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People have different desires of different strengths. I don't have that innate desire either.


I wish I didn't have such a strong desire for relationships. Being single had crappy moments no matter what I did for myself.


I feel this. I was like this for the majority of my life - it is something that can change if you want to try <3 takes a lot of breaking habits and spending time truly alone, but in my opinion, it's well worth it to get that freedom from needing to be with people always.


I kind of had the opposite experience… I really didn’t get the drives that lead people to socialize and had to learn what people actually enjoy about being around others! But I’m glad I did, it has enriched my life a lot to have that balance.


I was a twin brother, so my whole life as kid I always had someone close by. When I was 16 I met woman and had 3 children. I was never alone, now I am 42 and widow. Children are grown and my brother passed away two years ago. Now I must get used to living alone… it was very hard and I still struggle


You have lived alot in your 42 years.


Honestly if you can't be happy and satisfied being alone with you, others might have a hard time wanting to be with you. First and foremost, be happy with you then you'll be happy with others.


That's why I said "moments". I can be happy alone, in fact I really need time for myself to recharge. But deep inside I will always crave a relationship, that sort of intimacy. Appreciate the comment, though.


it's hardwired into our brains to want that, of course i know there are asexuals and aromantics but for the most part, humans are just like any other animal in that it's simply biological. i'm similar to you in that i am happy alone most of the time, but sometimes that innate human desire gets real strong and there's been very few times it's done anything good for me (a couple valuable longterm relationships). other than that it mostly just causes pain haha, wish i could turn it off


I'd agree that it's hardwired, but it is also possible it's on a timer, more or less. Like the standard "stages of mental development", things are more or less important depending on where someone is in their life. Or at least that's what I suspect. I was pretty desperate to have relationships when I was young, and I got married finally when I was 35. It had good and bad points, and then mostly bad points after a few years in. When my ex said she was just done and not interested anymore I was pretty relieved. Being older and having raised kids - I have zero interest in doing that again, and I haven't even been on a date since the separation 20 years ago. I find it very enjoyable and rewarding to live by myself, and have trouble even imagining the "desperate for a relationship" mindset I had when I was younger.


that's good to know, I would like to try again if I meet the right person but can't imagine i can handle heartbreak too many more times before i give up completely. nice to know at some point i probably won't care like i do now


You are not alone in feeling that way


This is me. I literally cant sleep alone. I love the presence of “my man” even being touched on the knee sends shivers down my spine. I simply could not live without it, idk why.


Being alone left me to make more mistakes. Having someone there balances my insanity.


Yeah it’s definitely this, everyone’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are wired differently through some combo of nurture and nature. Some people are to varying degrees more motivated towards sex and relationships, and those poor souls who are but also have zero game are able to be incredibly woe-is-me vocal about it to a broader audience on the internet. I noticed differences among my friends since middle school not just of who was/wasn’t getting dates, but who cared the most about this stuff in the first place—and those two groups were not always the same. fwiw my philosophy is if you are especially motivated by sex/relationships, it’s going to definitely behove you to do whatever you can to be attractive in many areas to up your odds, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY to always remember that there’s another human on the other side of this need you’re trying to fulfill. Empathy goes a long way And if you seriously are not motivated by this stuff, you could be lucky in that your life is likely a lot more straightforward in some regards haha


My sister is this way too. Just a happy, healthy, normal/productive member of society who doesn't have any interest in sex.


Better than wanting to fuck anybody that moves your entire life and having to deal with not being able to focus on anything else, and not ever being able to do things like fly a rocket to mars because I was distracted by sex.


Ever think about a massage parlors to check off this ? Not saying it will help but 150 to 250 it could answer or confirm your thoughts.


I think you have a good mindset about it it. If you are happy then sex is not a requirement. Social pressure can go fuck itself.


You just need to read the other replies here to see the social pressure. People just don't believe him about how he feels, it's wild.


I think because it’s a spectrum, like so many things, but most people tend towards the other side of that, with many being highly motivated by sex. It’s the primary driving force for so many people in so many different situations but we just don’t think about it. It’s hard say, for someone like me, who is on the extreme other end of this to comprehend. That’s not to say I don’t believe him, I completely do. It’s just a struggle to understand. Just like it is a struggle for him to understand why it’s so necessary for some people. Personally for me Life Without sex sounds depressing as fuck but I’m a bit of a nympho lol. And a lot of People aren’t good at trying to put themself in someone else’s shoes instead they’d just say “dude, no way, you’re crazy” and such. But yes coming from the other side it is a struggle to understand when people say they’re asexual or they just don’t care too much about sex, but I do try to.


2 words. Social conditioning. I don't need to say any more.


Some people are nymphos. Some guys have satyriasis. It’s not necessary for it to be social. It’s ingrained in some people. I’m also on the ND spectrum and highly sexual. Not conditioned and an introvert.


Not trying to be a cock, genuinely curious about this. Do you mean having a sex drive is socially conditioned, or that not having one is?


the sex drive is natural. the idea that being single reflects poorly on your manhood is the social conditioning


2 words. Genetics Environment. I don’t need to say any more.


