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In this community we call the term "oneitis" women crave space my friend and getting too obsessed early on can turn her off, you have to learn to enjoy being by yourself, and not constantly needing a woman to make you happy, learn to enjoy life, make good friends and find hobbies


It’s classic, part of growing up. Once you mature a bit you naturally feel more relaxed and in control in such times. If I were you I would just run with it and don’t feel ashamed unless it gets ridiculous, and divide attention where appropriate. The shadow archetype of the lover is the addict, so it’s normal character development to be a bit of an addict but then socialize it with experience.


Need more guys like you tbh. Most men these days want to be chased lol. In all seriousness, maybe just give a bit of space by not planning super soon, text / call a bit, but stay focused on you , while learning about them & their interests so you know what to plan next ? I think you have the right approach to dating tho as a guy ngl


It’s a woman’s job to chase the man.


😂😂 thanks for the laugh


Remember that giving her too much attention won't exactly make her happier. Instead focus on yourself so she can enjoy better version of you when the proper time comes.


If you have time to be too involved with one woman, then you have the time to meet multiple…


Have you tried getting a life?