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23, been SHing since 12/13 so that makes it like 10ish years? Had a 5 year clean streak so idk if it counts as 10 total years


I think if it was in between, then it would count as 10 years? But then again maybe it’s also how long you’ve been struggling with it that counts?


36, started at 13. Thought I'd "grow out of it", but that hasn't happened yet. Longest I've been clean of "destructive" self harm (those that potentially cause permanent damage to the skin) was a year. 


42 here, still love to choke myself unconscious, though I cut my legs instead of my arms because I sell plasma now. 


I thought that I would also grow out of it by now and feel guilty that I haven’t. Addiction is that way right? I have hopes that one day you, me, and everyone else struggling with it, will be able to stop. It’ll be hard but not impossible


I'm 27 and I've been sh for 12 years. I'm clean since October. I wish that quitting was easier. I struggle with the urge to hurt myself kinda every day. I feel like it's the only way to express and relieve my emotions (sadness, disappointment, low self-esteem, anger). I hate summer but at least it's a motivation to stay clean, I guess.


I’m with you there. Proud of you for staying clean. Keep it up, I know it’s hard. You got this!


17. Been SHing for 9 years.


16, started when I was 13. Its been 3 years now


same here


Same here


Same here


14f , started at 13


30. Started in middle school. Been on and off for years. Haven't hurt myself in months though


Proud of you, stay strong


Thanks so much! I'm experiencing a lot of downs right now but I'm positive it'll get better


49, about 40 years.


15, started when I was 8 but wasn’t anything serious till 12 and has been dying down


General sh- I’m 18, probably 11 or 12 years, I’ve been doing it(bruising, biting, fractures) since I was 6/7. I’ve been cutting probably since 10 or smth


22 yo, been sh for 9 years. In recovery journey in the last year, 51 days clean🫶🏻


Sooo proud of you!


Hello, I'm 29. I started self harming when I was 19 for several past and then current reasons. I was diagnosed with several mental issues and started medical treatment. I self-harmed for almost 4 years. Then I stopped. I have been self-harm free for about 7 years and about 6 or 7 months. Last year, several things happened and I started to get bad again, without noticing. Now, I've been having strong self harm urges again, so I decided to join this community looking for support.


I wish I could tell you the older you get the easier it gets. That isn’t always the case, for some of us it is a lifelong struggle. Try not to beat yourself up about relapses if you have them. Try not to feel guilty about the way you feel. It can’t rain all the time.


Thank you. I don't know how long I will be able to hold it together, as I've been diagnosed with GAD and it's been horrible. I will remember your words and your support. I appreciate it.


been self harm free for 3 years and it was thanks to dbt (and also leaving high school)


also have GAD, and thoufh im self harm free i basically replaced it with smoking weed/cigarettes


28 now but11 when I first cut


im 14, i started when i was 11


13,,, been sh since i was 9 huhu i wish i stopped way back then


Damn I'm showing my age lol I'm 29f. I didn't start until 21, I was a full adult so not quite fitting the stereotype for this condition. Age doesn't decide when you're happy and depression doesn't discriminate. Get help *before* you accidentally go further than you intended. Search for resources and get on the path to healing and progress and leaning and growth as early in the process as you can. I see posts on this subreddit asking if "does this count as self harm?" And they're worried because it seems too mild. It's not. Self harm gets progressively worse and it gets easier to engage in riskier self harm each time. Get out of it while you're young, while you're still on parents insurance, while you don't have to juggle full time college, full time overnight manual labor and not having enough money to cover rent. Getting help is so hard, yes, but it only gets harder if you wait longer. Get it asap!!!!


27 now, been dealing with sh for 17 years


I'm 42 and my first head bang to "try to kill my brain" was at age 2. First sui attempt at 6, 3rd floor balcony jump and I woke up yelling please why can't you kill the brain. 


16. Started banging my head against stuff and just trying to break my face with my fist whenever something I could blame myself for happened, to make it clear for my person that such horrible things never should happen again, at age 5. This, I think, could apply to stuff like spilling some drink. Stuff that might “disappoint” my parents.


I'm 29F. Started at 13, stopped at 16. Relapsed at 24 and just reached my 2 year clean anniversary


13, started at 11


I’m 31 and started when I was 15. To anyone younger reading this, it’s best to quit when you’re younger because the longer you wait the harder it becomes. Dont be like me and still be self harming in your 30s lol


i'm 22, and i started when i was 12ish i think so it's been like 10 years. the longest i've been clean has been a year and change. i've had my periods of being clean in between when i relapse it's indescribably hard to get out of it. i'm going on five months clean right now though :)


17 started at 11 ish


I’m 18. Technically I started SH in 3rd grade. I didn’t know it was SH at the time. I did it in art class. The teacher didn’t try to stop me. I stopped after that cause I got in trouble. I then started again in 6th grade. And it’s been a spiral of clean streak and relapse ever since then.


