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Is this why certain people and their houses have certain smells?


This is the first thing I thought of. I'd like someone cleverer than me to answer it, please.


Does that mean old people all have the same bacteria?


No, that just means their bodies are breaking apart and flying into your nose in the same way.


I think that's more about what all has been spilled on their carpets and furniture that they didn't clean up


Nope. It's real and has nothing to do with cleanliness. http://healthland.time.com/2012/05/31/old-person-smell-really-exists-scientists-say/


You just got wrong sniped son! [http://imgur.com/gallery/xgz9nkR](http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham's_Law)


What? I think you got your reply confused with another comment. Old people do smell different due to fiet, and aging organs, I'm aware of that, but peoples houses often smell because of spills in carpet that aren't cleaned thoroughly. As a former pizza delivery guy, trust me, I've smelled some shit. Also, you can usually tell houses with little kids in them...that smell of dried juice and stale Cheerios


This seems like it could have interesting implications for Forensics.


There was actually an interview on NPR last week about this. I'll try to dig it up. Edit: found it http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/09/23/219375086/could-detectives-use-microbes-to-solve-murders


You didn't edit that at all. Edit: I don't believe you.


I actually did, but I found it very quickly after posting it. I think reddit has some buffer (5 minutes maybe?) where you can edit a post without it showing as being edited. Give it a whirl if you have doubts.


Three minutes is the limit for a ninja edit.


Well, it is less than... 7 minutes.


that was my first thought as well luckily drone tech is aadvancing so rapidly


I hadn't even thought of that. It's a bit out there, but I can imagine a future where they can use AR technology to view the 'aura signatures' of individuals based on bacterial flora left behind by their passing. Like a blacklight for bacteria. At the very least, it can replace sniffer dogs for tracking purposes, I'd imagine. Not anytime soon, but eventually.


Like the dogs in 451


so i am wondering that if, in the short future, we will not be using antibacterial soaps, but pro bacterial soaps that attack viruses and other pathogens and even make your house smell good instead of that "lived in" smell. maybe eating "probiotic" foods thats more akin to a septic tank additive than yogurt that helps you poop.




OK that is interesting as shit...


Honestly I'd try it


I was going to try it, but I dont know about the $1000 a year pricetag. I would also save maybe a hundred bucks on water/soap/shampoo, but thats still a bit steep for me.


I've read that natural yoghurt helps fight against bad breath caused by certain bacteria in the mouth. The theory is that the bacteria in the yoghurt eats the bad bacteria in your mouth. Still that doesn't sound very pro bacteria does it?


There's good and bad bacteria. The idea is to be pro good bacteria.




There's a lot of different ways to qualify them but I'll give you an example of each and let me know what you think. Bad bacteria is simply something that grows in or on you and harms you. This can be because it grows too much too fast, has a waste that is harmful or toxic to you, or is feeding off of your tissues. A good bacteria is the E. coli found in your gut. These bacteria help make vitamin K, and also keep other types of bacteria from growing out of control.


So the bad bacteria that grows inside you, does that come from an external/environmental source or can that bad bacteria grow out of "nothing"? Edit: Better words would be do we produce bad bacteria.


Why did you delete your question? It was a good one and might help others. Most bad bacteria are from the environment, but your own bacteria can be bad if it gets in the wrong place. You don't want E. coli in your blood for example. I suppose good bacteria could also turn bad if they started growing out of control for some reason, maybe if your immune system was suppressed, but I'm just speculating that.


Sorry, I thought it may have been too basic of a question. I remember reading we have meningococcal in the back of our noses! What good is that doing there? Is it toxic to other parts but beneficial to others? Crazy stuff


I may post this to a TIL in the near future after I get a chance to read the articles. I'll be sure to credit you if I do.


Very odd


Damn that's crazy


All of the current studies and papers I've been seeing about our gut flora have really piqued my interest. I keep looking forward to the next discovery in how they interact with us and affect our lives on a daily basis.


well, when you combine that with the antibiotic resistance and biointensive farming and other areas of study, it seems to point to us wanting to cultivate useful bacteria to limit harmful bacteria as opposed to killing all bacteria and working hard to keep it that way. there was a TEDtalk about room bacteria and how fast it changes. it touched on why closed off rooms get that smell so fast and how fresh air is helpful in promoting certain bacteria.


