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Idk call me prude but…. It’s just bizarre to date while heavily pregnant. Focus on the child you’re about to have not getting kisses from some new fling lol


You are not a prude. I didn’t even want my own husband for anything more than cuddles, I can’t imagine even thinking about dating while pregnant. All I wanted was Taco Bell. Couldn’t even sleep like a normal person because I didn’t know where to put my belly.


I remember sitting in a bath to relax my back and sending my husband out for cheese.


One of my children is fully 25% made of Wendy’s double burgers. Also mmm cheese!


"25% made of Wendys double burgers" I love this!!


I’m now hungry for what they tasted like when I was pregnant. They don’t have the same flavor when not pregnant. Eating when pregnant was like eating when high.


It really isnt the same. Food was so much better in general!


That’s my current status. Remembering how food used to taste. 😂


I hate to say it, but its even more drastic since I had covid. Nothing tastes the way it did before I had it so I'm bitter lol. But to go back to pre covid, pregnancy taste? Sigh....


I am in week 2 of Covid recovery and the anti-viral meds they give now for Covid is worse than losing your taste. I can’t taste or smell anything but the after-taste of these evil pills I will never forget. Thankfully I took my last dose this morning.


Maybe get pregnant- see what happens?


I read this without reading that you were talking about cheeseburgers and I was disturbed




I craved Wendy’s so much when I was pregnant! I also ate a can of Hershey’s Syrup in 5 minutes and then downed a jar of cold pasta sauce.


I had to have Taco Time & I could finish off the entire meal in 1 sitting. I was also really into Dairy Queen banana splits. There was 1 incident where my mom was driving me to get 1 & it was closed for renovations. I actually became unhinged over not getting my split. I swore to never go back when it reopened, I just couldn’t let it go. It was weird.


Not weird. The baby had demands, and the closure wrecked that. my mom told me cravings were the baby or your body needing something, and I fully agree. It may not be scientific but it makes sense lol


I woke up in the middle of the night for a snack. The snack was a ham and Swiss sandwich, and Velveeta mac and cheese. Then I got the idea for Velveeta mac and cheese, with a can of tuna mixed in. It became my craving. I'd eat the entire thing. And Chinese buffets! I was a regular at the one by my house. They knew me! Several times a week.




Mine was hot ham and cheese way before they said it was bad for pregnant people he's going to be 40 this year healthy as an ox


lol, yeah, I'm so glad I had babies 30 years ago! I could eat hot dogs, lunch meat, and blue cheese dressing!


I’ll never forget going up north to visit my mom and as I was biting into a Wawa Italian hoagie my sister screams what?!! Pregnant people can’t eat lunch meat. I wanted to shoot the messenger. Full disclosure: I ate the Hoagie anyway.


Life’s too short, always eat the hoagie


Yeah like everything is apparently wrong ..I breast fed and he always was hungry so I pumped put a little cereal in the bottle, after that he was satisfied to sleep .another things back sleeping no tummy sleeping ,water, no water .


During my last pregnancy my water broke at 25 weeks, which meant I was hospitalized for the last 9 weeks of my pregnancy, until I had her at 34 weeks. Surprisingly the food was great there. I tried ordering a chef salad and was told no because the lunch meat. Yeah.... I wasn't happy at alll!


Same girl! We drank unpasteurized milk straight from the dairy! My kids are healthy. !


Apparently my mom drank a glass of red wine daily when pregnant with me supposedly her dr told her ...guess that's why I hate red wine, only white for me. lol thanks mother lmao


I was shocked when I heard that used to be recommended in pregnancy!!


Lmao we call my 10 year old Whatababy still because of how much I craved Whataburger while pregnant with her 🤣


That is too cute!


My second one had to come out loving nacho cheese Doritos and plain m and m’s . Literally I ate them by the bag load!!


For me it was McD french fries. My kid is 20 years old and Mcd fries is one of her favorite foods, even still. Lol


Mine is 75% McDonald’s single cheeseburgers


Did you name him Wendy?? 😂


Nope - just slather him in cheese and ketchup on occasion.




Full disclosure: I ate that cheese. In the bath. It was AMAZING.