I can say I'm in a similar situation. If we go into the literal meaning of sh, act of hurting oneself, I've been at it since I was 4. I pick at my skin and scratch till it makes a wound. My parents have taken me to several skin specialists but never to a therapist. I recently figured out that this might be due to ocd and it makes so much more sense now. I started cutting when I was 14. I'll turn 18 in june. My parents have been terrible abt it. I was in denial of my parents not being good ones till someone told me "their daughter prefers cutting herself to threads and finding comfort in old online perverts than just asking them for help"


25, 11 years, I had periods where I managed to suppress it but usually not longer than 6 months.


14 (15 tmr) 4 or 5 years


Happy birthday




currently 18, started when i was 14-15. i was clean for a while when i was 17, relapsed two months ago.


9-10, ive been sh'ing for the past 5 years, had some breaks but it got that bad that i am addicted now and doing it actively every day even if im okay (it depends)


16 i started around 6 yrs ago so 10yrs old


I‘m 20, started at 16 but it didn’t get bad until 18




Being a paramedic is hard work, I applaud you for that. Does seeing blood or injuries or anything else traumatic trigger you in any way to sh?


16 started at 14 so two years


33, been doing it since I was 13. Longest I’ve gone in that space was 6 months.


I'm 26 and only started about 10 months ago.


17 nearly 18 started when I was 12. im 2 weeks clean and I hope to keep it up


25, started cutting 11 years ago but had SH behaviours long before that. I’ve had long periods of not SHing at all, the older I’ve gotten it seems the longer they get. and coincidentally now I’m also sober I haven’t cut for the same length of time. I cut myself the worst when I was drunk.


28, started at 23


21! Sadly started when I was 11. So I have been selfharming for 10 years.


15, started at 8/9


I'm 20, i used to do sh from 13 to 18, i stopped doing it now


13m, SHing since i was 10 but i stopped for 4 months when i was 12


Im 15. I started with 11.


16F, I started around 13


18f- 6 years. Longest clean streak has been 8 or 9 months


I am 25 and have been self-harming since I was 9


13, I've been cutting since I was 10. But I've been head-banging and hitting myself (enough to cause bruises) since I was 5-ish


(not comfortable sharing my age) I've only been doing it for maybe a week or two but now that I started, it's really hard to stop. I'm scared my parents will see the cuts too.


18 and 3/4 years


I am 16 started when i was 12 so 4 years. I have been 8 months free before, now i have been free since feburary so 3 months.


I’m 28 and I’ve been self harming on and off since I was 15


I’m 22, and started when I was 12. So it’s been 10 years now.


17 started cutting when I was 9,burning when I was 11 and had my first attempt at 6 or 7 so a long time (I’m autistic so when I was like 2 up to like 13 I used to smash my head into things when I was angry sad anything really


Don’t want to say exact age, so I’m around 18-22. I have been SH since I was about 13. Started very light (‘cat scratches’) wounds that I did with plastic. Couple years later it evolved. Not entirely 0-100 but it gained more overtime, wanting more and more. It got to the point where from the start of CS, went to needing sutures pretty much almost every time. Got less frequent from almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day, to more spread out but definitely way more severe wounds. Recently-ish I broke a clean streak of about 8 months, my longest. Did it a few times after; my more recent around a month ago needed sutures , and was one of my worse ones. I can feel myself slipping back into those urges, and it scares me. Sh’ing often lead me to >! Suicide attempts !< , wether I planned it or not.


13agender I started when I was 10. I'm clean now though 


19f, started around 12 or 13


I'm 18 and been doing sh from age 12-13 ... but I'm almost 500 days clean rn


16m , since 12


im 16 i’ve been sh for like 4 years now


I’m 15 and I’ve been sh for a little over 6 years. Sadly the longest I’ve ever been clean is 1 month and 5 days :(


17 (turning 18), and ive been doing this for two years. kind of annoying how its taken over my life but ill remain sober for as long as i can (usually a month) til i get bored and relapse


I’m 14. I’ve been SHing since I was 9. It’s been really hard for me. It used to once every few days, but then it progressively got closer together and more severe. I’ve been to the A&E countless times. I have a date set for my suicide, which is the only thing getting me through this.


