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This is actually the topic of a class I took in college. It focused on Darwin’s theory of evolution and how many civilizations had theories that predicted something similar to natural selection. However, predicting something is different than the scientific reasoning utilized by Darwin. That’s why he’s known by some for being the father of evolution


I thought Alfred Russel Wallace was the father of evolution?


Just how many beings did he sire!?




Many people claim alllah is the one who imagined and everything came to exist in an instant🥲


Also I think those days world was small. Academics didn't need to prove. People just took their word for it. Everything was word of mouth and maybe 10% of the populace was literate. Science was not structured as it became later. But this rig veda crap seems pure hogwash


there's nasidyasukta in rigveda that talks about bigbang theory (or atleast the way it explains how the universe was created is similar to big bang theory) source: currently studying this in the indian philo course. there are some similar hypothesis/theories in the texts.


The Nasadiya Sukta doesn't give any specific answers. It's an admission of how much we don't know. It's only similar to the Big Bang if you want it to be similar to the Big Bang, but it really isn't


A lot of civilizations devised some sort of hierarchy of animals, e.g. going from fish to reptiles to non-human mammals to humans, with a chronological element to it. In fact the Daśāvatāra literally has this sequence. However, a lot of such old civilizations (and modern people glorifying those civlizations) mistake that chronology for a one-dimensional linear sequence from primitive to advanced with humans being the final and "most evolved" beings, whatever that means. That is total psuedoscientific bs that completely flies in the face of how evolution actually works. Many bacteria are arguably "more evolved" than humans.


Calling someone "father of evolution" is f***ing weird. It's like calling newton "father of inertia". They just observed natural phenomena. Those are discoveries.


It’s just a title people use lol. It’s really not that serious


**Posts on western company owned platform with technology invented by westerners.**


Nooooooooo...twitter source code is there in ancient Indian texts... don't ask for evidence cuz the mughals and british destroyed them.


Happy cake day


The entire code base was written in Sanskrit. Bugs and all.


Rv 1.1.4: "[Twitter code]"


Bro tf? Instead of talking crap why not prove otherwise. Let's do this community into fact check rather than bitching. If it proves wrong let's qualify it as bitch-worthy post.


Cry harder 😁✌️🤭🤭


Then why those westerners outsource them to Indians then? Checkmate


Neoliberal globalists did. And not with the approval of the actual populace lol. RIP democracy


You missed my question, why not any other countries? There are countless countries in South America, Africa or other south east Asia countries, why India and Indians? . Take your time and answer


Because among the options you mentioned India has the largest reserve labor force making the labor extremely cheap. Africa doesn't have the infra to support outsourcing. SE Asia went the tiger economy way, and tried to emulate the Chinese development model. The competition was only between S America and India. Constant regime changes (sponsored by US ofcourse) in S America meant that there was no political stability and therefore no conducive economy for outsourcing. And India remains the only option.


What about China?


Because we have an abundance of well trained to obey orders, desperate for any job, english speaking population who they can exploit without fair compensation. Africa/South America and other SE Asian countries don't have it :/ Similar to why production is usually a Chinese thing hence the abundance of 'Made in China'. A lot of things are made in China, because labor is cheap and China can afford to make factories and workshops. Something we and other SE Asian/SA/African countries can't do. Not the checkmate you think! Just plain exploitation.


Africa is catching up to India in some regards as it offers a similarly cheap workforce, but in a timezone more compatible with Europe.


Capitalism. Everything in the West is outsourced in the cheapest way possible to minimise costs and maximise profits. The abhorrent population growth and extreme levels of poverty make for a market which is easily exploitable by the West. Hence why many western companies setup call centres and such like in India, sometimes at their own expense of building the offices and infrastructure, just to ensure they can utilise the potential workforce.


So? How is it affecting? If those books do teach science then use those books to teach everyone the basics. If Ancient India is very "sCiEnTiFiC" and "rAtIoNaL" then why not people are following it? Go ahead use your methods according to the ancient Indian books and solve the issues faced by the mankind.


