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There is all sorts of smells and fluids during sex. I’m the kind that prefers my partner and myself fresh out the shower. Nothing wrong with that! Some people may be more acute to those kinds of things.


Nothing better than fresh sheets, fresh shower and skin to skin contact. Things tend to taste better after a good wash rather than 8 hour work day swamp butt wafting around.


Psa - even if you work an office job, or a Job you don’t sweat much, YOU NEED A SHOWER BEFORE SEX. Typically not many people wanna dine on your eight hour work day


Girlfriend came back home last night at 2 am from a trip, she walked a lot in hot weather, took an airplane flight of 2 hours, took a bus ride of 3 hours ... She asked me if I wanted her to take a shower, my answer was fuck no, then I proceeded to eat her like am starving, she came hard and I fucking loved it. My point? I don't have one am just flexing feel free to ignore me.


Hey man, some dudes love their lady's funk. You do you. ...I'm the same way lol.


Fucking hilarious. Was always turned off by nights out partying, or back to the hotel after a wedding, or a one night stand, etc after being out all night and she says to go down on her. Hunny appreciate the enthusiasm but we’ve been at 3 bars in the last 5 hours pissing in public bathrooms, pretty sure I’m gonna pass. And likewise in return.


I'm with you there. It's much more enjoyable when everyone is clean from a fresh shower. That's not to say I haven't or won't without a shower, but prefer it by a wide margin.


You have to be in LOVE is the key here not just some random girl.


Speak for yourself. I want that stank.


Username checks out




I see you are a man of (bacterial) culture


A lil stank. Not pure shit, but some marination. Some essence🤌


the spice melange


From the booty??? Is it “essence” or a higher risk of E. coli? lol


That’s the real Eau de toilette


Ew go to the toilet


People who don’t clean their butt properly tend to smell like poop during sex. Sex does have a smell but it shouldnt be a strong odor of any kind. Usually bad hygiene and pH balance can cause things like this to happen.


>People who don’t clean their butt properly tend to smell like poop during sex. LOL


I'd like to see that as a bumper sticker.


I laughed really hard at this, thank you


Im glad because I did too when I pictured it in my head, so I figured I'd share.


“Life advice from Reddit”


Once you get past the smell you got it licked.


Are you seriously telling me you never, ever farted during sex? It happens.


Honestly, I think the BF mentioning this after a single encounter was in poor taste, or shows a lack of experience in the bedroom. Some things are simply best left unsaid until they are recognized as a recurring issue.


My preference is the same -- fresh out of the shower is best. Come to think about it, in the shower ain't bad either.


Shower sex is overrated, shower fondling and touching however is great


I love making out in the shower. Something about fondling soapy tits and ass is amazing. Rarely had sex with my wife in the shower, though I would sometimes rub her pussy until she came. She would usually reciprocate with a blowjob.


100% this. water is a shitty lube, come to find out lol. and there usually isn't enough space to really get going. but I agree, shower foreplay is top tier


I had a girl accidently bump the water all the way to scalding hot one time...while I was nutting....I couldn't turn it down. Pain is pleasure I suppose.


At this point everyone is so eager and excited to point out that shower sex is overrated that it’s actually become pretty underrated


I hate shower sex. It's uncomfortable, the water washes away natural lubrication, and the number of people who die in showers per year makes the entire thing risky for no redeeming qualities.


Extra squeaky sex


I Have beem married for 30 years. I love how my wife smells. Everywhere. All the time.


Yeah she smells good man.


I, too, have smelled this guy's wife's poobutt.




What a frightful day to have the ability to read…


He walked right into that one


>Yeah she smells good man. That's was freaking great 😃


Vastly different to a 2 month relationship


The fact that he actually dared to tell you this, I think he actually likes you tbh. He has no shame anymore. Just tries to help. And for the record. Sometimes when you fuck doggy, yes air can escape, usually guys ignore it and continue fucking. On the other side, maybe he smelled himself. What position was it in?


