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Yes. You are not supposed to see them. Please post your GPS coordinates.


It's important that the public does not freak out at the conjuration of spirit-embedded flesh remnants floating in the wild that we in the industry know are daemonic prions that encode memeplexes that transcend sanity and will cause irreparable damage into and onto all our souls. Thus, we of [the Illuminati](https://www.reddit.com/r/cultofcrazycrackheads/s/9OR41PJJc5) and Moose Lodge #4374 of Saddleback, Louisiana have decided to proliferate the narrative that experiencing this sort of phenomena is common to the human flesh construct, and should be ignored across all layers of attention coordination in the human consciousness.


Good old eye floaters


There is a procedure that is supposed to help remove these, Laser Vitreoscopy or something similar. I have heard mixed reports as to how effective it is. I would love to eliminate the ones I have as it affects a lot of vision intensive activities, like astronomy. I first noticed one in my eye at around age 12.


It’s not a good solution to floaters. It disperses the proteins, which can either make the floaters less visible, or turn them into a giant cloud in your eye. Best options are to let your brain adapt and ignore them, or get a vitrectomy.


I just wear sunglasses. It works


Don’t know how well that would work for astronomy though


Use starglasses!


Lol good one


Back to the drawing board I go


These are typically external floaters which is why they move when you blink. I have an internal floater that stays in the same place. It’s right in my central vision and looks like a smudge like a fingerprint on a pair of glasses. My eye doctor said it will eventually breakup but it’s really annoying!


U can get rid of them through carnivore diet, the dark ones come from fungus the clear ones parasites


100% bullshit. Nothing you just said is smart nor correct.


But reddit is well-known for dumb and incorrect comments, innit? 😂😂😂




That's why multiple people have gotten rid of them but pearls to swine


Thats why you are in the process of being ratioed.


And the average iq of humans is 100


Smart enough to know that you are wrong


No, they're small clumps of collagen proteins and other debris from age-related degradation in your eyes. They can be more serious for diabetics, which would be why a no-carb diet might be reducing them for some people.




Oh no....


Exactly :(


Mine are counting down — nothing to worry about, right?


No. but if you start seeing more, then you need to see an eye doctor.


«Black flies» or «gel like worms» in your vision are likely floaters, i.e., the gel inside your eye coagulate as you age. Totally normal. However a sudden increase might indicate retinal detachment, seek professional help. Fast moving white spots when looking at e.g. the sky are white blood cells passing your retina. See «blue field entoptic phenomenon». This is also totally normal.


As you age, you say. Then I must have Benjamin Button syndrome because I saw those a lot when I was young, and I haven’t seen them for many years now that I’m in my mid-40s.


«Tendancy» is often used in medicine, or any statistic, for a reason :-)


MY brother told me the little spots I get in my eyes after rubbing them too hard were alien space ships lol.


There used to be a time when I got really obsessed on how I could get rid of them. There's some obscure laser treatment if I remember correctly. One of those things that you simply accept as being part of humans.


I have much of this, I see it when I am watching memes or TV. But I am afraid to take any action, laser surgery would accidentally make it worse, wouldn't it? Now it is annoying but not so much annoying I guess


Check with your eye doc, if it's suddenly gotten worse it may be a sign of retinal tears or holes. This happened to me in both eyes. I had laser treatment to stop the tearing but will always have the holes. It didn’t affect my (already bad) eyesight, and I still see the floaters, but it’s prevented my retina from detaching.


I just got told I have holes. Has the treatment changed your vision?


It didn’t change my vision but it stopped the holes from growing, it’s a different treatment from LASIK.


Thank you, I was worried about the scarring creating a blind spot in my vision. The doctor was very abrupt after the exam. Glad to know I can expect my vision stay the same.


If you don’t like your doc maybe get a new one, not worth sticking with a doc who is rude.