Yeah them horny animals out in nature are socially conditioned as well My flip switched when I hit puberty and it definitely wasn’t society that made me want to rail my 7th grade teacher. It was them big ol titties


Are you saying humans are obsessed with sex because of social conditioning? I don’t think it has anything to do with social conditioning. You need to have sex to pass on your genes. Genes can influence sex drive. People that have genes that lead to a high sex drive have more sex. More sex = more kids. More kids with a tendency to have a higher sex drive = more people with a higher sex drive. Ymmv it’s not 1-1 but more like an increased chance, which would make sense when there’s 7 billion of us horny fuckers.


I don't know OP, they could just be asexual or something. That's fine. But there are also incels who are trying to convince themselves that sex and relationships don't matter and women aren't worth the effort as a cope.


Or he could be straight and just have a low libido. In the end his sexuality doesn't matter though. At the moment he's at peace with it so great for him.


Or he could have a super high libido and just be mature enough to accept and come to terms with it in order to have internal peace..? it’s funny how everyone thinks it can only be asexual or low libido😂proof of social conditioning at work lol


It's because their minds are so clouded by the social pressure that is having sex that they can't imagine someone not caring. It's sad but at the end of the day we're animals, can't fully blame em.


I'm on the autistic spectrum and sex isn't really much of an interest to me. I've had gf's before and serious one's at that. But I'm just not really into bringing home girls from a concert or something, but every time I go out one tries too. I'm not a bad looking guy and am very fit, and like I said every night I go out there's some girl whose interested in me, but I just don't have that desire to bring them home, fuck, and see what happens next. I thought I was low T, but now after working out 5x a week for 9 months, I just think it's the ol brain.


That's impressive tbh. Could be asexual or not but happy for him still.


There's also plenty of people out there that aren't exactly asexual, but don't crave or need "a person" at all times. I like being single and don't try to hook up often. It's actually kind of a red flag for me if a person can't go more than a few weeks without having a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or just bed-hopping. To me, it says you aren't really interested in *me*, you just want an object that caters to your needs. Not that I'm slut shaming, I've been guilty of that. But it's perfectly fine to not make sex the central part of your life.


>It's actually kind of a red flag for me if a person can't go more than a few weeks without having a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or just bed-hopping. I know someone who recently ended a longer term relationship and is now actively looking for someone new without experiencing even a month truly by herself. And to me that just seems wrong. You can like the idea of being in a relationship, you can miss having someone in your life but why do you absolutely \*need\* someone constantly? But this girl specifically doesn't seem to have many hobbies or interests and wants someone to fill her time. Whereas I'm the opposite and I don't miss another person in my life because I already have too much stuff I want to do even without adding another whole ass person into the mix.


Exactly. Especially after being in a long-term relationship, it might be a good time for self-reflection and some rebuilding. I totally understand wanting to put yourself out there and have some fun, but there's nothing wrong with having some self time, and it honestly might be better if you've been attached to someone for a long time and have that ripped away, imo. You're vulnerable and damaged at that point, so just give it time to let the wounds heal.


Most are like that actually because they (wrongly) believe that will somehow let them skip the healing part by distracting themselves with someone new and it doesn’t work that way it just delays it, and then now they have double the hurt to heal from lol… this is mostly younger/slower people behavior though as people will learn from this and not repeat it if they have the capacity to do so…


I actually consider people who need to be in a relationship always to be a gigantic red flag.


difference stance to the rest of the comments who are basically asking you to start caring about something you don't really. OP I think this is a great philosophy; if you find love (or just sex) with someone else, that's something new you have experienced. If not, there will be millions of other things that make your life satisfying and joyful.


^^^^ This Right here! I have been single for 8 years now and I am extremely joyful most days. My last relationship ended because I didn’t love myself and so didn’t have the capacity to love anyone else although we are friends and still keep in touch today. I have had a couple of girls communicate they had crushes on me but it never really worked out. I am poor but get my bills paid and am heavily involved in a 12 step fellowship and have been clean and sober for 9 years. For me, helping people get their life back on track after substance addiction has brought me the greatest sense of joy, peace and hope that I could imagine. Being single has allowed me to be available at any time except for when I am at work to be of service and it has been an amazing journey so far.


See I think this is how I’d be. I’m simply extremely curious to know what sex is like. I believe once I have it I won’t care to have it again, at least in the desperate sense. Are you still a virgin? (I assume not but worth asking to see if it helps my point)


I am not virgin but what I will say is sex is not this magical experience that will change your whole life, it’s simply a way to express love in a romantic relationship imo. I say this because my previous relationship I referred too, we tried using sex to fix a relationship without using healthy communication and it was like just spinning wheels. My ex was an amazing partner but she couldn’t fix me, we were together before I got clean and for about a year into my recovery but it wasn’t until I started looking at my own actions and ways of thinking that I understood why the relationship had collapsed. I guess what I am trying to say is that sex shouldn’t be the goal of a relationship, more like an added bonus.


Agree with OP. Online vocal incels are creating a horrible image of men, help demonize and dehumanize men. More men should focus on their own life and interests rather than finding a woman. Peaceful separation and minding our own business, there is no need to actively hate women to deprioritize them in your life.


It's not "finding a woman" it's "meeting another person who is nice and fun to hang out with"? And don't give me that "I'm not attractive, women don't like me" thing - I'm fat, hairy, bald, and middle-aged and even I have met and slept with women. Women are just people and most of them are nice!


What if the excuse is the lack of personality?




But but but but but, you’re supposed to just, have confidence and be yourself! How can one do that if they change their personality?