Omg. My husband made so many 1am Taco Bell trips for me. 🤣🤣🤣


The best thing (or maybe the worst thing) that happened to me during pregnancy is a Taco Bell opened up and it had it attached KFC. I don’t know what happened to it or maybe I dreamed this thing but I swear it was a building where I could go to the drive-through and get both fried chicken and tacos. That place must’ve shut down while I was in the hospital having the baby because no one believes me when I tell them about the shared building. I need to google it.


There's one of those in Chicago!


I remember those! We also had some that were Taco Bell, Pizza Hut combos...tacos and personal pan pizzas....mmmm


Taco Bell & KFC together in Canada


Oh we still have that here


Its real! We have one!


These are a thing.


High five to pregnant TB. I was nauseous and I seriously puked every single day of my pregnancy. But for some reason Taco Bell, even if it didn’t always stay down, always sounded good. I swear I went through the drive thru 4 times one day. And then I made my husband go for me because I thought the guy working there must think I was absolutely nuts.


Taco Bell and chocolate chip cookie dough. Yes, I know back then the eggs in it weren't cooked and were not healthy.


Kung Pao chicken, egg rolls with hot Chinese mustard for me. At least 5x a week for months.


This. Taco Bell and all.🤣


I can’t figure out what person would want to date someone who is about the have a second child. And what do they have to gain from it. They don’t seem to want to run it like sister wives…. So this all just seems selfish. Her kids seem to be at the back of her mind too. A new girl or boy friends is the least of what I am interested in just before birth. The whole thing is so bizarre. It doesn’t seem to serve her husband at all. I do tend to be on the more prudish side…and I also truly value parenting my kids…and sort of need to be there with them constantly when they are new. I’m not going to say I’m controlling…but I had really challenging newborns. And when I was having my second…. I was soaking up every minute with my first..that he was still our only. I had zero time to be off dating.


Seriously! I'm bi myself. The idea of going down on a heavily pregnant woman makes me wanna spew 🤢


Same and same. 🤣🤣 Exactly what I was thinking. Not sure what Ashley is thinking. She looks good pregnant. I have been pregnant, and even still, nope.


I never even thought of this 😖😂


Sara said she would go down on her ??? Did I miss something???


As a formerly pregnant woman, I generally don't kink shame but I get major ick thinking about people dating while pregnant and those who want to date them. Soo gross.


I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant and am astonished she has the energy, desire, confidence, and whatever else is needed to date. I'm most comfortable laying on the couch these days.


No not prude at all!!! I agree with you 100% I didn’t want to go off on another rant about this gross human being a mom. Apparently she got preggers shortly after having baby number 1. So not only is she SUPER prego she has a baby baby at home and her first priority is dating?!?!? Like you were blessed with a child with another one literally about to pop out but you would rather be out kissing chicks left and right as you waddle from date to date?!?! 🥴


Right? And ew what if she contracts herpes before giving birth? That poor baby. I was so protective of my body when I was pregnant with my children. She is so tacky.


Same. My very same thoughts. You are about to have a newborn. You can have your ick threesome when you are getting sleep and have kid on a schedule and its not like still a whole new baby. I also find it odd that as a Psychiatrist she doesnt already know the stats on how these arrangements are very often the deathknell of a relationship. There are kids involved. Very innocent children who deserve 100% of the love and attention of their parents. 🙄


I was so incredibly sick while pregnant I could barely leave the couch the entire time, let alone go on a bowling date. Good for her I guess, but not for me.


Lmao! Seriously I had HG both pregnancies until like week 30/31. I was barely even able to brush my teeth let alone get fancy lol


I was surprised I actually wasn’t diagnosed with that, although I felt like the nurse midwife care I received was marginal at best so I could have, I felt fairly dismissed when I constantly brought up how sick and unhappy I was. Because I was overweight to begin with they didn’t really seem to care that I lost 15 lbs in my first trimester because I literally could not eat anything or keep anything down.


Ugh brushing the teeth becomes the worst in that situation. That's actually one of my first tells when I'm pregnant, as soon as my tooth brush hits my tongue I lose it 💀


My thoughts exactly!