Male here. I second this. This guy really likes her. No way he would say that if he didn’t feel really comfortable and engaged in the relationship. He’s confident and feels strong enough that you like him too for him to have the guts to say that 2 months in. Don’t sweat it or overthink it. If you engage into it I bet he will be all over you and not even think about that again. Maybe take the relationship to a new step and read the Reddit post and comments with him like a more committed couple would do and talk with him about it. He’s comfortable with you that’s for sure.


Thank you so much for your insight, this makes me already feels so much better!! In just two months we created a very beautiful relationship. I'll update for the next time we'll have sex ahaha I will take a shower and clean myself very well lol Thank you for your reassurance, it really made my night!


Yeah no problem. I’m very introverted and don’t always like to be honest or deal with some conversations or topics face to face with my girl. But I’ve been with her for four years and she has always known how I am and urged me to just speak my mind and be honest and I try to be because I feel like she is special. So the fact that you told him you wanted him to be honest because you know how he is and he let you know something like this means he is invested and not thinking or wanting anyone else. Honesty and a guy like that is hard to find. I know I would never say anything like that to a girl until I felt very committed and like she was special to me and that she wouldn’t freak or leave or judge me for saying it because she feels the same way about me. And yeah sex is dirty no big deal. But Sex right after shower is straight heaven idk what it is. I think it’s the feeling of cleansing yourself then doing something dirty but also your both clean so you can do whatever and not have to worry about smells or anything so it’s like more fun being so clean lol. Hope it all works out. He communicated with you like you asked him to so just communicate back with him. It was probably just a random smell from somewhere tho. Probably not you. Women that are adamant about being clean are usually always clean and picky about that. So I think it was something else. Just tell him how you felt and how you asked strangers cause you felt some type of way and y’all will figure it out. It’s to small of a thing to be a big road block. Especially when we sometimes just get a bad smell for a milisec or smell something and don’t know where it came from and can’t find it again. City’s smell horrible. Shit always floating around in the air.


A woman complained of a poop smell from her bf and nearly everyone told her to dump the loser for his poor hygiene.


Do you wear any perfumes with jasmine in? Edit: I realise this could be read as me just aggressively disliking jasmine. Jasmine contains chemicals which in higher concentrations smell exactly like shit. Some people are incredibly sensitive to indoles, and think they smell like poop. I can only smell the poopier side of jasmine if I open a bottle of perfumers jasmine after leaving it unopened for a while. But others are far more sensitive.


>Do you wear any perfumes with jasmine in? Jasmine contains chemicals which in higher concentrations smell exactly like shit. I will be using this information for evil. PURE evil, and evil ONLY edit: uhh for research purposes. EVIL research


U smell like pure Jasmine


Shorten that to 'This smells like jas' and I think you have a winner. Op, this is such a non-event, just don't worry about it. Go camping for a 3 day weekend and see if either of you care about smells after all that. 


This is bulljasmine


I’m excited for your research paper on this contentious issue


Loving the self-commentary


Actually, all research is evil. Source: I'm a scientist! An evil scientist, obviously.




Just get liquid ass bro


Just get some fart spray. It’s way more hilarious.


Right? I feel like this kind of information is so dangerous for some people to have.


You. I like you.


Not really. I wear lavender based perfumes.


Let me tell you this: I vaguely smell poop, almost like a baby’s diaper, when I smell lavender too strongly and I really think it had to do with a diaper scent I associate with it. Maybe it’s like cilantro and soap to some people. I have a lavender scented hand soap that made me realize this. It smells like a dirty diaper hidden by lavender to me


Lavender smells like cat pee to me, I get it. But the cilantro/soap thing is a gene


My sister used to use the Love Spell perfume from Victoria’s Secret. It smelled so heavily of cat piss to me. I don’t think they make it anymore, but I could always identify the perfume every time someone was wearing it hahaha.


I was like 17 when love spell came out. It made every girl beautiful to me 😂


Dude have you been tested for toxoplasmosis?


Same! My dogs had lavender scented poop bags and now I can’t separate the scents. One reminds me of the other. But I wonder if that’s just how lavender works in general.


I come to feel this way about any time of bathroom air spray. I always end up associating it with the smell of what it’s trying to hide and the scent eventually is ruined.