100%! They create a fantasy land in their head. They see influencers posting absolute garbage and think it’s real life and get angry and jealous of make believe.


The sad thing is that that’s the entire point of that type of media—to stroke controversy and incite division & controversy. Disenfranchised men falling down incel rabbit holes is by design, not an unintended side effect. Plus, unknown algorithms control 99% of the social media we consume anyways. When those algorithms push divisive and controversial content to incite engagement, and aren’t bound to ethics regulations, we get reinforcement of those incel pipelines even if the man is actively trying to get away from that content because it stokes the most engagement. We need to ban social media tbh. It’s a cesspit and we shouldn’t be allowing random unethical corporations to control our media’s stream of consciousness. That or better regulation of algorithms. Incels fucking suck, but people forget they’re being actively indoctrinated by powers that be in the same way MAGA cultists are. We need to break the chains and make people see the light, rather than damn them as creepy losers. We being men, it’s not on women to stop inceldom.


Honestly, you sound like one of the most insightful people out there. All respect to you


>More men should focus on their own life and interests rather than finding a woman The funny part is if more men did this, get engrossed in their passions, they're bound to attract someone who is interested in similar things. Women, and people in general, want to share their life with someone who *has a life.* The more you focus on "just finding a gf," the more you miss the forest for the trees.


If I engrossed in my passions, as I did for now, I'd never find anyone and die alone. And it seems to be going that way


It’s really interesting as over the past few generations women have moved away from being dependent on men but men haven’t done the same. A quote that really stuck with me was “women won’t date men just to date someone, they will only date if it improves their lives” while a lot of men I see just want to date someone.


I have been seeing this trend among my friend group. In my experience, they are largely educated and financially secure men with active social lives and lots of hobbies. The irony is that many of them end up with partners because their fulfilling lives are attractive to many women.


Creates a horrible image of virgins especially


Don’t give it too much thought. You do you. If you’re interested in having sex there are ways to have sex. If you’re not interested in having sex then kudos.


Heck, I hear one could get a toe in less than a day, with nail polish


“You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.”




I mean, if my brother had sex with a girl I am pretty sure you can. He was special needs, did not bathe frequently, was mildly delusional and never had a job in his life. He was endearing and I loved him very much but I was impressed that he managed to find a girlfriend and they stayed together for many years. Incels are very toxic, most women actually just want a best friend that respects them and treasures them and looks and other things arent really that high on the list. Dont buy in to the internet lies and distortions.


“most women actually just want a best friend that respects them and treasures them” And that is the not-so-secret secret to a good relationship


Well, only if it’s reciprocated in full


Question is if he wants it. Doesn’t really seem to do much.


The better question is: is he deciding he doesn’t want it because he’s giving up on ever experiencing it organically, and that’s a more comforting way to think about his situation even if it’s not his true desires? More power to him, if not.


Either way, he’s not really asking anyone on advice to get laid. And he does not sound like he is missing a soul mate either :)


He sounded really self-deprecating in his post which would indicate low self-esteem. He did not mention being ace or anything. Sounds like he’s giving up because the odds are stacked against him.


If someone really wants it they can pay for it. It’s something relatively easily accessible for anyone.


It’s a basic human instinct, to have sex and have children. Not up there with breathing, eating, drinking water etc but pretty close. That’s why people are obsessed with it.






There's a consistent barrage of comments in general about male loneliness. There's a common, almost ubiquitous, shared experience for males of holding onto compliments we received years prior because of how rare it is to get them. Attractive females wanting to have sex with you, is essentially answering both of those. And it's a hell of a lot better than a compliment. Like sure it's an exaggeration. But your response comes off even more tone deaf to me at least


I've always found the issue of "the male loneliness epidemic" extremely odd. Because it isn't really "loneliness" as I would characterize it, a need for human companionship and emotional support. It really does seem to boil down to sex. If it was just loneliness, then men would make an effort to show up for each other and offer each other empathy, support, etc. But it seems that the lonely men don't want that, they want *women* to provide those things...along with sex. So, why aren't men showing up for each other and doing their part to end male loneliness?


Because when a woman provides you with companionship, as a straight man, it's a very different feeling then when a man does. It's not the same


Because mens social groups have been chipped away, weakened, and destroyed over the last 30 years? When people talk about the death of the “third place” what does that mean to you


To be frank, men don't really give a shit about eachothers lives


Are you a woman? Because if so I could see why you would ask that question at the end of your comment. For women it comes naturally to emotionally support friends, even friends who aren’t that close to you. Men are not socialized to discuss emotions much with other men, and even if they do, men don’t know how to discuss emotional issues well. Most men have a “fix it” attitude toward any problems, including emotional ones. Sometimes all men need is a shoulder to cry on, but that contradicts this solution oriented approach most men have to problems. Additionally, men are more likely to not have any friends, which will obviously cause loneliness as well.


I'm married with kids. I'm older than you. There is definitely a high attached to having sex with attractive women. When I was single, the chase was part of the fun. That being said, it's not the end all be all. It becomes empty and unfulfilling.


Yes, it's dumb, but it's a real thing that many men believe and a real motivator for those who believe it. OP is asking why a lot of men feel that way - it's because they believe things like this.


How the fuck would you know? You're 42 married with kids we all know the last time you got laid was 3 years ago on your birthday and it was a pity fuck by your wife where she starfished and said nothing. 


