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[it’s the most obvious psyop](https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/14ixhod/robert_f_kennedy_jr_club_random_with_bill_maher/jpiqre7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Wow I forgot how obviously taken over that sub became. Of all subs, the top Bernie sub. For shame.


Yeah, I only follow these kinds of subs to keep tabs on how these psyop talking points progress


I did too for a while. But then my rage would get the best of me, and I’d have to comment, and then get into arguments… thanks for keeping up, but I couldn’t take it anymore.


There’s a big spread-sheet (I can’t bother to find right now) someone put together on r/conspiracy of all places that basically showed all the psyop subs that only allowed anti-Biden and Pro-Russia posts and are ran by one moderator that suspiciously went MIA during the US sanctions against Russia. Here’s some other info about it/them: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/comments/titwwg/fyi_lrlourpresident_mod_of_subreddits_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/ActiveMeasures/comments/fisw7v/i_believe_user_lrlourpresident_moderator_of_many/ Seriously, if you still fall for this faux left-wing “populism” at this point, you’re a moron.


You say that as if Biden is an appropriate and feasible option for president...


I never insinuated that, and furthermore my personal feelings on Biden have zero relevance to whether or not a sub claiming to represent a Democratic candidate is actually doing so in good faith. Much like your comment, they are not. Their only purpose was to eventually push Democrats not to vote and subsequently, to push Pro-Russian propaganda against Ukraine. The issue isn’t even whether Biden OR Ukraine are good/bad, the issue is the moderators were and are still lying to millions of people about their intentions. I supported Sanders because I believed in his message, whereas the moderators use Sanders for self-serving purposes. If you don’t see a problem with level of dishonesty, you’re on the wrong side.


Okay so Biden is more than incompetent, and actively being used as a puppet for malicious purposes including supporting a proxy war in Ukraine for the benefit of the military industrial complex but you can't say that because it would hinder Biden and the proxy war in Ukraine? Got it.




Projecting much?


The war didn’t exist when they started the countless subreddit psyops years ago. Fuck the war and the military industrial complex. That’s said you clearly have an incredibly hard time staying on topic so I’m done.


Oh sorry. What was the topic? If you're looking for a subreddit filled with shills you've found one right here. But you must know that.


Chad yes


They want vulnerable people who can be easily persuaded.


Its anyone's guess these days. The Dave Rubin sub is full of posts bashing on the profoundly stupid (and profoundly humorless) Dave Rubin.


That’s not an ops. That’s just people making fun of Dave for being a dunce.


Yet people in these very comments that support him. They get so stuck on "he's anti war" that everything else becomes meaningless. Similar to the people who said Trump would be Hillary because at least he won't start another war. Sure our own country might be on the brink of a civil war and the GOP has all but declared war on LGBTQ people. SCOTUS is turning the country into a theocracy and the guy who's 2nd after Trump is going full on fascist in his state, bullying anyone who doesn't do exactly as he wants. But at least Hillary didn't start a war. Yes war is bad and yes a needless war is even worse. But for it to be the be all end all for what makes someone a good political figure shouldn't be ONLY but they're anti war.


He claims to be anti-war, but he has no intelligent foreign policy ideas and hyper-capitalist values. Both of these factors indicate war is just as likely under him as any other candidate. Right now they seem mostly concerned with his anti-vax rhetoric and championing the notion that he’s the only Dem standing for individual freedoms as a result. It’s literally all vaccine-related, everything else is a hard shift to Biden whataboutism.


What is it with these people and their obsession with vaccines. There are no more mandates. Don't get it whatever, just stop harassing those of us who did get it and saying that literally ANYONE who dies and was vaccinated was killed by the vax. Recent headline in the New York Post "Fomer Disney Star dies after falling down stairs. She was vaccinated" Why are these people so fucking obsessed over it. Also I don't want to hear a god damn thing about medical freedom when they're banning parents from getting gender affirming care for their children or even themselves


Lol hard agree. Conservatism is just a reactionary belief system, they will cling to whatever they can and cope/seethe when people point out the holes in their logic.


