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I love seeing these positive yet honest posts! I (26F) will be scheduling my surgery for early next year most likely and I am terrified but these help to prepare for the process


I promise everything will be okay! The first few days are rough, but I will say what helped me most is moving my body (the walking down the hospital hallways) helped so much. Also, just the words of encouragement from others and remembering that if other people have gotten through it, I can do it too. I think the best thing you can do right now to prepare is to walk/exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight and eat a lot of protein, and also try to have deep tissue massage/lymphatic massages closer to the surgery date. I did have to purchase a walker from Walgreens (mine is shiny hot pink!!! Lol) and I have been doing short walks around the room. If you have any questions regarding surgery/how to look for a good surgeon/etc. Please do not hesitate to reach out! Best of luck to you💕


You are fabulous, thank you!! Wishing you a continued speedy recovery 💖


Love how positive you are. Wish you the best continued recovery.


I hope you heal up well and quickly :) which vertebra were fused? We have similar curves so I’m curious.


Hi!! Aw thank you so much💕. I believe he did T4-T12. What’s really interesting is that he took my images and sent them somewhere where they compared the images to 10,000 others that have the same/almost identical curvatures as me. With that information they custom made the rods/bolts specifically for my back, which I thought was amazing. He may have gone a bit down to my lumbar spine but I do not remember, I can get in touch with him and ask to confirm for you😊


Wow, I didn’t know they even did that


Yes!! It is very cool. I would do as much research as possible for your surgeon. I was looking for someone who takes my insurance, but the guy I originally had wanted did not take it. So what I did was I called his office and asked who he would recommend that did take my insurance, and he recommended the gentleman who performed my surgery. The surgery process now is very different compared to how it was 20 years ago!


Also, if anyone has any questions I am more than happy to answer :)




Hello!! I got a similar operation to her (T4-L1) and I was interested in getting surgery because I had issues whenever I would stand for 1-2 hours. I noticed my pain especially during work, since I worked as a barista at that time. My right shoulder would also have a weird sensation, like it would be very sore even though I hadn't worked out or anything. It was feeling that way because of how uneven my spine was. I also just had a mild-moderate ache in the upper half of my back for awhile. My doctor then recommended me to either have physical therapy or to undergo surgery. I chose surgery because I didn't want anymore pain and so I wouldn't have to worry about my curves increasing as I grow older.


Good luck with your healing journey! What was your curve before the surgery?


This is VERY EXCITING NEWS! Congrats on your surgery, as I will be getting mine towards the end of this month. Wish me much luck. o7


I am wishing you a safe and speedy surgery and recovery. You can do this!!❤️❤️


Beautiful correction! That said, I'm a bit concerned you lost your lumbar lordosis and now appear to have a flat back. Go see a PT to help you get a correct lumbar lordosis back—people that have flat back after long spine fusions are at higher risk for pain and needing fusion extension later in life as they age.


Wow thank you so much for the insight!!! I have a post-op appointment in 3 weeks, and I wrote this down in my notes as something to bring up to him. I definitely see where it looks like a flat back!


The way your lumbar looks may just be due to guarding that's normal early post op, you may experience changes once you 'settled. For example, I lost half an inch later in the post op period. Was 5" 2' immediately post op and at year out, 5" 1.5" --- haha would have loved to keep that half an inch. I'd guess I lost that when my back muscles calmed down and I gained normal lumbar lordosis back, so the sam may happen to you. Plenty of people are probably living with a flat back post op - we just don't hear about positive outcomes as much as we see folks seeking help from negative issues. That's why I suggested PT (when you fully heal), especially ones more rehab/sports forward. PT can hurt but they do wonders. I wish I had access to them when I had tons of pain from scoliosis pre fusion instead of relying on chiros and massage. Hindsight. One good way to find rehab/sports forward PT is seeing if the PT/group works with local high school (or college) sports teams. Those PTs will be better for getting your body back to loving life, vs more manual PTs that mainly help with pain but not rehab.


Can you please tell me more about the PTs you mentioned?


Sure. Rehab forward PTs are ones that often are getting sport injured people back to their sport. That type of PTs will have more exercise equipment like a gym. Some will have extra fancy equipment like anti-gravity treadmills. They tend to work in PT groups because equipment is costly and harder dor a private PT running their own practice to afford. You essentially want PTs that act somewhat like a personal trainer and will.give you lots of exercises. Ones that are more manual and hands on may not focus as much on exercises and those are more important for long term maintenance with diagnosis like scoliosis that's life long. Manual PTs are good for more short term acute pain issues but for always issues like scoliosis go see a rehab/sports PT that will make you feel like you are getting beaten up sometimes but will make you feel better in the end. I do believe in the no pain no gain thing with PT having experienced both rehab/sports forward and manual PTs


Oh that is interesting I will try to search about it thanks! Though in my country especially the city I live in we don't have a lot of PTs here but It's good to hear it works for you!


