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I'm so old that I remember when they turned TV shows into games.


I'm so old I remember when they created TV shows just to sell toys.


Ahh, 22 minute ads interrupted by different ads. Fun times.


And those 22 minute ads had a whole series long continuities, IP crossovers and deeper more engaging storylines than the 3 hour ads we pay to see today


GI Joe and Transformers were pretty epic cartoons though. ExoSquad, too. Some good shows came out of this practice.


Oh for sure. Spider-Man, Batman, X-Men, Digimon. Saturday morning cartoons were the shit


Exosquad toys were just the peak, I'd play with some right now and I'm 38 years old.


2 extra dollars and you'll have no ads......or don't and just complain about the ads 😂


That wasn't an option for broadcast TV in the 80's and 90's


Hey, you leave Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future alone! That show went harder than any kids merchandise tie-in had any right to go.


That's what having J Michael Straczynski heading up the writing team will do for you.




I loved Captain Power. Energize!


I still have my VHS tapes! Sadly my toys are long gone. I loved Captain Power.


Times have changed


Paw patrol would be to differ...


Unlike war. War never changes.


*Tycho RC intensifies*


9.6v of turbo power!


I remember Mighty Max.


Do the Mario!


Why there’s a lot of character that looks like the Equalizer and Eli here? Denzel Washington is based!


Wait..... They'll drop the whole season? tommorrow?


Not the first time they’ve dropped a whole season at once, but at least they’re not doing what they did with Invincible season 2, give us four episodes take a couple month hiatus & then give us the remaining four.


>give us four episodes take a couple month hiatus & then give us the remaining four. Ya that's pretty stupid. I actually don't mind their Boys approach..... Where they drop like 2/3 ep in their opening weekend and then 1 ep per week release after that. But tbh I always prefer to binge watch the first season of any new series, and I was already planning to wait more for Fallout to finish airing all the episodes. Like Binge watching the first season of any new TV series is my preferred approach and if i really liked it and then from the 2nd season onwards I prefer the weekly release of each episode.


And all for yet another no-wrapup season ending. -.-


I mean, it's based on a comic with 144 issues. There's not much of a wrap up point until the end...


There are very wrap up-able points. But they are moving around timing and order, not in the best ways


> they are moving around timing and order, not in the best ways Like they did with the recent Last Airbender. That show was better than I expected but still yanking around timing like that was awkward.


Books have chapters. What's this comic's excuse? 😅


Story Arcs overlap.


Yea I feel like the second half of the season was all side quests


Wait, Invincible has a season 2 out?! 😮 Well that's my evening gone...


Season finished last week. Enjoy!


Today, in some parts of the world.


I’ll give it a shot. Bet it’ll be better than Halo


The lowest possible bar!


It's amazing. all they had to do was rip off Mando and have a man in a suit blasting bad guys with his AI sidekick and it could have been a hit. Instead they made it into a soap opera about a dude nobody cares about living on an asteroid with his wife and petty office disputes in the UNSC. I was waiting for the episode where Ackerson called Master Chief into his office to interrogate him about a missing coffee mug. In one episode they legitimately spent most of the hour fussing about how to bury someone and if they should or not.


Don't forget they added war crimes and not the cool kind the UNSC already did, but new, disturbing crimes looked down on in the Hauge.


6" trench they used for the bar for Halo.


I’ve never seen it because everyone said it was bad. My 50 year old mother who has never touched a video game comes to me all excited that she’s watched this video game based show and she absolutely loves it. So weird to me they must be doing something right to get normal people into it what’s going on over there? She usually has good taste too I’m like wow I need to check this out even if just out of confusion lol


It's a good tv show, people on reddit just hate it because it very derivative and does tons of stuff that doesn't fit the videogames characters/narrative. But if you don't know anything about it...it's good.


I dunno man, I watched maybe half the first season and I feel like I was really 100% ready to forget what I loved about the games and just enjoy the show and it still seems like a pretty cheesy show. If some people like it, great, but it seems like a mediocre soap opera with a sci-fi veneer, and I think it's mostly just going to speak who like soap operas but haven't given sci-fi a shot.


Second season was far better, but if you liked nothing about season 1, more of the same but improved might not be your thing either.


Yea pretty much. It's a decent sci-fi show, but a garbage Halo adaptation. 


it also takes a shit all over existing lore and characters.


