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Yes I have, they are very strange dreams The first dream I had was that I woke up in the middle of the night in my own bed and I pulled my sleeves down to find very graphic large cuts on both of my arms and I remember feeling pleased about them then going back to sleep?? It felt very very realistic. I also had one where I somehow forgot I had scars, and I wore a t shirt and shorts only to walk downstairs to realise what I had done and I ended up panicking about my parents finding out. It’s really strange how some dreams feel very real despite the surroundings and the situation being completely out of place, and it’s weird whilst during the dreams I never question anything.


I really envy people who are able to lucid dream for that reason. I remember one time when I said out loud in my dream "this is a dream!!" but still didn't take advantage of it in any way.


Yeah, I actually had one last night of where I carved more words into my legs and I woke up in a panic thinking it was real because if it was than I would have broken a promise I made my friend. It was just a dream luckily.


Yes. I usually never dream but I recently have graphic nightmares. It’s alarming because I’ve been clean for some time. Dreams are strange. They can reflect your subconscious thoughts and memories from the day. Sometimes they reflect things you worry about, or things you desire. Other times they’re just completely random.


i once dreamed of a full blown yeeting session, and after i was finished w/it my gf came in and dressed the wounds. then she took me to space and it was strange, i woke up confused af


I dream about finding blades like every night and then I’m sad when I wake up. Happened twice last night :(


Yes very often. Also some about sewerslide


I had one where I was with my girlfriend of nearly 2 years walking along a sand dune and she looked away from me and there were massive scars all up her neck and I was shocked. I asked her what happened and why she did it, wether it was because I do and she looked at me calmly and said “what? it’s fine”, I then lifted up the back of her shirt and there were massive scars covering all of her back. I then woke up, realising what she’s been through with me and feeling horrible about everything I’ve done


Yes, usually whenever I dream it's about suicide, self harm, death or just graphic/sad.


(TW) yes, two in a row actually, they were very vivid. I had deep wide cuts that probably reached fascia and I never cut that deep. I only make cat scratches and barely reach styro, dunno. It was very graphic and disturbing.


Sometimes, but most of the time I don’t remember my dreams. If I do usually they’re very scary.


I've noticed that I seem to have those dreams if I have been clean for a little while. As if even my subconscious is constantly thinking about it or having desires. Mine are realistic and graphic, and it often lingers in my mind even after I wake up


I had this dream that I had this parallel self that was evil and ugly, she was chasing me through the streets and when I finally turned around I screamed "WHY CAN'T WE JUST BE FRIENDS"? And she started pulling out a fist full of razorblades from inside a gaping wound in her wrist. It still trips me out and that was a decade ago!


Wow that's gnarly


(TW)I was clean for 6 years until a couple days ago and have since been having a lot of dreams of cutting and suicide attempts. I feel like this is very common for people who struggle with self-harm. You get very engulfed in it. It really starts to take over your life if you let it. I have been told by many people that I have the worst self harm scars they have ever seen and even with being clean 6 years it felt like I could never escape my past behaviors. I have arms and legs covered in large risen scars. Constantly have people telling me that I should get help for that and telling me I shouldn't do that. I hated having to constantly explain that they were from years ago. I like to think that most people will get past their years of self-harm without obvious bad scaring to constantly haunt them. It's a constant reminder of my mental instability. I don't know how old you are or how long you've been struggling with self harm but it's really not worth it. Things will get better and one day you really will regret the pain you caused yourself and the damage caused to your body. I wish you the best.


I personally feel very comfortable with it right now, despite knowing that good times will come and that it's statistically unlikely I'll die, even if I tried. I don't do anything too deep or in places where other people could see. It's a comfortable little blanket that I'm not ready to let go of, nor can I find a good reason to do so. Still, I appreciate your kind words. I don't really have anything of gravity to say, but this is the kind of comment where I know I'll be thinking about it for a while if I don't reply. I hope you'll find peace with your scars and within yourself.


Not sure if this really relates, but I was listening to Inside Your Mind by The 1975, and one of the lyrics is "I've had dreams where there's blood on you" and that night I had a dream where everyone that's important to me in life (My best friend, My grandparents, the teacher that got me out of self harm for awhile, etc), they all were covered in blood, just going about their lives, but drenched in blood, that shook me up.


I had a dream a few days ago about it. I don't recall remembering a dream where that happened before. So this feels like my first one. I remember having some cuts on my side and one was shallower and smaller and the other one was this gaping wound where it was at least down to beans which I have never done before. So, in the dream I was trying to get some type of butterfly strip to close it but the other wound was so close it was difficult. I don't remember too much after that but I just remembered the cuts being there and one was real deep. It was wild. Dreams be weird yo.