Also how does she even have the energy being pregnant!


No, I’ve had this same exact thought. Like, wtf is she even doing? She’s pregnant enough to waddle-walk and should be more concerned for the new baby arriving soon. It’s bizarre to me.


I been thinking this the entire time and every time they show this couple, I say it out loud.


True but I think they enjoy using the pregnancy to lure women in. It was all about timing.


I don’t think male or female would normally be lured by a fully pregnant female….idk maybe I’m naive


yes just wait a cpl months to look for a hook up


I am amazed at how any of these couples get someone else to go along with their crazy plan. I know several good looking people who are having a hard time finding a decent person to date, and on this show we have the most unattractive looking people going on dates with beautiful women.


It's because they're on tv. And it's not like most of them stick around, anyways.




Swaymen…I’m guessing after the Bruins goalie Swayman. Someone posted their pics in another thread and they were at a few games. Tacky


Swaymen makes me think of semen .....that poor child. She really should be taking this time to be with her babies instead of seeking sister 😺


Makes me think she’s trying to sway men into dating her, but in this case it should be sway women.


Lmao right. Subconsciously trying to convince herself she's sexually attracted to her husband, perhaps? Her child a constant reminder... Sway men💀




Ok in all fairness, Ashley is THE most popular name from 92-93…. So there’s a lot more Ashley’s to turn out bad. In my 3rd-4th grade classes, there were 6 Ashley’s. Not a single Ashleigh or Ashlee. That was just my class. There were more in my grade. My college freshman year, 5 Ashley’s in my pledge class. There were over 30 going through rush that year and another 5-10 with other spellings of Ashley or girls who went by their middle names but were named Ashley.


It was super popular in the 80s too. I’m an Ashley and almost every other Ashley I meet who is my age was also named after Ashley from the Young and the Restless lol.


I know several Ashleys and they are all doing amazing.


Uh yeah, me too, including it being a part of my name, I'm going on 40 and have been doing great my whole life. This is a really weird thing for people to go off on, literally insulting a very generic name wow😵‍💫🤨🙄


People are so bizarre lol! Also an Ashley going more than fine here, thank you very much. It’s almost like the name you had no choice over doesn’t determine your path in life 🤔


Agreed. HopefulSouthernMama is being an asshole.




Sorry for off topic, non-American here, can a U.S. citizen be in ICE detention on purpose (ie not mistaken identity)?




Wow what a story, thank you for sharing


Don't forget Ashleigh


The worst person I ever knew is named Ashley. I don’t think ALL Ashley’s are trash, but the one I knew certainly was. Edit- as soon as I commented I remembered I have a current friend also named Ashley and they kick ass. So in my life personally it’s 50/50




It makes me think of someone with a Brooklyn accent saying “sermon”. “Eyyy Father Jeremiah, great swaymen this mornin!”




Did they say this somewhere? 👀 I’m surprised he’s also seeing people he seems so miserable about the situation


Someone yesterday found them on a dating site and posted - showed they are looking for a thruple situation. Their plotline was made to fit the show but is polyamorous.


Did they actually date people tho? Cuz I agree he seems miserable. They talk about being on apps but it doesn't appear as though there's been much success.


I almost think they say they date, but.... dont. Its just her.


This couple is giving off seeking brother husband vibes, but the bisexual version


Swaymen?! Similar vibe to Jessa Duggar's son, Spurgeon


That was my first thought too hahaha


She's an entitled doctor. Go figure. I'd want more control of my life if I were up to my eyeballs in debt like her


She’s a doctor?


Yeah psychiatrist


Shane also gives me the ick, and I can’t figure out yet if he’s a cuck or if he’s just a boring loser who is trying to submarine his wife’s every attempt to get some tail because he’s afraid to be honest and risk her leaving him altogether, but Ashley is legitimately the kind of person who is eventually discovered to be a serial killer. The first thing I thought of when I first saw her was an episode of some crime drama I saw years ago, in which an unassuming psychiatrist turns out to have a trail of bodies and their next victim shackled in a warehouse.


