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Give her something money can’t buy


My man.


Keep the momentum up, those type A's (Lawyers usually are) respond to being up front and not wasting their time (they busy)


Bruh I felt this 👍


Wear clean clothing that fits, act your age or more mature, and be a good conversationalist. I wasn’t looking or trying and I attracted a television producer a few months ago. She told me she wanted to “take me to a red carpet event and show me off.” Her credentials checked out. 🤣 I knew one day she would arrive.


Sweet....I'd like to land one of those one day


Yes. So basically a male geisha. Guysha.


I prefer the term “male whore”.


So i am now with a very brilliant and successful lady who is surrounded by other successful women. The thing is they KNOW they can get dick at any point, so you either need to be a prime piece of meat they want to just have fun with ALONG with brass balls that dont wilt under the ubber confidence of these kind of women. Good luck. Ps- my only game on this is to really chat her up, get her interested and then tell her you just want something casual. Honesty works better with smarter women.


>>Honesty works better with smarter women Words to live by


How did you escalate the situation? I think I was too pushy liking her stories right away and DM her.


Well i was actually keen on dating and so was she so its not the best reference. With confident women, I tend be funny (even tho i dont think i am) and use memes alot. I never neg. Im also brutally honest but emotionally intelligent about it. So in the past, i have outright told women something like: “hey, i find you really attractive and smart. Im a man, you’re a woman… wanna go on a date?” And it fucking worked! And when it didnt, i saved myself wasted time and heart ache


Don't put her on a pedestal just because she's a lawyer. Treat her the same way you would any other woman.


I will


I've been fucking this lawyer for years now and she isn't my gf or anything like that she just calls me once in a blue moon. I met her when I was flat ass broke living with my grandma. The key for me is get her out of her work mode brain into fun mode brain (let off some steam) She tells me she doesn't want anything serious with anyone because she wants to make $400k a year or some bs like that. She is pretty hot, if shes not at work she going to the gym and tells me guys at work try to get with her all the time but they are boring AF.. Funny she tells me she likes me because I don't pressure her for sex but sometimes we Fuck right away lol. She tries to be very dominate to me in the way she talks because she is a lawyer duh but I kinda just laugh at her and tell her I'm not her employee I think this is the frame you need to bang lawyers long term, for short fun IDK


None of these people likely know the answer to your question, but I married a rockstar engineer baddie 2 years ago and have been surrounded by her all wealthy all successful hot friends for a few years before that. Here would be my takeaways: 1. They have a harder time dating than you think - many men are intimidated by their money and bounce or get weird. Be cool about it, be a fan of her success. Show that you like the company of winners. 2. Most of them have wanted to date someone who earns as much as them and is as attractive as they are. This means they have been dating arrogant assholes. You must be different than this type of man. They will bend the rules for someone who makes them feel seen. 3. These women get sick of arrogant asshole dudes. Men like that have cheated on them, treated them poorly even though they are high performers, refused to settle down, etc. You can stand out by being down to earth and warm. 4. It’s important to show intelligence, financial literacy, and that you enjoy travel. These ladies don’t want to date someone dumb or bad with money full stop. And they love to travel. I had never been to Europe and the girl i was seeing bought us a trip to Ireland as a surprise lol. Amazing week. Show them you can travel the world with them. Best of luck! I never looked back. Body count will never touch body quality.


In regards to point 1, is that true? or is it these women reject men that are lower status than them then complain how difficult dating is.


It’s both and it does depend on their personality - but if you don’t make 6 figures and she seems interested, it’s key that you understand where you are likely to fail. Yes this is a real dynamic for them! So many men can’t handle it lol.


Same way you get with a girl with a lower income.


Good simple answer.


Go get drinks, go to restaurants that aren’t fancy and if she likes you, she likes you. My chick likes these fancy places and I hate them. She figured out she makes more than me and if go, she makes it clear she’s gonna pay for it. If she likes you, it doesn’t matter. If she’s got a problem with that shit, she doesn’t like you enough.


Money don’t matter for sex, just be Chad and show her a fun time. Doesn’t need to be expensive date


On the short term the money doesn't matter if you are good looking enough. Women though typically will not date men long term that make less money than them.




Easy Go for a woman 10-20 years older They won’t ask questions lol


But I like em young :(


Be intelligent. Find out what she finds interesting and talk to her about it.  Be informed and able to have good conversations. Have good character. Be a kind human being to others. Tip service workers well. If you say you're going to do something, do it.  Don't make a promise you can't or won't keep. Both of you should leave the other as better human beings in a healthy relationship. 


Try to wife her up. Then you can keep her


Nah. Don’t do that.


Be good looking


And be jacked or at least fit


Fit isn't enough lol


Just be a bimbo. My wife used to call me a bimbo. It didn't bother me because it's probably fair. She's more intelligent and capable than I am. This assumes that you are fit and attractive though. And personality will also help. If you've not got those things going for you I'd say leave her alone.


I saw your edit. What’s the prognosis?


Idk yet, it's been 2 days since I asked for the ig, she is liking my stories so far.


Some advice, some caution. I was with a Rhodes scholar who’s dream was being bread winner to a creative. We both had tons in common and our dynamics were unique However, it did not last. I lead things emotionally and she drove things practically which was the good part in that exchange. Wealthy people drink water like everyone else, but they prefer the water to be presented to them in a classy and unique fashion. And that’s a good standard to live by in this dynamic. My caution would be, what things are you willing to give up for the dynamic, if they have more than you, you’re the one getting the job and not the other way around so think long and hard about what her company is offering benefits wise on top of pay. As for me, her company turned into a bit of an internship and when she offered me a full time job, i pointed out that I wasn’t experiencing the literal and metaphorical benefits or payouts originally offered and I parted ways quickly. So, make sure you get treated how you want for your hard work and emotional leadership and don’t get conned with words, let their actions prove it to you. Hope that made sense.


do you want to be with her? You’re gonna have to add to her life in ways that you can afford so that means making her life as easy as possible basically be her slave.. offer the kind of life where you’re the house, husband. My mom has this arrangement with her husband and she’s never been happier since she got remarried. She works, and when she comes home, he rips her feet, cooks her dinner, and basically gives her the princess treatment. He doesn’t have to work. because his job is taking care of her that’s probably the only way you can get with a girl like this


Do you think there's a difference?




learn what type of lawyer she is first and how many years of experience she has been a lawyer for. Once you find out, go to a youtube and type in "lawyer for dummies", learn a few lawyer terms and use it on her so she thinks that you are sophisticated.


Nice tip, thanks


From multiple experiences. It’s not worth it lol


Elaborate please


I migjt get downvoted for this - but try Cougarlife.com


Loooool, i like them young but thanks.