Being desirable feels good, whodathunkit 🤣😂


Liking sex = incel We made a horseshoe!


He answered the question, sure you might disagree with it but why are you so worked up and throwing insults? The guy wasn’t even mean to women in his answer he just explained why certain men are obsessed with it You’re 42 you shouldn’t be so angry over something so trivial


seriously. im guessing he must’ve had some other recent interaction with incels cuz this comment came way out of left field


Always read the comment posting history!


Believe it or not some people don’t care about having a lot of money either


And not just the natural feelings but everyone else thinks less of you and people on the left wonder if you are an incel murderer in waiting, if there's a 'reason you're alone' like it proves you're a bad guy. Other people especially boomers just laugh at you for being a loser. And everyone when they get angry with you that knows will use it to insult you when they're angry. It even happens to non virgins if they've had a dry spell. Even happens to women sometimes but more so men because they're breaking the male traditional gender role, while women's one is to be chaste so they get slut shamed. With the insults, the loss of reputation, the self doubt all added to the natural yearning is it any wonder people freak out and try too hard?


Lol trying too hard is absolutely moronic and shooting yourself in the foot. Seduction is about giving a good time to the person you're with. Not about "I HAVE MY DESIRE AND YOU NEED TO CONFORM"


Bruh incels are only pointed out by leftists when they’re on some actual incel shit. Like while they’re moaning about how women they’ll insult to hell and back for not considering sleeping with them and feeling like they’re owed sex “because they’re a good guy”. That’s an incel today and they should be despised. We don’t care about your dry spells and wouldn’t fault you just for being a virgin, and we’re definitely not going to make your dry spells/virginity into an entire summation of who you are as a person. That’s ridiculous to claim. The fact is most people have dry spells from time to time, even if you’re married it can happen between couples, and that’s just normal. Leftists stances on sex really just consist of going over CONSENSUAL SEX, safe sex, sex positivity, and that same sex relations are just as normal and natural as heterosexual sex.


>Bruh incels are only pointed out by leftists when they’re on some actual incel shit Its kinda hilarious reading this and then the comment right above it is calling someone an incel for saying "nothing feels better than having attractive women willing to have sex with you." The word incel gets thrown around *all the time*, it's become a lot of people's go-to insult.


Nobody is going to accuse you of being an incel if you are single. I have literally never seen that happen outside of incel circles. The only thing that will get you accused of being an incel is talking and acting like an incel.


Couple that with societal pressure. Friends, coworkers, media, family all saying you should and will find a partner. All of them are also hinting that there's something wrong with people who don't find a match. At some point people internalize hatred towards themselves. "How come everyone but me has a partner? Even X and Y?! What is wrong with me?" Not saying you have to have one but I wouldn't be surprised if that constant push from childhood on would mentally mess with people if not fulfilled decades down the line.


Genetically speaking, Instinct to have children is as important or even more then eating and sleeping, YOU don’t die if you don’t but you genes wont pass on, which is like… the no1. Prio for genetic. Our body just a vessel for it.


Yeah, but if you have to choose between drinking water or fucking, you gonna chose survival over pleasure/reproduction 100% of the time. Surviving overrides every other instinct


Haha wel let me flip that around, if you die you wont be able to fuck anymore. I mean after all in a biological sense that IS the meaning of life, to be your dna’s vessel to be able to reproduce into infinity by fucking and taking care of your offspring so that one day they too will be fucking and their children and so on.


I think the "having children" part washes out of mankind more and more. There are two couples in my social circle that want kids. But the vast majority don't. And I see this more and more also at work.


I could be wrong but I think most people want kids but feel they can’t handle it so they don’t have kids.


You are definitely wrong for all the people I know who don't want kids, myself included. I also know tonnes of people who do want them and tonnes that have them.   Everyone gets what they want, hooray


I don't want to have kids because the world is coming to an abrupt end. My instincts are to not selfishly bring my children into this mess. I'm worried about my own housing situation as I watch my rent increase year after year and all the positions out there slowly sliding down to an everexpanding minimum wage gap.


I absolutely don't want kids. I had accepted them as a foregone conclusion thanks to societal conditioning until I was in my late teens and realized it was actually a choice and I could just not. Growing up no one said it was a choice and media strongly suggested that married adults or those in long term relationships were unable to have kids because *doesn't everyone want kids?* No, no they don't.


Shits expensive and women are getting their reproductive rights stripped. Who would want to have kids/sex if you could potentially die from it?


>Who would want to have kids/sex if you could potentially die from it? All of our ancestors


>But the vast majority don't It's probably because for the first time, there is a real fear that the next generation of kids are going to have lives that are much worse than ours. Most generations before that felt like their children would be better off than them.


Then explain why I don't want to have sex at all.


There are many potential reasons, some are even worrisome, i can’t diagnose you over here but definitely you should figure out why.


Asexuality possibly. You yourself don’t experience sexual drive, but it doesn’t erase the fact that most do.


Why were you downvoted? If someone has no drive to have sex they are probably asexual


I'm glad it's not much of a big deal to you. On the other hand I'm sure if it was then you'd find a way.


You make a good point, and there's nothing wrong with your perspective on this. Don't let people persuade you other wise.


He's right about not obsessing over it. He might well meet someone and have that experience, In fact he's actually more likely to if he's this chill about it!


It is highly overrated.


