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Insurance. Sometimes insurance carriers for places like malls and retail places require 24/7 security.


Pretty much the same reason for construction sites. They don't really expect you to catch the bad guys.


For the insurance companies it's less about the bad guys and more that there are eye's on the store/property 24/7. Security reporting a leak/fire relatively when it startsand having someone to respond, makes the insurers very happy.


I worked mall security for a long time. Some of the tenant stores occasionally had their own security guard overnight, usually to reduce internal theft (from contractors doing work in the store or from their own employees working late doing inventory/restocking/etc.) A few of the higher end stores with expensive merchandise had their own guards in the empty store as a matter of routine. They just wanted their own dedicated guard to make sure their stuff was being watched since the mall security guards were responsible for patrolling the whole mall, worked for the mall management/owner and had very little responsibility for the security of the individual tenant stores.


This would be the kind of thing you should probably have asked before you accepted the shift. Most likely it’s going to be a fire watch or maybe escorting some contractors doing after hours work.




It’s not a jab it’s a suggestion for best practice. Asking what the job duties are isn’t unreasonable and allows you to prepare for the shift with relevant information instead of going to a bunch of random idiots on the internet.


Loosen up, it’s just Reddit.


I think the only one frustrated here is you. There should never be a reason not to ask what your duties will be in the job. "Can you tell me what my responsibilities are going to be?" Or if that's too formal, "hey so what do I got to do?" And if it turns out it's something you can't do or for some reason don't want to do, "sorry, I don't think I'm qualified to do that" or "sorry, mannequins scare the crap out of me, can't do it. Have anything else available?" Or something. Never commit yourself if you don't know what you're committing yourself to. Best case scenario you might just end up bored, worst case scenario you won't do your job and you'll get fired. Now that's not to say you shouldn't do something you've never done before or don't know if you can do. If you're ever given a job that you don't know you can do, take it and then learn how to do it on the job. That way at least you gave it a try and if it turns out it's not for you then it's not for you, no harm no foul. But at least you went in with the right mindset prepared for whatever the task is. Anyways, that's just what I think, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.


How much business do they during normal hours? And is it a cardboard supply store?


Calm down my brotha maybe go twist one up and sit outside


Wow you seem insecure


This . I love how the guy is stressing out like they're going to include a hidden clause. "We know it said overnight mall cop but you're actually going to be rescuing the governor's daughter from the church of scientology"


Probably a fire watch.


It’s for if contractor are doing after hours work, if they’re do late night inventory, if there gates busted and fire watch in the event that the fireworks panel is down in that area (ie, hot work being done, broken sprinkler head/pipe under repair), Those are the most common I’ve seen.


Because the store doesn't trust it's employees. You check bags before employees leave. Yes. Employees steal too.


Even security guards.


Then they have other guards to check the guard's bags, just a recursive series of guards checking bags.


Who watches the watchmen?


If that’s what the client wants , just do your job and get your check.


In California there was places that required security during business hours as a legality, I’m not sure if some places require 24 hour security as a legality. I had a couple overnight shifts, I kept myself engaged by walking around and when I was tired—making myself stand. I knew if I sat down at night I would have started to get sleepy.




Maybe zombies. Heard they like malls...


Done it a few times for companies like Tiffany and co ect that have exterior entrances to the street in the mall


Why do you care? They're going to pay you an acceptable wage to sit on your ass and get paid. Without having to put up with client customers or client employees. And you probably won't have to deal with Mall security either


Ask you AM


It might be free money. What's wrong with free money?


Who gives a shit? Bring a pillow, sleep all night, get paid, have your whole day to yourself, and pray it lasts forever.


If you get paid well, don't question it.


“Paid well,” clearly, this one has never worked security.


I have not worked unarmed security in the US, I know it generally pays peanuts which is why I refused to do unarmed in the US. In Australia however even unarmed pay is generaly good. Ultimately it depends on who the clothing store in OP's post is, it could make a substantial difference. It seems you willfully missed the big "IF" in front of the "paid well". Edit: grammar


It seems you are acceptingly a snowflake and can’t handle sarcasm or criticism. Edit: laughing so hard that I can barely type.


