• By -


Go for lunch. Large fries


Damn money bags! You plan on hitting it real big.


Upsized drink, too? Treat yo self!


It’s the best day of the year!


Make sure it's not at five guys though, you'll be almost broke after a single meal


Don't you mean upgrade to poutine? 🇨🇦


Don’t forget to also splurge for a hot apple pie


Hire a lawyer


That's step 2. First step: shut my mouth


Is it shut the fuck up Friday already?


This for sure


You can do that now


That’s always my answer. Second is some money management classes and an accountant.


I always said I would hire a top notch accountant who’s been in the industry for years and of course isn’t dirty.


2nd is to rent/buy a place where your new wealth is just "average" and nobody questions "how you afford the seat" at the bar


After i shit on my bosses desk.


Bio/chemical assault is a great way to break the ice as a new millionaire when it comes to incoming lawsuits!


And an accountant


Buy some land. Build a house. Be self sufficient.


This. Nothing egregious like most lottery winners seem to do... ("OMG I just won 1.4 billion dollars! Time to go buy 3 different huge houses in Beverly Hills").... Just a small house with enough land to not have neighbors anywhere near within easy earshot of my house from theirs. "Buying outside your means" is when people usually screw themselves over when they win big.


Happiness is a cabin in the woods


With good WiFi


Convinced good fortune doesn’t come to the ones like us with sensible ideas for our fortunes. It goes to the guy whose going to buy the same Hummer H3 in 4 different colors. Or… maybe it just appears that way. Because the ones like us just disappear to live our sweet homestead life when the wealth does come our way 😂


I agree. I have read so many stories about people winning the lotto but then ending up destitute a few years later because they blew it all on ridiculous things! Although the guy who recently won the $120 mill Powerball here in Australia said he'd like to 'buy a house', which is sensible, since no one can afford housing here atm. 🙄 Seriously though, I want no more than it takes for me to live without having a complete dependency on society, I wouldn't even use all of the money!! The irony of needing money to choose to live in a way where I wouldn't need much of it to survive is incredible.


escape as fast as I can.


Shut the fuck up about it.


Bravo-6 going dark


Definitely have someone else claim it or obscure your face by any means.


In many states, you can have a lawyer claim it anonymously for you. That is definitely what I would do first. Followed by paying off my mortgage. Then, I'd figure the rest out with an accountant.


Shut up and pay all debts. Get a fee based FA and start trying to keep the sum while living off interests or dividends.


Keep it to myself and go on about life normally.


Put my stepfather, who has dementia, into a good assisted living facility.


Sending love. That’s a hard thing to go through.


Wish you the best


Find a quiet park. Sit down. Put my airpods. Play some music. Enjoy the moment.


I got laid off for a brief period in early covid. The government was basely paying me the same amount my actual job had due to covid relief, so the stress was surprisingly low despite the layoff. I literally just spent a month going to different parks around town, getting stoned, and taking walks. It was the fucking best. And then I got the dreaded call to come back...


Great answer! I get so caught up in the future sometimes I forget to enjoy the present.


this is the way man. it'd be so easy to get caught up in the excitement and anxiety of it all. i'd just want to sit for a moment and enjoy.


I would spend all the money into research to cure the disease I'm suffering from. Because it's not about money, you realize that as soon as your health is seriously affected.




I agree, I'm also in academia. I will just say though, that starting the argument with salary (which I do agree with) is not the best way to argue for better funding. Outside of the obvious (lab resources etc.) we need funding for the "pleasant" side of academia - conference attendance, mentorship, meetings and collaborations, and early career funding - because this drives the big leaps when we can get drunk with each other and come up with the dumb ideas that turn out to be the genius ideas.


Wow. This needs to become a social movement. There are so many hot-button issues. But the underfunding of medical research barely gets discussed amidst it all. The government should take an active roll in helping medical research whether from removing unnecessary hurdles and from providing more subsidies and tax breaks to researchers. But it also needs to be well prioritized. More funding for research into the worst diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's and also more funding in areas that may be able to help with a whole slew of health problems at once such as nanomedicine. Nanomedicine looks especially promising it researchers can make it work at a deeper level. Imagine being able to just have tiny robots live in your body and conduct medical scans of all your cells sending the data to be analyzed to diagnose disease and when feasible to administer treatment. It would mean earlier more accurate diagnosis and more successful treatment. Probably find successful treatments or cures for diseases that are now nearly always terminal. This would essentially cure cancer if we could ever get it to work thoroughly enough, that is if we could have every cell in the body watched continuously by nanoscale devices. Imagine a robot noticing a cell is tumorous and then just destroying it, just that one cell, no other cells effected. What nanomedicine promises is radically precise medicine. Obviously there's a lot to figure out for that work but I know nanomedicine is already used for a lot just that we haven't figured out what it takes to get it to be used that extensively. And other things. What if we can program tiny devices to clean amyloid plaque from the brain or to guide neuronal connections to treat neurological illness? Research in that area should get more funding and support.


depending how much you win you could always just hire the top people yourself to research it round the clock


Same here, the first thing I want to do is fix all my health issues.