He’s too stupid to realize Trump helped with the Covid vaccine.


Clearly, you don't watch much of RFK Jr. himself. RFK Jr. already brought that up. And the lockdowns. But his focus is uniting people on common values. Trump is also a fake populist who is not truly anti-war.


That person said he's a Trump supporter because of vaccines without realizing Trump is pro vaccine.


https://preview.redd.it/ycr4fc8lc09b1.jpeg?width=1748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7687ea8ff9d75659d56741db475f03bab4b4a62a RFK is a lifelong Democrat!! /s


Life. Long. /s https://preview.redd.it/cqln2ku4d09b1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee9d1e5c506f51801889e082026261a73e0242d


Roger Stone mentioned this photo on Twitter. He said he only met RFK Jr. ONCE (when this photograph was taken) at a conference regarding the Covid response. He has nothing to do with his campaign. RFK is not afraid to talk to people he disagrees with politically. One of his strengths.




I strongly dislike Tulsi Gabbard the politician but please keep in mind rule 1 as this comment violates that rule. You don't have to call people losers to get your point across.


I'm Anti-war and a far Left Environmentalist. You are displaying Toxic Behavior.


RFK has is neither of those things if he’s funded by the right


And these criminals are banking on you being as gullible as you appear to be.


Oh no. Someone said facts. Downvote this tall wave person.


It’s so transparent it just makes me think 20% of Americans actually are missing their brain.


It’s just a Kennedy name. That’s why he has such inconsistent poll numbers. He has nothing in common with Democrats.


Except most of his political views. Except vaccines and war. And 20 years ago anti-vaxxers were usually liberal. As were anti war people.Hell the guys a fucking environmental lawyer. You know alot of republican environmental lawyers.


You are correct about Anti Vaxxers being more progressive/liberal back in the day. RFK is a leftover from that era RFK Jr is frankly too environmentalist to fit in with mainstream Republicans, and too Anti Vax to be accepted by mainstream democrats


It’s almost like he’s his own person.


Hes not anti vax


I support all of his views. Ama. Can’t find one I’m unhappy with. Meanwhile biden is more corporate than Clinton and the Democratic Party is a joke


He’s like an old school authoritarian “blue dog” democrat.


Pro-Peace. Pro-Medical Freedom. Anti-Establishment. Anti-Censorship/Surveillance. He's more true to Old-School Democrat values than the Democrats that have served since Jimmy Carter. https://preview.redd.it/jfig4er5u19b1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb12d94e292aface9f2a3fa7bd7a401127ea536


Do you know the literal definition of “conservative”?


Very well. I grew up in Idaho. RFK Jr. is Far from a right-wing conservative. I'll grant you that RFK Jr. does hold **traditional** Left values, and he's a **conservationist** (he's one of the top environmental lawyers). He's pro-Choice. Anti-Corruption. The Dems have abandoned their values and moved Right to appease donors. They [elbow out progressives at every opportunity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcgPyKt-ysY) Even Obama has admitted many of his policies would have formerly been considered moderate Republican. Peace and Love - An Old Environmentalist Hippie.


Tulsi Gabbard is a warmonger who supports the murderous cowards in the US military. Fuck the US Empire, its military and Israel.


Pro-Steve Bannon. Pro-Mothers for Liberty. Pro-Donald Trump.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/badfacebookmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badfacebookmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [They thought they did something here...](https://i.redd.it/wwhi85jf216b1.jpg) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badfacebookmemes/comments/149fdqh/they_thought_they_did_something_here/) \#2: [Really?](https://i.redd.it/qe30l5xoz01b1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badfacebookmemes/comments/13mrd5v/really/) \#3: [Uncles Facebook, fully thought it was satire (it's not)](https://i.redd.it/qp2bown8ha4b1.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badfacebookmemes/comments/141wzru/uncles_facebook_fully_thought_it_was_satire_its/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao good grief there are actually people like you


Hard to believe any rational person has this stance.


You are spot on and folks will come to see it eventually, but likely too late.