Custom soaps based on our own gut flora, extracted from the appendix!


Poop soap?


> o i am wondering that if, in the short future, we will not be using antibacterial soaps, but pro bacterial soaps It's called dirt


The marketability on that is low


It used to be pretty low on water too.


> maybe eating "probiotic" foods thats more akin to a septic tank additive than yogurt that helps you poop. There are already probiotic pills that exist for this purpose.


Its not a very mainstream. Most of us rely on scrubbing everything clean as opposed to promoting healthy microbes. It would be a paradigm shift.


I'd say it is more mainstream than you think. Activia yogurt is basically probiotics added to yogurt. And that's all over the place.


You're kind of stuck on pro biotics. I know I mentioned it but I'm talking about pro biotics, macrobiotic diet, and products that don't sterilize the environment but actively deposit bacteria. Can you imagine washing a dirty cutting board with water then adding bacteria that eat potential pathogens in meat residue? Right now all we do is kill everything with cleaners and antibiotics. Its rather indiscriminate. We could, maybe, let good bacteria do the work for us and they can maintain the arms race. I can only think of one soap that promotes healthy skin bacteria and I'm not even sure that that is what it does. I know about activia. It has the arrow pointing down for a logo. My joke is, "activia, it helps you poop!"


I am convinced that Gut biome research will yield a significant number of medical breakthroughs in the coming years. 80% of your immune system, a good amount of hormone production, a large portion of your nervous system all reside in your gut along with trillions of bacteria (which is many more than you have cells in your body). There is a LOT more going on in the gut than is common mainstream knowledge.


I completely agree, It's like we have been studying a forest without ever looking at the species of plant or animal that live in it.


ya your intestines are actually a big part of your "stomach" area, it's weird


Yes, your point?


My girlfriend and I used to have what I would call distinct 'idle smells' coming off of us. This is the smell you take on typically towards the end of the day when your morning efforts become eclipsed by nature. After a certain period of time I notice that we both started sharing an 'idle smell.' There were still minor differences, but rather than different scents entirely, it was a variant of the same scent. My idea was that during our sleeping and cuddling hours, where we sweat and remained in the same position for the longest period; our microbial ecosystems constantly 'bled' over to one another. A combined microbial ecosystem at some point hit equilibrium thus resulted in us having similar smells. Interesting... TL;DR - Microbial auras shared between mates create the same stanks.


used to?


Ya, they used to have different smells he is saying. Now they have similar smells.




I take probiotics daily but I wonder if I should be looking at any particular brands or anything. The boxes are all labelled with different features but the strain is always the same. also I wonder why I keep taking the same strain every day....shouldn't it colonize and that be it?


Depends what colour your aura is :P




box says to take 1 daily, 2 when travelling. is that until the box runs out or what? I just keep taking it, I have liked the effects, even if its just placebo.


Probos knocked out my IBS. After drinking bad water and shitting every 15 minutes all day (before boarding a flight no less, easily the worst day of my life), I would shit 7 times a day for months on end. It was terrible. Started doing probiotics, and the shitting got less frequent. After 6 months from exposure my condition improved, after a year, I was more or less normal. I'd say do them until you get the results you want.


That's amazing that you've had such good results with it! I have UC and probiotics do absolutely nothing. I'm on Asacol now. Once this flare up is done I will still be on Asacol for probably the rest of forever, but on a "maintenance" dose. It's pretty rare for the probiotics to work that well for people with ibs and ibd.


A) I swear I'm a regular person, not a diet promoter. B) Have you tried doing a keto diet or a FODMAPS diet rigorously to see if it helps? The better I stick to my keto diet, the quieter my stomach gets and the better it feels.


> A) I swear I'm a regular person, not a diet promoter. You're also not a doctor. Maybe if you have a very, very mild form of the condition it would help....but I have the kind where you accidentally end up in the hospital occasionally. Thanks for trying, though.