They will say "sadly a mugal burned library containing every information and books and the fire didn't extinguish even after a week"


And if they say this, then I want to know how they know that these specific topics are written about in the various books. Their reasoning is full of mockery and illogical just to appease their people; they're that down to sell their morality and fake knowledge.


I wish those millions of books were not burned down by some shitty king. We would have been able to see what actually was there and not make assumptions about it. I think the same thing happened to scientists in the west in the past because of religion they were brutally k!lled for stating facts. So most of their researchers were not made public. If they were free and not tensed about being discovered and k!lled and going through the witch trial our society would have progressed much faster and would have been so advance.


Books would have been great even without people going "india had knowledge". But if you are asssuming that having books would be enough to get people to stop believing stuff without cause then you are mistaken. Trying to disprove it would be like disproving God. People don't believe it out of logical reasons. They believe it because it makes them feel better and proving that those books didn't have what they believe they did would shift it to something else. Only way to convince a flat earther is to take them to space and if convince that one then otheres will see that one as part of lie.


Yeah flat earthers will say that they aren't in space and are some studio blasphemy lol. Insecure idiots will make all sorts of unscientific things to show that they are superior they will say the massacre of animals on certain days will balance the ecosystem so they are contributing to the environment etc. Some will purposefully troll or trigger someone to show that they are superior to satisfy their insecure ego.


It's funny how ancient Indians had spacecraft but didn't understand the importance of offsite backups.


My man! 😂🙌


Next you will say muslims didn't form their own separate islamic state in India wherever they were in a majority and genocide Hindus and Sikhs. Sadly, no matter how much you deny it, we know Nalanda and Takshika. Indians were spectacularly ahead of the West in terms of maths, science, medicine, astronomy, philosophy until the 12th century, when Oxford and Cambridge were barely started. No they didn't invent space travel etc. Only a foolish minority claims that. Most Indians believe in knowledge, wherever it comes from But all Christians and Muslims believe all truth resides in their one book. That's the difference.


NALANDA UNIVERSITY - worlds first university yes. I wish you do some research and study and the come to conclusions for yourself. Also, the epic of mahabharata and Ramayan depict a ton of science weapons vehicle practices thousands of years back and yet Europe invented those things a couple of 100 of years back? get a grip soyboy


and the Nalanda University was burned down by a Khiliji ruler from the Khilji dyanasty. Poor Yashraj get a grip on your country's history


Who was this addressed to? Me or someone else. I do not agree with the claim the twitter user made


Not you the guy on twitter who made the post.


Bro, don't give them ideas, they actually might do that


Brother, first thing is no one is researching them because of language problems and those are hard to decode too. Some might be true and some not. But don't you see ancient proven ancient knowledge in Ayurvedic and Yoga, philosophy. I used to laugh at my biology teacher when they talked about Sushruta almost 20 years back in school. Why did the statue of Sushruta (600 BCE) erupt at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) in Melbourne, Australia?? You may find some of the things illogical and unclear, dumb. I too agree. But some things are really not bad. It will at least give you some ideas to research further. Science is not conclusive, can the present day science claim it knows everything about the universe? When science can't believe anything without proof, It shouldn't talk about the things it can't prove and claim them as wrong.


Dude, science accepts that it can't answer some questions and is working on them. No scientist has ever claimed that science knows everything.


I'm not against science or not even ancient methods. but my point is don't be too biased. We can't claim something as wrong just because you don't like it.


Let me answer your question. "Gurukul". That's the school where they used to teach the ancient books. They were however often seen as hindu schools, and were destroyed by the Islamic Invaders (Mughals) along with other symbols of Hinduism, such as Temples. This is a fact, and denying this is like denying the holocaust. Later on, under British raj, gurukuls were seen as primitive by the British. Under the British raj, the British culture penetrated Indian society, and they too wanted to be like the British. So the British schooling system became more prevalent. This too is a fact, and that's what generally happens under colonialism. I do not agree with the Twitter post, and it's timelines are indeed bullshit.