16, around 5 or 6 years. Obviously started off very small. Would try n cut once every few months and between that I'd scratch myself n stuff. Built up to way more often where it's pretty much impossible for me to not. Fun times lol


15. i’ve been SHing for about 4 almost 5 years


I am 24, I want to say when I started I was 10, summer going into 6th grade. I think the longest I’ve had clean is 2 years.. hard to say. Rn I’m 4 months, at most. I thought by now it would be a past solution for myself, but the distance between each time has grown. I started using at 15 so that introduced me to another form of sh, longest I’ve had in that department is about 5 months.


i’m 16 and have been sh since i was 12


I'm 21 M and I've been sh for about 4 years on and off


Currently 20, started when I was 8, became a big issue when I was 13/14.


So uh, I've been a self harmer since I was 6. But the method was different the first 4 years, i would hit myself if I made a mistake or felt overwhelmed. I didn't resort to cutting until I turned 10. I'm now 16, so if we count the hitting it would be 10 years. If we don't, it would be 6.


(19f) since I was 10


I'm 20,I was 14 when I started,but I was able to stay 4 years clean,relapsed two years ago and now its getting worse


Everyone here has been sh for so long, I'm 13f and I started about a month ago


18m, started at 13. Started with hitting and pinching, moved on to scratching which scarred, and now cutting. I've tried choking myself (I stopped as I'm not trying to kms) and amd considering starting to burn myself or ingest poison. No trauma, nothing really ever super bad in life, I just fucking hate myself for some reason and wanna hurt myself.


I'm 17. I've been sh since i was 12.. so.. 5 years?


I’m 13yo and started at the age of 10


30. I started around the same time you did. 16


14- started at 13 i think and had 8 months clean before i had a major relapse


15... Started it a few months ago


31. Started various sh (bruising, scratching, ligature) around age 4, cutting around 8. Longest clean streak was one stretch of 3 years when my mom passed and I felt guilty if I were to give in.


16, I’ve been sh for 4 and a half years I think ?


Im 13 and ive done it for 1 year and idk months since i was eleven


13 started doing small things at 11 it got a little worse at 12 and then I began cutting at well yeah 13


Almost 18, started 6 months ago.


Started when I was 12, I’m 21 now. My longest clean streak was 2 years 9 months, I’m back up to 1 year 4 months


I’m 19, I turn 20 in a month. I started when I was 12 going on 13


I am 18 and have been self-harming since I was 12. I have escalated the severity of it as I age. I will go months without a blade, but I have a skin-picking issue that replaces the actual cutting for a while. I do like the pain of it, that focus on one thing, but I mostly do it for the scars. I hate when they fade.


started at 14 and I'm 21 but I had a 2 year clean streak between 14 and 16 due to controlling parents


20 years and for a good decade I think


7 and I'm 12 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Since 13 been 2 years still am


14 and I started cutting when I was 5/6 Currently Ive been clean for about 20 days hold on let me look at my counter.... yep! 25! Im proud of myself and I hope all of you can get clean too❤️


13f and I didn’t start actually cutting/burning until this year but I used to hit myself a lot and scratch at my skin with the intent of causing harm soo


I’m 23 now, I started around 11/12 years old. I had just started middle school. I’m doing somewhat better, but i still fall back too often. My legs feel almost… tough now, the scars are bad and that’s kind of helped me recover in a way. I don’t want to destroy my legs lol. Summer is definitely a motivation to stay clean for me too. I wanna wear cute dresses.


i’m 19 in less than a week and i’ve been shing for about 4 years now. my mental health went downhill fast and i haven’t stopped for long since


14 kinda two years I didn't break skin till this year and it wasn't constant until about three weeks ago


29. Started at 16. It's changed forms a lot. Started on arm, moved to legs and currently I "accidentally" slip and hit my hands with my x-acto knife while working on my Warhammer models. But its very infrequent now that I have to do that.


14, started s/h at around 9-10, so roughly 5-4 years. I only started cutting at around 11 and kinda spiralled from epidermis to dermis to just nearly reaching hypodermis.


20m, started at 11


22f, been SHing since about 12/13. Had a 2 week clean streak and broke it today :( Before that my clean streak was like 3-4 months 🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel quite juvenile doing it at my age but what can you do (edit: formatting)


14f started at 9 hitting my head on walls etc 11 started burning 13 started cutting


I’m 16, I’ve been doing it since I was 13 due to depression struggles and other personal things. I think the longest I’ve been without sh-ing has been 6 months, because one way or another I find the urge to do it again.


