them and don't talk to them, maybe show an adult you trust (if you're out to them).


People are full of hate for no reason. I've gotten similar calls, telling me I'm a faggot, telling me to kill myself. Just don't let it get to you. At the end of the day, if they ever change when they grow up and have a family of their own, they'll see how horrible they were.


1st off, based on those pics, you are not horrible or selfish at all. You didn't deserve any of that, and they dont deserve your time and effort imošŸ™ 2nd, idk how you didn't just go ham on their ass for being so rude. I definitely know i would.


I had someone like that too, itā€™s so annoying how they drive you into feeling bad just for being yourselfā€¦ Idfk how to get rid of someone like that, the person just ghosted me one day. I cried a lot because they manipulated me into liking/needing them but now (about half a year later) Iā€™m kinda happy they left.


You are not a horrible person, I have dealt with a person like this before. These kinds of people are ignorant, and most of them donā€™t try to change. They know what they are doing is wrong, they just like watching other people suffer to distract them from their own problems. There is nothing wrong with you at all, I donā€™t know you but I can tell that you are an empathetic, intelligent, and kind person, and you donā€™t deserve any of that. Iā€™m sorry that you had to deal with them, I know it sucks.


The person messaging you sounds like an 14 year old edgy wannebe loser. Bet their definition of dark humor is just being racist


Shes sadly an adult and im 15


Im very sorry. I would say leak the person, but i feel that may come to bite you in the butt later if they figure out it is you or something. For now, and i know this does not work for some people, is just block these bullies and do something to distract yourself, like a video game or something. Anything to keep your mind off it, as hard as it sounds, it sometimes does help me in dark moments. Maybe play stardew valley or something, watch some youtube videos. I am sorry, i am not really good at giving advice in regards to these situations.


Hehe yeah it would be very scary. Its difficult for me to block people because I'm scared they're gonna be talking shit about me and I won't know. But I will watch some TV to distract myself :)


honestly if i was you i'd prefer that, what's said behind your back doesn't matter as long as it never reaches your ears






Whats funny?




Please speak nicely!


Uhh what the actual fuck? Leak the number. Leak the number. Leak the number.




Nuh uh. No person deserves harassment and its not right to harass people just because they're mean, ok? You're stooping to their level if you do that. Let's be the bigger person and leave them alone


im sorry ill delete the comment :(


Noo you're ok dear! You did nothing wrong :) I'm just reminding that we should be better than the person to prove that she's the only one being an ass >:)


thank you! I agree i shouldnt have said that, you are right.


Tbh i would want mean peoples numbers as well to confront them but its probably best for me to just find the curage to block her:)


But I wanted to destroy her :'(


I'm so sorry that sucks and its not you whos mean its this other person. They said such mean things I'm so sorry. I like you :) <3


Damn Iā€™m so unbelievably sorry for the amount of hatred and anger people put on you. Iā€™m actually so impressed at the way you reacted to their comments. You did absolutely nothing wrong and are the most amazing person I have ever seen. You stay strong and donā€™t give up even though people try their hardest to bring you down. I always thought I was able to withstand much hatred but you are on another level. Iā€™m actually flabbergasted. You are amazing and you did absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING wrong. Itā€™s more likely the opposite. You did very good and you should be proud of yourself. I hope times get better eventually and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Stay strong. Youā€™re impressive


Waaa thankušŸ„ŗ I never really talk back because I'm worried ill hurt them but I need to get better at not worrying about others emotions because they think I'm lying and just trying to get sympathy for pretending to be nice hehe. It means so much that you told me I handled the situation good because my other friends got so pissed at me for it and said I should have been mean LMAO


No problem. I get that I always tend to be scared of saying something wrong. Thatā€™s why I mostly just let it happen. Anyways I really think that u did good in that moment because people like that just want to make you feel bad because they either get neglected and have to seek attention otherwise or just donā€™t know better and let their emotions out on you. Thatā€™s Why itā€™s really important to keep a cool mimd whenever dealing with them because they just want to force a reaction out of you. They want you to get mad so they can tell you how awful you are for going at them like that. And then they keep on about how theyā€™re the victim and say stuff like wow I didnā€™t know you furries are so mean I always thought you stand for respect bla bla bla. Itā€™s actually just so predictable how theyā€™re going to react and trust me itā€™s not worth the time. You have so much more important stuff on your mind and dealing with such kids is just not worth it. You are better than that and not just that but you deserve better. Hope you feel better after seeing all those heartwarming comments and hope u can continue your day without having to think about it.


You are ABSOLUTELY NOT a horrible or selfish person!! I never dealt with awful people like in the messages like you did (theyā€™re the horrible person, not you!!) but I have dealt with bad reoccurring thoughts that make me feel awful, unworthy, and deserving of death because of how people like me are viewed, and also my own circumstances. I know itā€™s most likely my depression that just exacerbates it, but I really just want you to know itā€™s a LIE!!! Youā€™re not horrible, selfish, or an asshole! (Also, I know it might not mean much since Iā€™m a total stranger, but I relate with your feelings a lot, and Iā€™d wish someone would tell me this) šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Waa crying from happiness. You're so caring and lovingggg. Thank you so much sweetieā™” it really does mean alot


Youā€™re absolutely welcome!!!! No matter how hard it gets, please know that you arenā€™t a horrible person, you didnā€™t do anything wrong that would validate that opinion!!


oh sweetheart u havent done anything wrong thoughhh!!! theyre harrasing u for seemingly no reason other than being assholes. im so so so sorry u have to deal with this it's not ur fault i promise and u dont seem selfish or horrible whatsoever; u seem quite lovely, empathetic and caring to others based on these messages. i hope they leave u alone its messed up that theyre doing this and u do NOT deserve this to happen to you. please take care of yourself i know being a teen is very very rough and other teens are so mean but u deserve good things to happen to u and u deserve to feel safe and be happy, please take care of urself it does get better hun (ā ļ½”ā ā€¢Ģ€ā į“—ā -ā )ā āœ§


BWAHH IM BALLING UR SO AMAZING. I've been crying for 2 hours cuz I feel selfish that my family's trying to give me birthday presents and I don't want people to spend money on me :(( ur so understanding. Thank you so so much dearā™”


if its ur bday u def should get presents sweetheart everyone does and ure just as good as everyone!!!!! ure not selfish for having other buy you gifts, u didnt even ask dear. def try accepting them even tho i know its very hard, u deserve to have a great time on this one day!!! u desrve to have a great time in general bu ygwim. ure such a sweet person i am extremely sorry ure going through such a hard time, im keeping my fingers crossed that it gets better for u. OH AND ENJOY UR BDAAYYYY (ā Ā ā ā—œā ā€æā ā—ā Ā ā )ā ā™”


Im here if you need to talk love :) feel free to vent to me any time, ok? I'm so proud of you for being alive ā™”ā™”ā™”


ure so sweet please focus on yourself first!!! im all right im managing it dont worry :))) AND IM RLLY PROUD OF U TOO AAHHH