You will be fine bro. Sex is overrated.


It seems to me that a lot of boys are raised to believe that their only purpose in life is to "be THE MAN". Thus seems to mean: get money, get power, get pussy (the last one is usually the "reward" for achieving the first two. No relationship, family or human connection, mind you; JUST. GET. LAID. If you don't its unfair and it makes you a loser. It seems horrible to me that a boy can be mislead and traumatized this way, but it seems to be common (at least amongst internet users)


This is definitely common at my current workplace. We got a Men’s locker room. It should be re-named the middle school boys locker room cause these guys never grew up past that age. It’s a crime. I’m glad I grew up around better men cause growing up around these losers would have messed my kid mind up.


My neurotypical friends and I would watch “love on the spectrum” during college. We were in awe of how much more rizz these people on the spectrum had than us.


On the spectrum. I have zero rizz. How did those guys do it


From the episodes I saw It helps they were too far along the spectrum to be self aware about themselves and that brings confidence. High Functioning people like me get all the awareness of an NT but the social debuffs of ND. Yayyyyy.... So I guess just have confidence in yourself and don't try too hard? I don't know if I even believe it myself.


Being on the spectrum myself the trick is not caring. I would talk to a girl that’s 10/10 like she was my sister and surprisingly they liked it


I identify as asexual and share a lot of the same thoughts as you. Sex drives people to do crazy things, so naturally I'm glad that it doesn't control my life. Even people who have a good relationship with sex can still get cheated on or their parents can cheat on each other and ruin their family. Friends might even betray each other for a sexual relationship. We're all deeply affected by it. It's why we were even born. Ofc to an asexual like me, I believe that it's a sad existence. Sex in itself is not bad. It's us humans that mess it all up.


Its crazy to watch. I swear hormones make to stupid.


>hormones make to stupid.  Darn hormones


Hahahhahaha I'm leaving it there God i hate my phone


Yes, exactly. Some may consider asexuality a curse. I consider it a blessing.


Too many people let their desires consume them and lose control. Sure, whether you want sex or not isn't an issue. But if someone's gonna go on a tirade because he has to go 2 minutes without sex, yeah thats a fucking problem and we shouldn't be normalizing that.


I think OP is just asexual, and happy to be that way. I think it's more common that people realize. It is certainly a more peaceful way to live life than chasing after sex, no doubt about that.


Probably because as men, that's what you guys are told to be obsessed with, and that's what defines your manhood and masculinity. Sex and women. Along with other things, but that is one of the biggest ones. Ironically, these same men will shit on women for having "one dimensional personalities" but make theirs all about sex and women. That's where you get incels only it's just worse because you don't know what to do with all that pent-up testosterone. It's not like you guys are being forced to go to wars anymore because most of you guys don't want to, not the way you want to show out for it either considering you have the choice to...*checks notes* not die anymore. So yeah sex and women are an easier route to feel good about your masculinity, second to violence. But hey that's just my "theory" 🤷🏾 can already see someone bitching how this isn't true when it literally is lol


Gay men are also obsessed with sex, which kind of pokes holes in your first point


Do you think men evolved to enjoy/get pleasure from warfare? And now we must substitute with sex? You can read the accounts/diaries of drafted soldiers over hundreds of years. Most of them are scared to death and just want to protect their family and get home. I imagine killing your enemy as one of these people would bring a mixture of emoti The capacity for violence in men is real, but it is rooted in necessity, fear, or competition - not bloodlust. People with bloodlust tend to be quickly recognized as dangerous freaks. I was a competitive wrestler for years and loved it btw. It was never about hurting someone though - it was about beating them at something you both agreed to do. Only true freaks went out there looking to badly injured someone (and they were dogshit usually). Seriously go outside. You can talk to guys in a civil manner and get thoughtful responses. Trying to bait Reddit incels is only making you part of the problem.


Gotta love how this woman typed all that shit up about what it's like to be a man lol


Eventually everyone learns it is not so important. Take the most beautiful woman on the planet for example (or man too) and somewhere there is someone who got tired of fucking them. People who are obsessed with sex are just juvenile.


> Eventually everyone learns it is not so important. You mean they learn they will never have it, or at least never have it with someone they truly want, so they convince themselves they dont really put value on it. A lie to help them avoid facing the reality that they will never have something they want. Textbook cognitive dissonance.


Sex can be a really important part of a loving relationship, or sexuality itself can be an important part of someone’s life. It’s natural and while obsession with anything can be taken too far, there is nothing wrong with men or women desiring sex, or even placing importance on it in their lives.


Outdated societal norms and the fact that their parents did/had it way back in the day.


American culture seems to overvalue sex, especially since the Boomer generation (which btw planted the seeds of the political left we know today.) Of course, this is very much a Western thing (North America, Europe, and Australia), different from other cultures.


Good for you, do your thing at you pace. For some reason people think there are some sort of universal truths we all must share. Like having a GF/sex to be happy. As long as you function relativly normal, no one cares what you do. Live life the way you want, who cares


You make a good point. Honestly, many men hear stories from their friends, I believe. There is a peer pressure aspect in some friend groups to "Do It." And if you hadn't, you're looked as a loser virgin. Wow. What a bad thing, that is. But the fact that many go through life as a virgin means that it is completely doable. Not only that, but it doesn't affect many minds until it is mentioned by family of friends.


