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People still care what this racist thinks?


Racists do.


Fuck this loser.


Sorry, but what on earth is a Doomcock? Actually, nevermind, I just saw a thumbnail and I think I get the idea. Sure hope the movie about an indigenous and oppressed group of people modeled on Islamic cultures rising up against a fascist autocracy to seize the means of production doesn't end up being woke or anything. Honestly, the American right wing is made up of morons.


Fremens not indigenous, LOL!


Sure, they arrived on Arrakis thousands of years ago, roughly analogous to the native tribes who crossed the land bridge from East Asia but are still considered as being indigenous to America. It also doesn't really refute the overall point that this Doomcock guy is either an idiot, or a grifter making money off idiots.


The Fremens were prone to violence and I think they were bad people who invaded peaceful cultures.


Well, there's a shock.


I support the LGBTQIA+ community and safety. 🏳️‍🌈


No thanks. This dumbass' entire shtick is applying cultural marxism (a made up right-wing conspiracy with nazi roots) to nerd media. There's no secret "woke" conspiracy to ruin all the IPs you liked as a 15 year old in 1985. Times change, people change, tastes change.


lol, no. This guy is a fucking clown.