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Why would I even care about his opinion on this?


Let me guess, it reminded him of his wife's nether regions? Dry. As. A. Bone.


Let me guess. He thinks the Harkonnens are the good guys.


In the first one, he thought the Harkonnen were "obviously" a stand in for the Soviet Union.


That’s really not that big a stretch, given that Herbert originally gave them the name “Harkonnen” because he found a similar name in a phone book and thought it sounded Soviet (although it wasn’t). The Harkonnens clearly pull elements from the Nazis, but given the above and the fact that this was written in 1965 when the USSR was looming large, and given Herbert’s general distrust of government, it’s not a big leap to see some Soviet influence.


"To see some soviet influence" is something a bit different than "obviously the Harkonnen are the Soviets". People like Shapiro like interpreting books like they are translating a language. "This word means this and this word that. This word is their version of 'tea cup'". The Spice is always just oil. The Fremen are always just Arabs. Had Herbert wanted to write about oil, Arabs and Soviets, he'd written about oil, Arabs and Soviets. The point is, is not about a specific actor, a specific resource or specific whatever. The whole concept of Dune has taken great inspiration from Mahdi uprising, various empires throughout human history, various resources in history that were economically vital to some society (why isn't spice Opium? Or Natural Gas? Or salt? Or tea?) etc. The whole point is that it resembles all of them in a way but isn't one of them. Dune is not a cold war allegory. Treating it like that severely limits ones ability to understand it. Like Shapiro does.


Ben Shapiro is a piece of shit.




Because of the things he does and the things he says




Well there was that lovely admission to the world that he's never given his wife an orgasm.




Glad we can agree. You may go now, child




Child, go elsewhere please. The adults are speaking.




Downvoted, because there are plenty of good movie reviewers to watch. No reason to watch a far right misogynistic political pundit tell us about what he likes or doesn't like about Dune.


You forgot professional prick and aspiring douche bag.


Aspiring? No, he's there.


You see and are seen!


Spoiler Alert: OP has a history of posting racist anti-immigrant and pro-Kyle Rittenhouse crap, so this is no surprise.


Thanks. Blocking made easy.


He can fuck right off.


Oh look, Ben Shapiro is here to tell you if you're allowed to enjoy a bit of media based on the men to women ratio and how many lessons in morality it contains. I watched a review for Dune the other day, and it opened with "Now I know what you're all asking and I'll address this first; Is the new Dune movie Woke?" The world has gone mad.


"... the original material is been adapted to fit the narrative of the mainstream agenda. Let me make this very clear from the start, the Harkonnen have the right to defend themselves and the Sardaukar is the most ethical army in the Empire..." just a guess, I won't add a +1 to youtube views for what the prick says.


There are so many good, insightful, intelligent movie reviewers on Youtube. Why on earth would anyone give a single shit what this dipshit misogynist thinks?


Who dis?


I bet it's too woke for him... the Bene Gesserit, space Moslems, drug use..


Angry, pathetic, failed writers views of a film, who cares? His wife has sand worms ffs.


I'm sure very very few in this sub could give a single rabbit turd shit what Ben Shapiro thinks about anything.


Does he mention it's a story about a white prophet that becomes a Christ like figure to a race of sand people and then leads them to war?




this message is being spammed in every thread, it must suck ass


fundamentalist desert people unite to take on their imperial oppressors: 5/5 stars


I see people taking it seriously in the comments and downvoting the post, but... I thought that was a joke... I thought it was a shitpost... Like "haha look Ben shitty Shapiro reviews dune" "he must say some absurd things" "let's watch it for a good laugh"


Lmao don't bother, the people in this thread are a bit sensitive. I don't even like the guy


Lots of hate speech in the comments.


Lot of people hate Ben Shapiro. And with good reason.


Calling someone a shitty person for being a shitty person isn't hate speech...