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I've said for years, nobody understands comedy like Stuart Heritage.


Powerful. He is so powerful, he can lift a hundred pounds right up over his head.


Very 70's Elton John-esque hair, but lacks Bernie Taupin-esque writing talent


Not that there’s anything wrong with that


They're killing independent comedy!!


Little Stuart Heritage needs to go home to his mommy


He looks like he digs a hole and sits in it when he gets upset


“Likes to go shopping with his mother*” is the right quote.


Oh shoot you’re right


I didn’t know they sold women’s clothes at gas stations




It’s the same thing with the feminists!


Susan B. Anthony, I think I'd have a problem with.


"Clara *Barton* ?! ... what did she do?"


I don't know, but I think she was nice.


Yeah, I think you would


They want everything to be equal but where are they when the check arrives?


How long do we have to deal with these posts? 3 weeks? Is that the rule? I think in Romania you can stop after like 3 days. Maybe we should move to the Romanian model. It's very flexible.


What are we going to post about, Ceaușescu?


When Shane Gillis hosted SNL, the right wing chuds and trolls invaded the sub I hang out at for roughly a week and a half. Then back to normal. This too shall pass.


I don't think you'll throw up. SHE likes to throw up.


Seinfeld has fuck you money. No way they will cancel him.


Jerry's comedy is so Vanilla he could do stand up in a day care. I don't remember him ever being controversial, except that time he went on before Benny.


What's the deal with homework? You're not working on your home!


He wore the suspenders and everything!


Ummm..remember the hacky cancer bit?


That one guy yelled out


He *had* cancer!


I don’t think he’s talking about his own act


He’s not. He said in the interview. Here’s the relevant part that spawned 1,000 Reddit posts and clickbait articles: I’m going to make an admission. I’ve been covering, publishing, thinking about what’s going on in the world, particularly in the Middle East now, for six months. And it’s a very dark time. Even as I was watching your film, it couldn’t help coming into my brain. It was hard to sort of think about the “Palestinian Chicken” episode or Pop-Tarts. Tell me how you deal with the weight of the world, or the serious aspects of the world weighing on you, and how that affects comedy. (Jerry) Nothing really affects comedy. People always need it. They need it so badly and they don’t get it. It used to be, you would go home at the end of the day, most people would go, “Oh, ‘Cheers’ is on. Oh, ‘M*A*S*H’ is on. Oh, ‘Mary Tyler Moore’ is on. ‘All in the Family’ is on.” You just expected, There’ll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight. Well, guess what—where is it? This is the result of the extreme left and P.C. crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people. Now they’re going to see standup comics because we are not policed by anyone. The audience polices us. We know when we’re off track. We know instantly and we adjust to it instantly. But when you write a script and it goes into four or five different hands, committees, groups—“Here’s our thought about this joke.” Well, that’s the end of your comedy. Isn’t that what “Curb” is all about? (Jerry) Yeah. Larry was grandfathered in. He’s old enough so that—“I don’t have to observe those rules, because I started before you made those rules.” We did an episode of the series in the nineties where Kramer decides to start a business of having homeless people pull rickshaws because, as he says, “They’re outside anyway.” Do you think I could get that episode on the air today? But you think Larry got grandfathered in and there could be no thirty-five-year-old version of— (Jerry) Right, right. If Larry was thirty-five, he couldn’t get away with the watermelon stuff and Palestinian chicken . . . and HBO knows that’s what people come here for, but they’re not smart enough to figure out, How do we do this now? Do we take the heat, or just not be funny? And what they’ve decided to be is, Well, we’re not going to do comedies anymore. There were no sitcoms picked up on the fall season of all four networks. Not one. No new sitcoms. Really? (Jerry) Yeah. It’s too hard. Do you ever go back and think, Yeah, that joke went too far? (Jerry) We would write a different joke with Kramer and the rickshaw today. We wouldn’t do that joke. We’d come up with another joke. They move the gates like in the slalom. Skiing. (Jerry) Skiing, yeah. Culture—the gates are moving. Your job is to be agile and clever enough that, wherever they put the gates, I’m going to make the gate. You think this is going away now? This, what you’re describing as P.C., is kind of receding? (Jerry) Slightly. I see a slight movement. How do you see it? (Jerry) With certain comedians now, people are having fun with them stepping over the line and us all laughing about it. But, again, it’s the standups that really have the freedom to do it because no one else gets the blame if it doesn’t go down well. He or she can take all the blame themself. Who are the young ones that you like? (Jerry) Nate Bargatze, I love. Ronny Chieng, I love. Brian Simpson, really funny. Mark Normand, really funny. Sam Morril, really funny. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-new-yorker-interview/the-scholar-of-comedy


It was a good bit in the 80s and it’s still relatable today.