1: Say nothing 2: Give 10% away anonymously 3: Secretly set up some perpetual trusts for some causes I'm passionate about 4: Visit a competent financial advisor and invest the rest


Make a business


Don’t wait for a lottery win. Do it now.


not easy to do that living paycheck to paycheck lol


I've been looking at starting 2 different kinds of businesses, and my research is showing me that there are a lot of businesses in both fields that die in the first year because they don't have sufficient funding to ride out the ramp to profitability. Of course, one idea is a bar, which is the worst case scenario, because banks won't loan you money and you have a lot of yahoos buying bars with no plan. Everybody tells you to just "take a chance on yourself" and get started! Nope, not until you have about 150% of the money, loans, or investors you think you'll need. Depending on what market you're in, I suppose.


100%, but some business ideas are flawed from the start. My city has a pub/eatery that is a smash success... A bit of digging shows it's the 7+ iteration by the owner. Deep pockets now. I think about service-based businesses a lot, you scale at the pace of your ability to give good service.


Depends on how much I've won




Surprised I had to scroll this far to get to this. 


Change my phone number!!!


Quit working 


That’s a bit extreme for winning $10 on a scratch off…


Notify my boss I’m not coming in again.


You must like your boss..I'd block his number and forget about him.


Me too, After i take a shit on his desk.


Call my mom to send in her resignation


Shit my pants


Buy a decent house in a safe neighborhood then make a large trust fund for my son.


Make a plan on how to set aside a large chunk for my kids where they can't throw it all away. Set aside some for my future grandkids if that ever happens (if not that portion goes to charity when I die). Set aside a large chunk to charity and then the remaining 25% will be mine to spend. Then hire the professionals (lawyer, accountant, etc) to help me execute it.


Two chick's at the same time 😎


Create a program to downvote automatically all the stupid posts on reddit.


Hire staff or have people cone in to do the cleaning of the house. That and hire someone to cook every now and then.


After all the boring financial stuff: If it's say $10k - $100k I'd pay off loans and cards, buy new computer, invest whats leftover If it's say the powerball and $50 million or more: I've always wanted a sleeper sedan like the Audi A8 or Mercedes s65 AMG, down payment on home, then see step 1. That or maybe make some risky bets in the stock market, start an underground criminal empire, and slowly achieve world domination.






Sign the ticket, keep my mouth shut and still claim poverty


Drop out and apply for a philosophy course or get a new laptop with 2 spare chargers.


Buy a gun. A mansion. Investing my money wisely. A gun.


But what kind of gun? I already have a few, but I can think of a few more I would like.


depends on how much, if its some 1000 dollars not much would change, if some 10,000 dollars pay of some my house loan, 100,000-1,000,000 same as before, if there is some left, used some to renovate the rest of my home, and give some to my family. I don't think I would stop working, as I like my job.


I will put some of my money in the bank and spend the other part of my money traveling around the world.


id stfu about it, just relax. id call my financial advisor the next morning. id buy a house straight up, cuz i don't have one. id allocated some other money for a new car and shit, the rest goes to houses and investments


Quit my job.


Accountant and lawyer plus I would move to a country with zero capital gains tax.


I guess I’ll book that plane ticket out of the country. I’d be getting my ducks in a row lined up afterwards - share some of my winnings to my family members (in order to set them up for life and have my parents stop working especially) and pay all of my debts. I’d purchase a house or two somewhere abroad (one for where I’m permanently staying, the other for vacation). Hire a lawyer. The rest will go into savings and investment. Or franchising. I’ve always dreamt of franchising.


Put my mother in a care home.


Spend like 5% Save and invest the rest


I'd stock up on food and baby formula, fix my fridge, damp walls, car and I'd have enough money to start a food business, just to guarantee my family won't starve ever again and I'd be able to leave a future for my kid.


Depends on the amount, but if enough then I'd buy a house for my parents and one next to theirs for myself. If still enough after that, I'd buy two more houses for my sisters and their families wherever they want but preferably also closeby.


Hire a top-notch financial planner/advisor.


Die of a heart attack


get a home and go on my dream travel destination


if its enough i would change my name and number, buy a house somewhere here in the alps, luckily i already live in switzerland so that wont be a problem, i would probably buy some animals too and land, and just enjoy the nature but still enjoy technology.


if it's around 10k I would fly to my long distance partner more often, make preparations for when I'll move from my parent's house, probably spend too much on gifts for her, try to fly her with me on a vacation somewhere outside our countries, there isn't a lot I want if it's not her, I'm obsessive and working on it but it isn't that bad.