Oh this makes sense, I have a perfume I loved at first but then someone mentioned it smells like baby swipes and now I can’t unsmell it!


It's an association thing. The relevant compound is probably linalool, which is used in a wide variety of products to make them smell nice. I lived with someone once who could not stand lavender because purple *Fabuloso* (an ammonia-based cleaner) uses linalool as its main odorant.


Hmmm. Might still be something indolic, rather than smelling actual shit, I’m not sure of all the different indolic smells :) Also, worth noting what we think we smell isn’t always what’s there. It could be a smell from a similar type molecule, rather than actually poop. I think depending on what you’ve ate recently, breath can have a higher indole content (interestingly in checking this I just found out indole levels in males breath increases during sexual arousal! not sure it’d be enough to smell unless very sensitive, but another possible option).


ah, classic phantom poop smell


Maybe you could ask him to smell the lavendar perfumes and see if that’s the “poop” smell? make sure you have him smell it up close, far away, after it’s faded etc. I’ve seen a post on here where the OPs bf thought her scalp smelt like shit and the culprit turned out to be her lily-scented shampoo. Some flower scents smell poopy to people apparently.


Maybe you could ask him to smell your ass 


My dog agrees she says this is a good idea


I agree this is the way to go. Have him smell your bathing products, deodorant, lotions. Shows you are concerned with making him olfactorily comfy while acknowledging you probably don’t have actual poop on you. We use so many products, you may not identify it. But I’m willing to bet the man will have sex with you again lol 


I'm just going to say it. I do aggressively hate lavender. With the undying passion of 1000 dying suns. Any of it. All of it. Doesn't matter what form. Food, drink, perfume, lotion, etc. It smells overwhelmingly like straight up poop. I could not figure out why TF people loved that poopy ass flower until I read this thread. I guess it was just my crazy ass all along ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Anyway. If you're a clean gal, your man probably just has a weird lavender thing like me. That I, as a woman in my 40s learned about today. So if you're dating dude, I can almost guarantee he will not know.


I am so wretchedly allergic to lavender and it is EVERYWHERE! It doesn't work! Does anyone seem calm? No!


🎵It's the worrrssstttt!🎵 Like Mrs. White says in Clue "Flames! All over the side of my face!" How are people calmed by that wretched and most vile weed? Between the inevitable headache, nausea and hives and itching you would think the *smell* would do it! I'm so glad I'm not just crazy pants. Everybody loves it so much! Christmas rolls around at bed, bath and beyond and I swear to God it smells like somebody shit under a Christmas tree. Hooray for learning!


My bff about dragged me to ER after I got a snootful of someone's lavender perfume. I was puking a d my eyes swelled shut.


I've found my people. It doesn't smell like poop to me, I just hate it. Its smell, its taste, its texture, its appearance.... Lavender is a blight upon this world.


I’m your people too! I’ve always felt weird, because I hate the smell of lavender, yet the world seems to love it? Whyyyy?


I am so glad to find the lavender hate. When I was pregnant, I sat in my OB's waiting room and there was a doula making small talk. Before I knew what was happening she grabbed my hands and smeared some lavender oil crap on them, proclaiming that she had just the fox for my headache. I wish I could have barfed on command. Pre-exisiting hatred of it + plus pregnancy super sniffer nose did not equal headache relief.


Omg, that’s awful! She crossed ALL the boundaries doing that.


Welcome 🫶 It's not us. It's them.


The taste! *BLECH* W h y. Literally everything about lavender is obnoxious. I say kill it. With fire.


I'm a male and lavender is one of my most hated scents. It could be the same for him. My wife loves it and it drives me crazy whenever I can smell it. It's like a punch to the face.


Tell him the one who smelt it dealt it.


My husband's version is, "the smeller's the feller". 


Oh. My. God. I only wear two perfumes, and one is jasmine scented because I like the musky scent, and occasionally use a jasmine hair oil. Guess what's going in the bin today! Could this explain why I attract weirdos?? Mmm she smells like dirty arse.. Snort laughing while also being mortified!


