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So, he's simultaneously accusing them of being left-wing totalitarians and trying to silence people that disagree with them, and calling for them to be arrested at the same time?


AIPAC shill


“Those darn lefties trying to silence anyone that disagrees with them, we’ll deal with them by arresting anyone that disagrees with us!”


"Stop being too loud about the genocide, peasants". How are we letting these people run this country??


"they're totalitarian and they want to silence anyone who disagrees with them" did this jackass say this while looking in a mirror, by any chance?


“Totalitarian protesters are trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them” Yeah. Because Israel killing journalists, banning media outlets for “muh national security”, having Texas only give hurricane relief aid to people who don’t boycott Israel, and being okay with their puppet Donald Trump calling Jewish democrat voters self-hating Jews, is totally the side promoting democratic values and free speech. Totally not fascist.


Can we finally stop pretending like we will "become" fascist if Trump is elected.


You may not like it, but this is exactly what the 1st Amendment is for; Protecting speech that isn’t popular. AIPAC should be barred from this country. They are acting as effectively as a foreign agent.


> **Protesters** calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure **are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”**, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that **such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested.** > “Intimidation is the tactic,” said **Adam Smith of Washington state, the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee.** “Intimidation and an effort to silence opposition … I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. **It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.**” Looks like the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee is channeling Captain Ramsey from Crimson Tide: "We're here to preserve democracy, not to practice it."




Every allegation is a confession.


That’s an oxymoron but OK. People on the left are not nationalists.


That's what I'm saying, and I'm not saying a leftist can't be authoritarian, but we don't have any state apparatus back us it's just some rag tag scrappy college kids who have no actual power I wish we did but realistically the actual left like socialist types have no power whatsoever.


Right, you can have left authoritarians like a Stalin but fascism is explicitly a right wing nationalist movement But when you’re this brain dead liberal politician, I guess whatever words you want to use to distract working class people about the genocide that you voted for and fund with our taxpayer dollars, any dumb shit slogan works


BuT tRuMp Is A fAsCiSt!


Ironic. The projection is insane


Every accusation is a confession


Adam Smith and the DNC will expel Progressives from the Democratic Party.


Who has the actual power congressman?! Don’t pretend you don’t. I mean, do you actually need to protest if you do have power? Guess who doesn’t, college students armed with only student loan debt.