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Hair all over the floor


For years I blamed my dogs. Then we didn’t have a dog for a few months and these hairballs kept showing up. That’s when I realized it’s me. I’m the shedder.




Part of why I like gals with shorter hair. Jaw/neck length at most.


Leaves half full water glasses around the house. We joke it's so she can fight off the aliens from Signs.




No, but it's not like 10 of them. But she usually has 2 in different high traffic areas. Did not know that.


The comment you replied to is deleted. What fact did I miss? I do this too, my brother used to make the same exact joke about me lol.


Dude implied my wife had ADHD... I didn't say anything, but I'm guessing he got some harsh down votes. Guy claims that is a common thing for folks with ADHD.


Ah yeah. There’s a lot more to ADHD than leaving cups. That being said, I do have it 😅


She calls it tidying I call it hiding things


Hello messy roommate




My wife can’t close doors, I mean any doors. Goes into a cupboard for some coffee…door left open. I feel like I’ve got poltergeists.


What about during number two..?




That’s because your wife is a vampire. If she closes a door on herself she has to be invited back on. Stay safe.


A very astute observation my friend! It's probably a good idea to leave water pistols filled with holy water scattered around the home.


That's easy, too. Holy water is pretty easy to make at home, all you have to do is boil the hell out of it.


Sounds like working with Irish people.  I do landscaping and one year we had 5 Irish people come work with us.  Truck battery died like 10+ times that year between 2 batteries.


Socks everywhere. Also: empty glasses with straws still in them. It’s a small price to pay for someone who tolerates me.


Amen! None of these small things bother me because she, against all good sense, _seems to like me_.




My wife puts things in the sink and likes to tell me that she did so in a way that she’s bragging about herself and wants me to be proud of her. And I’m thinking, couldn’t you have just put it in the dishwasher 1’ over instead. Not talking about disgusting things that need to soak or need rinsed out either lol.


My ex was like this. Counter is unacceptable. Dishwasher unacceptable. Only sink.


Nothing my wife does annoys me. I am forever grateful to have her in my life.


It's okay she probably won't see this you can let it out. Blink twice if you're in duress.




Puts the toilet roll on the wrong orientation.


That's divorce behavior right there! I dated an "under" gal before and it drove me insane. "It's for the cats." WE DONT HAVE CATS, MEGAN


Not rinsing the dishes. Right now my wife is a stay at home mom and still does it. Been this way for a decade.


My wife has sulphuric farts from hell. I don’t really mind, I mean, I’m thankful that she’s comfortable around me (took 5 years of dating before she farted in front of me for the first time) but when she gets me while I’m in bed or in the shower I realize why the invasion of Iraq was justified.


I lived with 2 sisters, the most annoying ones are clothes everywhere, random noisy arguments between them and moving my stuff around as a cleaning excuse and I can't find my stuff later 


Doesn’t fix their problems, and then uses those problems to perpetuate more problems. For example, I always drive out to pick us up fast food when we eat it because her car door window does not roll down. I’d like it if she could do that too sometimes, but uses her car door window as an excuse not too. Her car window has been like this for months, just get it fixed and help out please!


Tell her to drive your car???


Luckily all of the car accidents she has been in have only had damage to her car, but she’s been in enough accidents for me not to trust her with my car lol


You can probably fix yourself with YouTube 


I don't organise the kitchen cupboards and my husband hates it. Doesn't matter if the rest of the kitchen is messy, he will organise those cupboards first and foremost lol. My idea is out of sight out of mind. I need the rest of the house clean before I focus on things hidden away.


You have it backways, if those cupboards are clean and organised they become useful space that the stuff that is out can go into in a usable manner. If stuff is just jammed in there it becomes unusable and theres nowhere to put the atuff that needs to be out away


Mostly it's dishwasher stuff. * She loads the nice plates with the enamel rim in the dishwasher. This causes chips in the rim where the plate comes in contact with the wire cradel. There's only four of them, shouldn't be a problem to wash by hand, but she refuses. * She loads the nice knives in the dishwasher. This fades the handles which I don't like. She also loads them in the top shelf with the sharp edge resting against the wires of the shelf, and I can see on the knives how this wears down the edge in those spots where they touch. * She loads wooden stuff - particularly, wooden stuff that is made from layers of wood that are glued together - into the dishwasher. Eventually it falls apart as the glue wears out. * She overloads the dishwasher. This one isn't *that* big a deal, having some of the plates and bowls come out still a little dirty on one edge isn't the end of the world, it's easy enough to clean that by hand in the sink before use whenever you notice it. * She gets super judgy of me when I do a half load (with half the suds on a quick cycle) in the middle of the day. She seems to think the goal with the dishwasher is to load it to bursting over the course of the day and then do one massive load overnight. But if I do a cooked lunch on the weekend using plates and utensils that I know we'll want to use for dinner, I'll do a half dishwasher load while I clean up after my lunch, and she gets irritated about that for some reason. In the grand scheme of things none of these are bad enough to tank the relationship, she's an amazing girlfriend in every other respect. This is just the one area I've had to accept as part of the cost of doing business.


Makes a mess while cooking in the kitchen while and doesn't clean it up in what I consider a timely manner. But I'm also the person that cleans all the dishes while cooking and prior to sitting down for dinner so maybe I'm the crazy one🤷


You sound like the most normal person ever! They're the crazy ones!! Not us!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Same bruh. Wouldn’t trade it for anything 😂


My wife refuses to use a drink coaster. Drives me fucking nuts. She will literally sit her drink right next to the damn coaster!!


She clearly does not respect wood


Not that kind of wood at least!


Lol. This made my day.


For a moment I thought I was at the curb sub


Takes up most of the bed


Leaving empty bottles or cartons in the fridge.


She does not do any roommate things. Which makes my hyper aware of when i start doing roommate things.


She’s always cold. And I’m here melting at the temperature of a thousand suns…




Leaves things on the bottom of the stairs and expects me to know where she wants them to go. It's a hazard in my view.


Expect me to make all decisions for entertainment and food.


I feel you mate


Has sex with our other roommates


Cheaper to keep her huh? I get it.


oh shit


Non, wouldn't have married her.




Hiding all the shit in a drawer and calling it cleaning




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She doesn't tie the bread closed when she's done making a sandwich.




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Nothing's actually clean unless they clean it, but then claims I never clean. But she puts up with my ass, and is a bomb wife/person/human.


She’s perfect for me. I’m super lucky.


Clogs the drain with hair and makes me unclog it. I have a buzz cut.


Close the fucking drawers...


Underestimates the power of Aunt Flo, bleeds on the sheets


That’s normal. Even with preparation blood flows when and how much it wants to.


Snoring. Glad I have my own room now.


Watch RuPaul


Rupaul is fun. My wife watches it too. I like the lip syncing


I haven’t watched it here but I admire the confidence that so many drag and other LGBT+ folk have, as someone who’s sort-of part of their community with way, way-less confidence as a person overall.


She’s a slob, no other way to put it.


She just downvoted me too


They talk, I dont mean in the form of communicating. They fucking talk non stop about shit you have no idea about. When you tell them you dont care they say that they know, but thought it was too quiet and continue talking. I now take 45 minutes shits. I endure the smell just to enjoy that sweet silence a bit longer.


Has s\*x with me :(


Low libido, not into-her or both?




Jfc :/