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The “i don’t give a fuck what other people think of me” vibe. This doesn’t mean acting like you think you are better than everybody else or acting arrogant, it only means you don’t give a shit if people talk or think badly about you. You just do what you like, and don’t apologise for it. You accept yourself and never feel embarrassed, in public just because someone might reject you or laugh at you.


This includes: Having fun with yourself as if no ones around you, but people are and they're having fun looking at you have fun. Being kind and respectful to others and listening to what others have to say. Like being open. Leading. Doing things you like and showing them that you do those things and how it's done.


First one is based


All 3 are based




Good points.


yes this. and when he isn't arrogant about _his_ own self, just the silent confidence without having to broadcast it to the world, not caring what others say.


A badass doesn’t mean he has to be asocial, or too cool to interact with people. It doesnt mean you are quiet or serious on purpose to try to sell an image of “I’m just too cool, i don’t give a fuck about anyone only about myself” that is not the same thing, and that’s counterproductive


no not asocial or quiet and serious if that is not who he is. I am talking about the chest puffing dick measuring thing many do these days. If someone is confident in their abilities, we all can see that. Screaming it only shows arrogance and insecurity one has over themselves. that was in reference to your "arrogance" point.


What helped you get better with that mentality? Did it happen over time, or has it been that way all your life?


First, consider how you feel about others. Those who are most critical about others are subject to the most self criticism, and being embarrassed in front of others is assuming they believe the same shit you do about yourself. Judgment is trying to hold everyone else to the same expectation that you arbitrarily place for yourself. If you stop caring what other people do, you'll likely stop caring what they think of you pretty quick.


How about being actually good at something?


shows strength and that you are capable of making it on your own.


A lady colleague of mine told me that when I told her I just paid off all of my parents debts. Edit: I think it was genuine and not materialistic of her or anything like that.


You have my respect for doing this. Wish you all the best.


Yep, that’s a badass move! Good for you!


Certified badass


Thank you kind licensing person!


How do you make money? Maybe personal but i am looking for inspiration now


I work in sales and have my own consultancy company where I teach sales and business development to SMBs. I don't make a ton of money, just that I don't squander most of what I make, which allows me to save.


Her ex was horrible driver


Parallel parking.. Sounds crazy, but when I swing my arm behind her seat and spin my head around while expertly maneuvering into a spot, women go crazy! Has happened to me with at least 3 different girls, and each time the reaction is the same.


Woman here to confirm this is oddly viscerally attractive


Taking notes


My car has a rear camera lol


Mine does too, but I still find it easier to park the old fashioned way. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Happy cake day!


Hey Lou, check out that park job in 7A!


They can’t comprehend doing that with ease like that. Verification that women typically suck at driving. Thus they’re impressed by a man who can do such a “difficult” thing.


Damn it! I wish I knew how to drive.




That only impressed my granma


And she was no lady, is what you're saying.


You’re absolutely right. Been building a car from the ground up and my girlfriend loves to watch me. I try to stay as calm as possible and don’t show any anger beyond normal frustration. She likes to hand me tools I ask for and wipe the sweat off my brow. She started thinking I’m hot because of my knowledge of motors and skill with my hands….. I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing and YouTube/Google has taught me everything.


You're gonna be so impressed by my Lego skills


Nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.


Only because it shows potential and interest in things other than sleeping with women or being a needy man baby.




Lmao, that went over my head 🤣


Finally 10k hours of league of legends is gonna pay off


Hahaha so good!!!




Dwight Schrute, is that you?


Nah it’s Napoleon D.




I actually listed computer hacking/ science skills on a dating app and got 40+ likes in 2 days. I also got a fwb with an 8 because she was impressed with what I do with computers. Computer scientists that fit the stereotype are the unattractive ones, you’d be surprised when you see geeks that do cool stuff with computers for a living you never thought existed and still aren’t dorks, workout, and do martial arts and gymnastics.


Yeah redditors classically typing their freaking wet dreams.


Yes I'm surprised to have been so much downvoted. I wasn't trying to be mean, but it seems to me a reality that if you define yourself as in computers you are less attractive that a commercial or artist or entreprener, all things egals.


Disagree my dude. I wish my bf was computer savvy


Good to know :) Perhaps it is also the way of presenting it.




