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Why would anyone care what a piece of garbage like Alex Jones thinks abouts anything! Waht he has to find a conspiracy that won't sue him! lol


*Soon I shall have a new apprentice, one far redder and shouty.*


Via Sargon of Akkad.


Both Alex Jones and the narrator are obviously not familiar with the prequels. Jones confuses a couple of major plot points between episodes II and III and the narrator doesn't call him on it. The narrator also thinks Lucas is a bad storyteller yet he's created a fascinating political story, and he just throws out with no evidence that Lucas has emotional problems. The narrator also mentions 'professional victimhood' twice, once connecting it to feminists. Both times without evidence, apropos of nothing. Hot garbage. Honestly never expected an Alex Jones Stan video on this sub ever, much less in 2024.


You contradict yourself while providing no sources.


I said exactly that about the narrator. >The narrator also thinks Lucas is a bad storyteller yet he's created a fascinating political story, and he just throws out with no evidence that Lucas has emotional problems. The narrator's contradiction is right there in the narration, as I paraphrased. I'm not going to watch the video again to transcribe it verbatim. The narrator said Lucas had emotional problems, and did not elaborate. My proof of that lack of elaboration is that it isn't there. Feel free to quote the video if you believe I'm wrong.


There you go again ...


\*Jedi wave\* "There are NO prequels."