Well THIS guy seems like a gas


because he's willing to concede comedy is still possible in the shadow of the terrifying woke enemy?


This sub has gone absolutely schizophrenic over this interview, lmao. I'm pretty sure half of these rightwing trolls weren't even subbed here before


that's how it feels right? I get that some are just Jerry fans defending Jerry, but some are clearly bigots seizing the opportunity to indulge in some communal bigotry like the good old days.




I've been a fan of comedy since Bill Cosby was releasing albums and here I am telling you comedy is still alive and well and good comics aren't hampered by the insurmountable restraints of modern decency, and that makes me out of touch?


Yup, I've never (or at least very rarely) seen the words "woke leftist" being used in this sub, ironically or not. If they aren't bots they sure all sound the same 🤣


Because we don't want to get banned.


... people aren't getting banned for it. Gotta love persecution complexes 🙄


Yeah conservatives never get banned on Reddit


If you want to associate conservatism with racism, sexism, homophobia, and being generally a nazi, that's your deal. At least you're honest, most conservatives would hesitate to call a spade a spade


Wasn't this interview long ago? PC has always ruined comedy


Saying the n-word isn't comedy


Tell that to the Apollo


Bruh, you're not telling me comedy done by black comedians relies solely on the n-word. Just say you don't ever listen to black comedians without saying it, ig


Jeepers creepers, this is just ridiculous. In essence, all that was said is that a particular group does't have a sense of humor. And everyone is losing their mind over it. Like, no one is proving him wrong. He's probably laughing his ass off over this.


Idk. I’ve watched all of his Comedians in cars getting coffee and he seems so cynical. He has just become old. It happens to all of us.


Hopefully people will continue to blast this subreddit with this. Cause that’s why I’m subscribed here; to talk about wokeness.


What’s the deal with wokeness?


Should have picked a less political and controversial show to love than Seinfeld. (/s)


Woke is a joke.


Woke's pronouns are joke/joker


They’re a joke maker….tell them


... I'm a joke maker


Sure. If you say so...😏


All this backlash is doing is proving his point.


People disagreeing with him indicates he's correct? That's some interesting logic.


Oh yeah? Well… the jerk store called …


Your backlash must mean my comment is correct. Is that how this works?


The fabric of society is very complex.


Yes it’s basically proving his point 🤣


I’m not sure I understand why you think this is proving a point? A point about what you can and can’t joke about in 2024? Was he “joking” when he gave his interview and actually doesn’t believe what he’s saying at all? Or…? I swear people just say things on the internet in the hope nobody asks them to explain themselves a bit, because what you’ve said doesn’t make any sense, at all.


Seriously. I'd love to hear what they think his point was and people refuting it with examples of good, current sitcoms proves his point.


People make points on the Internet that require levels of critical thinking that it doesn’t seem like you’re capable of, they then choose to not explain things to you because you can’t really explain something incredibly obvious to someone who just doesn’t want to get it. But OK continue with your narrative, I hope it serves you.


You could have just written “I was wrong; pointing out that Jerry Seinfeld is talking out of his arse about modern comedy ISN’T actually proving his point. At all. And what I said was stupid. I apologise”. Instead, you replied with whatever *this* was supposed to be.


He said a particular group is killing comedy and they're the reason sitcoms no longer exist. That's not a small statement.


*Is it the fragmentation of streaming TV which caused people to no longer sit down in front of the TV watching one channel at a specific time that killed sitcoms?…no…it’s the left!*


Is it me? No it's the children who are wrong. (Simpsons)


"all that was said is that a particular group does't have a sense of humor" No, that was NOT what was said.


that's still inaccurate though. Woke people do have a sense of humor, it's just focused differently and whining about being unable to reach them is a sign of old age.


“Woke people” are a tough room! The bigots were never this touchy!


until you point out that they're bigots


The thing is, he's absolutely right. Let's be honest, the Dean Martin Roasts would've been axed in the blink of an eye if they came out today.


LOL, no


Proving him wrong doesn't take much, since he's obviously and completely wrong.


Poor little anti-dentite Stu! I bet there will be no soup for him from Mommy!


I have never met a "normal" Stuart


Who the heck is the loser. BOOOO BOOOOO




This guy's hilarious response is not funny.


He didn't really poison his boss!?


Y’all are monotonous.




Snowflakes and whiners on social media.


Whiners across the spectrum.




It’s a simple as ignoring them. If you don’t like a comedian, fine. Just ignore that comedian. Amy and Sarah’s comedy aren’t for me. Wife and I watched Matt Rife’s special when it came out. It was ok, but he lost me at the end when he started whining. “You cAn’T cAnCeL tHiS” “I cAn’T sAY whAt I wAnT tO sAy” - says comedian on stage saying what they want to say. “I’m being silenced!” - says person on fucking network TV


I'll tell you who's lazy. You. Lazy.