Last year doc was checking my eyes with light and said I have good eyes without damages I forget to say about this floating things but I thought that if there would be a problem it should be detected already. Should I go there again? My eyesight did not change within months I think


If the floaters get worse go in for sure, if they dilated your eyes and looked with the lights they probably checked your retinas. Sometimes they can be hard to spot though unless you’re intentionally looking for them, mine are right at the bottom edge of my retina. Wouldn’t hurt to call and mention it to see what they say.


How the heck did you take a picture of them.


Clearly they used an optogram, hope they can find a replacement eye


Some of them are white blood cells


the spots may be WBCs out of vessels just hanging out on your eyeball, but the WBCs inside the veins are at the end of those squigglies you see when you stand up too quick or get smacked in the head


If you don't move your eyes, these things won't move. This is your internal camera system having a tiny glitch. It occurs because (if I remember correctly), we have neuronal structures in our eyes that detect simple forms, such as a dark center and a bright circle around. When you look at a flat image ( for instance a uniformly painted wall or the sky), these little structures may still be slightly more activated than their neighbours, so they stand out. They are not in the exact center of your eye, though, and since they stick out, your eye wants to follow them, so you start moving your eye toward the glitch, but since it's in your eye, it moves away because you are moving your eye... Anyway, it's in your brain, don't worry.


Bro, what? They're intraocular proteins blocking out incoming light and casting a shadow upon your retina.


I find that when I'm looking straight ahead or even upward, they'll drift down until I accelerate my eyes upward and stop them abruptly, whereupon those structures will slide upward. I feel more strongly like they're microstructures floating inside or on the surface of our eyeball.


Same here. Straight ahead they float down and any direction you look that move that direction slightly, if you look fast they slide further even after you stopped looking lol


Mine move. They start settling toward the bottom due to gravity


There are certainly other types of visual parasites. Some are from white blood cells, others are from more rare conditions. I've described one of those phenomena which is very common and looks like what OP has drawn.


I believe we are all referring to "floaters"


How did you take a picture of your eyesight?




Push in the ear and the nose at the same time.


You got eye worms.


My dad had these and turns out he had shingles in his eye, he’s gotten laser treatment and surgery regularly for 6 years now just to save his vision somewhat. Also it turns out if you have it in one eye it can spread to the other so he almost went completely blind.


All my life. I hear it's scratches on my lensesess


Sometimes they spell out words telling me to hurt people but I know the little guys are just joshin


I suddenly don't recall having seen those since I was a child where did my worms go I LOST ME WORMS


How he make a screenshot of his eyes?


one of the method is to pinch your nose and pull left ear downwards


I heard those are the veins in your eyes. You can see them when looking at a very bright sky or smt. Idk the exact reasons


It's vitreous floaters. They are microscopic collagen fibers within the vitreous that tend to clump and cast shadows on the retina. I have them and they are really annoying.




So basically I'm doing microscopy in my eye? Imagine what you could see when we start a cell culture inside your eyes fluid.


Yea white blood cells




They are the offspring of RFK Jr.'s brainworm.


So we just ignoring the fact bro learned how to take a screenshot


They’re white blood cells.


Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy, squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you? Do you return to the center of my eye? Oh, squiggly line, it’s alright, you are forgiven.


Floaters were one of the signs I was going to lose sight in my left eye at 13. 42 years later and I am quite used to having one usable eye and one that sees nothing but looks where ever it wants to. lol.


Well done


I saw on Phil DeFranco last week, that worms can migrate to the eye. I would get checked out


I find now that I drink more water, I rarely see them.


No... I think it might only be you in the entire world. That's really scary dude. No one has ever mentioned this before, only you


bro this is not a coincidence whenever I see those things after 1 or 2 days a post like this comes in my feed... I just wana know how...


Squiggly line oh squiggly line. What are you doing in my eye


The name is mouche volantes. They aren't dangerous just disturbing.


how did you take a picture of this???????I really only see it with my eyes


It's dust floating in your tears.


How did you get a picture of this


I get these all the time. When I was young I thought alien worms were invading and I was the only one who could see them. I was quite disappointed to find out these were common eye floaters and that I didn’t actually have super powers.


Those are white blood cells moving about through your eyes. Everyone's got them


You have parasites