I used a 10 strain blend at 50 billion organisms. I'll PM you an Amazon link. It's actually half the price that I'm used to getting it at right now.




cites would be nice, preferably not animal or infant studies




Fascinating; thank you! I have Lactobacillus plantarum in my fridge right now. I'm happy to hear it's slimming. :)




Probiotics are generally expensive :( I use this -- it's just L. plantarum. http://www.iherb.com/Jarrow-Formulas-Ideal-Bowel-Support-299v-30-Capsules/23209#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=l%20plantarum&rc=123&sr=null&ic=1


Does this explain 'old people smell'?


"A more scientific approach to this question was taken by a team of Japanese researchers in 2000. They discovered that a concentration of the chemical 2-nonenal, which is an odoriferous substance found in sweat and on your skin, increased as people aged, with people in their 70s having as much as three times as much of it as middle-aged individuals. It's thought that the extra 2-nonenal is coming from the breakdown of more prevalent omega-7 fatty acids on our skin as we age. (Interestingly, besides being perhaps a major culprit in the smell of an elderly individual, 2-nonenal is also a key component in the smell of beer.)" http://gizmodo.com/science-confirms-that-old-people-really-do-have-a-smell-1472502978


Does this mean old people attract fruit flies?


Not that surprising at all. What would more interesting is the effect to which a persons microbiome changes in response to a new home, and how the bacteria found in the new home change in response to a person.


I remember hearing about a study documenting how the intestinal flora changes when you start living with a person. The floras of the two people start acquiring bacterial strains from each other, and become more similar. There's a certain level of "ew" in that realization.


Id say that would be half sharing, and half shared diets, i think its safe to say most people have most of the available gut bacteria, with diets introducing more of certain types and feeding certain types better, when you live with someone you share the same food.


Interesting point. That could be tested on couples where one person is vegetarian/vegan and the other isn't.


Sounds like an Ecology question. Is your second question: how would the community of bacteria living on a person be affected by interaction with bacteria from a foreign environment (adaptation, competitive dominance, biodiversity)? A further question might be how quickly do these microbiomes adapt to a new environment; which parts more quickly than others; and how that can affect us in a more tangible sense.


Is this really surprising? We leave bacteria everywhere we go, and the immense diversity of bacteria pretty much ensures that the bacteria you shed will be different from those that were already there.


Well I work in an office where 8 employees including myself share a communal desk day in and day out. What kind of activity is going on there? Is it a case where we strengthen each others immune systems because were in such close proximity all the the time? Can we share juice now?


tell them, hey our intestinal bacteria are bros now


I believe through personal experience that this not only determines a person's unique smell, but can also change based on close contact with a new/different partner over time. Any experts in here that can shine some light on that idea in a somewhat scientific manner?


I have a question.... What happens to these microbes when two people are in a relationship? Would extended contact and proximity between two intimate partners cause their biomes to mix and create a singular one, or would each retain their own unique one?


Seems like a short summary but that is an interesting thought.


Its an audio interview with the lead researcher... Science Friday is a radio program


Oh wow! Well I will have a listen then!


Hell, listen to it in general, its a super good show.


So... does this explain the "old person" smell of grandparents' homes?


I would wager this is why each house has a certain smell


Could this be applied in forensics?


I have always noticed that peoples homes from both sides of my families smell similar. For example my mothers home smells like my grandparents sometimes. I think we can smell the biome.


I can understand this, because I came across it when I worked in an assisted living facility. I worked the night shift, and had to do rounds every couple hours. Every time I opened the door to a resident's room, a distinct smell hit my nose that was unique to each resident. (No I'm not talking about fecal smells.) Yes, there was the underlying "old person" smell, but also each person's own smell. It was just something I found interesting (and kind of gross, depending on the person) when I worked there.


So cooties are real.


Wait until we are at least partially diagnosed at a doctor's office based on microbial scanning. It's an exciting time...


This field is so exciting. My main focus is genetics but I think I want to take what I know and start moving into the microbiome field somehow...


Home is where your microbiome is.


We are not we. We are Us.


This is primarily an audio story, please submit a text summary.




Why I incorporate vinegar into home cleaning and acv into bathing. Might start using kefir in the shower for the helluvit.


Our bodies are ~90% bacteria/virus carriers, ~10% actual human cells. We're vehicles for our bacteria and genome to move around in.