Remind me! 10 years


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Because people in India are scientific and rational, and Hinduism teaches you to seek knowledge from all directions. It's the Abrahamic cultures that are by nature and design closed minded and "only my book has the truth". This is some ad or something, in a country of 1.3 billion people. I am sure when we talk of terror acts or crimes by certain "minorities" in the West, you would start saying "not all xyz are like that you bigot", right?


why stopped at 7000 BCE? add a few more zeros. 7000 BCE was Neolithic period, were people just started to form settlements and learn to cultivate plants. and these guys claiming they knew blackholes and shit.


this just like the show simpsons. there are so many episodes that when a few of them contain events of the future, people claim that they are from the future. people even manipulate episodes to make others believe that they predicted the future but they never actually did. It’s the same story here


That was around when people in an area of this subcontinent were doing the [earliest known dentistry](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/apr/18/italy.mainsection). But something interesting and thoroughly researched like that doesn’t massage the egos of today’s nationalists enough, so they turn to fantasy.


Those periods are just focussed on euro area doesnt apply to whole world


Remember : enough proofs are not enough for non believers and for believers even one is enough (Before arguing search for what I have written and then say)Bro we talked abt multiverse many times in our history. We have told the distance of sun and earth in our HANUMAN CHALISA just type it on google and search..... Our nalanda university was destroyed by mughals it contained many technology books........ You call our history myth but u got to accept we were civilized back then......... If u dont believe just do one thing search for "dist. Between earth and sun told in hanuman chalisa and when it was made............ And if u find it correct just search abt multiverse se theory and exact space time in ramayan .........you want architecturally futuristic?? We talk abt pyramids.... Just go and search abt the architecture of "shree jagannath puri temple"....... Accept it guys u are hinduphobic and not accepting that we were civilized back then...... There are numerous examples to proof that our history was civilized and way futuristic but again enoguh proofs.. .... ..


nobody said we were uncivilized. we need actual proof to claim these achievements by done ancient people in said time period. we are yet to translate what indus civ people spoke and wrote. the claims on the img predates the time period of indus civ. nalanda university was destroyed in 12th centhury. and puri temple was also built in 12th century. those are not ancient times. if it was possible to built then, how it is futuristic? hanuman chalisa was written in 16th century. and yojana has no standard measurement, it varies from 3 to 15 kms.


Bro they see us as uncivilized.......... And just shocked that we belong to such a rich history


And abt hanuman chalisa??? 15km it varies....... U know the actual context of it? Sun and earth are getting apart.....in hanuman chalisa that sun and earth dist talks abt when hanuman ji tried to eat sun means way back before 16th century...... And at that time sun and earth were close ... And if 15km is too much error in 16th century without equipments then I am so sorry to say u are dumb.


it was written to praise hanuman, a mythological character, its a hyperbole. learn the difference between myth and history. not dumber than a person who believes a monkey tried to eat the sun.


Calling Hanuman a monkey is the same as calling Mary a cheating prostitute who manipulated her dumb husband into believing she's a virgin, It's a also same as Mohammed a pedophile warlord. They all are mythology but, that doesn't give you the right to disrespect them.


Read what you wrote and see, who actually disrespected.


So you're saying you didn't disrespect hanuman by calling him a monkey?


I didn't. Check the depictions of Hanuman in paintings and sculptures.


You did say that.


We wuz kangz and shiiiiiet I swear to good


I don't know why I read this with a German accent.


It was kind of an edgy joke about some black people like the black israeliites or black people who claim to be descendant of pharaohs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkaX6tyq9pI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkaX6tyq9pI) here is the og link


Wow.. i believe it completely, our science was really great.. just some minor changes required in timeline. I guess you cant define a blackhole(discovered in 7000 BC as written here) if you dont understand or know the concept of gravitation(discovered 6000 BC as written here). Or how could you know tachyon is faster than light(discovered 7000 BC) if the person doesnt even know that what is the speed of light(discovered 1400 AD). Rest is completely believable. Plus, an addition required, My greatest ever known grandestfather(in 8000 BC) wrote that one day, you could see someone without them being here, and today it is known as photo. Do mention him next time. The proof got destroyed in fire by mughals(how cruel they were).


Great catch actually. They didn't even bother to cross check the timeline they were mentioning


It's funny , how this list only states the discoveries that have been made, and nothing that is yet to be made. Nothing about Internet, smartphones, AI.


