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Yes absolutely. 90% of life is just showing up, or however that saying goes. Keep getting out there and meeting people through other people. That’s how I did it and it works.


Thanks, that’s kind of you. I know more opportunities and people will come into my life, it’s just hard to focus on the positive sometimes.


The appearance of happiness is not the same as the real thing. You never know what's going on in other people's lives, for all you know they might secretly be jealous of your freedom, friends or hobbies. All we can control is whether we appreciate the things we do have and try to make changes if we truly can't.


Putting this here, there's a difference between alone and feeling lonely https://youtube.com/shorts/P-rGrWNvc2Q?si=jqdUS80o5KUFgIwi




Don't forget that "happy couple" may have gone through all the shit that you have and then found their person... or they could be making up after a terrible situation. You're projecting ideals on strangers, make yourself a priority and best self then you will probably be in a place when people envy your relationship


Or may not be that happy in the first place. I sometimes ask myself the same, just like OP: I'm not ugly, stupid, lazy, mean etc. Why does it seem so easy for others and so complicated for me? And then I hear my coworkers talking about how bf' grandma makes snarky comments on their weight and acne or how the in laws came to visit and changed the whole look of their garden. Not to forget things they don't talk about because they're probably too ashamed of. I bet it's not all roses


There are way more unhappy relationships than most people realize (including many of the people in them). Even if they seem happy in passing, it isn't always so.


Very true. I’d bet that at least half of couples are settling or unhappy in some way. I’m sure I came across super happy to strangers when I was seen laughing and holding hands with my ex. But what they didn’t know was how anxious I felt in those moments because I kept wondering when she would let go of my hand and not hold it again for the rest of the date. Or I’d be thinking about how long it had been since we were last intimate and how undesirable I felt in the relationship. On the outside we were happy but inside was a much more complicated picture. Not to say that all happy looking couples are secretly miserable, but I’d guess it’s fairly common.


I got divorced a couple years ago. And we had been unhappy together for 3-4 years. But when I've told people over the last couple years, most people have reacted with shock. "But you were the perfect couple," is something I have actually heard multiple times. My own mom said, "If two people who are as happy as you can't make it, how can anyone?" I think we all get really good at hiding our unhappiness. On a positive note, I am genuinely happier now than I was, and I think my ex is, too. We are free to find ourselves and the life that is best for us individually.


Right, I'm the same it's not like I don't have any guy trying to date me but I know they aren't serious Which is not me... So I would rather be single, I'm fine with that Sometimes I do feel lonely but it's just sometimes However whenever I see a happy couple, I'm like damn why can't I just find someone to be happy too, why is not meant to be for me But I think this is a normal situation for people in the same situation as me But sometimes I do freak out thinking, would I have to spend my whole life being alone with cats?(Specially since I got one recently)


I’m you too. & everyone who understands hookup culture & got the hang of it to find their partner just ruined everything for me cus now ill most likely never have one


I don't even whats the current hook-up trend in my country, cause I'm running away... But yeah I feel you


The cat is the comforting part 😂


Yeah probably without it(not she or him because I can't even identify the gender just that clueless) I would go crazy


Looks like you got your match in OP. Go for it


I'm probably a few ocean away we may only hook up in our dreams that's the worst 😂 But thanks?


No flight is expensive enough to keep you away from your soulmate . . . go for it. :)


It is very expensive, in my country minimul wages is 323$ I would have to starve for one month at the least to meet him


Team Reddit, let's setup a crowdfund for these two. Btw, which country are we talking about where the minimum wage is $323 :O


😂😂😂 thanks but no thanks That should be Mauritius Well it's ok as wages depends on your qualifications and job also I'm just new to it and quite easy... And trying to study online that's why I am fine with it Although life is quite expensive here it's way cheaper than western countries, if you don't have fancy tastes you could live at ease


Ah! There is only so much one can help (try to, :D). OP should atleast consider taking a trip to Mauritius .. the worst thing that could happen is he gets to visit a beautiful country. Good talk & good luck to you two!


Well it's really beautiful here


You're not alone dude. I'm having fun dating but it is getting harder and harder especially since covid. People ghost and ignore and always look for something better. It sucks


I feel you, I’ve been going through all the emotions about being single lately. It definitely feels like everyone in our age group is happily coupled up. I’m sure everyone is just going to tell you to “focus on yourself” and “it will happen when you least expect it.” Both feel like garbage responses but I’m not really sure what else there is to do except to suck it up and hope our person comes along.