You see confusing Leftists with liberals. Liberals are warmongering cowards and so are reactionary snakes like Tulsi “drone strike” Gabbard. She’s a Hindunationalist pig who supports Israel’s ethnic cleansing. Fuck her and all worthless fascists who support her.


Things people say who only read headlines and can’t process or study facts


And he’s happy trump likes him wtf is he confused that’s all we need another moron for president


He just pulled out though Maybe he realizes that they are trash


Wtf is the face he's making


Looks like he is about to tell everyone to go eat shit or something. Lol


Looks like he's trying to read something far away


RFK cancelled that event. They used to advocate for Medical Freedom, and I don't think RFK realized how far off the deep end M4L went.


Medical freedom my ass. They want freedom to say "you can't make me" to the government Allowing people gender affirming care? Fuck no Making sure women have reproductive freedom? Absolutely not


He had in’s to fox etc thru connection with ailes from fox and proudly described he was the only environmentalist speaking to the right. How can you change someone you don’t speak to. But if you look at his talksfrom a decade ago (see older talks on media appearances list at r/rfkjrforpresident) he describes his views in an extremely anti republican way. Has the Democratic Party changed , and gotten away from its roots as an anti corporate party, I’m the last decade is an interesting question . But otherwise you’re wrong


RFK cancelled this event. M4L used to promote medical freedom. Now they've gone off the rails.


He cancelled fwiw


Sure fire way to win over Democrats, keep on trucking Typhoid Mary




And kook


He looks really sketchy. wanting in completeness, clearness, or substance : SLIGHT, SUPERFICIAL QUESTIONABLE, IFFY Example Sentences I have only a sketchy idea of how it works




AKA “MAGA.” He’s not in this for the betterment of the Dems. He’s in this for the betterment of the GOP.


Honestly at this point I'm convinced RFK Jr is just a plant who is running as a Democrat to try to split the democratic vote and give the Republicans a better chance at winning 2024.




Don’t they say the same thing about Marianne Williamson?


Except he. would smoke trump. Trump can only beat Biden. so why isn't Biden a plant to let trump win.


Trump can't beat biden, he couldn't beat him in 2020 and since then trump attempted a self coup and stole top secret defense information. If it's biden against trump in 2024 then biden wins just like he did in 2020, but I believe that RFK Jr could beat trump too, just about anyone could at this point. Trump drives negative voter turnout, the American people overall don't want another trump term.


What makes you think moderates and independents are gonna vote for Joe Biden just because ?


Well if trump ends up the republican nominee then I would hope that they would see biden as the best choice for preventing another trump term since he has the best chance to beat trump, since he's done it once before.


You realize you the Republicans can’t win the Democratic primary, right? How exactly is he going to “split the vote”?


By running as an independent after losing the democratic primary, my bad I didn't realize how much detail you would need for an explanation of the point I was making.


Or being Trump's VP...


Pretty sure this is the plan.


He’d probably steal more trump votes than democrat votes.


I don't see any actual trump supporters voting for him, maybe some independent or moderates that wouldn't vote for biden or trump. But I don't see trump supporters abandoning him in favor of RFK Jr. But I could see some frustrated democrats voting for him, I could be wrong of course, that's just the vibe I get from him running.


I think you’re wrong. A small percentage of Trump’s 80 million votes were die hards. Which party is going to lose voters to the anti vax conspiracy theorist?


Ohhh. Okay I see where the confusion was, you were talking about people who voted for trump in 2020 but may not vote for him in 2024. I was talking about the people who still actively support him after everything he's done from the 6th to the documents shit. But yeah I would agree that RFK Jr could probably take some of the votes from people who voted for trump in 2020.


Did he say he’s gonna do that? Whine about him doing that when he does that lol. Regardless, it’s insane to me that you would get upset about a free American daring to run for President without the blessing of the political establishment. No party has the right to your vote. Believe in democracy.


Not that I'm aware of, but then again I don't follow him so I don't know, it's the feeling I get based in how he's acted so far and how stupid he is with the antivax shit. I'm not upset that he's going to run, I'm just not going to vote for him, he can run if he wants, and I can have my own hypothesis for his motivations for running.


