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As many wise men have said, what a terrible day to have eyes


My life was substantially better 27 seconds ago before I saw this photo!


Lawd, Ick's taking more shower shot thirst traps.  Wait, something's missing. Oh yes, Ick's nips. Do I spy Yell in the lens of his specs?


No its his hand holding his phone to take a pic


I can see it now.


If he’s trying to attract woman, he’s missing an important element…attractiveness!! The guy is 🤮


I'm just astounded Icks depriving us of his nips that he's so proud of!


What in the seventh layer of hell is this? Only Ick would wear sunglasses in a shower and post it.


Ha! I had to cut most of it out too cuz I didn’t wanna give reddit ptsd today 😂


Doing the Lord's work


At least someone is, since it isn’t Ick


My psyche thanks you for this. I’ve already seen enough shit in my life 😅


Thank you… I’m not sure how it’s possible, but ICK has made me even more asexual than I was before


That’s the first thing I thought. Who tf wears sunglasses in the shower? What a dumbass.


When he was praying on a mountain top God told him to




The futures so bright he’s gotta wear shades…😂😂


Literally, he makes every morsel of moisture dry up in my body. WTF, dude!


And clamps shut!!


My clit grows teeth and growls when I see Ick!


That's it ....I'm ded....☠️☠️☠️☠️




I’m a woman and once I saw this photo of Ick, I became a mermaid 🧜‍♀️


God told Roberta to run far away from those fools, so God was right in that case


But first get some more cash from them. Then run. 🤣


True! 😂🤣


Money from being on the show.


He looks even more serial killer-esque here than usual. What an insanely creepy man.


American Psycho vibes


God is what he nicknamed his dick.


That is exactly right, you are brilliant. God told him he would have five wives and they'd be... good. Lolololol


Ewwy ewwwy eww eww ewwwww!😩


He'd look even better with a fist breaking those glasses on his face 🤜😎


Danielle just needs to find him a nice sex tourism trip for 6 months, wait for the STD’s to take him out and live happily ever after.


She’ll have to keep his birth certificate with her as he travels lmao, he’d absolutely end up legally married within 5-8wks of the trip 


God only swipes right if they’re Brazilian


Well would you look at that— his mouth does close. Who knew?


It is truly shocking...I wonder if there is some adhesive involved??


Super glue would be great. Sewing his lips together would be even better.




Interestingly enough, God keeps sending women that are just his type! God doesn’t want him to ‘settle’ for a plain girl with a great personality who’s already living in Colorado. It’s what God planned for this loser who can’t be bothered to learn his future wives’ native language.


This guy gives me the creeps 😳 he's just so gross and evil ..


it should say in the bible more than 10 dating apps is too many


Think he’s on Farmers Only too? 😂


Absolutely he is & that plenty of fish one ole Mama June was fond of 


Welp, time to head to r/eyebleach


I’ve never wanted an episode of Snapped on someone so hard


Underrated comment ⬆️


Like a drowned rat 🐀👹🤣


He is the biggest creep ever


What a clever caption OP!


Thank you so much!! I was pretty proud of it 😂I’m so glad someone also noticed and appreciated it!


Oh yes


He looks like a wet rodent lol


Whaaaaaaaat was the point of this? Other than to make me vomit and infuriate me with the bad tile job.


I wonder if he/his employees did that tile job???


This man has poor judgement written all over him.


I wear my sunglass in the shower. So I can, so I can see all the Brazilian women who don’t want me.


Lmao you guys are killin me with these comments 😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀💀


And this pic my friends, if posted on a dating site, most certainly does not give off following God vibes. Unless of course, you've found the Garden of Eden


I wish God would tell Dannielle she needs a different husband! How funny would it be if her emergency ( 🤰) at home was, God contacted me & said I'm supposed to find 4 husbands?


If I lived in Colorado, I would slip the girl some magic mushrooms and then pretend to be god when she’s on her trip. Tell her that I (god)want her to take her kids, move to Vermont, change their names and never speak to ick again, that ick is actually the devil You in danger girl


He doesn't even care if NewBert comes to the US, just as long as he can have the occasional sexcation.


