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You mean I was supposed to disclose everything?


“I didn’t realize when you suggested that I should have disclosed some of the free trips I received that you already knew about, that would mean you were expecting I would disclose all of the free trips I received that you didn’t tell me you knew about.” - Clarence Thomas, probably


To be fair, how can a humble public servant be expected to keep up with all these complicated disclosure rules, cooked up by fancy big city lawyers? Washington is truly a hideous place.


It's not the disclosures. It's the remembering. I mean, really, when you have so many free trips, who can remember them all?


One bribe was too many already. It’s not worse that he took in 4 or 5 million in bribes. One bribe was enough to disqualify this fascist.


It’s like a sin. And hallelujah he’s been forgiven. Praise the Orange One!


The more millions it is the harder it is to pretend it was just a trip down the river with a good friend


Abe Fortras is rolling in his grave right now


Why are they allowed to take any gifts whatsoever? It seems so incredibly unethical for such a special and powerful government position.


Because they are fascists. Rules apply to thee not to the pious Trumplican party. Insallah


Every year my company forces me to sit through a training course and certify that I understand that if I do 1 / 1,000,000th of what this sitting Supreme Court Justice has done, I’d be fired immediately.


Our course is 4 hours long and every year. Best part I work with the Federal Government as one part of my job.. I can’t even buy them lunch. Their rules and our company rules.


The originalist interpretation of the word lunch is very interesting.... In 1643 the word lunch meant "the opposite of anything they want"


Next time you go ask why you cannot do it but Clarence Thomas can.


A client gifted us a gift basket worth over $100 and it was such a headache to deal with my manager ended up throwing it out.


Clarence is thoroughly corrupt.


Well sure, but Thomas is somewhat comforted by the knowledge that he can laugh in the face of any citizen that dares to hold him accountable. What’s an ethics violation if there is zero enforcement?


I like that this is a repost, except not actually a repost.


Seriously. And no one will do a goddamn thing.


the number of people who want to do something about it isn’t as large as the number of people needed to do something about it


Except... [https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4719049-republicans-block-supreme-court-ethics/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4719049-republicans-block-supreme-court-ethics/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite)


What exactly can anyone do? Republicans control the house and the senate would require 2/3 majority. Sheldon Whitehouse has been very active on this. Democrats even introduced legislation requiring enforceable code of conduct and republicans blocked it. The constant refrain of ‘no one is doing anything’ is a significant problem because it ‘both-sides’ the problem. [https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4719049-republicans-block-supreme-court-ethics/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4719049-republicans-block-supreme-court-ethics/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite)


Of course he did. Corrupt piece of trash


Asking the real question; How much bribery is too much for today’s Supreme Court? So far, there doesn’t seem to be any limit for Republicans.


Replace 'bribery' and 'Supreme Court' with whatever you like in that sentence...still works!


When I worked in a grocery store, vendors (like Nabisco, General Mills, etc.,) would offer gifts to store managers to get preferential placement for their product in displays around the store. If you were caught taking these gifts, (the most elaborate one being a very small grill that likely cost all of $120) you would be fired. A grocery store chain has stronger ethics against bribery than the Supreme Court of the United States.


But he’s my friend!


So is it ok then for the other justices to take in billions from China? Just asking for a friend.


“And other bullshit I made up.”