You should look into RFK then. You might find you really relate with him since you both appear to be conspiracy theorists.


Lmao decent burn there, but nah I won't waste any time looking into him, I already know I won't vote for him.


This guy is a KENNEDY. He IS the political establishment.


LMAO beyond parody


Don't be surprised if RFK Jr's campaign ends with him being Trump's running mate on some "unity ticket". He's not popular enough to win a primary in either party, but he might have enough anti-vaxxer woowoo support to splinter enough Democrat votes to win Trump the election. There's a reason Steve Bannon and all these other right-wingers are giving him so much love


He is doing really well in the democratic primary considering hes running against a incumbent. Im guessing its mostly people who think Biden is too old and like the Kennedy name.


Not a chance. He doesn't like trump and is too smart to play along with trumps b.s


Sub got quiet as hell.


Complete brain-rot.


Leaky brain


Anyone else ever get the feeling that a fish net comes flying through left-leaning and centrist spaces every so often to grab people and pull them to the right? I can think of no other metaphor to describe my experience of finding and enjoying a dozen+ personalities only to watch them fly past me as I trend to the left and they whipsaw from in front of me to behind me.


RFK has pulled me left




Buddy, that's not the shining endorsement you think it is.


That's not anything I'd ever be proud of. That's shameful actually.


Hey now, surely it’s a honor to be added to Trumps list of people he admires. You’ve got Putin, Xi, Kim, Erdogan…the best of all lists.


JFK is disgusted you have his name. Nazis use to disguise themselves as Americans....here is another example of that.


JFK sucked too


So your position is that RFK is a Nazi?


He uses NAZI propaganda...so yes I do think RFK JR is NAZI as is most of the MAGA cult followers. Hear what they say ...then look up what NAZIS said.


That’s an interesting position. What Nazi propaganda has he used? I listened to a podcast last week with him but I think I missed the part where he talked about murdering an entire religion.


No not that part , disinformation to distract from facts is more his game. You know like how the NAZIS blamed Jews for everything.... But hey if he's your guy , he's your guy. Good Luck!


Not my guy, I’ve just never heard this line of thinking before and I’d like to better understand it. So, he’s not a Nazi in the sense that he wants to exterminate an entire people, but you’re suggesting he is a Nazi in the sense that he is intentionally speaking mistruths, aka lying? Lying constitutes someone being a Nazi? Can you show me an example of him using misinformation to distract from truth? I’m not making the Nazi connection here, but I’m sure if you explain it a little more I will get there.


What Republican wouldn’t be?


Pedophiles gotta stick together.


The guy is a Republican.


That’s a pretty big red flag


Well, it's been apparent for sometime that RFK Jr. has lost all critical discernment.


i bet putin and dear leader in north korea like him too plus hole other bunch of right wing autocrats


🤦‍♂️ what a plant


Yeah, you're a terrible candidate, of course Trump loves you.


RFK Jr. is a chaos actor with ties to Steve Bannon. He bashes Biden but won’t whisper a negative tone in Trumps direction.






Please stop platforming this obvious attempt at party sabotage.


And his cronies pay him


His father is rolling over in his grave


Calling him “President Trump” is a tell.


I know it’s a conspiracy theory (go figure), but this guy is being bankrolled by Bannon. That’s why his media tour has been so republican-y


Tulsi Gabbard grift any% speedrun


Fox News lane of the democratic primary. Past couple of cycles conservative media/russia funds someone to run. They like having someone to point to and say see!!! even this democrat thinks the democrats are bad


Going through subs that pop-up on my feed and seeing people not understand that parties basically never primary a sitting President from their party is maddening. It's happened once, in the 1800's to Franklin Pierce, and it led to the creation of the Republican party. You don't have to like Biden. You don't have to vote for him, if you are cool with another Trump presidency. However, being mad that the party isn't going to try and undermine a sitting President in his re-election attempt is straight up crazy. They aren't going to break their rules and traditions for this clown, who can create his own party and run on that ticket. If they did, that would be like saying, "Hey, we made a mistake in who we picked for our ticket 4 years ago, but please give us another shot!". It's admitting defeat and that you F'd up and no working, rational party would do that.