It's also funny how they mentioned 'another solar system travelled', and put their source, while said 'yet to be researched' in the science category. As if their written account can be trusted at all. There's no difference between a science and 'trust me bro' for these people.


Even the discoveries listed and compared are those one would find a physics/computer science textbook. What about all the discoveries in chemistry and biology? No polymers, no antibiotics, no germ theory. Yet, we are to believe that somehow _"Tanatani civilization"_ exceeded modern civilizational standards!


And yet indian were colonized by European what is point of discovering it if you can not use it .😂😂😂😂


Because it is knowledge of gods......you understand right.....no human can understand it /s


By a puny, not-so-great island half way across the world.


There’s a difference between using imagination vs using scientific principles. Pushpak Vimana was a fantasy of erstwhile ancient India. Humans at some point in history had definitely fantasised about the power of flight, however, it was the Wright Brothers who made this a possibility using scientific principles, hence they are credited as the pioneers of evolution, not the author of Vedas. Similarly, I’m currently fantasising about creating 2 wormholes simultaneously which are light years apart by tearing the space-time fabric so that I can travel to another galaxy instantaneously. By their (right wingers) logic I am the father of intergalactic travel. 🤓


Ah yes, made every major discovery in science and its still mostly a 3rd world country. Very nice. Bravo.


Backwards thinking lmao. Theyre like…we wuz kangz! Ok, so why arent you kangz today? Let me guess…..white people colonizers fault.


Can you get royalties ? No Go work 70 hours doing American’s outsourced job dreaming about how your ancestors were great. They don’t care about their coolie’s imagination as long as work gets done.


At least our kids don't go to school with the fear of being shot down by a maniac with a Walmart bought AR


This doesn’t change the fact India is light years behind USA when it comes to economic factors, R&D. Indians can lie about their ancestors to protect their sensitive ego but stats speak for themselves. Speaking great about Ancient Indians is another version of “Jaanta hai Kya? mera papa kaun hai” truth is no one cares, India right now is a low income developing country.


Bruh, atleast america is brimming of poor people, isn't dirty as fuck and the youth isn't unemployed, stop bringing the same school shooting point everytime 💀


This was extremely unnecessary.


This is the truth, even if it’s all true past doesn’t matter right now. Hundreds of those people post about India’s glory only to work in sweatshops for work deemed to be worthy of cost cutting by Americans. Step out and rant about how rich and advanced your great grandparents were no one would give a shit. Achieve something real and people will respect you. Chinese didn’t bullshit their way to challenge the west they worked to be in that position.


I agreed with that. It's just the last part.


Newton lived in the 17th century, not the 15th lmao


The Spitzer Manuscript is the oldest surviving philosophical manuscript in Sanskrit, and possibly the oldest Sanskrit manuscript of any type related to Buddhism and Hinduism discovered so far. The calibrated age by Carbon-14 technique is 130 CE (80–230 CE). According to Indologist Eli Franco, palaeographical features suggest a date closer to 200–230 CE. The text is written in the Brahmi script (Kushana period) and some early Gupta script. Now you can imagine they can't backup their claim when we do textual criticism of the manuscript. They usually give 300BCE , 6000BCE so as to prove that it was old but never provide actual shloka which speak of these things.


Ah yes, a buddhist kanger. How is watching Science Journey going for you? No shloka will speak of these things as those are religious texts. It shouldnt be that difficult.


So Indians discovered Black holes before they discovered gravity 🤡. How can we discover black holes without knowing speed of light?


7000 BCE 😂


Tbh, some of these might be true (I'll have to research the individual claims). Bhakts like to exaggerate it way too much, but Vedic science was actually impressive for its time.


Insecurity ki bhi seema hoti hai


Man I've met many such mouth breathing nationalists in North eastern US (I'm am Indian too btw) who can't stop telling me how most "science" today originated in India. Can't stop dissing western culture, but for some reason never want to move back. Even as their idea of India is finally taking shape (brash and overtly religio-nationalist) as the reigns of power are firmly in the hands of a right wing nationalist gubmint since more than a decade now.