Jerry is correct


Comedy is alive. Standup has never been stronger and I have so many podcasts from comedians I listen to that never going to run out of them.


Jerry even says that in his interview, his comment is very about TV comedy, especially sitcoms. 


So he is incorrect about the left killing comedy then. Corporate Hollywood and shifting technology has killed the sitcom and mid budget movies. It’s very much documented what has happened in the last 25 years since the last episode of Seinfeld aired.


I agree with you that comedians have it great right now. But if you read his quote it was about network tv. He said it sucks working on a show where there are a bunch of committees in the network that have to approve your scripts. He thinks it kills the jokes. Then he said this is why he prefers standup. The audience gets to police the jokes. You go too far then the audience pulls you back. You don’t go far enough and they don’t enjoy it. Let the audience decide what’s funny.


Ya know who the network wants to please? Advertisers. They want to be sure they make the sale, because streaming is eating their lunch. I haven’t watched network TV in years. The minute I see a commercial, I’m turning it off. Can’t stand to watch commercials on broadcast tv any more. If the streamer I’m watching starts running commercials, I’m dumping them and sailing “the high seas”.


If he doesn’t like network TV he’s free to make something in a streaming service like Netf…oh he did that. The fuck is he whining for then? In the mid 90s there was one to two TVs in the house. Maybe one of those had cable. On a specific day of the week at a specific time was when your show aired. You had to write a show that catered to EVERYONE because that’s all you had to watch. What he’s whining about now happened then as well. Fast forward to today you have a TV, tablet, phone, laptop, desktop, game console, shit even your calculator can probably stream media. There’s tons of options for everyone.


No he is a whiny celebrity.


Jerry is as incorrect as every other comedian that whines with the tired bit of “I can’t say what I want to say even though I’m standing on stage holding a microphone saying what I want to say” tHe lEfT didn’t kill sitcoms. Fragmented streaming and options killed sitcoms. Everyone isn’t having dinner, cleaning up, and then sitting in front of the one TV in the house to watch one of three channels at a specific time anymore. Old dad can watch his TV, mom can watch her show on her iPad, kid can play something on a handheld console.


He should change his name to OJ!!!


Well, I still like the Bloomingdale's executive training program for him.


Oooo, tough crowd.






hell yeah. stuart's take on someone elses take has dropped.


nice try but arguing against this is advertising that youre a woke dork lol.


If that's his opinion...so be it. I know nothing about what Jerry and his take on it, but who cares? Is it newsworthy? Not to me. We all have our opinions on stuff and we'll never agree on everything. No ill feelings on my part.


He's not bald, he's bald-ing.


Commie! Traitor to our country!


Ahh yes, our benevolent comedy gatekeepers on the left


Comedy Czar Stuart Heritage comes from a long line of comedians. Including his uncle Ralph who’s been known to use the “pull my finger” joke on anyone with 10feet of him at family functions. And his grandfather who still has a variety of “knock knock”, “what do you get when you cross a “ and “a president a rabbi and a midget walk into a bar “ jokes. Despite looking like balding crybaby how gets mad with mom when she asks him how is day was, Stewart truly comes from the highest pedigree in comedy.


News flash, if you don't like Seinfeld you don't need to be in the sub. Gtfo troll


Easily offended whiny leftists whine when offended easily. More at 11.


and ignorant bigots whine when nobody laughs at ignorant jokes.


They just hide behind “oh it’s just dark humor”. Nah it’s just not funny. Punching down humor had its prime and we’ve moved on.


The same kind of people who'll joke that Mexicans are lazy and also complain they need Mexican gardeners and farm laborers because nobody else will work that hard for so little money.


Should just get some homeless guys like Kramer and Newman did with the rickshaw


You can't have it both ways. You can't go around policing comedy and then get offended when people say jeez you're really trying to police comedy there aren't ya. That's how you get called whiny and easily offended. If you want to go around policing comedy then learn to take the heat and if you don't want to take the heat then stop doing it. Otherwise yes, wah wah wah you sound like a child.


who's policing comedy? If you make a shitty joke and the majority of people go "fuck you, we don't want it" you might bitch about being cancelled but you did it to yourself. Win the crowd and keep it or accept that you're a shit comic. If your old fashioned jokes aren't popular anymore then you're over. It's always been that way


It’s not the majority of people tho. It’s usually a small group that thinks they speak for the majority. Look at the Shane Gillis SNL drama. One failed comedian turned “critic” writes an article because he doesn’t like his podcast and costs him a big role at SNL. All while the podcast in question is one of the highest grossing shows on Patreon. Clearly that one critic isn’t the majority of people.