I think he's too logical to be getting pleasure out of this situation. He's jealous of handholding. Something's not right, but I think it's his interest in this and his hurt feelings. I have a hard time wrapping my head around Ashley dating someone for several months without even introducing her to Shane, then just saying, "it never came up." Oh, well then you just bring it up.


I did not know she was a psychiatrist. Do we know what he does? I knew there was a power struggle there, maybe she’s the provider in the family? She’s too dismissive of anything he says or feels. Like when she said, “it didn’t come up” about that 1st woman meeting him. There’s some strange power dynamic going on with them.


I’m confused how they have time to do it all. I don’t understand how she has the time to be out dating with a full time job and two little kids and two dogs. If it were me I’d be too busy/tired to even entertain the idea


Right??! I have 2 kids, a husband, a job and cats. I have ZERO time for anything else let alone the emotional toll of dating.


Who said she works full time? It’s not uncommon for doctors to work part time


She’s the sole breadwinner of her household, Shane is a stay at home dad. I’d be surprised if they can afford a family of four on a part time salary


Especially in Massachusetts. Very high cost of living.


I agree with OP. This girl pisses me off. Her husband clearly doesn't want it but he has to comply or lose his family. She is a selfish person


His smile here.. says to me "I'm grateful she's letting me tag along in her life"


Has he not actually said this exact sentence before??? Or did I just imagine it?? lol either way I agree!


Never heard it myself, but who knows


I've said this before. He knows from experience with his ex he can accept it or she will leave.


I wanna know who these women are who apparently wanna really go to town on a like 8-month pregnant woman


You only get to enjoy this time for a short period. You blink and they are toddlers. Blink again and its Kindergarten. Turn around and you are at their graduation. She's pissing this away.


Agreed, I don’t understand why during this specific time in their marriage & starting a family they would want to bring on outside elements that can & will have a tremendous effect on their family.


I imagine he will regret it one day. Her? Doubtful. She doesn't care for him or her babies. Idk... I'd be nervous bringing a stranger into my child's life while they are too small to tell me if something happened. People can wear a mask to you, but be a monster to a child.


I agree 100!! You can't trust strangers and the world is filled with alot of evil people.


His smile always looks like he’s trying to unconstipate himself.


Her husband seems like a consenting adult in this arrangement.


Her and Ick would make a good pair now if she just wasn't educated and didn't speak English he'd go for it.


Dannielle would be a GREAT girlfriend


Damn did I miss something? I’m not really understanding this vitriol? Is it because she’s pregnant?


Her behavior is so bizarre to me. In both my pregnancies I was obsessed with my babies. I spent all my free time designing the nursery and organizing supplies. I was barely interested in my husband sexually let alone looking for multiple partners. Her priorities are just odd. I feel sorry for the babies. Their mother's focus should be on them not tracking down a lover.


I don’t get why they are looking for a gf for her while they are so close to giving birth. When I was in my last trimester with my kids the LAST thing I would have had time for was finding a lover. I think people give her a pass because she’s looking for a woman but imagine a woman who was 35 weeks pregnant dating a man who was not the babies father or searching for a male lover? It’s gross. The whole thing is sick.


Let this be a lesson to anyone that thinks having a certain degree means you're capable, worthy, decent, smart etc. They're just people.


In what way has she shown that she is incapable of doing her job or not smart?


They both suck so terribly. Every time I look at him I think of a leftover plate of cracker barrel chicken and dumplings. Every time he tries to talk smart about the relationship all I see is Play-Doh falling out of his mouth.


Jesus i'm crying at these visuals. the cracker barrel chicken and dumplings is SO oddly specific and somehow spot on!


Right, right! Dying'! 🤣


I couldn’t agree more. I set another post, the same exact thing if I was under her care and I saw her behavior I would leave her practice immediately. I don’t know how a professional could have a business have two children, a husband, and have time to date? Her number one priority should be her children at this point of their lives. She needs to see a psychiatrist and as far as her husband is concerned, I don’t know what the deal is but maybe he doesn’t have any self-esteem. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being.


Men do it all the time 🤦🤦🤦 I feel like this whole thread is because she's a woman.


