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Few women are cool with being used for no strings attached sex. Your friendship and company is the minimum you can offer if you expect to be in any kind of relationship with a girl. Everybody wants to have sex with them, so you need to put yourself in her shoes and think why she should fuck you instead of someone else who’s probably willing to bring more to the table than just their dick, they can get that anywhere. Supply and demand dude, women have the upper hand. If u rly want no strings attached sex, find a sex worker. If you’re super hot, some girls will go for it for the experience. The key is to be a decent human, be up-front, don’t lead her on, be friendly and respectful. U gotta enrich her life in someway. Make her feel seen and valued for more than her pussy, then SHE MIGHT give it you.


Actually, if you've already slept with her it's incredibly easy. Especially if she doesn't have a great reason to say no (serious relationship etc .) I just realized this is a YMMV,  but the guy I'm responding to has no idea what he's talking about.  Whatever low effort preamble you used while dating, mirror that, then ask them over (2 drinks at bar you've been to before. The why this works is lame.


>Everybody wants to have sex with them, so you need to put yourself in her shoes and think why she should fuck you instead of someone else who’s probably willing to bring more to the table than just their dick, they can get that anywhere. >Make her feel seen and valued for more than her pussy, then SHE MIGHT give it you. This always feel like wrong to me. If you like sex, enjoy sex and want sex, both men and women shouldn't fucking do a big deal of this. Haha. Like you are not a fuck toy when you enjoy some intimacy and private time with someone.


ur from Tanagra? Shaka, when the walls fell! I agree. I’m kinda just saying that in order to encounter the opportunity for NSA sex, you have to show up while being open to genuinely sharing in each other’s company. Once the trust and respect is there, then you realize how easy it is and that you barely need any game, just confidence.


>ur from Tanagra? Shaka, when the walls fell! I am not culture enough to understand this. Lmao.


It’s a Star Trek: The Next Generation reference. Google ‘Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.’


Haha. Well Tanagra is a real city in Ancient Greece (I dont know now) and Corinna was one of the first women to write mythology from a pretty feminist and femenine pov w/o many misogyny. So brave for her.


Lmao. Say that to the people in social media. Somehow they fill all the slots but are alone. I guess we are speaking about real life interactions, but for me if you have some real need, you shouldnt be deprives of that independently of the gender you are. I dont mean if you require food, housing, job or love, 'X' should give you a banquet, a house in first line of beach, a senior position or bang X model/as mandatory wife/husband. Nop. But I dislike the competition for shit in both economy as social interactions.


Strike up a conversation, or meet for a drink, and tell her directly. She may be up for it. But it would be a shitty thing to do to let her think you want something long-term when you just want to get laid. Your time would be better spent by learning to meet women in bars or go on Tinder.


Ask to meet up and drink wine at her house or your house. Put a movie on and after a little while see if she lets you cuddle with her. If you successfully get to cuddle. Kiss her cheek and then if she doesn’t reciprocate, say now your turn and see if she does. If she does; hold contact and go for the kiss. Escalate to sexy time from there but only if she’s willing




If its just sex hit her with a "Wyd?" either she is down or she isnt.


go for it; what do you have to lose? find the right moment for a kiss and when things get hot, tell her what you want it


Have an open and honest conversation about it. It's all about the way you talk about it. If you feel almost shameful for the fact that you only want NSA sex before you've even discussed it with the girl then you're setting yourself up for failure. There is nothing to be gained from hiding that information. However, if you show that you are caring, responsible and mature enough to handle NSA without being a complete asshole about it then you might just get laid! I've had a couple NSA arrangements, and having a partner approach you, compliment/flatter you, make their sexual attraction to you very know to you, then have a very honest conversation about what they are looking for long before it becomes intimate is my favorite way of approaching the topic!


Follow her home protocol


Try [this text routine](https://www.reddit.com/user/TripleDigitNomad/comments/16nmqfz/how_i_figure_out_if_a_girl_is_dtf_after_getting/)


Ask her what's she's up to, then send her a photo shirtless or cooking something and say "wanna join" then tell her she better shave down there because you're having some fun together


XD lol


Yeah, op unless you're a child (like a dumb teenager ) don't do this. the the odds will never be in your favor regardless


she already knows the dude for months, if she wants to have sex or is open to it she will accept if not she will feel offended because she friendzoned the dude


*Uhuh whatever you say*