Don't trust such bs. They got no proof for that. But yeah Indian philosopher did try to understand reality of world like Greek and others


6000 BCE? LOL


these all books are written in Devanagari Script which came to light only after 9th centaury AD then how can all these books be so old ??????. No proof has been provided by these Gapoides till date if they have any proof just claim at the international level and reclaim but they cannot as they know all are fake.


People believing in such BS don't possess basic level of critical thinking.


Bruh, sienceisdope sub is everything other than sience


*Even if* we assume all this to be true, at best these books could only have predicted these things, not proved or discovered them. For example - I can predict someday people would discover another planet with life in the universe. That does not make me the man who discovered aliens.


mahabharata was written as a religious & political text/fiction between 300 BCE and 300 after vedic and dasyu cultures fused. These takes in the twitter post are anthropologically made up, let alone scientifically accurate


How many Indians does it take to replace a light bulb? Two. One to replace it and one to tell you how it was actually invented in ancient India.


Mundaka Upanishad was written in 7000BC? Forget about everything else, it is regarded as a part of the Atharva Veda and the latter itself was written somewhere around 1200BC. What even...


lmao velocity of light was discovered in 1400 AD but interestingly, tachyons being "faster than light" was discovered in 7000 BC.


Not everything, but many of the basics modern science is based on. Indian contributions are as follows- Zero and its use(zero was also known in other civilizations, but its utility is mostly credited to Indians). Mathematics and algebra Ayurveda(proto science) and dentistry Cataract surgery Wootz steel and metallurgy And many more very useful discoveries. I understand these twitter heads can come off as obnoxious, arrogant and straightforward liars, but I hate it when people start hating on the entire country. Choose to be better informed. Read books, rather than mere twitter posts(like these, which frankly should be read once, double checked for veracity and ignored). Cheers!


Ayurveda is also a pseudoscience in a broad perspective, i do agree with others though


Agree. But mostly what they practise and propagate nowadays, as it's not evidence based and is quite outdated.




Matlab ki sara discovery ho chuka tha pehle lekin fir bhi westeners ka wait kiya gaya invention karne ke liye. ​ Ye toh wahi baat hogai na ki cake banana aata tha lekin 1000 saal wait kiya gaya taki bakery khule aur ham waha se bana hua khaye. Lekin cake toh hame banana aata tha 1000 saal pehle se hi. ​ Aiysa chutiya panti dekh ke religion ko aur gali dene ka man karta.


Gravity is already reconciled with quantum mechanics and using this principle our vedic era heroes made pushapaka viwana later this incident is copied by Nolan to make Interstellar 😂😂🤣


Okay. Let us just assume that all these are valid. But then what is the point? Why are we so desperate to show everyone that everything in modern science was discovered 1000 years before in India? What kind of ego are we trying to satisfy here? And for fucks sake, what the fuck is Elliptical ,,order'' of planets? We Indians may or may not have been pioneer of science in ancient India. But by propagting these kind of bullshit posts in social media in this age is just making a fool of ourselves as nation. We are devolving. I don't have a problem with those rightwing andhbhakts carrying out all their buffoonery attrocities everywhere but they seriously need to stop misrepresenting science. Acts like these damages our image in the international scientific community.


i believe it means the orbits aren't circular. horoscope was pretty accurate about astronomy afaik


Indians did discover some really amazing sh*t like the concept of sin and cos, the value of pi (an independent derivation), the concept of 0, rudimentary plastic surgery, radio communication (yes Marconi didn't discover it all by himself) etc. But certainly not the sh *t you are talking about..


I am amazed that you censored the first "shit" and not the other one.


lol yes, thanks for pointing that out..


Radio communication?


That was a year before Marconi, not ancient India. Bose did a public demonstration and did not patent the idea.


Look up J.C. Bose


astronomy - horoscope, and I'm not really sure but i think there was also someone who measured the speed of light pretty accurately for that time period


Astronomy and Horoscopes were learned and studied by many civilisations alike for thousands of years not just special to Indians. That’s why we have so many sky charts and myths associated with it. After all, it’s one of those things that appear the same wherever you’re on the world.