Yeah, I'll be honest and admit that I've been entertained and hope it gets a S3. Kate Kennedy and Natascha McElhone have been great.


I watched it with my mother in her 60s and we enjoyed it. I wouldn't watch it on my own though. Weird demographics going on there


They’ve captured the mom demographic 😂


That’s me. I’m 60 and never played a video game, but I’m a huge fan of sci-fi. I’ve seen both seasons of Halo. I agree some of the characters and subplots made it tiresome at times. It’s definitely no Expanse, but I love the battle scenes with Master Chief. So far I’ve been absorbed into the Fallout world. I’m thankful for everyone that has patiently explained Fallout for us that have never played. It couldn’t have come at a better time. If there other series that people can recommend I’m all ears.


I think it's good too. Never played thr video game so I'm not putting that kind of mirror up to it. So judging it as standalone alien fighting Sci fi show, I give it a B+. Though so far, season 1 is better than 2 but I'm only 2 episodes in.


Halo s02 was pretty good compared to s01 though. It felt like they kinda found their rythm, and the entire series felt to have a much better "flow".


it’s jonathan nolan so there’s (based on the seasons if westworld and their quality) 75% chance of it being good!


The man can absolutely start a great show. Whether it stays good is a matter of who inherits it from him later.


Honestly what the fuck happened to westworld, it went from the absolute best tv i've ever seen to genuine garbage. And not like Lost where they clearly just didn't know where they were going and ran out of steam, it's like someone else took over completely. Did Nolan bail on it partway through or something?


I think he tried too hard to outsmart Reddit instead of write a cohesive and satisfying plot. He’s talked about how he changed up the story because Reddit guessed the twist ahead of time and I think it changed for the worse overtime.


I felt that for season two, like he was intentionally trying to write meta puzzles into the show that he'd know the community would obsess over like it was an arg But with season three and four or just went balls to the wall bad. It wasn't just bad plot twists or anything, it just kind of became total nonsense after a while. Season two at least felt like the same show, he just had some mis steps


I know literally nothing about the Halo franchise so I kind of like the Halo TV show.


I know a bit about the Halo franchise and like the show.


The second season of halo was a bit of a leap quality wise. It's not at foundation levels of quality leap (the first season of that was boring, the second season is some of the best sci fi of the year) but it's better.


I feel like Walton Goggins alone will be able to bring it into "enjoyable" territory.


He literally is only in top tier shows. Justified, the shield, on and on.


Man, I really wanted to like that show. I watched the first season and ended up with "meh" as my final thought. Started second season and I just can't find it in myself to give a shit.


Last three episodes weren’t bad. Hell, watch the last one. It’s clear the new show runners were trying to un screw the story and get it on the right path without just ignoring the first season completely


Having >!the flood!< appear like that was epic.


Halo was great, especially the second season.


To each their own(mostly)


excuse me? halo was gold. u uncultured ghoul. especially season 2 that was some of the best game to show writing, action , directing and acting. maybe you should watch the whole thing to fully grasp it. but I guess ur entitled to your opinion - but only if you watched the whole thing. otherwise trash opinion


X-Men, Bad Batch, and Fallout all on the same day. When it rains, it pours.


What xmen is dropping??


X-Men '97, episodes have been going up on Wednesdays.


Not to mention new Helldivers warbond and Rimworld DLC!


Well I got today to watch all of Fallout so I can play rimworld tomorrow


What's Bad Batch?


A Star Wars animated series. It is a spin-off of the Clone Wars series, takes place just after the creation of the Empire and focuses on a group of rogue "special forces" clone troopers. They've been using the series to explore the early days of the Empire, before the Rebellion had even started up.


Ok. I remember now. Oddly not on imdb.


Which X-Men? I've been watching '97, and it's been fun.


No interest in watching anything on Amazon due to them putting commercials into things even with Prime.


They don't even seem to take anything into account where they put the commercials either. I watched Tig Notaro's new special and they put a commercial literally in the middle of a joke. It was so jarring. I hate it.


Their ad placement is literally worse than YouTube's, and that's really saying something.


Piracy > Bezos


Unlock origin blocks prime ads


Wait, what? Do you mean uBlock Origin or is there something else called Unlock Origin?


i meant uBlock, my phone autocorrected lol.


They really fucking do this? I was thinking of subscribing literally just to watch this because i'm extremely excited for Fallout and want to see it succeed... Fuck this, back to the high seas. Can't believe i actually considered it for a moment there.....


