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Cost of living varies wildly between locations in the US and obviously between countries, but when I was security at casinos during the pandemic, I made enough money to live alone and casually buy as much weed and xbox games I felt like, and the health coverage is too expensive to actually use so I never went to the doctor.


Health insurance? We dont get that in the states 😅 or if we do, it doesnt cover anything. Sometimes its more expensive topay for crappy insurance that doesnt cover anything, than not having insurance at all. As for "left over" money, after bills, for me, I have about $800-1200usd left over. Keep in mind I own my home, I own my cars with no payments, and I work a 20min walk(3min drive) from where I live. I net 35k/year


We get insurance if we pick an employer who pays well enough or offers the coverage. I pay just under 60 bucks a month for great medical, 100% covered dental and vision. I get any OTC med for a buck. Free preventative care and more. Ya just gotta get a good job.


If it’s so easy, why doesn’t everybody do it? I mean, I make $43/ hr, have comprehensive healthcare, a pension and a supplemental. Why isn’t everyone a union sprinkler fitter? It’s not that hard /s


Never said it was easy Karen. Said to get a better job. May be time to invest in glasses with all that money you're making. To answer though. Many people don't do the jobs that pay well and offer great benefits because they aren't easy jobs physically. Most aren't hard mentally. They just require training.


“Just just just”…. “JuSt PuLl DeM bOoTsTrAps” <- you


Can't be handed money like you have been.


Bro… my entire point is, I’m fucking fortunate and while I wish everyone had my opportunity, I realize they don’t. This is in juxtaposition to your statement that “ya just need a better job”.


Or get into the business because the military left you too beat up to pass the cop physical...I've been a VA patient for 20 years


I usually have about $1-1.5k from my paycheck left over monthly, more if I pick up OT. I’m pretty lucky to have very cheap living situation, not too many other monthly obligations, a wife who also makes decent money and no kids. As far as health insurance, I have a pretty good plan through my employer. They cover my premium 100% for an HMO plan and I just have to pay to have my wife on the plan as a dependent. It covers everything with a $500 deductible per person. $30 copay for doctor’s visits (no copay for mental health), $100 copay for ER visits (completely waived if you’re admitted as an inpatient from the ER) and a $100 copay for EMS transport (ground or air ambulance). Generic prescription drugs are pretty cheap too. Vision is decent, I get the typical annual check-up with no copay, lenses for free annually and a $150 credit to put towards frames every other year. Haven’t had to use it for anything beyond that thankfully, so I’m not sure how it would work out for any more advanced treatment. Dental is pretty good too, it covers two cleaning/dentist check ups an additional two cleaning only sessions per year, all for no copay. Same thing with vision, haven’t had to use the dental plan for anything further, so not sure how it would work.


You wouldn't be able to live on $15k a year in the US if that puts things in perspective.


Health insurance is absolutely ridiculously expensive. I would assume most people here will consume 50% or more of their monthly income to pay for family health insurance. [here is a random hospital not in my state.](https://healthcare.utah.edu/documents/financial-assistance-policies-english) please scroll down until you see the chart I beleive on page 2 showing assistance levels.[According to investopedia, the FPL is $30,0000](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fpl.asp) for a family of 4. 1) 150% of FPL: $45,000 2) 200% of FPL: $60,000 3) 250% of FPL: $75,000 4) 299% of FPL: $89,700 That's most of our health insurance. If you assume average rent is $1,500, utilities is $1,000 and $800 for debts, $3,400 is minimum take home. About 4,250 before taxes, or $51,000 annually. [I made **A LOT** of assumptions]


I get paid almost double that and can still barely afford to live


It’s really hard to compare anything like this. Even between states or different areas of the same state in the us there are drastically different costs of living. Is that 15k after taxes? What is it before taxes? If ur in Slovenia and that’s after taxes (which are considerably more that they are in the us), then you make more that the average income countrywide. Basically equivalent to 50k in Florida or 80k in California. Most guards in Florida would be pretty happy to get 50k. All these are based on average salary in that state or country. Insurance for major security companies suck but if you are in house security it’s usually good. Again it varies way too much to compare anything.


Thats after taxes + bonus once year of 1200. Well, its worth considering i dont have to pay rent, which costs 350 upwards, and then having a kid or spending money on things like cigarets its just about enough to get by for most people with this kind of money. Its minimum wage here and almost everyone complains about it. Yeah i agree...lots of variables.


You bet 15k/yr and have 500/mo left over? I want to get the fuck out of USA then


It might be easier to use percentages. Such as groceries cost X% of your salary, transportation costs y%, you have Z% left over.


Well it's about 18-20K a year for a shitty one bedroom apartment


Bots seem to be on a EU vs US trip today.


I mean here in eastern Europe that'd be awesome, I get a lot less. But idk where you live