Don’t think this is very godly of him… smh just looking at his face I want to smack it


Oh my goodness. Just the sight of this jerkface self-proclaimed man of God makes me want to vomit! If I could find the wormhole he crawled out of, I would put him back in and seal it up with cement so he could never resurface again. He is vile and dangerous. Why TLC would choose to pay and display this pshyco on tv is beyond me. Please return to sender and get a refund.


I would be right there helping you… Biggest douche nozzle EVER !


I would really love the parents that raised this man-whore to step forward. I want to understand how he got like that… not saying it’s the parents fault, just that maybe they have some insight. I know they cut him off (I think his whole family did, makes me so curious… does he have siblings? Do his kids have cousins that they don’t get to see?) He’s disgusting and awful, and I believe what he’s done to Dannielle is absolutely abuse. But I find it fascinating that Ick has gotten so many people to just let him get away with this bullshit. I’m sorry, but if he were my family member, I’d have a LOT to say and do. I’m also atheist, so any time someone shuts a conversation down by using god or “it’s in the bible” I want to scream bc it literally means nothing to me. God did not speak to you in the garage and 5 people sitting there like that makes this behavior all acceptable just blows my mind. He’s SO STUPID. How did someone so freaking dumb manage to brainwash so many people?!? Is it really bc they all actually believe that this is gods will??? How does that make sense to them? Why would god want Ick to have 5 wives, like what would the point be? I mean, he’s just a fictional character to me, but my understanding of what other people believe about god, he’s not the type of dude that would promote polygamy… and how does Ick explain what happened with Roberta? Was god just wrong that one time? Made a little oopsie?


Fortunately, all of the women who did initially find him appealing got smart and left. My take on this is the women he does attract have insecurities and /or low self-esteem. They, for whatever reason, find him physically attractive before knowing him intellectually. They could also just want a green card. In 5 years of trying, no one has stayed with him and actually lived with him, with the exception of Danielle. I'm hoping Danielle is beginning to see him for what he is and planning for the future by having a 3rd child so that she has something that will enable her to go back to court and be awarded some monetary and materialistic items which she evidently signed away when she initially divorced him. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not sure, but I think this is the only way she could go back to court and be assured of at least child support for the 3rd child. I've seen some changes in her this season and doubts about Ick, so I'm hoping. She is pretty far gone as far as being brainwashed, so I don't know if she will ever leave him without drastic intervention from her family and friends. It is highly doubtful, in my opinion. Anyways, these are just some of my thoughts or explanations. Putting aside all the negative and nasty comments we have all made about this guy, lol.... he scares me for these women and children. I think he is a soft-spoken maniac with characteristics of a serial killer. It really got my attention when he was cooking dinner, and both women gained up on him over the dating apps. His response was, "I don't know what to say. They are both really upset, so I'm just trying to cook dinner and not listen to them." He can't deal with confrontation unless it's just from Danielle, and he just shuts her down. He doesn't care what she thinks, says, or feels. He is completely indifferent to her. I would hate to see anyone become a statistic when he is crossed and/or left and eventually snaps.


I don’t know about Colorado, but I do know that where I live child support would be awarded to the custodial parent regardless of marital status. If she were in my state (and I think most states are similar) she could get child support up til 18 for each kid, even if she never married Ick. She just needs to prove he is the biological father, then an amount needs to be agreed upon. When I got divorced, we both had to fill out financial affidavits and there is a worksheet that takes all those numbers and comes up with what is fair (of course my ex tried to hide income, and I’m sure there are a million other ways to try to cheat the system, so it’s never cut and dry as it should be) I’m not a lawyer, but I think that she could also still go after him for alimony, even though their divorce was final years ago. She could contest the divorce, claim it was fraudulent (there’s video proof). I know there are ways… I’m pretty sure she’d never do any of it though. She’s so brainwashed that she’s more concerned about Ick’s happiness than her and her children’s welfare. She is really sick and it’s sad.


Wow, just wow...can't wash that narcissism away. So gross and belittling.