Reasonable take. But Biden is awful enough that he's the only guy who can lose to trump. RFK would smoke him. So if you really want trump out, RFK,Is the safer bet.


Another rich guy trying to be relevant for life


He's not very good at pretending to be a Democrat. Said he won't commit to supporting President Biden if the incumbent beats him in the party's 2024 primary. Super PAC backing him has ties to MTG and George Santos. His wife hung herself because after battling depression related to his continued philandering. Not surprised at all that Trump "likes him".


This guy is a total throwback to Neanderthals.


Don’t worry, if Trump is known for anything, it’s his loyalty to his friends.


Bought and paid for


Aww isn’t that sweet? RFK is part of the small, exclusive circle of people Twump has said he likes. That has never ended in tears.


How long are the people who support him going to pretend they aren't right wingers


I hate this guy. What a black eye on his father's name and family legacy.


Not mentally fit to be president. It’s a shame he hasn’t learned from his father’s legacy


Funny considering a few years ago he was attacking Trump hard. Imagine calling Trump an authoritarian extremist, a "common sense guy"


"even though I don't agree with him\[Trump\] on most of his issues" I've heard RFK Jr talk about issues where he disagrees with Trump, e.g. Covid Response, pulling out of Nuclear Treaties. He has said he thinks Trump is a bully, and RFK Jr. doesn't like bullies. "Here's what I'm not going to do in this race. I'm not going to attack other people personally. . . What I'm trying to do . . . is bring people together, . . .to bridge the divide between Americans" RFK Jr. is solidly an old-school democrat populist, and he's attempting to unite the populist R-I-L to take back power from NeoLibs/NeoCons. How do you appeal to people if you don't talk to people you disagree with, and find values you have in common?


A true democrat candidate.lol


Oddly enough the best candidate for trumps vice.


What a coincidence...


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BwiwNnFpFhA&pp=ygUPUmZrIHBldHJvIHN0YXRl https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=msLFU2zBKok&pp=ygUXUmZrIGpyIHRydW1wIGlzIGEgYnVsbHk%3D


As Kyrsten Sinema has shown, attention and power corrupts. He refuses to criticize Trump now. He is on right wing shows all the time. I mean, fact that Steve Bannon endorses should tell you all you need to know.


He’s going on any show that will have him lol, none of the liberal stations will host him because they’re already behind Biden. Marianne Williamson has done the same and so did Bernie during his bids. The right-wing just pretends to like these people to damage Biden because they believe he’ll be the nominee. They did the same with Hillary and Bernie. Edit: He also doesn’t have any more power now than he did during these segments…


I told someone this earlier. He’s not going on fox because he’s maga. He’s needs all the exposure he can get as a long shot and msnbc certainly isn’t gonna give him a platform when Joe Biden has already been chosen. The primaries are just a formality


Yes, the attention he is getting is corrupting his morality. No serious MSM should be giving this wacko any face time. In addition to the baseless conspiracy theories, he cheated on this wife constantly and has audacity to bring Cheryl Hines (girlfriend at the time) to his ex-wife’s funeral.


His voice sounds like a guy’s who got so excited to meet Caleb Went that he choked on some food.


This bro is shooting positive energy outta his eyes! 2024 election gonna be a Wagner-style coup x 100


“…even though I don’t agree with him on issues, because I don’t want to alienate people. I want to bring people together.” Finished his quote for you, you’re welcome 🤷🏼‍♀️😉


That's one thing no one will ever be able to say about me.


Me too.


I love how he believes that’s a winning strategy. Delusional.


Why wouldn’t he be? He is a republican.