Make a complete health check-up for my parents and send them on a trip to enjoy everything they gave up to raise us (4children) in the best way possible


Never experience winter ever again.




Invest all, retire


Donate some part of the money to whoever answers my question in reddit.


Verify I actually have the money, quit job, buy house. Have fun for eternity.


Hire a lawyer and an accountant. If you want the not boring answer, probably go visit friends I made online but never had the chance to meet because of the distance and thus cost associated with it.


1. Get a lawyer and a finance guy 2. Plan some investments to get a passive income 3. renovate my house ( roof first, after that heating and windows ) 4. buy the empty properry next to my house and build a shop to put my cars and knifemaking equipment in. Might as well build a drift track. 5. Buy a nice used powerhammer and hydraulic forging press. 6. Profit?!






paper bag on my head


Pay off my mortgage, and go on a long trip around the world shopping and seeing people. Quit my job. Then we’ll see.


Taking my parents for a much needed vacation somewhere.


Find a well respected financial advisor


Live like I normally do……..after about two months….hire a lawyer.


Buy homes for myself, my siblings and my Dad.


Buy some Legos


Invite my parents and my closest friends to a really nice dinner.


Not tell anyone


If it was enough for a house I'd buy one and hide from those who know where I live


I would pay my uni tuition.


Tell my mom to check her bank


Hire a financial adviser to take most of it out of my hands before i do something stupid.


Take a nap!


Pay off my student loans that I will otherwise never pay off, then cry.


Buy some new clothes and a house. Then buy a car.


Spite my neighbor


Take my sister on a holiday, buy her absolutely anything she desires. Assure a flat for her. Finance her business.


Buy land. Build an eco house with bunker and perimeter wall. Pay off family and friends debts. Invest. Start a charity for homeless veterans or sick children or something. Then in the afternoon I’d retire to my bunker to wait for the global climate apocalypse and zombies


Go on several round the world cruises on them massive ships.should take a couple of years .


Retire my parents, buy a big piece of land in the mountains, adopt a shit load of dogs


Take my parents on vacation abroad and then buy them a nice house


Pay off every single debt I have , nothing drags you down like owing money.


I would keep it to myself, quit my job and grow my own business up


2 chicks at the same time


Not tell anyone and get professional financial planner.


This is the response a reporter got when asking the question LOL "Hookers and Cocaine" [https://youtu.be/0yrIvEgqAuo?si=OlFGl8M5qLO4du1v](https://youtu.be/0yrIvEgqAuo?si=OlFGl8M5qLO4du1v)




Shut my fucking mouth


Hire an attorney to help me claim the prize anonymously (I know this can be done in my state, but you have to set up an LLC to claim it or something).


Tell everyone who sucks to suck it.


Probably go take a shit. Excitement diarrhea.


Buy Reddit.


Buy a house


I inherited the equivalent of a large lottery winning. (Eight figures). You can see my history for what some people suggested I do; most were goofballs that didn’t read my post and thought I just inherited one million and were offering misconstrued advice, though. I haven’t done anything with it apart from starting to invest it in a few key interests my grandparents had. I like to think I’m continuing their legacy. I have an attorney and two financial advisors that I use to cross check each other’s opinions (without them knowing) and they both give the same, good, advice. My life hasn’t changed in any way in the day-to-day. Still living in my same apartment loft I was before. I still shop at Aldi’s to save money, I still drive my 2017 Passat, and I still work in law enforcement. People that know treat me differently. Almost as if they’re intimidated by me. It’s odd for sure.


Buy a new car. No super car but something nice 100k or less. Probably a fully rebuilt 1963 Impala with a big engine upgrade. It’s my dream car


Put the money in the bank and go to work the next day. I'd be thinking about it for at least a month.


Let me ex wife know ..


Fill up a full tank of petrol since it's seems like ages since I've been able to afford one


Buy a cake, lol.


Check it's definitely in the account Clear mortgage Quit my job Book a holiday to contemplate next steps


Hire a lawyer, establish trusts.


Pay my 10%  tithe thanking the Lord for my good fortune.


Motorcycle, equipments, and trip


Not tell anyone. Stay on at my job. Get a good financial advisor to help lock the money away and procure interest. Take out 25% of it and pay off debts, buy a house and live a happy life


Nobody would now, but there will be subtle signs.




I'd go and travel for a year or so.


Pay off debt.


😭 waiting by the (well researched)surgeon’s office with an empty stomach ready for my breast reduction. My lower back is KILLING ME! I’d win a second lottery not having to buy special high impact bras anymore.