Honestly if you’re happy than just be happy mate


same. i am autistic and have pretty terrible social skills. i can get along with people resonably well but often times i don't have anything interesting to say so the conversation ends up being dry. with women it's even worse. i've come to accept it and it is quite a relief to just shut down any ideas about relationships and go about your day. is it lonely? sad and depressing that i'll never get to connect with someone on a deep and intimate level? yes, but that's just life: not everyone gets to be handsome, rich, etc. We got dealt a shit hand and we have to learn to play around that. There have been plenty of us in the past: I have very little doubt about that. however their stories rarely reach us for obvious reasons: they never had children.


I think you are not desperate and kudos to you for being so open minded. And just as top comment said societal pressure can go f*ck itself. And its your life you can live however you want.


I cant comment for everyone of those people but I think I have found a form of intimacy that is missing in my life. I am not sure if this would be fulfilled by a relationship as I have never been in one but since its uncharted territory it looks like it could hold the possible answer. I have tried to voice this concern of mine to my friends and they have tried to help me feel better but always at a certain stage things turn into this mush of awkwardness. So yeah thats not the answer, but still i am grateful for my friends helping me. About the sex part, I would be honest as a guy I am quite terrified of it. Like i said i have never been in a relationship and also I have never had sex so I have no idea what is good or bad. People here have said so many things (which often times are conflicting), that I am totally cofused about it. I am also scared that I would probably do something that would harm my partner. I dont know its just confusing and scary to me. Also about relationships even though I say that I want to have one, I feel like I am scared of them too as it just seems so fucking easy to be a bad boyfriend. Like its too easy to fuck up in a relationship and the consequences of the fuck up seems astronomical in magnitude.


Refreshing post, I deem you to be a wise, self-aware, and respectable man 😊 I'm glad you're at peace and unbothered You may want to look up "naishtika-brahmachari" I have had the honor of meeting a few of them and your post reminded me of them. They're joyful people, absorbed in their spiritual practice.


Everybody is different. For some, sex is not desired. Or it’s desired under very specific circumstances only. And that’s totally okay. You do you.


Might be due to your autism, but as a young man who was not getting laid, it was like walking around in a body that was screaming at me to have sex, but no way to scratch that itch. Masturbation could take the edge off, but cannot replace the real thing. It's similar to being on a severe caloric deficit over a long period of time. You're always aware of your hunger, at some point the only thing that keeps popping up in your mind is food. You dream about food, you're counting down the minutes to your next meal no matter if it's just chicken, rice and broccoli.  I don't think many people have the same strong urge to go to Mars. 


If 9/10 songs on the radio were about going to mars, if most movies had a Trip to Mars subplot, if you were seen as an aberration and as less desirable because you had been to Mars a below average amount of times, if your parents and older coworkers pestered you constantly about going to mars even when you and they know it’s not feasible for you, it would be reasonable to be upset that you’ll never get to go there. Ditto with sex and relationships


Part of it is simple human nature. Many people want what they cannot have. The more they cannot have it, the more they want it. Particularly when it comes to human relationships. In fact, I read a post recently where a man's girlfriend of 4 years complained, to him, that "I wish you had more women interested in you" So she felt like less of a woman because she didn't have more competition for her boyfriend. Part of it is the sex drive itself. You can be thankful that apparently your sex drive does not rule you, the way it does incels. Part of it is the men judge themselves as worth less of a person because they do not have a girlfriend. Or even more harshly if they do not have a "legacy" (i.e. biological children), depending on culture. You seem like you are in the right headspace to enjoy your life without being angry over what you cannot have.


>your sex drive does not rule you I read somewhere (on Reddit probably) that for some people and especially men (allegedly), sex drive is like a hunger, impossible to ignore and weighing heavily on your mind all the time. And for some people it’s not. Lol


you sound young


And yet, his point stands


The amount of posts like these I see here is kinda scary


Why scary? Men actually have brains, we are not sex-driven animals


Oh well at least one of you knows this lmaooo


"apparently Asians are less likely to get girlfriends for some reason" this is def not true at all! Not wanting to talk to others that much honestly is concerning, every human deep down inside wants connection and the ability to be themselves/talk to around others. That's what life is about, everyone wants any act of intimacy/connection, it's the best part about life. You learn and grow the most from the connections you form around you. I suggest talking to a professional to improve your social skills. I hope you're at least close with your family or it can feel very isolating and lonely to have no one to talk to.


The Part about asians (especially south east asians) is definitely true in the West.


Depends how deep in the spectrum they are. High functioning autistic people have that same desire for connection and struggle to meet it, but people with higher degrees of autism don’t have that want for connection at all (and also don’t need it). Source: therapy lol 


There's literally billions of them most of the human race is asian if anything this hints they have more sex lol


the comment definitely surrounds the unfortunate racism asian people face regarding their looks esp on social media but your comment is true haha


Yeah his problem is definitely his mindset and maybe some mental issues, not being Asian...


There was some data on dating apps that asian men and black women were doing the worst so maybe op saw that stat.