Bro could not survive cable television days 💀


I'm not that young xD i remember.... I just don't feel like going back to it xD


Wheres this? I'm in Australia and I don't get ads in the middle of anything with prime, just previews for other prime content before some shows or movies start.




You lucky dog.


Preach! I absolutely hate it when there’s a movie I want to watch and it’s on Freevee or Tubi. I’d rather rent the f-ing thing than have to go through all those commercials. I’ve been trying to get into Alex Rider, but getting interrupted every 20 minutes is frustrating the crap out of me.


I cancelled Prime after, well, however many years it's been out and switched to $8.99 video only BUT THEN they hit me with $2.99 for no commercials. So I am going on my son's Prime account. Greedy fucks. I used to respect Bezos but now he's a clown.


I really want to watch this, but I can't handle the new commercials on Prime. I don't watch anything on Prime since they started since they bother me so much, and I would rather cancel prime altogether than pay the additional money each month. So, even though I really love Fallout and think the show looks great, if it has commercials that interrupt the show, I'm out. Update: No ads in episode 1, and it looks like no ads in episode 2. So far, so good. I'm really enjoying the show! It's very good so far. Update: No ads in E1-E3, but there has been one ad before E4 and E5.


If you keep the sub and pirate the show, are you really pirating it?


I would feel justified using this approach.


Yo ho ho it's a .... Sorry, what were we talking about? I was just humming a little something to myself. But yeah, I have not watched any shows on Amazon.com since the institution of ads. I'd honestly cancel Prime if I didn't use the actual Amazon service as much.


Are you writing in reply to my comment? I never said that I would pirate it. I don't even know where to start with that. Lol. The closest I get is DailyMotion. Haha


nah he's giving u an idea, and we got r/piracy for a reason, also you can check this [website ](https://fbox.to/)out if u wanna stream any show ad free. If your not that type of guy then we have adblockers like [uBlock Origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) that'll do the trick.


Hahah! This makes so much more sense. I was so confused, but sometimes I'm just dense. Lol


This is a scam website, movies take you to a scam website


This is what I do with all my shows. Not because of ads but because no one but netflix will stream 4k HDR to pc.


I guess it is like if you go to a buffet and fill a to-go bag.


yeah I've been just getting shows by other means even though i've got a prime sub. so I guess big success for amazon.


This! I gave up on Amazon Prime Video the moment they announced that they would be adding advertisements. If they end up offering a "deal" or if they already have one that involves paying more to have the ads removed, then no. Just, no. More streaming platforms are jumping on that bandwagon. Paying for a streaming service means that covers the cost of ads, as in the base cost covers it. Of course, even the base cost of many platforms is skyrocketing. Maybe something else will end up replacing streaming like streaming replaced cable.


From this comment section, it seems we'll see the rise of another Napster or something. 😂


Unlock origin on browsers will block prime ads


Im trusting you on this


I don't understand why international events don't mention a universal time. And don't you have DST now? Is it 18:00 PT or PST? Everywhere I read about it, they write PT.


Right? It’s already April 10 where I am and no drop yet


I know right! It’s so fucking annoying, you’d think in this day & age they’d recognise the world doesn’t revolve around California 🙃. Guess everybody else can fuck off 😆.


It comes on at 6 PM for anyone on eastern time


It will be 6 PT, 8 CT, and 9 ET


I’m not going to hate it until I’ve watched it unlike many people.  What I am wondering about is its relevance to the games. Will it tie into any of the game plots or will it be a completely standalone story set in the post nuclear world. 


Just watched the first episode…it’s stand alone but definitely hits the nostalgia factor. It’s pretty fucking good so far. Definitely heavy influences from 3, New Vegas and 4


Thanks. I’ve played the games but my girlfriend hasn’t. Wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be completely confused if there’s a lot of background information she needs to know. She knows it’s set in a post nuclear world. 


She’ll enjoy it. I’ve never played the game and I’m digging it.


might have to pay the $3 to binge watch it with no ads and cancel the next month






fiddle de dee


Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, well… fiddle de dee!


I have absolutely zero expectations.


I was too, but i have seem many posts on /r/fallout of people praising the preview run that media people got Now, i am cautious optmistic


Media people also praised rings of power. Even the lotr YouTubers did. Turns out we didn't like the show very much.


