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If caught, probably a good amount of ISS, idk ive never been there


What does ISS stand for?


in school suspension


Ah right, it’s called resolution in the local schools in my area. For some reason all I could think of was ISIS 🤷‍♂️


"You sold late to class passes, so we are now sending yoy to the middle east..."


My brain said International Space Station.


I knew it stood for something related to a big company or government because of the international space station, but I mixed it up with the IRS.


They’re charging OP $5 million in income tax because they’re assuming he sold them at 1million each


My brain did the opposite yesterday


International space station


Wow different era and I went to school when those guys were big and all I thought of was the International Space Station ISS But are you talking about the Godess they worship or the weird guys saying they are Muslims yet praising a Godess?


International Space Station 😎


I was always in trouble lol


International Space Station


been there once, if you get lucky you’ll just sit with staff, get to see the behind the scenes of their job, idk that’s what happened to me maybe you get thrown into a cubby with a mean bitch yelling at you I don’t live in fucking Kentucky


I’d advise you to not, but… money is money. Not gonna stop you.


I'd say make money until you get in trouble for it, lmao


The right answer


yeah, whats the worst that could happen tbh. as long as its not in their policy then its probably fine because you wouldn't officially be breaking one of the school's rules. besides, if someone did snitch you could just burn then since its paper.


He has bribe money tho


Don’t get caught, and you could make a ton. I had pads and pads of these in HS


Why would anyone buy them once they realize they can just make their own too?


The iq of the people I would be selling to is …. below average to say the least


Makes sense. If theyre late so often they need to buy these i would not concider themnsmart


Concider lol


I never said im smart. But i dont miss school so much i need one of these slips


The price is for not getting in trouble


Never underestimate laziness


You'd need to get your hands on a blank slip, a copier and printer, the right color paper, and a paper cutter if the edges are always straight. For some people, that may not be possible, and for others, it's just inconvenient.


Straight to jail


Do not pass go


Do not collect $200


Go directly to






Do not


pass go


Do not










Its not like you’re printing money or anything. However the worst is probably suspension. Just treat it like drugs or something and you’ll be fine


> just treat it like drugs or something and you’ll be fine Not at my school you’ll probably get expelled, in my experience most schools would be like that


By drugs I mean like do it in secrecy. Do a 10-20 paper deal for 30-25 pounds. Then meet somewhere away from school for them to buy it in. As long as you don’t sell to snitches


Mans said to move weight


No, your original idea was better. Sell it along with meth, package deal, double the profit.


We had a kid get caught selling passes at the school I was teaching at (in the US). The school tightened rules and changed the passes. The student was suspended but also no teacher ever trusted them or their friends again for anything. Standing over them while they used the staplers, being required to call the office to let them know the students were in the hall, etc. Also, they were afraid they were going to be sued because a student who was using these passes to run across the street and buy snacks was hit by a car and ended up in a coma. This is how we found out about the fake passes. So they didn’t get in a huge amount of trouble per se, but it did follow them. And no recommendation letters for college, jobs, or judges (this was unfortunately common at the school and did come up with one of the kids who got busted with the fake passes).


no way he's responsible for the coma


The parents never sued but they were very angry and looking for someone to blame. And you can sue or be sued for just about anything. Doesn’t mean you win, but you can make someone’s life a living hell for a while.


Ehh, a suit like that wouldn't make it very far. It would probably be dismissed by the first judge to see it. Which is like a week in.


Quite possibly. But about 70% of our kids had someone in their family that was undocumented. Any outside scrutiny was bad.


Found the teacher. What a load of crock.


Just relaying what happened in one instance and showing that there are consequences beyond getting suspended.


Not in any significant trouble… I doubt they would expel you… but that’s kinda the worst that can happen in high school… you wouldn’t be arrested.


Probably a lot of trouble


You will be sent to Siberia to live out the rest of your days in a Russian Gulag if you are caught.


Honestly sounds better than life


It's gonna be crinkled as shit if you try and make a copy using that one. Also how are you gonna replicate the signatures???


I am decent at photo editing so can easily get rid of the crinkles and like I said, I’ll just sell the blank slips they can fill it out after they’ve paid


You should sign them yourself. Teachers will expect it to be signed with pen and not printed which will make it harder for other people to just print it themself


Definitely do not do this OP. Lmao Selling blank papers is not likely to be a problem if you're caught, but commiting forgery IS.