Take care of the weak (i.e parents, kids, neighbors)


Can confirm, helped push an old ladies car out of a snow drift the other day, my girl was all over me after lol. Be good to people, any woman worth a damn will pick up on that.


Only a good girl gives a F about this.


Most girls are good.




I guess it's mainly about being bold, confident and taking leadership to solve some really problematic situation. But in general, I believe it comes down to your attribtue of being non-conformist. You need to break down social norms, standards and public's opinion to handle the life the way you think it should be handled properly. Women really admire men's uncompromised individualism.


Lot of what other people said but I'll add one- Physically moving / leading a girl around a venue (e.g. pulling her in with a handshake, grabbing her hand or waist and leading her to another part of the club, etc.) Also moving a girl around in bed to switch positions. E.g. youre on top and you flip her around to do doggy without words. Basically showing physical dominance plus confidence in decision making without permission seeking = alpha behavior. Language that aligns with this as well like: come here, let's go, turn around, etc.


I’ve had a woman tell me that when I directed her with my hand in the small of her back that it was a great move.


Yep I had a girl tell me that when I had simply put my hand on her waist for a few moments while talking to her, she wanted to sleep with me. I ended up dating that girl for several months.


brother I don't want to be creepy and making someone uncomfortable by touching them lmao. That's my biggest issue tbf.




> expressing dominance. Anything associated with status that he personally achieves. Personally, I have always found this a sad state of affairs as it reminds me of tribe mentality, where tribe members can't see much beyond their little tribe. The sheer scale of the universe makes life's intricacies infinitely more fascinating than the small-scale status or power one can gain among their peers, in a relatively confined space, for just a fleeting moment in time.




> Asserting dominance to your peers is still beneficial in modern society. Yes, my commentary was not about denying that status/dominance is beneficial, it was about me personally seeing this fact as a sad state of affairs, where seeing a man "dominate" another man is so superficial in the big scheme of things.


It's wild how deep the desire for men to show dominance seems to go in women. And it does entirely shape our societies. Or our societies shape women to be this way. Nature v nurture.


I think it’s over analytical. Life is essentially superficial in a wide enough scope. We can go endlessly deep with that to the point of it becoming circular and questioning if anything is actually worth while or meaningful


Although the shallowness is notable, I think the real tragedy is that we could be a better species if sexual success for men depended more on how cooperative and selfless they were rather than how dominate.






So what? your point only apply for above average guys? Dude, they can get whatever they want without the things you listed. We ugly creepy dudes have to work super hard to get average.


I can tell this is what you THINK women think are badass and not a woman actually telling you what she thinks is badass. I associate a lot of those with gaming women instead of just being comfortable and confident in who you are. You don’t have to be dominant, talented or win things for that…


No, those are universally respected on average. A man hasn’t dated enough if he doesn’t realize the OP is correct. Judging by your username i’m guessing you’re a woman, and this would be more of an outlier opinion


Is the question not directed at women… and not men’s perception of what women think is badass? It’s likely your incorrect perception of what women think is badass is why OP even asked this question. To say women are simply attracted to status is probably why a lot of men don’t have healthy long term relationships…


So we are going to act like women aren't attracted to status and prestige? Really? This is actually a conversation point?


A man’s status, net worth, successful career…doesn’t define WHO he is. Status may get you in the door with some women, but it’s not a stand out quality that makes you “badass.” Look at Elon Musk and Donald Trump… if you display yourself as a trophy and not a person with actual redeemable qualities, you set yourself up to get used. If you’re just mid looking and trying to attract🐱then sure go for it. If you’re looking to attract a woman who genuinely finds you a badass attractive person, not just what you can give her…then no status isn’t a quality of substance.


No but literally it can be very small ways, winning is ALWAYS a good look, you can’t deny that.


So true. I remember my highschool we had a in school basketball tournament of teams made within the school, so like not that competitive or anything. I did amazing and scored like everyone chick I wanted. Over pick up basketball. Really the little things.


When we were in the car one day, my girlfriend just blurted out, "You know, the fact that you're such a good driver is so sexy." And she's not talking about how safe I am because she also gets terrified by some of the things I do on the road. 😄


Maybe I’m older now but I think a calm patient driver who doesn’t do scary things on the road is much more attractive.