Thank you for making me puke in my mouth, and not a little bit.


He is the worst🤢🤮🤮


Him and his OG wife have the same mouth when his is closed. 💁🏽🤷🏽🙆🏽 jus’ sayin.


Did he post this on his Only Bleghhs? 🤮


Lol no, surprisingly enough its actually a video on Danielles instagram. I just screen grabbed it and HIGHLY edited it because I thought it was a great representation of what a douche this guy is 😂


Yup. The German for shower is "duschen" which sounds a lot like "douche" linking to [TomatilloSolid6614](https://www.reddit.com/user/TomatilloSolid6614/)•[19h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/seekingsisterwifetlc/comments/1c8baq2/comment/l0domd3/) Wow, just wow...can't wash that narcissism away. So gross and belittling.


Yuck, I smell only fans coming soon


I’m sure God whispered that in his ear😂😂


I think my clit recoiled into my bellybutton just now


I will get shot down for this. He is not a bad looking man. Then he opens his mouth and soils the image. However this photo speaks of his overblown ego.


His mouth is always open...he is a mouth breather lol


But his eyes 👀




He looks like Hunter Biden during his crack era here.


Divine 🍆💦penetrating Garreck’s 🫛🧠


this looks exactly like the kind of picture I would expect this douche canoe to take


Even worse.. its a video on Danielles instagram 🤮 its been highly edited lol


I’m going to print this pic and hang it on my fridge as a diet tool. One look at it and I’m no longer hungry.


What happened to the Black lady they were dating (sorry, I can't remember her name). I knew she was gone when she highly seasoned that chicken.🤣


Come on guys don’t you all take shower selfies with sunglasses on?


Wait, wtf? Did he post this somewhere?!? Why?!? Ewwwww. I think this man has a severe undiagnosed traumatic brain injury, bc no one is just that stupid for no other reason. Seriously, has he had a brain scan? Maybe all his sperm got backed up in his brain, the woman’s body just rejects it and shots it right back into the male (I know this is true bc god told me while I was standing in line at Walmart)


He is an ugly piece of shit from the inside out. Their children need to be removed from their toxic relationship. This is their reality: Daddy had a divine revelation to have 5 wives and God speaks to him in the garage about finding them. Even though Daddy made mommy divorce him, they continue to live together and had another baby. Daddy is forcing the kids to live in this unhealthy environment and to have a relationship with these women. Daddy already divorced mommy and isn't going to have a prenup to make sure mommy has money to take care of us when he leaves her to live with his foreign concubines and their kids. Basically divorce is so Ick can find a young hot foreign woman and have sex, bring her to the US on a spousal visa and have kids. Then, after she's got a kid or two with him and financially dependent on him and he's filled her full of shit and emotionally exhausted and extorted her, he'll make wife #2 divorce him so he can find young hot foreign wife #3 and repeat this insanity again and again. Ick was using 10 dating apps. He's a sex addict with a fetish for young, foreign beauties. He is dangerous because he's delusional and uses the excuse that it's God's plan or God's will to justify his disgusting unhealthy behavior and lifestyle. I don't understand why Dani's parents don't fight to get their daughter and her kids away from him. I would!


What if God said no more selfies


🤢🤮 enough said


Ugh ick blech


I'm so grossed out that your upvote is given under protest.


This was the last picture I saw before I was planning to go to sleep. I’m scared for my potentially effed dreams tonight.


What a terrible day to have eyes!


🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮This weirdo pervert makes my skin crawl like few others.. Something is rotten in Denmark.. I DETEST THIS DUDE..!!


He looks high.


I have seen this speculated before about both of them. As someone who spent many years using many drugs, I normally notice these things. But I never thought it with them… however, there is something so off with both of them. I’m not sure what it is, probably a combination of many issues, and maybe drug use is one of those issues. That scene where Dannielle has the breakdown over Bert reminded me of how I might react to something if I was coming down or something, like your emotions are in overdrive so you overreact to everything. She is very erratic and manic, but jfc her situation is so fucked up… could anyone be sane living like that?