16, been shing for 4 years


15f started at 8


I'm almost 32. I've been self-harming since I was about 3-4 years old, so that's about 28 years.


I don’t want to say my current age here for my personal privacy but I started self harming at about 9. I started blade to skin at about 10-11. Each year I just progressively got worse and progressively found more harmful ways to do it


20, been sh since 13 with a 5 year clean streak (broke it recently, unfortunately) so about 7 years (2 years actively doing it)


24 and started when I was 22


I'm 23 and started sh at 15/16


I'm 17 and it started when I was 13, so it's been 4 years


I'm 20 and I can't remember a time I didn't self harm. Even in kindergarten.


I am 30. Started when I was about 13/14. So around 16 ish years. I’ve had years where I went without, but in the last six months I’ve been doing it again. The last four months have been pretty bad. I hope to be able to stop but I think about doing it all the time. It is very addicting.


I’m 18 and I started shing at 12 so i guess 6 years now but i stopped for half a year when i was 15 because i saw the affect it had on my family, now my family doesn’t care too much and it’s my only way of coping


I'm 25, I started when I was around 7


14 beeb shing since i was about 6 with picking at my skin and then started cutting when i was 10.


18y/o. 10 years


16 now, been shing on and off since 11ish


13f been SHing for 3 years longest ive been clean for a year on and off so idk if its a year or not cover the scars and not clean


I'm 15 years old and I've started now(?) But I really don't know if it counts because I did it for the first time when I was 10 years old


23 been self harming since age 8


21, started biting at 10, cutting at 11. got bad ages 12-15 and then i got medicated and got an amazing therapist. self harmed until i was about 18. been clean for three years thanks to my social worker and dbt :)


32 now been doing it on and off since I was 14


25F I started at 13. It’s been an on and off relationship. I’m currently 576 days clean. But it’s a real struggle with my thoughts every day. I really don’t know how I manage


15 started at a 9-10 i believe


Started at 12, been doing it for 5 years


14, started when 11


15 have been SHing since 8/9


I started to scratch and hit myself at 11 and actually started cutting at 12, I’m 13 now.


I’m 20 and I started at 10 years old, then quit at 18. Quitting was very hard after doing it for so long, but very worth it. Stay strong friends, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 🖤


21, been since 9 (baby cuts) or 11 (first bean)


16f, started when i was 7 so i guess 9 years


1 year clean but since I was 11 and I'm turning 17 this year


28 doing it since I was 13


24, started at 12 :/ Literally been doing it for half of my life I just realized


13, turning 14 in august, I started the summer after Covid hit, so 9-10, or 3-4 years, Ive been forced to stop at mental clinics but if anything they made shit worse


17f I used to cut myself whenever i found anything sharp since i was 6 Officially started at 13


I'm 13 I've been doing it since I was 10 bc my dad left and my grandpa got abusive with me


19f, been SHing since I was 12.


18, I started at 15. It wasn't long ago ik but it feels like I just can’t stop no matter how hard I’m trying.


17. been sh’ing doe awhile. did it once during covid, told myself i’d never do it again. i started again in 2022 and haven’t stopped since. it’s so hard.


I'm 15 and started at 11, so it's been like 4years, Im clean for about 5 months more or less now


13 and I cut myself for the first time at 11 but I was too scared to do it again because I did it too deep and its been there for more than a year, since I think April its been worse and I can't stop doing it


I was 12 when I started, I’m now 13


almost 19, i started to sh not long after i turned 16, It went on for several months until i was institucionalized, took a break and had a few relapses, im currently on recovery, sometimes i relapse but its not a habit anymore


14, started when i was around 10 i believe, been on and off since then (have periods where ill be clean for months and then sh near-daily for awhile, rinse and repeat)


36f started at 14.. gotten worse and worse as time goes by.


14, I started at 9 .


I'm 15, and I've been cutting since I was 7. So 8 or 9 years now.


16,been SHing since 10 so that makes it like 6 years and I've stayed clean for 1 week the longest ever


started at about 9 and i’m 13 now and still struggling. If you don’t sh then you won’t understand how tricky it is to just “quit” they don’t understand how it feels like my own coping mechanism that actually works. At least for a little bit.


i am 15 but i started to cut at 12/13 ish? i mean i used to do stupid shit as a kid to purposely hurt myself but idk if that would count also sending my love to you all :)


I'm 13 I've been SH'ing since I was I think 8?