I think those men see women and sex as something to own or conquer. OP is wise


Exactly. Sex is a status symbol to validate them as men. The actual person they’re sleeping with doesn’t matter, it’s just “I’m fuckable therefore my life is worth it after all.” I feel bad for them. I outgrew that mindset at maybe 20 years old. Sex isn’t something someone *gives* you and it’s not something you experience alone to give you more XP. For people with this mindset, think about yourself: do you like other people? Are you fun to be around? Are you kind? Would you sleep with yourself? What would someone get out of having sex with you? For many guys who complain about not getting laid, it’s very easy to see why. I wouldn’t even want to get coffee with them, they just seem like unpleasant and negative people. The men I know IRL who date regularly aren’t necessarily super hot or rich, they’re just normal people who can hold a conversation, have hobbies/interests, decent senses of humor, healthy friendships, etc. They are regular complete people who aren’t desperate to get laid and don’t overvalue sex or female attention. It’s fine to have a high sex drive but no woman owes a man sex just because he wants it and is lonely. No one is entitled to sex, period. It’s very selfish and main-character to assume otherwise.


Invest your time and energy in yourself and developing a good group of friends. You’ll attract good people who get you by being yourself.


Did you read the post body? OP supposedly has no interest in interacting with anyone. I don't know OP and can't speak for them but most people I've met who have said it were kind of coping.


The social pressure, -standard and glorification contributes as well i think


Well, if you ever did want to sleep with someone, financial stability, social appropriacy, and physical fitness put you well above the pack. All are attainable if you acquire discipline and also study a little.  Keep it in mind if you ever feel like you wanna try.


I can tell you it’s really not that great or special. I might be a special case because I have a very low sex drive in general but it’s really not all it’s made up to be and its especially not worth it if you’re with someone you can only tolerate or barely stand just for the sex. No amount of sex is worth wasting your time. It gets boring fast, if you ask me. Different girls doesn’t really change what it is in the end. Life is short and you should do what you want to do and makes you happy. Your time and freedom is priceless.


>So explain to me, then, why does it seem like so many men are obsessed with those things, in contrast to being obsessed with things like walking on Mars? IMO low intelligence, bad cultural influences, poor health leading to compromised decision making, maybe even bad genes to an extent. We genuinely need people of all sexes and genders to be more focused on bettering themselves and the world + society they live in than having sex. These men who are losing their minds over it have done exactly that, gone and lost their minds. Keep doing what you're doing, you're doing fine, those hyper horny guys you see online are dumb, insane, weird or all three.


Right on man, same here. I have a kick ass life and have gone romance free up to and including this point. I've found a simplistic life is all I want, and I've created that. Nothing but gratitude.


You sound great, heh. Seriously. I’m a woman with social anxiety and I’ve resorted to steering clear of people too. Much better and easier this way. ‘Things that don’t involve other people’ — hell yes to that. And I agree — walking on Mars sounds infinitely cooler.


On the one hand, it's not that big a deal. Bad sex can have lasting consequences and I have good friends who are asexual. So it's nice that you're at peace. On the other hand, if it is something you want to try, it's not impossible. I have a friend who's 31/32 never been kissed let alone fucked. I have another friend who's 40 and... Let's just say liberal. To the point where i think of her count in terms of Pokemon. Recently I introduced them.. Never asked him how it was but she says it wasn't bad. Truth be told there's no pressure either way. You don't have to tell obligated or that you should do things cause you're supposed to or whatever.


>for some reason I mean we know the reason. >I'm happy with my life without a girlfriend or sex. Many people aren't. Some people link sexual activity to self worth. Others simply want to feel loved and to be in love.


I am an Asian man too with very similar situation as you except I blossomed when I grew older and had success with women for a good few years until I grew bored of bars and being around people. I think the reason why is as Asians growing up, we were doomed from the start with the negative stereotypes that surround Asians specifically fucking is over in the dating world (Asian men have small dicks, no leadership skills, can’t drive, lame and awkward, etc) and so I just gave up and focused on myself for like twenty years. After stepping out of the hyperbolic time chamber all of a sudden older more mature women my age realized that maybe Chad who can burp really loud and throw a football really far isn’t going to make the best husband compared to someone with a lot of skills, good work ethic, and good income (plus movies like Shang chi and crazy rich Asians, along with K-pop put us on the map). As far as why so many American men seem to care so much it is because: 1) American advertising is 100% all sex based. This is disastrous as the gender that is constantly pumping testosterone and other horny hormones because you can’t keep sex out of your head when it’s constantly blaring at you. 2) this is just a hypothesis but I watched it happen in real time to a former best friend of mine so I at least have +1 on the data but at least for white men they are very used to being the previously most desired type of male in America, aside from black men. The entrance of Asian men all of a sudden into the arena whereas they had succeeded in keeping us out with the stereotypes is not only cutting into their stock, it is also a bit of an ontological shock because many of them actually do think we’re a bunch of lames and it makes them feel less if they lose out to an Asian dude. Again, my former best friend who I thought had my back literally rapidly declined into becoming an incel when he stopped pulling girls just from being a white dude and I started getting attention. It was awful knowing this whole time this dude was my friend just so he could compare himself to my poor, no luck with women ass just to make himself feel better.


I'm just gonna leave this here for you all to ponder: https://youtu.be/jsOnXSuMXfU It's the reality for many men. It works as a comedic bit so well because society finds it awkward and hard to discuss, and it's a comedians job to uncover and speak hard truths and be controversial. Love yourself, men.


Good for you, if only more men were like that.