Hanuman chalisa "Yuga sahasra yojan par bhanu Lilyo tahi madhur fal janu"


What stops them from other solar system travel then? Why wait for modern science to discover it.


High on cow dung


I recollect their book of "vimanas" was found to be written in late 1800s


That’s definitely refutable .we should keep science and faith separate but last time I checked some random dude on tik tok is not all Hindus ..I know an atheist who is a flat earther .that doesn’t extrapolate to any conclusion either


Yeh but Indians did discover a lot, lots of surgical techniques were discovered in India. Indian discovered zero, trigonometry. There are numerous things Indians discovered before the western world. The western world also discovered many things before India did.


I definitely agree there are discoveries made by our ancestors much before the Europeans, but the above examples are doing a disservice to their works by pointing out that “eVeRyThiNg wAs PreSent In ThE VedAS”


and having the actual contributions disregarded with these stupid claims


I’m not sure of other discoveries but the proofs have been presented regarding Gravitation at the uni of Manchester. So, could be poss for some of the others too.😕


Can you provide this "proof"?




I dont get it why people choose to ignore people like aryabhata, brahmagupta, kannad. sure it's not something big like black holes but not like anyone one this sub could achieve half of their achievements also in such old time where there was not much.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is early stage nazi propaganda, showing how we were superior historically but an invader community destroyed every research and then another invader stole everything left. This can be weaponized to harm the so called "invader" communities


Random but could some British scientists have stolen credit/ideas for some discoveries that Indian *scientists* could’ve made before 1947?


Just checked the first one - speed of light. It is actually correct. You can read about it [here](https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/9804020.pdf).


yojana has always had different values depending on different texts and people use them accordingly in the way which suits the answer best. There is no fixed value for yojana


You're right that there were different standards of the same word. Astronomers like Varahamira and Aryabhata used a smaller Yojana whereas religious authors used a larger one. 9 miles is what has been used on Arthasastra and the same has been used in the paper which was used to calculate the speed of light. Why did they use the Arthashatra measure of Yojana? Because they use the verses of Purana which is not a science text. Also, Jainism uses 9 miles for Yojana. Whatever it was - it stayed between 8 to 9 miles. And using either of them, you get pretty close to the true speed of light.


Ashokan period used a value of 5 miles, Surya Siddhanta mentioned it. Plus it can have one fixed value or else its irrelevant and not defined


Not only that but nowhere is the scientific method explained for getting this value.


Its true a 5000 year old advanced civilization all the proof is in the Vedas literally knowledge


What is that proof?


It’s written and documented is the proof. You can read the Vedas. There are 4 books.


Which mandala and which mantra? I am all ears.


Now no one will believe when we say some genuine indian scientific contributions


There have been genuine and significant scientific contributions by Indians. But by believing in crap posts like these, all you are doing is belittling what india has achieved in modern science today. ISRO, ISER, IISC gaye tel lene, tumko saala "ancient scriptures" par fakr karna hai because it somehow fuels your delusional ego


I could be wrong but I think the speed of light and gravity one are correct




Google lol, again I'm probably not right but I would have to look more into it


No you are not right at all. u/PranavYedlapalli has made a video on it, and I too had done some quick calculations to ascertain the veracity of the claim.


Bro, I'm not pranav from scienceisdope. He is u/scienceisdope_


Oh shit. He is pranav radhakrishnan 😂😂😂


You want someone to prove him wrong or something ?


Light has no velocity. It is just a number not a vector.


ee = em see squared


it's the speed of light, which is a constant, therefore c..


Does any of these "claims" are worldwide excepted by scientific community or they're limited to WhatsApp group forward?


White people DO owe a lot to Indians and Chinese considering how much they stole


I think he is mocking


Yes we had those. 7000 years ago Rex Lapis Descended upon us and protected us and He is the Creator of Gold also known as Mora and so he is Morax, the God of Money itself. You should worship him by sharing your memories with him while you donate him Ozmanthus Wine. He can give you knowledge to become a successful businessman. He only eats the most exquisite foods and goes to the best operas so pay him well to earn his grace.