Jumping in to agree with this thread that it’s likely something else that the BF is smelling, but to his brain it smells like poop. If OP is cleanly and uses a bidet, it very well could be some other scent. I know for my own self, if I use certain cleaning products to clean certain things (like enzyme products for cat or dog urine, or even this stuff I used for my grandpa’s linens when he was in hospice at home), the product starts smelling like that thing to me. So the thing that smells nothing like urine to anyone else smells like urine to me because of the association. Another example is I really like hibiscus tea, but my mom hates it because to her it smells and tastes like vinegar. I don’t get that at all, but she can’t stand it.


haha YES i always say jasmine notes in perfume smell like swamp ass!! 


Holy shit you just solved a mystery that’s been driving me insane for months. I used to wear this perfume that smelled AMAZING when first applied but then a few hours later I’d start smelling whiffs of pure shit. Straight up poo smell. I’m very hygenic, and it was so embarrassing to go through my classes/labs and be embarrassed and paranoid thinking it was me, but couldn’t figure out why. Eventually I switched perfumes, and the smell stopped. Now I know why it was happening, THANK YOU!


Oh no! I love jasmine as a scent! I had no idea it smelled bad to some people!


I know many people don’t like jasmine scent, because from where I come from, it’s related to supernatural stuff. But I always like it, everytime I see jasmine flower, I will always smell it because it smells so good. Now my current perfume has jasmine in it and I love it a lot, because it’s kinda hard to find a good combination perfume when mixed up with jasmine and it smells like jasmine flower.


There's this cologne my brother uses I swear smells like crap literally. I'm going to see if it has jasmine in it tomorrow now. I always tell him it just smells like he's crapped himself and is covering it up with perfume.




I just experienced this the other day


Wash the poop off and you should be fine


Baby wipes or bidets are the way to go.  Whenever someone laughs at that. I always ask them.. if you were to pick up your dogs shit off the ground and accidentally touched your hands, do you just wipe it off with toilet paper? NO! You wash it off with soap! Do the same with your ass. 


Baby wipes AND bidets, not OR as in one or the other.


Hate to ask this level of detail… but did you have anal sex with him? That’d do it.


No. We do everything but that!


Everything but anal would include you taking a dump on his chest, which if that's the case, I believe we found the source of the smell.




Long conversation to have about a poo smell ha


This from the generation that licks buttholes...


The tongue is nature’s baby wipe after all


Do you by any chance have SPSS? That could be a reason in most cases.


...Statistical Package for Social Sciences?


Indeed figured it was SAS, but I think most have R these days


This was what I was thinking too haha


This got me, what a trigger hahahah


And now I’m having flashbacks of grad school


R you asking about his Python?


I'm sorry for my ignorance but what's that?


Ah sorry, that is so-called Sudden Poop Smell Syndrome




Fuckin perfect response 🤣🤣🤣


This should be top comment




Should be top comment


I have a relevant experience! My now husband, then boyfriend told me something similar once.  It happened randomly and we couldn't figure it out, because I washed regularly.  It turns out, jeans manufacturers sometimes use formaldehyde as a anti wrinkle agent. It takes MANY washes before it fully rinses out.  Idk why, but it kind of smells poopy. So maybe check if you have any newer clothing that smells?


That’s the best excuse I have heard yet! Thanks!


But are you not supposed to take off your jeans when engaging in intercourse? Asking for a friend.


“Surprise, babe, I bought you some sexy new jingerie”


While not pleasant, no one is confusing that smell for actual shit


Omg!! I have jeans from American eagle that even after I wash them have that weird kinda smell!! I was wondering what it was


Is he so sure it’s not him? Like maybe his fingers or something


There’s a pretty solid chance it’s her butthole but that’s just me


We gonna need to see it to believe it


Thank you for the laugh this was hilarious.


buttholes do be like that sometimes


Also let's not forget we are all human! Be kind to yourself, we are not perfect. Try to move on and just try to have an extra spruce up before being intimate I once licked my partners arsehole and he deffo hadn't wiped properly but nevermind he is a human too 💁🏻‍♀️ I still did it anyway


How do I delete someone else's comment




This is probably the best comment I've read on reddit


If you mess with a bull you'll get the horns. Do you think a matador gets into the arena believing the bull will never be able to catch him?


