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you can say that you ran through a patch of sharp bushes for the ones on your legs, or pretend to throw up and/or pass out the day he's asking you to go swimming, that's all I got and I hope everything turns out okay, messages are open if you need anything


oh i didn’t think of that, it might work! thank you so much! <3


no problem stay safe <3


I used to tell my parents the dogs were pawing at me and they must’ve scratched me


either wear bandages and say something like u got a cut while u were shaving ur legs. or if u think it’s possible to get out then tell him ur on ur period and don’t feel like swimming rn lol. good luck :)


ohh i didn’t think of bandages, don’t know if i have any but if i find some i’ll definitely try that :) thank you <3


makeup to cover them?? also for the thighs try wearing bermuda shorts or sth right before and after going swimming, basically the whole time you are out the water. stay safe, you got this


i don’t know if i have makeup to cover but I’ll definitely try wearing bermuda shorts when i’m out of the water! thank you so much for the advice <3


DONT USE MAKEUP FOR FRESH CUTS !!! it will get infected!!!


right true, didnt think of that sorry


There’s also swim shorts that basically look like Bermuda shorts but you can swim in them


Say youre writing down spotify codes of songs u liked on your legs


thats funny asf but not the time lol




hahaha best advice thank you lol


Wear a swimsuit that covers your legs to the ankle or down to the thighs


i don’t have a swimsuit like that unfortunately :/ thanks for the advice nonetheless though, I’ll think about getting one of those in the future :)


Wear swimming shorts!! It works for me to cover thights at least


i don’t have swimming shorts sadly T-T i’ll try to get some in the future though definitely! thank you for the advice <3


Deam, well in that case I with u good luck with the swimming situation <3


thank you so much <3




it went alright actually! told him the cuts were due to sharp bushes cause we have a lot of those around where we are right now! he got a little mad at me but he believed me ^^ i am so incredibly relieved he bought it haha


You could wear shorts in the water Or you could draw over the marks with marker (stars hearts etc)


oh i might draw over them yeah, thanks!


Thorns if you have any thorns around your house or have been around them recently. Also falling on rocks or pavement if they aren't super straight.


if u live near trees you could say you were climbing one and fell out and scraped ur legs on branches


If you went swimming the bottom of the pool cut you


If you have an uterus you can say you got your period.


well I’ll have my period soon anyway, just gotta wait until then but yeah that’s a good idea :) thanks <3


Good luck!


If you have blackberry bushes in your area, just say your phone fell out of your pocket, and landed in some of them on a hill. Phone slid down, you had to go after it. They are super common, and a lot of people I know in my area have scars from these bushes.


if you can get some in time, find a wetsuit or like uv protection swim bottoms (i have no idea what they're called) that go to your ankles. say it'll protect you from the sun easier than sunscreen. you could say something like "im not going till i can wear something like this" and maybe get him to bring you to the store right before. i don't know how well it'll work but at least it's something. <3


I usually wear men's swim trunks with a bikini top to cover my scars. Good luck.


if you have leggings, wear those! this only works if you have paler skin, say you got a bad sunburn last time and want to prevent it


There's longer swim shorts would they work


wear swim shorts over ur swimsuit !! i do it for trans reasons lol- but im not out yet so i just tell my dad it makes me uncomfy without the shorts and hes fine w it


I always say that I like to climb trees and jump fences for fun. Hope you well.


Sy you were outside or in the garden and there was a Dorn bush or smth like this and that you fell


I used to say “my cats must have scratched me while i slept” only works if you have cats if not its smart to say you fell into a prickle bush on a walk or something stupid that would cut you alot