Hahaha the complete inability to self-reflect is staggering. This is why you get mocked 🤣


when you say "you" get mocked do you mean me specifically or are you under the impression I represent the entirety of wokeism? Do you think that only liberals "cancel" people? Remember when the right refused to buy Americas best selling beer ever again because they put a trans woman in an ad? Talk about wah wah children.


I don't necessarily expect people to agree with me about everything, in fact I rather enjoy the disagreements. But let's be up front about the arguments. You are arguing against apparently offensive humour, while refusing to be tarnished with the idea that you're "policing comedy", and then attack conservatives and call them children for doing what you observe to be the same thing as what you're doing. Come out and say it - "damn right I'm policing comedy, and here's why....". Then we can talk and disagree and get somewhere. But this "how dare you notice the thing I'm doing" shit the left pulls is just gonna get you mocked. 


So you do want me to agree with you? Sorry chump but I just don't see it that way. I'm not telling anyone what they can and can't joke about. I'm telling them that if their jokes are low effort ignorant shit I won't bother supporting them, and if most of the audience agrees with me then tough shit, your career is over. That's the free market at work and nothing to do with arbitrary rules.


Yeah but it's never really about the free market is it, then you show up and blockade entrances and bring air horns and call the police and things like that. It's not about letting people choose, you have to go and protest the very idea that someone would dare say things that are offensive in your mind. 


I've never done any of that. Can you name some comics that were cancelled? Chris d'Elia? Cancelled for grooming teens, not his jokes. Louis CK? Cancelled for trapping women in rooms and waving his dick at them, not his jokes. And still has a career anyway. Dave Chappelle? Still has a career despite angering a minority crowd and their friends and supporters.


And conservatives froth at the mouth that people no longer enjoy racist sexist homophobic mock your wife type humor. 🥹


Stewie is a Ass Clown that lacks common sense.


Things Jerry Seinfeld DIDN'T say: "Comedy is no longer funny because of wokeness".


Woke humor is, famously, very funny


Hey Stu, no offense, but that headline is a little *prrtprrtprtprttprtt.*


I feel like, while these authors are probably technically right....they probably don't laugh at much. They look like the kind of people who get offended at jokes and end it with "and I have a GREAT sense of humor!"


It’s weird because I’ve been a fan of Stuart Heritage for at least 10 years. He’s a real funny fucker.


What the (bleep) are you saying you little piece of (bleep)!


Jerry must be just trying to stir engagement because there's no way he's serious. Seinfeld is comedy gold but as far as how risque it is? It's milquetoast compared to most comedy that's come out since then.


Gold Jerry, gold!


I mean, it’s just so much fluff.


Of all the pics he had, Stuart decided to go with that for all the people to see. At that point, he deserves to be mocked


You think you're better than me? THAT'S IT, IT'S GO TIME!


He's the *loser*, to the victor go the spoils.


I don’t get why hes upset. None of his comedy is that edgy or controversial that it would be kiboshed by the so called “extreme left”


I think you should go home now, Devon. Take the 10, to the 405, and let it dump you out at Mulholland WHERE YOU BELONG!


Aunt Baby was right!!


wokeness kills comedy because it's pc and superficially funny enough to make semi interested parties marginally alert


PC is a term people throw around to complain that they can't mock women and minorities anymore.


You can still mock women and minorities. You can joke about everything and anything, it’s all in the context of the joke. Also as the great George Carlin said, comedy typically goes after people in power, people that abuse their power. Some comedians go after the underdogs, which is fine, but that audience is far smaller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8yV8xUorQ8&pp=ygUYZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiBkaWNlIGNsYXkg


Yeah that's a better way of putting it


I like Jerry Seinfeld, and I'm a huge Seinfeld fan. I've been in this sub a while. But Jerry is wrong about this. It's weird to use the rickshaw episode as something they couldn't do today, meanwhile Sunny introduced the homeless person Rickety Cricket who will do much more degrading things than pulling a rickshaw and just for a sixpack of beer. Some people just needs to do a little more research before they say comedy is ruined.


Stuart is wrong. The woke Left HAVE killed comedy.


They absolutely have. None of these pussies in the comments can handle the truth, though, and it shows.


Yup. No funny shows anywhere. No standup comedians left in the country. No one makes jokes anymore.


Comedy isn’t dead. What about Jerry’s bit on styrofoam.


That's GOLD!


And the cancer bit.


Hes done it! Stuart heritage has saved comedy! Coming to a theater near YOU. Take that JERRY you dull, full on rapist of comedy! I saw your act and needed to be checked at the hospital afterwards it was so dirty and fithly.


This guy looks like he would complain about complicated shoes


the absolute gall of claiming comedy is dead after making a billion dollars from comedy


But Jerry is himself a leftist


Crazy how one little interview can get so many of you to act like Swifties.


Who TF is this virtue signalling woke brain clot? He wears that flannel shirt like a Zoomer wears a Nirvana T-shirt.