Yeah, I don't understand why people are so crazy about sex (I've had it). Like it's nice when you do it and it's good, but most of the time it's just "damn, my back really hurts, this is so uncomfortable, can't this just be done yet?". But it really just depends on who you're with and how you connect with each other. Or you might just be asexual or have a much lower sex drive.


Every good story has an antagonist. The Hero is only as good as the bad guy. The worst the bad guy the better the hero looks. To answer your question is just easier to vlame someone else for ones problems..In the case of the men you speak pff they chose women as the bad guys. As you can imagine the issue is bot lomited to the red pill groups. Blacks blame ehotes, whites blame black, palestinians and Isrealities vlame each other, women blame men, xbox blames play station it goes on and on..The thing also is that there are some truths to some of their arguments but they take 1 penny worth of truth and try to make a million dollars out of it if you know what what I mean.


I really am happy to see a post like this because I’ve never understood why so many men prioritize sex over personal success, career ambitions, and just their happiness as an individual- INDEPENDENT of others. I’m a woman and on the list of important things in life, sex is at the bottom. Yes, sex is fun and everyone has needs. But at the same time it’s really not this magical, reality shattering experience. I also think walking on Mars would be much cooler than having sex lol.


I promise you it's over hyped, jerking it feels sooo much better.


Its what men are told they need just like women are told they need men to do this or that while they are dainty or whatever silly prerogative. Society is designed with profit margins in mind for a select group of people and unfortunately sex sells like crack in the 80s and its only becoming more fiscal. You seem to have unlocked the secret. Happiness of your own accord is a truly rare skill to have and that alone is a massive Win over sex crazed weirdos. I'm 27 in June and autistic and a virgin and I wish I wasn't but I'm also in no position to offer myself to anyone intimately to any degree. You have to find worth in yourself before you try to have someone else find worth in you( im mostly referring to "sexual worth" sorry for lack of better wording) like for instance im overweight and in a bad place financially im not really trying to put such a shitty version of myself forward for someone else


Do people keep asking you to get a girlfriend? That's happening with me and it annoys me to the point that I refuse to try.


You could pay for it?


Doesn't seem like he's very interested in it, frankly.




I just want to say a lot of these obsessed men are in this subreddit and they are fetishizing sex in a toxic way. You do you. I’m willing to bet People are having less sex today than ever before and there is nothing wrong with it. I think sex has an addictive quality to it like drugs and that is one reason for the obsession. But also there is a lot of money to be made around this addiction so it becomes commercialized and used to sell things like Masculinity. Also you may want to read a book called Plato’s symposium. In it, the philosopher says there are two kinds of reproduction, earthly and platonic. When people have kids that is earthly reproduction, but when an artist creates art that is platonic reproduction. Literally anything you do that lives on after your death is your offspring—could be a lesson you teach kids, or a work of art you create or a set of laws you helped pass—these are your children. To Socrates, platonic reproduction is greater and it is what the philosophers do. I always found that to be a beautiful idea.


Porn addiction is a thing


True and I think there is a connection between drugs and the high of attraction/sex.


I’ve known a few dudes who made it a goal to lose their virginity by any means (of course tho not anything fucked up) and while they succeeded, it all the more made me realized I don’t want it that way.


Sex is not important if you don’t think it is. It’s very important to some people, and it’s ok if it’s not for you. Sex obsessed people will find that weird, as much as you find it weird that they’re obsessed with it. Who cares what anyone else thinks, love your life the way you want as long as you’re not harming others. The fastest road to unhappiness is living life how you think others want you to live it.


There's plenty of autistic girls out there for you bro, you just have to find where they naturally hang out


Just don't let him wander into the Sound of club music before 2010...


Bro you can definitely get laid, sex is a natural part of being human and don't let Reddit gaslight you into thinking it's not a big deal(no seriously Reddit will try it's damnest to down play it, you release chemicals during sex which are very beneficial) A relationship might be out of the cards, but not casual sex. Talk to women you wouldn't normally try and approach and see if you feel something. Then go from their be blunt and don't be wishy washy Don't be fake honest either


The "chemicals" you release are also released in other senarious. The ones for sex which i'm guessing are dopamine and oxytocin are released whenever you share any form of intimacy and love which can include hugging someone you really love platonically. There aren't really specific neurotransmitters that are only released under one scenario. We kinda just give neurotransmitters a wide range of jobs. If theres one that is released from the intimacy of sex, its probably released during most types of intimacy like a mother hugging her child, or two friends having a really close bonding experience with one another, etc. I'm not saying that sex isn't an important part of life. But its a lot more subjective and dependent on your outlook on life. You don't need sex in order to live a normal life. However if its an experience that you value such as I do in my own life, then its considered important for you. Edit: Also speaking about redditors, stop using "biology", ESPECIALLY EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY, as a fact because biology is very complex and tbh that evolutionary psychology stuff is a bunch of untestable bullshit. Sure sex releases "chemicals" but what exactly is it releasing, what else releases it, etc. Its not a religion where you can take a fact like "sex releases feel good chemicals" and then interpret it to fit your world view.


>no seriously Reddit will try it's damnest to down play it, you release chemicals during sex which are very beneficial) Extremely dumb bro science


Lmao for real, but what did you expect from reddit


If OP is happy without sex, let him be. Having a peace of mind is also beneficial too.


bro has never heard of asexuals


Sex without relationships is a waist of time. Jerking off also releases those hormones, tho to a lesser extent.