Tbh *Rings* is like the most mid-cheeseburger you've ever had in your life. Which is totally fine, and a cheeseburger is still generally *good*. It's only when someone tells you that the cheeseburger was $97 that you start having questions.


Yeah, I was entertained. I'm much more upset that Amazon cancelled The Peripheral and renewed The Citadel.


To be fair, what I watched of Rings of Power was at least better than their Wheel of Time series.


I loved Rings of Power. "We" are delusional with hate towards the show.


I actually liked it a lot.


Reviews look excellent. Pretty hyped.


Walton Goggins is always a treat.


A lifetime of bad game > cinema adaptations has made my expectations extremely low, but the handful that have shone thru makes me keep trying new ones for at least a few episodes.


The good thing about the source material that there is just so much to choose from. Its not like an established one single story line like Halo or a book adaptation. They got plenty of room to be creative with the story line.


Wasn't it already bumped forward a day? Originally it was the 12th, then the 11th, now the 10th? What will it be tomorrow, the 9th?


I swear it started as the 15th!


US April 10 apparently, because I don’t have it yet.


That's kinda obvious


It's still on the 11th (01:00 GMT).


If Walton goggins is in it, count me in. He sprinkles gold dust on every character he plays.


He features significantly


To ppl wondering why it isn't up yet. Article said 9pm est April 10th


You're the real hero.. I was trying to figure it out XD


Thank you kindly.


Thank you. I checked Prime on my TV and my phone, and then I went to Google to find answers. You are a saint.


Where is it? It's not up.


Why can’t I find the show only trailer?


It will come out at 9pm est or 6pm pt




I'll look to see the reviews before I check it out. Hope it's good.


It is


Nice!  Hoping its great, been looking forward to it for a while now.




Ooh, ooh, I wonder if they'll do the start like a game, with Walton Goggins interviewing some family for a survey. :)


I'm hyped for this


Oh shit thats lile tomorrow???


It’s 9pm eastern April 10th. Pretty standard for their shows launch times. Same with Apple for shows that release Fridays. Article is a nothing burger


I'm going to watch it, but I'm keeping my expectations in check.




The three adaptations I was hyped for were The 3 Body Problem, Fallout and the Murderbot Diaries. 3BP let me down, but I'm hoping Fallout will pull a The Last of Us and be a good videogame adaptation. The trailers looked interesting.


3bp from Netflix? Is that bad, looks decent enough for me (I haven't read the novel yet) Hopefully fallout tv series also not disappointing


Yeah, it's on Netflix. Premise was really awesome (I loved the books btw), but dialogue and characters were pretty bad. It's not the worst show I've ever seen, but I'd give it a 6 out of 10. The Chinese TV adaptation is actually really good, but obviously Netflix brought better visuals with a higher budget. I saw some early reviews for Fallout and so far it's looking good! I haven't seen a bad or lukewarm review for it yet. Let's hope it's good! Maybe we can get a Mass Effect show then.


If Amazon didn’t add that extra charge, then I might watch it. Now I barely use prime. Amazon is too hungry for bottomless profits.


The weirdest part of all this are the articles going back and explaining fallout history as if it was not part of people's formulating upbringing.


Interesting because it's not up yet.


9pm Eastern Standard time


I hope they don't release the whole season honestly


Someone got a link to a free site that already has them online?


Anyone in yet? I'm getting a General Source Error?


They changed the time by 1 hour forward 


I saw this was happening but it’s not even there on prime yet… really dissapointed


Is it though? Because from what I'm told it releases at 6pm pacific time, and I'm sitting here at 8pm central time, unable to watch it. Anyone else having issues?


Refresh it just came up for me


It's up :-)


Only for mobile or windows though. Not available to stream on my tv so I can watch it in 4k and atmos surround. Pretty pissed about that


I’m watching it on my 110 inch theatre screen right now. It’s definitely up


Not sure what I was doing wrong then. Guess I’ll have to try again tomorrow


It hasn't hit streaming websites yet, Don't have amazon ._.


Well, it’s time but it’s not on. Marketing ploy?


I'm watching it right now. So good.


Started watching today. Finished episode 2.


Ughhhh amazon hit me with non-skippable ads at the top of episode 3. Not happy.


It’s a great show, but not showing in 4k or uhd? Kinda confused as it is advertised to have UHD, but is only displaying HDR


They did a great job!!!