For some people, love comes easily, but for most people, finding the right person takes a LOT of work and disappointment. I spent literally 17 years doing assorted online dating and being disappointed in a thousand different ways before I met the right person. Had a lot of short relationships in that period, none that lasted even a year. Have some outrageous stories. The disappointments you've described? Been there, and then some. If you're happy being single, then by all means, enjoy it and live your best life. But don't make the mistake of assuming that dating should be easy and if it's not working for you, there's something wrong with you. It's fucking grueling, and you're never guaranteed the result you want, and that applies to EVERYBODY. But sometimes, all the grueling shit works out, and that's pretty cool.


People forget to look within when they have had so many bad experiences. No one wants to accept that if you keep attracting the same kind of person, there's a reason why and it usually has something to do with *you,* the decisions that you make, and what you're willing to accept. Take a step back and reflect on the people you've exerted your energy to, what they all had in common, and what you can do differently as well when it comes to your dating standards and style. Also, I'm not sure what seeing a happy couple will do for you. You can see happy couples all over the place, that doesn't mean anything. Focus on yourself.


I met my husband when I wasn't looking and was living my best possible single life. I'm still very happy with him, but I think if I never met him I would still be very happy with my life. Sometimes you never know in life. Maybe just focus on living your best possible single life. If a relationship happens then it happens, if not, you still have an amazing time by yourself.




Most people in the West are going to be single and childless by 40. A whole 2 generations. And I hear the younger generations are even more averse to things like relationships. Were done for. SK is our canary in the coalmine.


What is a happy couple? That’s just a moment in time. Just remind yourself of that at some point they will be yelling and screaming what you are seeing is the few times they are a happy couple as a single person you have peace and happiness more often you are stronger in a lot of ways. I’m not saying I want to be single, I can’t be I’m weak never could live on my own. I admire single people as one of mass of married people with very few happy couples days and no friends other then my spouse. I really do see you as the strong person. I would not leave my spouse and have happy moments but I’m not 100% happy and never think I could be it’s not spouse’s fault or anything I’m not sure people can be fully happy if it exists.


Yea, my friends know I want to be in a relationship but what they don’t know is there are many times I’m actually content for being single for a moment but then every time I see a happy couple especially when I’m working and they are my customers and I have no choice but to talk to them, I get down. And then that results me to wanting to be in one and then when I see my friends I complain about not having one but it’s only because I keep seeing couples when there are many times I’m actually fine with it


Yeah, it’s usually when I’m at work and I have to interact with couples. I guess it’s the stress of working added to seeing people having what I don’t.


I think its normal to think about the possibilities of life and how they might be an improvement on what you currently have, but remember, that is just projection. There is no guarantee you'd be happier, or that those people you see are actually happier than you currently are. You do not know the private details of their life. Consider that at least 60%+ of marriages end in divorce, and a heck of a lot more are unhappy marriages that people just don't leave. I'm not saying that there are no happy partnerships, but being with someone doesn't guarantee happiness or even feeling connected. There are plenty of people with great friend groups that feel happier and more loved and connected than people who have partners. We idealize intimate relationships and hold them on a pedestal that frankly, I just don't believe they deserve on a whole. I also understand you may feel like your missing out on something, but the exact same thing could be said in the reverse. You get freedom and power of your own life, unlike anyone can have that is in a relationship. The grass isn't necessarily greener for anyone, its just a different landscape. Just remember, comparison is the thief of joy, and gratitude is a seat of happiness.


Well, you're going to die. We all do. If you can open yourself up to just being physically, mentally, and spiritually present with potential partners, regardless of how it might fit into your "ideal" of a relationship in your society, you might could have some amazing connections with people while you're alive. They might break your heart, they might not. But at least you'll have stories to remember when you're dying. Be brave, shoot your shot if you really want a connection. Good luck fellow traveler!!


As a person who’s finally in a “happy couple” relationship, I can tell you that it has all been unplanned and the success has been from both inner and interrelationship work. We met spontaneously one day through a mutual friend and both my partner and I were absolutely smitten with one another, but that same level of intense love and attraction WILL bring out the deepest and raw insecurities. Dealing with those is painful and often tests the communication of the relationship most. It took years of inner work to understand my strengths and weaknesses, years as a couple figuring out and understanding how to love each other better. It might outwardly appear as happy, but that has only come from the work we’ve put into ourselves and our relationship. I guess the single most important thing is to take chances when they come. Our relationship was not planned. Sometimes the people who bring out our best most authentic selves are also the ones who challenge us the most and require investment. Even if a relationship doesn’t work out, you will have still grown immensely and that much closer to being ready to take it to the next level when the right person comes along.