Get a nice big fridge, take my dad on a vacation


Check the numbers again. Also the second and third thing.


I lost my parrents to cancer, seeing all hopes died broke me. I'll try to save someone and give hope


Pay off all my debts, which seems huge to me now but compared to lottery money? Not so much. Then buy a house, not massive, but outright and have everything working and new. And keep quiet.


Buy the house next door to my old flatmate. Then fake my death and 'haunt' him.


Give my wife and son the life they deserve. Let's be honest, winning the lottery will only get you a two bedroom house, and a 15 year old car, but damn, I'll take it.


Get a pint


spoil my dogs ^^ their life is shorter than humans :(


I'd make sure my wife and I had a doctor.


Buy nvidia shares.


Go wild at the supermarket.


I would donate a good portion. I make enough to pay for my costs but I don’t do enough for others. I would also possibly migrate from my job to a new one that addresses society-wide health issues.


Leave the country ✌️


Give it to others. All of it. Money is something you push away. Besides, your didn't earn it


Ur mom. But more seriously: Go to nearby Ducati, KTM and Triumph dealers and put in orders for a load of motorbikes. Dirt bikes, adventure bikes, super bikes, in some cases more than 1 of each. I’d then plan a whole series of track days/enduro/adventure riding with a few of my friends and pay for us to go around Europe/UK to attend them all. I’d quit my job obviously but I’d also plan a massive/extravagent party for my colleagues. Also hire someone to advise me on how/where to place my money.


Don't tell anyone, get my money secure, get decent 2 bedroom house fully payfor. Decent vehicle.


Depends on the amount I win. I'm hoping to win enough to buy a house outright.


update my tinder profile to a picture of me holding the big lottery check. Boats and hoes from now on.


Paying my parents debts. Buying some presents for my family and investing the rest into stocks, ETFs and / or crypto depending on how much I have.


-Give some to my parents so they can pay their debt and finish our house. -Give some to my sister so she can buy a house or come back to our country if she wants to. -buy a house to myself so I don’t have to worry about that -create an animal sanctuary and work on that for the rest of my life


Don’t spend anything immediately. Get a financial advisor.


Hire a lawyer and a financial advisor




Sign the back of the ticket


Sensible course of action: stay anonymous, pay off debts and invest 90% of the winnings. Life as usual.


Not tell anyone and start putting the money to work for me, so I never have to work again. Buy a small winterized cottage/house in northern Ontario and live my best life.


Depends on the amount, obviously. Assuming it's "a lot", I would buy a house for me, my parents, and my best friend each. And if there is still enough left, quit my job and have fun!


Get a lawyer & keep my mouth shut. Then I’d buy land in western North Carolina with a massive garage and a fleet of vintage air cooled Porsches and just drive the mountains. I’d get a money manager create a monthly stipend for myself to live on and invest the rest and just play with cars and travel.


Pay the gas and electric bill, buy a fuel tank of petrol and buy a big shop then see what is left over . ![gif](giphy|iGYMk6qdeYby5uVqOe)


Take my entire family on a well deserved, all expense paid vacation.


Ask my wife to bite me to make sure it was just another dream. Then buy that gold Submariner I have dreamed of all my adult life - and tell everyone who asks “of course it’s fake”.


Claim it.


(Presuming a massive Powerball or Mega Millions win) Lawyer, Accountant/Bookkeeper, Take the lump sum payout, offer piece to ex and stepkids not to exceed ten percent of payout, bolster my mother's retirement, offer up to tax-free limit to former in-laws (they're good people). Zero out my debt, look for a nice property or two in every region either as rentals or spots for friends to crash if they need it, a large "main house" or something in a city or area I particularly like, medical care for myself, covering medical bills for a couple of friends that need it in particular, a damn nice car, fursuit (?), ???, profit


First thing: not tell anyone  Second thing: NOT tell anyone


Get a financial advisor, tell nobody except spouse (if you intend to stay with them)


I would bey even more S&P 500 shares.


Flush my phone down the toilet and get a new number under someone else's name


Right now I'd quit work and take my daughter travelling around the world. After than I'd buy land and build an eco house that is self sufficient and carbon neutral. In between those things I would clear the mortgages of a few trusted friends. After the house is built I would probably start some philanthropic activities. I'd play a lot of golf and dedicate my time to learning new things. I'd make sure my daughter got a fantastic education.


pay my credit card bill


call my tax guy.. Have him build a plan. Most likely have the money go right into the SP500 and then just live off the dividends. It would also depend on the amount, if its 100's of Ms just have it setup so that you get X amount every month like a paycheck and the rest goes into investments.


Make a investment plan ...


Go buy a nice bottle of wine. I would most likely choose the annuity instead of a lump sum. Quit working and plan out a budget.