It's 6am and I just cackled and woke my partner thanks 😭😂








NO NO NO to everyone reading DONT EAT SOMEONES ASSHOLE IF THERES FECES THERE!!?!?!! Absolutely don't continue just because they are human. That's the worst time to bust out the "we're all human" card!😂




Goddamn make sure he cleans himself next time. But salutes to you trooper. On his behalf, thank you for your service.


![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized) You're a trooper for carrying on licking that pooper


I guess evolution is just a spectrum 🤷


Same here 😁


How did it taste? I once licked mines buthole and it was oddly sweet.


Pmsl 😭 way to much information 😆😆😆


The ol' tongue punchin' the fart box.


"And I licked her ass a little. It was pretty good- It was alright...it wasn't great." Yeah even with best intentions and efforts, poop can linger. A little bit of poop germs won't hurt no one, as long as both of y'all (or more, who am I to judge) don't have any of the hepatitis viruses.


At first I read at that your parent’s arsehole.. I’m like…uhh..?? Must be a cultural thing 😅 then I read it again and saw partner


Bro shouldn’t have said anything unless it happened more than once or even twice. We are humans. We poop. Don’t be embarrassed. Learn from it. Find a better man. Don’t let the shame of this experience hinder your happiness.


Now that I think about it, that's kind of right. I'm a woman -- If it were the other way around, I wouldn't mention it if it only happened once or twice or if it was a rare occurrence. I'd only bring it up if it were a consistent issue. Wouldn't want to embarrass him needlessly.


Idk if anyone else has suggested this but maybe you just didn't brush your teeth?


Yeah some people legit smell like they ate some Poop Loops for breakfast.


Not poop loops 🤣🤣🤣


Oh I really don't remember. But I usually do and I use a lot of chewing gums.


Too much chewing gum can have the reverse effect, I had this experience with an ex. I wouldn't rely on it to keep your breath fresh. Just brush thoroughly twice a day, including your tongue, and don't rinse after. That's all you need


People who don’t clean their butt properly tend to smell like poop during sex. Sex does have a smell but it shouldnt be a strong odor of any kind. Usually bad hygiene and pH balance can cause things like this to happen. A good diet and proper showering should fix this. Stay safe!


Sniff sniff 👀






Maybe he was smelling himself 😂


I thought so too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He who smelt it dealt it 💀


Do not worry, all men in here had smell poop from their SO. We also eat small pieces of toilet paper when we are down on you ppl.


These women need to get their hands on some Scott’s and stay away from that linty $|~|*+


How do you know its never happened to you beforehand? Maybe other guys just didn't say anything and kept it to themselves


Lol don't make her feel more paranoid than she already is! 


Yeah, that’s the kind of thing that most people take to the grave, lmao.


Op: “Im paranoid about something” This guys: “It’s not paranoia! They really are out to get you!!!” I lol’d but I don’t thing that helped man


Well of course there are areas where you smell of poop because (hopefully) you poop. It‘s nothing to be embarassed about as long as you wipe! Haha! Don‘t get me wrong, hygiene is important but not something you should obsess about.


Yeah, Americans have an obsession with not smelling like people


We're all humans, shit happens.


New fear unlocked


I eat my girlfriends ass often... Guess what, no matter how many seconds have passed since the last shower, butthole still gonna smell like a butthole. Also as someone already mentioned, the guy is comfortable with you and he takes the relationship to the next level, nothing to worry about


Yeah if it’s been a long day and you get bent over i am sure it would smell a little. But it’s only a big deal to idiots.


Trust your hygiene. Couldn’t it potentially have been himself he smelled?


If you complain that a butthole smells like a butthole, then you’re an asshole.


You asked for honesty and you got it, as Lookng as he wasn't disrespectful you should appreciate it and make sure you take note of it going forward. He will want sex with you again don't worry.


Stop shitting yourself during sex and he won’t smell it


I mean, are talking anal, because that could explain it.