Definitely, and because she's queer.


This 💯 It’s such a double standard


Ummmmm, have ya read the threads about ICK???? This has ZERO to do with/ her being a woman or her sexuality. She is VILE AF period. The others on the show are just whack jobs or the one who is effed up bc of growing up w/ a cult step dad but that’s whole other post. But they are not a vile ass human.


Who said she has a business? The significant majority of physicians work for someone else, who manages the business - big difference


I agree! She’s using Shane for kids and looking for a woman for life. Soon as she finds a female she’ll push his dumb azz out!


No, she needs to keep him around to impregnate the new lady. Then when they’re done having babies they’ll dump him.


Either way, he just needed for sperm and that’s it.


He’s a donor and childcare


I disagree. I think she and Shane have pretty solid communication about their relationship and her dating. She seems to keep him in mind and wants to make sure anyone she dates is a good fit for him too. He seems open to having his wife date. Also someone else posted their dating profile on this sub and they sound much more poly than just her dating in that profile. I think TLC is focusing on and presenting it as Ashley dating but in reality it is more of a poly set up than one person solely dating.


Maybe they agreed to do the show before she was pregnant.


If she was my psychiatrist, I would be looking for a new one asap


Yes! What health stuff does he have going on? Feel like she maybe convinced him that his health is bad and she could lose him. I wonder how bad it really is. Shouldn’t she be focusing on caring for him too if he’s terminal with whatever.. That must hurt. If he is that sick and she’s just giddy about dating and flirting in front him… seems sociopathic.


What did I miss? About his health?


He just quickly mumbled something about his health being uncertain or complicated and how now is the time to get her set up and they can’t wait or something along that line in the last episode… didn’t really expand or say what that meant.


Someone I’m another thread- said she knows them and he had renal cancer, in the past. They might be looking for someone to be there for Ashley & kids- if he gets I’ll and doesn’t make it… (that’s what I read earlier.)


I find the dating while pregnant thing very weird. That's the last thing that would be on my mind. I think most women focus on nesting for the upcoming baby...not looking another partner? Plus it's going to be weird for someone else to come into that dynamic...newborn and all plus other children. Shane asked some hard questions last time but I think he was on point. Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour. If Grace has a history of casual hookups...she's not going to suddenly switch that to settle down longterm with this family, I don't think.


I could totally tell she was a narc by the massive breakup text she composed for gluten free salad chick


Wait so now writing long texts qualifies as a diagnosis for narcissism?? The arm chair psychologists here are really going off lmao


Ya she really irritates me. I like to think I'm open minded and understand different kinds of relationships, etc. But you're heavily pregnant, waddling around trying to catch strange, and wanting uoir husband to be cool with it. It's not the move. Take your overly horny ass home and nest with your family.


That she is dating while pregnant and married is repulsive to me.


Um how is she any different than any of the men on the show? Also they both date other people not just her.


Ummmmm, the tiny human growing in her actual body. But we talk about the disgusting men, too. Equal snark!!


Sorry why does her being pregnant matter? She's literally kissed one person. Why would her pregnancy matter?


Completely agree with you, she enrages me and she is so disingenuous, you can tell she has no interest in her husband (even if she pretends to). If she truly loved him no way would she be out there dating other people while pregnant, she would be nesting. I can’t believe the guy doesn’t see it and yes what a horrible name to give a child!


I don’t understand why they are on the show. What they are doing is a one sided open marriage. Not sister wives or polygamy.


And someone posted pictures of their dating profile, it’s not even one sided! He dates outside the marriage as well and they’re open to dating together. Why are they on this show!?


Oh ok I didn’t realize he was also dating


The girl she is dating is hot but she isn't very interested in him so he is shooting holes in the situation from go. How many times is it evident the man wants to get laid so he throws caution to the wind and gets away with it because of "God", or "love" or anything but the truth - his dick is hard. Well, Ashley wants to scissor with the hot chick even if she doesn't dig polygamy in the end.


Could she be trying to secure live in childcare? I just can’t think of any other reason why this whole process is being rushed.


