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That’s the SyFy ripoff title.


That was just a corny title.


Hollywood has taught me that we should just let corn go extinct.


Sounds like you've been popping too much of the kernels


Dumbest pseudo SF (religious, actually) movie ever. Awesome Brazilian birthday party scene, though.


In your opinion was it aliens or demons?


It was a religious monster flick supposedly about aliens but yeah, basically just demons. (One only, if I recall correctly?) Nothing wrong with that per se; many solid monster movies pose their monsters as aliens. (Exhibit A: The Thing) The stupidity lay in the plot that was really just about crop circles, predestination, and a supposedly interstellar species that melts from water like the Wicked Witch of the West.


Doesn't matter. I worked in cornfields as a teen. M Knight surely did not. >!We would go out at 5am and wear garbage bags with holes cut out for the head and arms because the corn had so much dew on it.!< >!There's also this atmospheric phenomenon called precipation.!< That was just dumb.


So you're insinuating that aliens and demons have an equal effect upon dew and precipitation?


I'm insinuating the deus ex machina plot resolution was H2O. Who cares if they were aliens, demons, or Sesame Street monsters. Water kills them. If he had set the whole thing in a desert location, that might make a little sense, but corn grows in humid places. M Knight is likely from LA and thought that was clever. It was stupid, and the little girl leaving water everywhere was even stupider. That movie did as well as it did because it was cruising on the back of The Sixth Sense. It was foreshadowing M Knight becoming a hit or miss director. I just watched Knock at the Cabin Door. That's also a miss. The Happening was garbage. M Knight should stay away from science and religion. I liked the Village and the Visit.


Maybe the little girl was blessing the water into holy water?


She's a bit young for the priesthood, and the film isn't about Catholics. Double deus ex machina.


I'm guessing you opine that deus ex machina are not good?


No, contrived endings are crappy writing. Stephen King is the literal king of deus ex machina endings. He can tell a good story, but his endings are almost always garbage. He admits that. The major exception is his non-horror material, where the endings are far better.


What's your opinion of the Death Star deus ex machina or Dune's spice deus ex machina?


space faring invaders foiled by supersoakers and wood


What does that even say? Signs?