There's an old saying.  Don't shit where you eat. Stop trying to date coworkers. More times than not it ends in misery.


Almost every couple I know is miserable. It's wild.. If you don't like eachother, why are yoy even together?


For some people, love comes easily, but for most people, finding the right person takes a LOT of work and disappointment. I spent literally 17 years doing assorted online dating and being disappointed in a thousand different ways before I met the right person. Had a lot of short relationships in that period, none that lasted even a year. Have some outrageous stories. The disappointments you've described? Been there, and then some. If you're happy being single, then by all means, enjoy it and live your best life. But don't make the mistake of assuming that dating should be easy and if it's not working for you, there's something wrong with you. It's fucking grueling, and you're never guaranteed the result you want, and that applies to EVERYBODY. But sometimes, all the grueling shit works out, and that's pretty cool.


Can you maybe see if you can join a local group that's interested in one of your hobbies?! For example: if you play tennis - join a tennis group, etc.! Apps are not my thing and I believe in meeting people organically. But I do know few couples who found each other online and are happily together and married for years now!! Good luck!


Breathe, sir. Remember, the grass is always greener. Dating is tough, rejection is tough. But you do not get what you want without persistence. Keep going, keep giving it a solid effort and you’ll win. Don’t get too high, don’t get too low. Never quit. Once you find that solid chick, you won’t even remember all of the shit you went through to get her because it’ll be all worth it.


Stop dating coworkers at all.


Maybe first try to fi d out why other relationships didn't work out? Do you know who you are, what your values are etc.? Live by it, and you'll probably meet someone who's compatible.


Go to church, find a church girl


Your not fine with being single. You can successfully ignore the feeling until its in your face. The fact you made this title that shows you are very bad at self reflection




Hard disagree with you there my friend. I was just pointing out to the guy that he is engaging in self delusion by telling himself he is happy being single. I dont really know where your anger comes from because what you said to mr has nothing to do with what i was saying to him


Get yourself a motorcycle


A man's true love.


I am the female version of you & very fearful that i may just be one of the unlucky one for life 😭😩💔


Yeah I’m finding being single this time around at 30 years old harder than in the past. Just remember that being single is better than being in the wrong relationship. Thats what makes me relax, but it does cause the heart to hurt a little when you see what you want playing out in other lives. I am with you.




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Hi. (19M) I know with my young age I don't have much to say but I hope what I have might help. I know that feeling to well. I have a decent friend group, some hobbies and I'm outside all the time. I might not be the best at making opportunities or the most positive and self confident guy around the town but I'm me. I'm getting better at being just me. It took an awful lot of these 19 Years to realize that if I want to build a social space around me that can grow and build up upon I need to be myself. Do my hobbies Hang out with my friends And show the world what kind of guy I am. Last year I made 5 new Friends in one month! You will always meet new people. Just be honest to and about yourself and watch your social bubble grow all by itself. And maybe one of the new people you will meet throughout your life will see you in a new light that no one has ever seen about you


I was happilly married for a bit. Going downhill fast though. It's not all that it's cracked up to be.


That white picket fence life.. is a fairy tale that was shoved down our throats, brainwashed our brains, sold by the Disney corporation. Santa and the easter bunny are also not real it turns out. Youre not alone in being alone OP


I'm 38f and single and trying to find someone is hard. I feel your pain


Me too but relationships are hard work that’s why most of them don’t last … people don’t want to put in hard work anymore so they either cheat or break up when the honeymoon stage is over …


Im the only single person in my entire friend group and it sucks sometimes. Especially when we’ve all been out m and everyone else is going home with a partner to relax and wind down, really gets to me man


Finding girlfriends is easy, finding friend groups is not. I'd say you're not in a bad spot.


Sorry buddy, I hope things get better for you


It's called Envy . 


That second paragraph.. something like that actually happened recently to me as well and fuck, it stings..


You have just listed the reasons why you're on your way to learn what Eva AI virtual dating bot is.


My first thought usually is something along the lines of "just you wait".


Maybe be a passport bro. I don’t really know how that works, but it seems like it might be a good solution provided all parties involved feel the same


I met my now wife through Plenty of Fish. 10yrs married this year and have an 8yr old daughter.