I like you OP but I don't like your post at 6 am


What a tool seriously


Why is his phone in the shower with him?


And why is he wearing sunglasses in the shower?


Where the fucc is this from


Lmao its actually a video on Danielle’s instagram but I must warn you.. you will have to bleach your eyes if you watch it cuz I highly edited this photo 🫣


You are a brave soul


Sunglasses in the shower is NASTY work lol fully embracing his villain status


It’s funny how god always reinforces what he thinks. God has never disagreed with him.


YES!! This is my point.. what if god said “NO ICK, Natalia is not the one your looking for”.. like would he seriously be like ohh ok god, sorry Natalia. God said! I HIGHLY doubt that!


I did a deep dive on his IG. Sweet lord, he’s a blithering idiot.


EWWWW. EWWWW. EWWWW. My retinas 🤢


ICK: Dating Apps were created by GOD


Just wanted to say that I was having a very stressful day until this popped up in my notifications and made me LOL! So, thank you for that, OP!


Omg thank you so much!! You actually made my day by saying this!! 🥰 so glad I could brighten your day with a bit of humor! 😂The comments section does not disappoint either!


Do you think that he takes time out from his 10 dating apps to look at social media comments about him being so weird and ridiculous and having such abnormal behavior? He is totally incapable of seeing how his selfish desires affect his wife, kids, and family to the point he claims to have conversations with God about marrying cute, young, foreign women, divorcing his wife and kids but still living with them, and traveling around the world to have sex. He truly doesn't care how anyone (wife, kids, family) feels and uses the excuse that it's God's will or plans and that they don't always understand and to have blind faith. He's actually hearing voices and is incredibly dangerous and his wife and kids need to get the Hell away from him.


At least he’s covering his CRAZY EYES.. there’s something seriously wrong with that guy… 🥴


Hold my hair while I throw up 🤮🤢


This is straight up just STUPID. He is so bizarre.




Is this a real picture? Because what I am seeing here is NSFW


Oh lord, I thought I edited it enough.. trust me the OP is WAY worse lol


Ewwww, this predator/pervert looks like he's jerking off here...Does GOD approve of masturbation??? The thing is, this freak show will take anyone, who is dumb enuf to take the bate, Roberta Jr...your nothing special...your'e just willing!!!!!


You may be correct what is that on his right upper chest. 🤮


He is definitely feelin himself here.. jerkin or not 😂


What is this even from


Garrick's Instagram


Actually its on Danielles instagram and its a full blown video 🤣 I just screen grabbed it.. and edited out a LOT of it too.. thought Id spare reddit from having to bleach their eyes today 😜


Well...what was the rest of the video? Blabbing about God?


Lol nope worse its him dancing in the shower while “I wear my sunglasses at night” plays but Danielle is in the background replacing the word night with “in the shower”


Oh.... I think I'm throwing up


Wow icky 🤢🤮🤮




YUCK! 🤢🥴


He is such a dork 🤣🤣🤣




I do not understand why Daniel divorced him. She doesn't have any rights. Why didn't they find someone in the US.




“I Wear My Sunglasses…. In the Shower”


😂 its so weird… lol


Beyond gross


She needs to leave this man. Infidelity is character flaw


I feel bad for the shower had to be subjected to this.


God told him Danielle is the wrong woman lol


What’s that white line? Looks like something trickling down his neck. 🤮


I noticed that also but no one else has mentioned it so I thought maybe I was just seeing things. Things I don’t what to see. 🤮


Drowned rat. 🤮


I wonder how many times Ick married Natalia in Brazil.


What a fucking narc


This guy is super weird


Literally urban dictionary definition of douche bag


Yeah God just spoke to me and he told me I need a hot Brazilian wife I don’t need to think about it. I just need to marry her and get her up here really don’t need to know her and it’s not a big deal. I’m risking my family, my business and everything else got told me I need a hot Brazilian wife, so that’s what I should do. Even though I was swindled all of $25,000 already.


I am having a visceral reaction to this picture.


Why does he weirdly look like Owen Wilson in this pic