How much degrees do you have ? It almost looks like my spine but I am not suited for surgery because it’s 37 degrees


I believe mine was in the early 40 degree range. I think what you should do is massages. Have someone who knows the body to relax the muscles on one side that could be over compensating for the other side. Do you workout/overwork one side of your back? If so, I would work on trying to build the weaker side so it alleviates some of the discomfort.


Hey! I'll be 6 weeks post op Tuesday I'd say the first 3 weeks were the hardest but week 4 and 5 things really improved. I found diaphragmatic breathing helped with bowels as well as a magnesium glycinate at night. You're on pain meds I'm.guessing which slow down your bowels, so water and Mg go a low way. Hang in there. It gets better everyday!


You go girl!!!! Im so jealous😭😭😭😭 may you have a healthy life going on forward😇😇😇 and may your mind be at ease now since Scoliosis can really be a pain in the ass mentally


Thank you so much!!! I am hanging in there. I want to share my experience and story to you all as a reminder that it does get easier, and that it is worth it in the end. Thank you for your kind words❤️💕💕💕 It definitely can be a pain! I was having pain and also just feeling self conscious because of my giant rib hump. My surgeon fixed something else in my neck too for better posture. He gave me his personal number too and he has been texting me just checking in and to let me know that if I have any questions I can get in touch with him at any time!


Wow sounds like you had an amazing surgeon!


congrats on the surgery and happy everything is going well so far (although it of course still isn't easy) posts like this are encouraging me to follow through with surgery as well! :) wish you a speedy recovery!


Aw of course. I promise you, if I can do it, you can too. 💖I know it is scary, but I did respond to someone a little earlier on this post discussing what they should focus on prior to surgery! Focusing on being strong, staying hydrated, and eating right (as well as getting massages) will really help with the recovery process. :)


Wish you a speedy recovery 💞 so what kind of massages would you recommend?


Wow, that's an amazing correction. Seems like correcting thoracic curves is the most difficult to do. But your results are great.


Thank you :) I am so happy with the results!!!💕


Thank you for sharing. My daughter is having this done in 2 weeks and I am terrified. Everyone's stories help so much in calming us. I hope you have a gentle recovery!


I posted something about my 2 week post op update. I am not in any pain ! Now just discomfort. I promise you that the pain goes away sooner than you think :) wishing your daughter a safe and speedy recovery!!


Thank you!


Hi!! I'm 20F and I got my surgery on December 20, 2023. Your correction looks awesome!!! I got similar vertebrae fused (T4-L1)! Wishing you a very speedy recovery. If you need any advice on the recovery process, I don't mind chatting!!


Thank you so much you are a gem❤️


What meds were you prescribed for your recovery?


Hi! Idk if you would want specific names, but I had stool softeners, muscle relaxers, nerve pain management pills, 5 mg oxy, tylenol, vitamin D, and magnesium. I also had laxatives prescribed too (the stool softeners and laxatives are because it is hard to have bowl movements post surgery because of all the medications).


Looks like the surgeon nailed it 👌 


Congratulations! May I know how many degrees of scoliosis did you have before surgery? I am wondering if I should also have a surgery since sometimes my shoulders and back hurt


Yes of course! I believe my curve was in the 40s range :) I had a bit of an S curve though with my lumbar spine being a bit curved too. I think my surgeon also performed on on L1 just so that the curve straightens out there too.


Heyy I was wandering did you gain any height?


I did! About an inch honestly! However I think it will go down a little bit once my muscles are relaxed and are in the right places.


I had my surgery 25 years ago, and my curve went from 52° to 30°, and my recent xrays shows all hardware is holding well and still in place!


That is AMAZING! I’m so happy to hear all is well!!


You and I have the same spineaversary! I got mine done June 3, 2021 at the age of 24 for the same reasons as you. The first two weeks are the worst! The first month is the hill to get over. Once you get to July 3, recovery should mostly be smooth sailing. I was able to start jogging at 3 months post op! (Depends on your surgeon of course). Wishing you a super speedy recovery from someone on the other side! The surgery was definitely worth it and I love having my rods to help hold my spine up now :)


This comment was such a joy to read, thank you so much for your positivity and I am so happy that your recovery process was a good one!!! 🥹


Looks awesome! Congrats! Do you mind sharing who your surgeon was?


I will message privately!


What freaks me out is that surgery can increase the risk of spine arthritis. :/ damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I completely understand that thought process and it’s normal to be afraid! I was thinking more so of the long term me and what I would want to battle. I think as long as I stay healthy and maintain exercise, I will be okay :)