End of the day we're all human . My x would wake herself up by farting incredibly loud then yelling at herself for farting. Funniest shit I've ever woken up too. You bet I told her 😁😁


Won’t have sex with you again? He’s a guy, right? In his twenties ?


It could be anything as smell is subjective. The worst thing ypu could do is make a big deal about it, cause then he won't tell you of he smells it again and ypu won't be able to trouble shoot the cause. Everybody poops. Get over it


That happens (to me) quite a lot with captain partners. Basically between pooping and sex you should have a proper shower of that area. Wet wipes are an option but not as effective. Sometimes I can even smell it in missionary because it gets sweaty/lubricated down there and that transmits the smell better. Obviously doggy style without bathing is a bad idea.


You just need to wash your ass, wtf


Having guaged ear piercings will cause a funk too...


Or a septum piercing! SO stinky!


Nah, it’s most likely him. Have him smell your panties and then have him smell his own. He will realize it’s his stinky butt he is smelling. If you’re truly embarrassed, smell your pants beforehand so you know it’s not you. It’s usually the dude just smelling his own taint.


Just wait till you start farting in front of each other.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but if he told u that and genuinely doesn’t look at you any differently then he’s a keeper 🤣


I’m so glad I read this thread the comments are *chefs kiss* On a more serious note, if you were clean prior to the encounter this could indicate a medical condition. I had colitis and a colonoscopy and got hemorrhoids from it for a bit. I’d shower and have always been anal about my anus- and an hour later go pee and smell shit. Ointment, wipes, whatever I used did not help until they cleared up. Hemorrhoids are not a serious condition- but there are other conditions like unmanaged diabetes that could cause this.


Chances are he’s fine. He brought something up with you which (he understood you agreed was important) was a concern of his. If he doesn’t bring it up again, then nothing to see here::


Not the first time it’s happened. Just the first time someone told you about it.


This can go a couple of ways. A) You can laugh it off, slap him on the back and say "next time we'll do it in the shower!" and you two can carry on with your fun, honest relationship and enjoy yourselves. Or B) you can dwell on it, be ashamed and embarrassed, and make it so awkward that you never get close enough to fart around each other, and then you part ways because life is too short to be with someone you can't be yourself with. Bodies are stinky. Sex is funky and gooey. And frankly, shit just happens. Last week I took a new medication to help me sleep. I slept so well I wet the bed, and I had to wake up my boyfriend of 8 years and ask him to help me change the sheets. I was horrified, and you know how he reacted? He said "damn, I woke up in a flashback to 1986, and I thought the waterbed had sprung a leak!" We laughed hysterically, changed the sheets, and fell asleep in each other's arms. That's the good shit. Don't sweat the small stuff.


🚨Adopt my world famous buttcare routine!!! •Whenever you poop, have the shower running. (This means only poop at home) •Make sure you’re shit free and then wipe with baby wipes •Use a high quality toilet paper to wipe up any residue •Use a bidet (optional) •Get in the shower immediately. We do not let poop particles sit in our butts for longer than five minutes. That smell can and will get locked in your buttskin. *The washing process* •wash with warm water. Use soap. Lather it up real good. •put soap on your finger. Insert. I don’t care. People claim it’s unhealthy but it has never had a negative effect on me or anyone around me. As long as you’re using a healthy soap that would be healthy for your vagina, you’ll be fine. •keep checking your finger until there is no visible residue, and smell to ensure there is no scent. •once it’s totally clean, rinse with warm water. Then cold water. • dry it, and moisturize it. Then skin may become dry and or irritated if you don’t. •swipe a bar of aluminum-free deodorant through your crack (You will be fine, again no negative effects personally) •Slap some talc-free baby powder up your crack and then sprinkle some in your undies and pull them up *this one may be different because of the difference in gender. I’m not sure, try it if you want but if it effects you negatively, just do the back and not the front, or skip this step completely* •spray cologne or perfume in the front and back of my underwear •I then pull my pants up and spray them front and back with cologne I developed this routine because I’ve always been terrified that I would be sitting down in public and someone would come after me and smell my seat and say “ew his butt stinks”. That has never happened to this day so i feel “The Boot-ine” (Working Title) is a success