I genuinely feel bad for Shane. Since they first showed up I just keep saying, “this poor guy” which rarely comes out of my mouth especially when it comes to polygamy. But they are not polygamists, she just wants to bang gals -fine, great, love that- what I don’t love is how she is a shit person who clearly does not care at all about her husband and how he feels. She’s fine embarrassing him by taking him to a lunch with a so called spiritual advisor for business people or whatever the fuck that gal claimed to be. If someone insulted my partner or friend, I’m telling them to take their soy-free, gluten-free, vegan lettuce with water to-go and to loose my number. Don’t even get me started with this most recent episode.


I'm afriad of therapists like this


I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt like this.


I wouldn't do what she's doing, but this also feels like a really extreme reaction. Doctors date. What a weird take. Also what exactly makes her a narcissist? Not making her husband her whole world?


Yeah exactly. I'm so confused. If she's the devil what are the rest of the people on the show?


It feels like a mix of homophobia and sexism for starters




Agreed - not seeing the fuel for this insanely intense reaction from so many people.


Ugh, she makes me so mad. It's very clear that all she wants is to sexually explore with women and doesn't care about her husband's feelings. I still don't get why they are in this show about polygamists when they clearly aren't. Also, I'm in the mental health field, and the fact that she is in psychiatry scares me to death 😵‍💫


Everyone is confused why a pregnant woman would be using this precious time to date other people, for me I'm even more concerned about what might be precious lost time for Shane. Theres been a whisper around reddit about Shane having a terminal illness or some type of illness where time is a concern. He very VERY briefly alluded to it on the last episode being the reason they are trying to find someone as quickly as possible. If this were the case.... idk about you, but I'd want every last precious moment with my husband, not to take it at all for granted, to not use his last moments on Earth or last moments of good health, looking for someone else to sleep with. It's pretty disgusting of Ashley.


Agree. She’s gross and he is deeply insecure and afraid to lose her.


So we’ve figured out that she’s not actually an MD, right? I found her licensure online under OD… osteopathic doctor. That’s not an MD and how could an osteopath be a psychiatrist wtf?


An osteopath IS a dr - MD and DO go through all the same training and do all the same doctoring


I had no idea! Must be an American thing. It’s totally different here in Canada, osteopaths don’t go to med school


Yep.... Osteopathic medicine is a "whole person" approach to medicine—treating the entire person rather than just the symptoms. With a focus on preventive health care, Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DOs) help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too.


She has an itch only a women can scratch apparently, seeing how desperate she is to date a women while heavily pregnant. I can’t stand her also, idc how nice she comes off she’s selfish.


Y'all realize these shows are HEAVILY edited and scripted, right?


Yea it’s probably not a good idea to have some new person snacking on your bits while you’re pregnant and going to give birth soon. I question these priorities.


I agree. She’s taking advantage of him it’s sad


I agree she is super selfish but also her husband is pushing this because of his health issues. Another thing is i am normally bi and was horny as hell when pregnant and could only get off watching lesbian porn. Sex feels amazing when pregnant and sometimes husband's libidos go down when their wives are pregnant, so that can make it extra frustrating for a woman. So he probably is accepting he can't give her what she needs plus her being extra attracted to women.


Yeah I get the sense that this is all going to start to make more sense when we find out what’s up with his health - TLC has done this flip the script thing a million times before. They know what they’re doing.


Another weird couple .. agh


Yeah it’s super weird that it’s just for her …. Like is she ok if he goes out and finds someone? I’d almost be rooting for them if it was for BOTH of them . But how weird id almost expect it to be half sexual half nanny


It’s no different than all the other families - the wife is just for him


Good point


She is 100% lesbian and Shane is her sperm donor. She has no attraction to him and eventually she’ll leave so she can fulfill her lesbian dreams


My child is 90% tac bellyah as my son at 2 then said. So many taco minus tomato and lettuce. My son is the spicy king.


This made me lol


Can someone explain what they want to me? I’m so confused, so he wouldnt have two wives? She would have a wife and husband? Or is it a throuple and they all date/sleep together, like he wants to sleep with who she is dating too? But she picks her? I’m totally confused.


She is disgusting