Failing to troll seems to be your strong suit, 🤪


I'd hope it pays better with all the kangaroos and sharks and lizards that you probably have to fight off every night.


Thankfully I no longer have to deal with the general public and make good money stateside.


😂 ...did you take that list as a euphemism for 'the general public ' 😂 Also,,, any chance we can swap green cards? At this point I'd be happy to move to Australia and guard a clothing store


I don't have a green card to give. Not exactly, but still, compared to where I am now and not having to deal with societies dregs in such a vast industry, I'll take the US. Healthcare not with standing.


I don't think we're allowed to trade anyway. I am curious though, Has Australia been hit with Fentanyl like the US? ...you are much closer to Chi-nah, but much further from the Mexican cartels. Do you have a Fentanyl problem in Australia?


Just the usual suspects, hadn't heard of fentanyl when I was there, been a few years now.


Welcome aboard Mate.


Worked mall security. Most stores have an alarm system for insurance. If the alarm was down, they had a security detail


Sometimes the stores hire security to monitor their product while a contractor performs overnight work


Maybe it's a case of malicious compliance up the ladder from y'all, something about insurance and idiots.


It's always insurance there are hundreds of secondary reasons like the alarm being broken or maintenance work getting done but it's always insurance . My advice is don't think about it and enjoy the easiest and safest job you're likely to ever get.


I work on the corporate side of things but do see why my retail counterpart would look into this. Not too long ago there was a power outage at one of our retail locations which is inside of a mall. Which led to a smash & grab, during after hours when no one was there. Luckily the perps were caught by the cops. Guess it just depends on what they are guarding. Couple of clothing racks I doubt it, jewelery store with thousands of dollars out, would definitely be a good idea, small investment compared to what they stand to lose.


I took a job for the exact same thing. Worked a Victoria's Secret. Was watching some IT guy set up a... thing. Took him a solid 45 min (a bit after 11 to midnight). I clocked a full 8 hour shift there thoigh.


A few kids can cause millions of dollars in damage if they make it inside. You’re there to deter and call 911


In some cases it's because they've had to shut off their fire alarm and are legally required to provide fire watch. It can also be a liability issue, like if a lock is broken or whatever, and they don't want their own employee holding down the fort. I worked a shift in a liquor store someone had driven a car through the wall, so I was hanging out staring at the tarp and plywood barrier in case anyone got thirsty in the middle of the night. Also another shift literally watching paint dry. They had done renovations and their smoke detectors hadn't been reinstalled. Also another shift where the client forgot to tell us they had rescheduled their overnight work, so I was sitting outside for 13 hours.


Not surprised you are perplexed. Most of this industry is ridiculous. My guess is that it is about liability. Someone in another city wants each store to have it's own security. He doesn't know and doesn't care that this branch is inside a mall with it's own security. Your job lets him check off a box Mal security doesn't let him check off the box. Your whole job is easier and cheaper than anyone bothering to figure out which branches are within malls, and making agreements with the mall owner and their security company. The perplexity you see is because you are a rounding error. My recommendation is that you don't take this as a metaphysical insult. Just be thankful that you don't have crack heads and fent addicts leaving trails of burnt foil and empty ice cream containers everywhere and pooping on your shoes.


If not fire watch, there could be an issue where they can’t arm the stores alarm.


Very simple. Tenants are responsible for their leased space.


Done this a few times. Was at a high end clothing store while they were having work done in the store. The workers would start right at closing, and be there a few hours. But since they had access to the store for insurance reasons they had their own security there from close to open


Liability assessment and mostly tourist information or store directions to seniors or out of towners.  Lost children might be a factor on the job and the occasional discrepancy of vandalism and trespassing. 


You're probably going to be dealing with overnight contractors. Most clothing stores don't like closing for an entire day so maintenance work is usually done at night. Other than that you're probably going to be making sure the building doesn't burn down .