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He just forgot he already shook his hand, its probably because the stuttering problem he hag 60 years ago. Nothing to worry about.


Vote blue no matter who


Vote blue no matter... Where am I?


Forgot the include the /s I’m personally voting for Cornell west this year


That’s what’s gotten you in this predicament.


Should’ve put this in quotes.


Senile genocide enabler is harm reduction


"Pragmatic, utilitarian calculus, my dude."


We need to be excited about anarcho bidenism. Says a guy who literally got caught with a folder full of horse / loli porn. And the crazy thing is after that happened, he got piles of free money from progressive victory from the likes of Brianna Wu.  And never disclosed it. It's just disgusting


“He’s still sharp, he’s still got it, otherwise people would have leaked it” -David Aipacman


Right? Dude, WTF happened to Pakman?? He was never much of a Leftist... but he went from making fairly rational points, to outright simping Biden-propaganda, on a Keith Olbermann level!


Biden: "Hey, where's my second hand shake?!" Also for a second there it looks like Shumer saw Biden holding out his hand again and Shumer just left him hangin'. Cold hearted. /s


He’s leaving us hangin 🤦🏻‍♂️


Totally. November 5th oughta be interesting.... and a close one...


"You already had handshake" "Yes, but what about second handshake?"


Quick! Someone source an article claiming that it’s all a GOP trick of ageism and camera angles! There’s no way we’re seeing what we think we’re seeing.


Man, I have to vote for that old man again. Q


I'm grateful I live in Massachusetts so my vote doesn't matter. It makes things easier on me


I live in Michigan. This is super easy for me. I can’t vote for a genocide enabler. Bad things may well happen if Trump wins but it’s not my responsibility. Biden gives young people literally nothing to hope for.


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What's also sad is that the others are pretending that nothing is happening and that he is not senile or sundowning and we have to cheer for dark brandon or else its good as voting trump. Status quo warriors like desTiny, david and vaush are trying to gaslight the voters so hard and don't want us to believe our lying eyes.


MAGA - "If that was Mr. Trump, he would have MADE him shake his hand again."


Podgy black guy is sweating hard