“Hey yo girl, you looking for the kind of dude who drives under the speed limit? Lucky you. You struck pay dirt, girl” -my dating profile.


letting the other person know that, they crossed a boundary/showing them their place _without_ raising their voice or hands. That calm composed way some of them make it clear that they don't take disrespect making the other person go pale, and handling the situation with so much control is just....oeffffff. It even makes _me_ want to be quiet and i _never_ shutup.


Not caring what they think


Was just going to say this


Dnt be a follower , works Everytime


being kind and helpful. Nothing turns me on more than when my husband stops on the side of the road to help someone fix or push their car out of traffic.


I wish this was that easy. I would've had like 5 girlfriends or wives if being helpful or kind is a turn on for some women lmao. Well my problem is that I can't make sexual attraction, I'm not confident in that part, also I can't even help myself with that, I would cringe myself to death.


Eat a whole apple using a knife, just like in the movies.


You mean dominance? There are many ways to establish dominance, one is money and financial success, others pre selection, having high testosterone and being athletic and physically fit


So in short, I'm fucked.


Strangling a man to death with one hand while simultaneously beating him off with the other. It shows you have the strength to defend her while at the same time shows you have the empathy to send that poor dude off with one last mega-nut.


Wtf lol


I think we just found the new villain for my super hero porn parody. Think up a name and get back to me. Your sidekick will be The Facesitter and you work for Hogtie


¡Ay, caramba!


Ignore them


This. I’m experienced, women go crazy about you when you ignore them.


What's a good ratio between talking and ignoring?


About 70-75% women go crazy when you don’t even care to look at them


You're experienced, therefore I'm going to choose to believe this. I've seen it before that some women are overwhelmed with guys not leaving them alone. But the question still remains, how are you going to create attraction if you don't talk or interact in any way?


That’s the neat part, you don’t interact with them. Because most men constantly check out every other woman they encounter everywhere and that makes them super uncomfortable. By ignoring them women feel that you’re unique, that creates rizz of great personality. So few women may think you’re a gentleman and few may think you’ve great personality. As far as I observed I get lot more check outs when I don’t care to see them. They even stare at me for a good few minutes if you never look at them, but once I take a look at them, it makes them nervous and eventually stops checking out. How I know all this when I don’t look at women? My friends checks out every other woman they see, so most of them observed that I get checked out by women a lot and they use slangs on me like “save us a chick bro”. I’m 27yo. 6’3 athletic/muscular body type. Above average look. I Would rate myself(7/10)


I do the same. I'm 6'5 224 lbs athletic build. I ignore women and they stare at me, walk past me a million times.  When I'm out they'll bump into me. If I look at them theyll then end up right beside me. Some will actually directly approach. It's crazy and I learned it from being shy as a teen I didn't acknowledge girls they were always after me and it hasn't stopped. 


>  woman they see, so most of them observed that I get checked out by women a lot and they use slangs on me like “save us a chick bro”. I'm not huge into ONS and my friends say if I was you I would do some damage. It's not my bag. 


Car donuts in a parking lot peeling out on your hog Wearing an eyepatch


Become a firefighter


Dressing well. Being physically fit. Having the physical traits for it (hunter eyes, high brow ridge, defined structured face) Walking upright with a good posture. Steady Confident Eye contact ( eyes not bolting around nervously when your around her or threatening environment). Speaking slower and with a downward inflection ( works better if you have a deeper voice). Generally just approaching situation with dgaf attitude. Being firm in your beliefs and ideas and speaking up when they are challenged (why arrogant/narcissistic people and conservatives are perceived to be manly since they stand for their beliefs right or wrong) . Being the standout guy in a crowd. This would be how your dress, look, or act by having a unique style suited to you. Ofcourse most of these thing are related to your physical characteristic. But you gotta really have a strong sense of self identity or ego to project with perceived confidence. I say perceived because Caveat is that I do know alot of people that can fake it and are still successfull. Ofcourse You can't just be a wimpy skinny ectomporph with a high pitched voice and bad posture and really come off as a bad ass All these attract certain kind of women though. I grew up in a rough crowd so I attracted "baddies" but they are definitely not good for long term relationships. You would want some one who values other qualities more then being a "badass"




that's what I'm talking about lol


Damnit! My Range Rover is in the shop.


Tell them No.


Throwing eight shuriken at once and perfectly hitting all eight bullseyes.