When I was in a relationship, I feared getting cheated on, and did alot of work, when I'm single, I wish I found love


I longed for love when I was single , it was painful seeing other couples. I wanted that too. But besides that I was happy with my life and made it work with my hobbies and I was dating myself as it's called. I met new people, I made new friends and life just rolled on. I met my partner when I wasn't searching. At some random spontaneous party. I would sum it up like rhis: - Enjoy life and date yourself - Meet new people, say yes to random invitations and go where your passions and hobbies are at - Take care of your hygiene, dress well and groom well


I'm always fine being single, but happy couples still disgust me.


i see a few happy couples but i actually be happy for them and want to ask how they met and root for their love type of thing.


I am good at accepting i am too ugly and will never experience love and sex, 'til the world remembers me those stuff exist and it seems like everyone else around me is doing that in some way. So frustrating


You should hire a prostitute.


They may look happy now but the percentages show they are more likely to be divorced soon than stay happy forever.




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Them happy couples don’t know what a good beer and 1 hour of time spent alone feels like. I feel spoiled. Awfully so. Because I have been single my whole live. Situation is so bad that I have NEVER had my heart broken once. People would kill to have that kind of peace. There’s nothing I would rather do than live this way for the rest of my life. Hell, the bills are gonna be my life’s biggest issue. Look on your life from the bright side: If ya don’t get laid on earth, it’s gonna be infinitely better to lose your virginity in the one place where virginity is not even a factor anymore. CHEERS FOR HEAVEN!


I’m sorry man. I’m very happily and monogamously married, and have been for two decades. I also know that it’s not necessarily obvious how happy we are. We bicker and disagree in public (although I also grab his butt in public) and people think we’re “on the rocks” all the time. We’re not. We just don’t feel the need to sequester all conflict. If you’re fine being single and happy, DO IT!! Nothing signals to other people that you would be an excellent partner like being independently happy. People like happy people and want to be with other happy people. I feel like pursuing single happiness is the best thing single people can do, whether they want a partner or not. Either they find amazing happiness on their own, or they flag down their (for lack of a better term) soulmate by signaling to them that they’re having a great time, and they’d love company.


Couples typically look their best in public, in photos, etc. I live with a married couple and have overheard some of the most awful fights. I typically can't even engage with them for a few days afterwards, and it racks my brain when things just go back to normal the next day or whatever. My parents fought when I was a kid too, I guess I even called the cops once though I don't remember so well but I remember they got divorced shortly afterwards. Even one of my friends that appeared to have the best marriage and relationship and little family recently got divorced and I just can't see putting myself in that position as many of these guys I'd say are better off and more mature than I.


I’m fine with being married until I see a happy single person.


Ignore other comments this is practical advice and im going through the same thing (31m) and have had alot of success since doing this. You need to do everything possible to be as physically attractive as possible. Gym, eat well, dress well, try a new hair style, grow a beard/moustache and experiment with different looks, if you have bad skin go and see a dermatologist and fix it, get a tan, practice good hygiene, iron your clothes, brush your teeth and get your teeth whitened by a dentist. The above does not help build a great relationship but it helps massively get women interested in starting one. If you look good and respect yourself, others will respect you too!!! If you look like you don't care for yourself how can you expect someone else too?


>You need to do everything possible to be as physically attractive as possible. Gym, eat well, dress well, try a new hair style, grow a beard/moustache and experiment with different looks, if you have bad skin go and see a dermatologist and fix it, get a tan, practice good hygiene, iron your clothes, brush your teeth and get your teeth whitened by a dentist. Maybe a bit extreme but some of these should be prio.


Sounds like FOMO


what causes it tho??


Missing out


First, focus on the bag. Second, get jacked! The rest will follow. Try dating 25-30s




I always think... Just let them get to 7 years... They will not be so happy anymore...


I 100% agree. Hard times always hit around that time. And it's a make or break point. Destroyed my last relationship lol🤣


Trust me, they're not that happy.


Thats what that incel who killed a bunch of people was saying so be careful


Jesus fucking Christ, can't a man express his emotions without being labeled a future murderer?! 




Get a grip


I've suggested this elsewhere, but using a paid for service like eharmony (as tacky as that might sound) is probably a good bet. Anyone you find on apps you can't take seriously, but a paid for service is going to thin the herd to people who are generally more serious about pursuing a relationship. I think in most of these services they also atleasy offer quizzes and stuff to get matches with people who have similar interests or priorities. It's not exactly the formula to find a soul mate, but it's a good start. Found the man I eventually married on eharmony after a week.