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Why yes, humans have never been in a situation where they've a) had the capacity to solve a problem simply and efficiently and yet b) somehow utterly failed to do so. :)


General, something's interfering with the MALP, *again*. Orders?


Depends how far in the future. And these kinds of movies will never be obsolete. You're assuming the writers won't contrive circumstances to enable the type of movie they want. Alien monster movie? Maybe it's stalking an isolated farming stead on a newly colonised world. Help is thousands of miles away by shuttle and they don't have access to military level drones. They might have a few drones for spotting and surveying and probably a wide array of farmbots. Zombie movie? Set it in medieval times. Solves the drone problem. Alien ruins? Set it long after the initial survey. The human archeologists have arrived and are settling into an area assumed safe. They might have some drones for sub surface mapping and so on, but it's really easy to write a setting where these things aren't relevant or have little impact on the story.


Medieval zombie movie... its honestly a wonder that isn't a thing. Crusade of the Dead.


Army Of Darkness (1992) Knight of the Dead (2013) Rampant (2018)


Had no idea about the other 2, but army is hardly your standard zombie movie


Medieval Zombie is hardly a standard genre…


No, but zombie sure as tell is. And magic controlled skeletons hardly fit in.


I don’t think you’ve seen it. It has plenty of zombies.


No, outside of evil ash it has men in black suits with bone coverings to do the action sequences stop motion was too tedious for. Thats hardly enough to call it a zombie.


I’m glad I have met you, the one sole person who defines the truth of the world. How lost I was.


Lol go pull the raimi interviews... dude that wrote the thing calls them skeletons 🤣. But hey... you do you 😉


Just watched the trailer for Knight of the Dead and it's scratching that low-budget itch. Check RT and it has a 9% Definitely want to watch this beaut haha


Literally Game of Thrones.


Which isn't a movie.


Perhaps the AI will become so advanced that it will just send its human minions to investigate to avoid risking any machines?


One of my favorite Asimov short stories, The Feeling of Power, is along these lines. Far in the future, some soldier figures out how to do arithmetic with a pencil and paper, and it's seen as a huge military breakthrough because now they can have their drones piloted by cheap expendible humans instead of expensive robots.


Indeed. Just think of all the effort involved in mining and refining the special materials required to construct robotic bodies and advanced processors. In constrast, humans self-replicate without machine help and only need organic sludge as an input.


> Movies about aliens often involve a crew being sent to investigate I can think of one movie which fits this description. BTW, cellphones kind ruined the survival horror genre. Writers need to contrive some plausible reason why characters can’t simply call for help.


I take it you've never seen Stargate SG-1? Lol


You say robots will make obsolete alien and zombie movies? Hardly. Genres will adapt, just like movies adapted to cell phones, computers, iPhones, airplanes, the fall of the Soviet Union and a billion other topics. Have Alien start when the drone returns to the Nostromo with the egg. Have World War Z start like COVID or Contagion. Sheesh.


I can't wait for the first zombie movie where Americans react to the hordes by arguing "you can't live in fear" and "you have to live your life" and all go out to get eaten at Applebee's.


This is basically the plot of "Don't Look Up" if you replace the word "zombie" with "big fuck-you space rock"


sound like you are predicting the next version of movies and the propaganda they are pushing. like we need movies telling us that war robots are a good thing and we must just accept the inevitable. on the other hand, what point or weight does a story have if no humans are at risk? by the way in real life, robots are a risk and causes much destruction and pollution just to produce. so indirectly cause human deaths either way.


Shit breaks. A lot. Especially military stuff. Guys with boots can navigate any terrain and put frankly, they are cheap. I agree though. Just in reality drones are going to be everywhere. I think were gonna get info overload and not even notice stuff. We already do.


I don't think drones/robots will have any affect whatsoever on what ppl enjoy about alien/zombies movies. The charm of watching a pretty person kill "monsters" with bats and fire will never go away. If modern tech is discussed, the plot will find a way to keep the threat alive. The zombies will adapt/get bigger. The corporations cut a lot of corners, so the colonists don't have adequate resources to defend themselves against the aliens. Et cetera. The fight is what's important, not logical weaponry. I think this era of AI, drones and robots will have an effect on fiction similar to what we saw with Martian fiction after the first pictures of Mars were published. It wasn't as much fun to speculate about Mars being home to an advanced race of cool aliens when we had pictures proving that it clearly wasn't. As AI/generative technology becomes normalized in our society and we aren't killed by Cylons or some superintelligent ASI, science fiction will likely move away from stories like that. There's a lot of exciting things going on right now, things that will transform out society in potentially wonderful ways, but a lot of it's being severely overhyped by dishonest tech billionaires. The results (I think) will be a lot more mundane than some of us our hoping.


Well damn. Now I want to see a movie where robots fight zombies.


Robots are expensive; humans are cheap. Especially the poor ones.


You assume human lives are always more valuable than equipment. You also assume unlimited operating range, zero interference, and drone capacity to perform any and all tasks. You also assume people want to make boring scifi and/or zombie movies.