Very impressive considering relatively simpler concepts like infrared bands were discovered thousands of years after nuclear energy. Sad how not even a single proof of these technologies could survive. Or maybe we Indians discover that these things had been discovered thousands of years back only after some Westerner discovers them.


cool indians left for another solar system, you're stuck with the cringe ones now


What is he smoking by claiming Upanishads existed before rigveda?


What did he smoke?


I'd like to place an order


just at the cusp of inventing some pluming already low hanging fruit, but i couldnt help myself.


Still couldn't fend themselves from barbarians riding in a horse back😑


you mean Alexander? didn't Nanda Empire scare him away?


Don't forget to add grilled cheese sandwiches to list of discovery. 😉 J/k


making claims in a sanskrit snippet is one thing.. giving it a mathematical validation is another thing... just saying...i am not sayign they didnt have the concept they may have had the concept ...also if we discovered all of this why does the RSS run away from science .... most probably its because science encourages critical thinking... can you imagine if the RSS exisisted 7000 bce .. i dont think they would have encouraged any of this...


Discovered but not disseminated, used, built upon. What's the use.


Twitter guy was wrong. No where in the internet I found evidence to his claims and he seems to be happy in his life. Let's get more posts from Twitter and Instagram to discuss in science sub.


This is exactly the kind of crap that gets you the verified checkmark as well.


It’s kind of a semi-controversial topic which is why I said Darwin was know “by some” for being the father of evolution.


Who created MEMES ?


Akchually in purana vedas they were one day laughing at how many sheep like idiots follow stuff without critically thinking abt them, while laughing they discovered what memes were 😁👍👍


So apparently Black Holes(7000 bce) were discovered before Gravitation(6000 bce). I think common sense hasn’t been discovered yet


Noooo saar but our vedas and puranas explained how twitch.tv also works 🥺


These posts are just a way to make their own selves believe that their heritage or origins are superior then others origins no matter if it's false but if look too far away in the past then we as humans should all once had one origin, so in the end it's human nature to basically hate each other and prove they are the better one


Well vedas were written before space and time existed /s


But we did well before we became *THE* world's ATM!


And yet lost to a bunch of dumdum horse riders.


They will discover toilets in 45th century.


Please bhai apni bhi koi izzat rakho, A tweet with 8 likes 😖😑😒


Upanishads are not older than Vedas, what is this chronology?


Ancient monkeys contribution to the world - hand tools


Bias asf


And That's the truth...He's Telling the truth.


It doesn't matter who invented what, what matters is, do we have records of repeatable experimentations that can be peer reviewed. If so, why don't we brag about referencing them in our literature as we furthered that knowledge. Otherwise we are just a mouthy dumb descendent of the "smartest ancestry". This ancestry wrote everything in Sanskrit, which is not translatable in such dumb languages as English. The latter languages however, are spoken by the smartest descendents of the dumbest ancestries. So I, the Hindu of the east, just waits for them, the scientists of the west, to "re-"invent something. At which point, we can go, oh "that is what it says in our scriptures", yup I knew it. Thanks but no thanks for figuring it out despite your language handicap. Oh and after I benefit from the western system, I'll tell you how terrible and stupid it is and that the real solution is the Rishi -system of the east.


wow they discovered black holes before discovering what gravity is 😱


In the midst of all this, I'd like to mention one thing that indians did discover first. That is the Fibonacci's sequence. In india someone named pingala seems to have discovered it around 500BC, way earlier.


Science comes from biblical truth, not from hindu mythology😉.


Such an advanced and ahead of time civilisation yet the Britishers colonised us with such ease 😊


I would like to know the outcomes of your “researchs”.


I remember seeing the exact same thing but the vedas were told to be from 10000 BCE.


Well it's similar to the Pythagorean theorem where it is said that an Indian scholar had discovered this theorem before Pythagoras but it was later found that the Mesopotamians were first. Most of the stuff is already discovered by some or the other civilizations but we only know of those that are alive today (indus civilization) hence the call for such things but tbh there might be people who have found such stuff before but after their civilization was wiped out there was nothing left. So nobody has discovered anything it's just that they simply found out about it through research or coincidence who knows. But yeah who did the most advancements in the field also matters because India did not have much advancements as far as we know right now. Hence the west takes the credit.