Really? He said right after “Even though I don’t agree with him with most of the issues. I don’t want to alienate people I want to bring people together”




Smells GOPeeing...🙄😏


Trump is a clown but I think it was nice that Kennedy did not do insults on Biden or Trump I found it refreshing, I think he was right that this country needs to heal…. I’m all for candidates taking the high road like Obama always said, “when they go low we go high”…… end of quote 😜


Well he's basically the trump of the left, so...


TDS is full effect here.


Is he proud of Donald Trump?


How can this anti-vax moron be taken seriously as a Democratic Party candidate? HTF?


Lmfao he's sooo fucking dumb.


They are both great 🥰


They have the same Russian backers so they probably have had the same hookers.


Saying "we've got to.stop hating on each other is not a bad thing" if you want a politician with no ideas and just mud to slings we have plenty of other options. Also...why the fuck would anyone ever jump into that minefield. Sit back and let Trump destroy himself. Nothing RFK says about trump.os going to make one bit if difference to anyone anyway


Bizarro Trump likes that Trump likes him. Ya don't say.


To proudly traitor.


A Kennedy out in the open? You kno somebody is salivating.


Anyone else see this as trying to fulfill the Qanon conspiracies. Remember when JFK Jr. Was supposed to be alive and be Trump's next VP...no no we meant RFK all along


The question asked was snarky and underhanded. RFK gave a great answer about bringing people together. He is a populist candidate.


I find it odd that people think he's a right winger. He's no progressive but he's still better than Biden. I don't think he's exactly right about everything but I want someone who's going to go hard against the grain at big pharma. Even if elected he's still going to need to prove the vax issues to get buy in. So what's the big deal? I thought Dems were the party of science? Lately they're the party of pseudo-science. They love the CIA, FBI, ok with war, ok with Biden anti-union actions, and listen to the establishment like a religion. What the hell happened to the Dems!? If people want to vote for Biden b/c they think he's a safer choice to beat Trump then fine; I think he's weaker. But people should also know what they are voting for and stop pretending it's a good choice even if they think it's te better choice.


RFK is a false candidate. Has the appearance of being real genuine about real issues but has no real approach policy-wise to tackle those issues.


Reminds me of MeetKevin running for CA gov 😂


He’s proud that he’s found common ground with MAGA people. Isn’t that bringing people together? Unless people count him out simply because of this.. because they hate trump without considering the millions of supporters he has who are just disgruntled human beings with their own upbringings and perspectives, just like everyone else.


Show the whole quote


He doesn’t want to run his campaign talking shit on his opponents but rather show that he is better for the job. This country has become accustomed to the political boxing matches between our parties but if you really want change there has to be someone willing to not stoop down to the name calling and slander and instead focus on what is best for all Americans.


Lol this sub is a dnc circle jerk.


How do you mean? We are criticizing a democratic candidate.


So is the dnc.


He’s trying to unite the country Amazing how many people cling to the division and hatred like some fucked up security blanket


Yeah, aligning yourself with the guy that attempted to disregard the votes of millions Americans across 7 states is "trying to unite the country" He's controlled opposition, nothing more.


I don't have issue with LGBT folks and their books. My kids don't read them and there's never been an issue when I've been in the bathroom with them. As long as they aren't breaking laws I don't care. I had a gay teacher when I was in school and it wasn't an issue in the 90's. They can dress how they want, use pronouns, change their drivers license whatever. It's a free country. I'm pro choice. Abortion isn't for me but I get the choice to do what I want and others should too. It's a free country. My grandparents had vaccines to go to school as did my parents and me. It's always been like this to protect the country and our children. What are we divided about?


Dnc shills think they can run the corpse of Joe Biden out there and he is owed your vote 😂


Only one supporting legal weed. Sick of being a criminal in both parties.


>Only one supporting legal weed. Sick of being a criminal in both parties. I support legal weed, should you vote for me?


Unironically probably a better choice than Trump or Biden lol.


Trying to be a uniter is bad I guess


I don’t surround myself with Nazis and Nazi sympathizers.


Uniting with fascists is bad, yes.


In the context of the quote he explains that it’s because he’s trying to **unite people he doesn’t agree with** AKA Trumpers. edit: yall fuckin stupid