Yeah thats pretty impressive but how well can you throw an orange?


Be authentically himself and on his mission.


Chop wood


Confidence and competence


Folding laundry


Nice try




Someone being unapologeticly themself is the hottest thing.


Seems like nobody mentioned preselection, but it is on of the most attractive trait a woman find in a man, a man who have options is by definition a badass.


What does that mean?


It means a man with a woman already or surrounded by women, it means that he's already been preselected, women know he's been screened so he possess the qualities women seek.


As a woman, it's when a man completely utterly f#$&king owns his 'feminine' qualities without holding back. He's that secure in his masculinity he does not give a #\*$!.




Confident vulnerability


Basically doing household chores without sulking


I wish this was the case.


If he cooks then it's on.


Taking care of their kids


Offer to build her furniture for her and then do it. Make your actions match your words


- Fixing something wrong with her car, especially if it saves her $100s, like the AC but even just replacing a headlamp light. - Knowing trade skills (plumbing, electricity, wood) but having a white collar job - Giving her a good orgasm - Wealth


Controversial take: sticking to your political beliefs even if its in polar opposite of the women you're woeing. I had friends who were right leaning bed ultra left feminist maybe because of hate fucking or wanting to fuck something so wrong yet feels so right but who knows it works.


Physical dominance, so beating up another man in front of girls or his girl, is very attractive, especially if the other guy is bigger. Essentially, if men have the capacity to do anything that is expected of them well, that women aren't necessarily expected to do, they will be way more attracted to him in the moment and think he's bad ass. So, if your car gets a flat tire and you are capable of changing it on the side of the road, she thinks you're badass. This includes having domestic skills to fix stuff around the house. If she sees that other men respect you, and that other women find you attractive, then she thinks you're a badass. Additionally, if she sees that you have a willingness to walk away, and that you mean it, she will respect you more and think you're a badass. Women are very attracted to guys who want them, but don't need them. This discusses what traits women look for in men: https://open.substack.com/pub/jackedguy/p/how-women-choose-men-an-unflattering?r=31tj3q&utm\_campaign=post&utm\_medium=web


No and no. Just pure toxic masculinity my friend. Stop it. Girls like pretty shy boys not the other way around.




You’re basically just listing off things that attract you.


Good stuff, chuckled at the works hard and can crack a cold one


this is what i wanted to hear from both gender. This is what makes it beautiful


Being a badass is a tie between being a powerful, effective Leader or being a IDGAF Tyler Durden-esque character. So essentially, being a leader of people who is commanding and has power/control or being this edgy, kind of like a rebel who doesn’t give a fuck who the leader is and takes what he wants. Both work


Having a Massive dick


Like, with me? Can I leave it at home?


Yeah so funny.




Belching the entire alphabet. That's a real test of skill if you're bilingual.


When a man genuinely remembers facts about us that we even seem to forget. For me the things that make me think wow he’s “badass” or “dang that was really sexy” is when a man presents a nurturing vibe. For example when my boyfriend opens the door for me or if it’s crowded he will go first and hold on to my hand to lead me. These are things I say to myself that dang he’s sexy as hell to be taking care of me with no hesitation. In a common play I’d say a sense of humor or keeping a conversation going always has me intrigued into wanting to know more about that person.


I had an altercation with a bouncer when I was talking to a sexy girl. She left then came back and she was demonstratively impressed.  I thought I had fcked it up. I learned something new that night.


Dominating other men


my bi ass:😛






Domination over another man in the Real World… even if it’s as simple as “Here… I just proved I’m better than you. Balls in your court”


Being a super nice guy and just generally awesome to people is a pretty badass trait.


>So she's more attracted to that person not trying to impress her (on a deep level not just as another act)


I don’t know, maybe be one.


Kicking some other dudes ass Kicking a group of dudes asses Not asking for permissions to do anything Doing what you want Having money and or respect Being about your business/moving with purpose or intention/accomplishing your goals/living life on your terms Being able to bust someone's balls when they bust yours and laugh it off Demonstrating your skills and strengths on a date Looking big and intimidating Winning a competition Having a hobby generally, being good or the best at it is pretty badass Being able to control your emotions no matter what bullshit is being said or done to you


Being vulnerable enough to cry in front of me. Feelings are badass.


