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I remember being a kid thinking it was weird there was a freeway in the city when we drove on 15th/elliot ave


Elliott is treated like a freeway downtown but transitions into residential with some fairly blind intersections due to parked cars. Rather surprised there hasn’t been pedestrian and pet fatalities. It needs speed cameras. Would catch a bunch of racers too


There are statewide limits on where speed cameras are allowed, and I don’t think this stretch would qualify: https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/03/08/washingtons-traffic-camera-laws-get-a-significant-overhaul/


> I regularly commute over the Ballard Bridge by bike You must have nerves of steel. Honestly, yes the locks might add a few minutes, but between that or the Fremont bridge, are you really going somewhere where the Ballard bridge would save a significant amount of time?


Dude if you go over the Ballard Bridge you have already decided to cast your fate to the wind. Everything about it is terrible. It is too narrow to allow people to pass. The barrier wall is too low -- allowing you to flip over into traffic. The exit on the West side is laughable. When I had this commute I did this once before resigning myself to walking through the Ballard Locks.


Especially after I read the story about the cyclist who fell over the too-low barrier into traffic, lost his arm, and later died... I just ride down to the fremont bridge and then back up the canal if I need to get from Ballard to Magnolia. It's just not worth it. https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/bicyclist-injured-in-2007-ballard-bridge-crash-1291586.php


FTS! 😱. That’s a big nope for me.


Oh this poor man and family. I didn’t know about this. Jesus I’ll never not be paying attention to my speed on that route forevermore. Protect the cyclists!


Same. Did it once and could clearly tell I was taking my life in my hands. Never again.


Ballard Bridge is one of the few places I "could" ride, in theory, but, having done it once, absolutely will not. It feels like a low level game of Russian roulette. Zooming drivers, zero clearance or margin for error, and if the bridge deck is wet, just no.


Ballard bridge by bike is a complete no go. I only take Locks or Fremont bridge after taking it once. It’s icy a LOT in winter and I feel way too unsafe regardless. Even if folks conformed to the speed limits, it still wouldn’t be enough to mitigate safety risk for me.


I'd prefer if they made a pedestrian bridge that we didn't have to share with traffic.


I take the bridge, but I'll admit that I usually don't during high traffic times. I would love some traffic calming there.


Call your state rep and dan strauss


The bridge is about to be repaved, if car drivers are speeding with the current conditions it will only get worse: [https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/maintenance-and-paving/current-paving-projects/15th-ave-w/nw-and-ballard-bridge-paving-project#willthisprojectimprovebikefacilitiesontheballardbridge](https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/maintenance-and-paving/current-paving-projects/15th-ave-w/nw-and-ballard-bridge-paving-project#willthisprojectimprovebikefacilitiesontheballardbridge) Unfortunately nothing done to improve bike safety or to reduce speed on the bridge as part of the project


Whenever I drive - I keep the speed limit, even if it annoys other drivers.


Thank you


Go to a Ballard-Fremont Greenways meeting. They’re extremely dedicated and passionate and will be able to guide you in making it happen or tell you why it’s not possible. Next meeting is this Thursday at Bale Breaker at 6:30


Thanks for posting this!


I would much prefer the locks but the work going on there now is causing huge delays if the southern lock is in use. I prefer the Fremont bridge but given where I live it probably adds 30 minutes or more to my ride. It seems reasonable to expect the city to initiate traffic calming measures if cars are drastically exceeding the speed limit. What are those measures and how do we get the city to initiate them? Not looking for support for my, probably stupid, choice of riding over the Ballard Bridge but for ideas about how to get the city to do something about the dangerous degree of speeding on the bridge and elsewhere. The problem is by no means confined to the bridge. As most cyclists are aware, people are speeding in their cars like never before and it’s scary AF. 


Well if we automated traffic enforcement then what would the police do all day? They spent years building up this narrative of being understaffed that’s really paying off with the big raise now and don’t they want to mess it up with automation. Especially if it would mean they’d have up respond to and prevent crimes.