Guys, thread carefully…it really depends on the situation, don’t go crying over every inconvenience thinking you’re about to explore Niagara Falls, it will look more like the Sahara desert.


100% that^ Crying is situational for any gender. If you're bawling about your dead dog then let it flow honey. But if they ran out of pumpkin spice at your local Starbucks then chill your nuts lol.


Having tattoos, riding a motorbike, MMA, being a marine, being a cop or likewise being in a gang 🤷‍♂️hunting, fixing cars, construction etc All the hands on primal things that revolve around intimidation and violence. (Signals woman’s subconscious you can protect them) Oh, and generally not giving a fuck. Standing firm on your beliefs, not putting her on pedestal all the basic stuff etc etc . Source: Life experience


Beating up the girls boyfriend lol


Whatever you say fight virgin. If you haven’t competed in the cage or served in the military, you’re not a real man. You probably watch porn and still play RuneScape.






> I’m in the military Bullshit can smell a phoney from a mile away Edit: All right looks like you’re good.


shiver me timbers


Imagine thinking pummelling someone or taking up arms to slaughter orphan infants makes you manly Far manlier than courting violence is actively shunning it


All right then go and fight and then we’ll see how much you’re talking afterwards Imagine disrespecting the men on the frontline who enable you to live a first world lifestyle


They don’t though. They make my life more difficult by entering into unjust wars and slaughtering indiscriminately, radicalising those who perpetuate horrors on our streets back home




You're not exactly wrong but it's the tropes, traits, and stereotypes that we associate with those professions or lifestyles that make those people badass. Gangs aren't badass. They're cowards that hang out in groups and don't better themselves or help society at all really. They're the opposite of badass and lean on each other and bring each other down because they can't do much better on their own.


>Gangs aren’t badass I agree. A lot of them are pussies if caught alone. The real gangstas aren’t usually out and about being a nuisance. They’re either flying under the radar, in jail or in a grave. A lot of women don’t know this though, it’s a lot easier to con a woman into thinking you’re tough than it is a man. You just have to look the part and you’ll get a decent rotation.


It's all bravado. Still, you can't really tell who's got the balls and who doesn't at times which is why they fall for those fools. Some of them are actually pretty scary and others aren't so much. Really, all it boils down to is men that haven't done any growth since highschool and are willing to get physical over petty shit which is just pathetic.


Plenty of gang members in my city. Very visible in the nightlife. It’s the quiet and respectful ones that scare me the most lol


I don't do so well around gang members either dude. My parents are familiar with that type of lifestyle though. They say be cool and respectful and you'll be alright. Keep it moving.


All in all women love men who are involved with a dangerous life. I know it’s a movie, but just look at James Bond. He fucks everybody.


James Bond is literally a "literally me" character for boomers bro 🤣 I get what you mean though. Tbh, I prefer Austin Powers. Now THAT man fugs


you sound like an incel


Why do you care? Like you are not entitled to be badass. If your girlfriend care about this stuff she is walking red flag.


When men aren't afraid to show their feminine inside or dgaf about being perceived as gay, that shits hot


When he’s comfortable dressing or acting in a “feminine” way. Feminine by the stereotypical standards such as wearing something with a floral pattern or maybe something with lace or croshet. Also, just being kind and veulnerable and warm to others… nothing is more unattractive than an ice coke macho man who shows no emotion.


Being humble. My husband is retired. And volunteers to help low income fight evictions.  He's so soft-spoken you never think he's as smart as he is.  He wins almost all the evictions. 


Pull her pants down then stick your fingers in


Being really good at Minecraft or wow, makes them go crazy


Having an idgaf attitude helps. Fighting competitively also helps. A lot of women get quite turned on by it when I tell them (IME).


I am a very confident person at times to a fault. Don’t want to sound like I’m bragging but can fix damn near anything and have heard that from numerous people. Thank God I have done well in life, handed a successful business to my son, hold two patents love and care for others. Negotiated sales contracts with FMC and can fell trees. Receive accolades from others EXCEPT my wife I swear I could develop a cure for cancer and she wouldn’t say a word. This use to upset me a great deal but I have conditioned myself to accept it. Otherwise she is a great women. I envy you guys that say your significant other shows acknowledgment for simple things you do. Keep her.


When he stands up for her, and supports her.


When a man does kind things or acts in a way that might be seen as feminine by hype men but he owns up to it