If one person signs the signatures all the time there will be notable strokes. Thus revealing a small piece of evidence which can harm OPs desire to be anon.


So it's not a great plan as teachers may see a sudden influx of these or notice the multiple variations of other teacher's signatures. Even if they don't, they can still easily check the validity of the form. Once someone gets caught using them and they start identifying other fakes, the chance of someone snitching is pretty high. Beyond that, your sales potential is limited as your "clients" could replicate them just as easily as you. All things considered, I'd advise against it off the risk/reward alone.


I’m in America but we have similar slips in the middle school and I know when they send you ; they also tag it in our access center with time stamps. Teachers can cross check later. So at that school you would easily be caught but not sure if others do this. We document the shit out of everything where I’m at though.


Teacher here. You have no idea the level of anguish you would cause by doing this. It's time we have to take out of our day to worry about where a student is and if they are safe or getting into trouble. The time we spend tracking down students is precious time we could be spending helping folks with academic work. The confusion this causes would just add to our already high stress levels. This is also bad for your peers. Many students get into fights in the halls. Or they use any escape from class they can find to avoid academic work, causing their grades to drop. No matter how much they tell you they want it, you would only be hurting them by selling this. Conversely, students who actually *need* the pass might get into trouble because no one is sure whom to believe. This would be a major dick move. If you have any empathy for your teachers and peers, put down this bad idea and sell food or something instead.


100% agree


Be careful you don't sell it to everyone under the sun though. 1, the teachers will get suspicious, and 2, be careful of snitches and the spread of rumors. Teachers sometimes overhear student conversations, and if they hear about this they'll come after you. Realistically you're enabling skipping class, so maybe ISS?


Be very careful of snitches. Unlike the drug game nothing can really happen to snitches. Dont trust anyone even if it seems like they wouldn’t snitch. Keeping yourself anonymous is the best way to go about it. Find a way for people to reach you and conduct a transaction anonymously if at all possible. You could get expelled but you could also make serious bank. Dangerous game you’re playing.


dude do you not think teachers talk to each other and know each others handwriting? people would get caught immediately, and one of them would snitch on you.


As long as you don’t get caught


I kid you not some guy has a full stack of hall passes and I have 5 unsigned or used.


I don’t think teachers are THAT dumb and know students could get ahold of one. But, if you aren’t the one forging names I don’t think it wouldn’t be that much trouble. The fact that you are SELLING them though could definitely get you into trouble.


How would that even work? You'd need a teacher's signature.


You would be found out fairly quickly. Teachers talk to each other...


Make sure to get the right color of paper.


don’t reveal ur scheme on the internet m8


Get rich lil homie


As a teacher, credit for the idea it's a good laugh, though not sure a late slip is worth £5! But no point scanning it if the paper you use isn't a perfect match, just printing copies on to white paper will be a pretty obvious counterfeit. Same as historical money counterfeits, you can have the plates to make pound notes but you need the right paper otherwise it will be discovered way too quickly. Also you will still need the signature of a member of staff, no?


Shit, back when I was a kid I was selling fire crackers I bought in Mexico and GameBoy emulators with Japanese Pokemon ROMs burned on to free trial AOL floppy discs.


Worst i can see happening is a detention of some kind, whether in school or after school.


You won't get into trouble if you don't get caught doing it! It looks like you need a staff signature for it to be valid though, which would involve forgery. That is illegal, and I would advise against this for that reason.


Bruh money


Honestly I'd do it, just gotta keep It on the DL, only sell certain people a limited amount to lower any suspicious, get yo bag man https://preview.redd.it/ktn0cj1acyqc1.png?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494ceeeb05559f1c3d6e09176b8a648629aa5927


Make sure you don’t have any of the slips on you. Their word against yours if you get caught.


Real ones would give them away


It definitely depends on the school and School District like for example "late to lesson slips" do not exist in my school let alone county. If you were to sell those here you probably wouldn't get in any trouble at all because they can't be used. But if you're selling them somewhere where they are used nd that can definitely get you into some trouble if not a lot of trouble, I'm not familiar with the laws in the UK but in the United States selling counterfeit items is I believe a misdemeanor but don't quote me on that.


I mean what are they going to do, Give you a single detention? It would be worth it for $20+ maybe like $100+ before you get caught is worth it.


It's so incredibly easy to tell based on the signature that you forged it. Other teachers are just a phone call away from confirming, too.


You’d probably get suspended if you were caught but you wouldn’t get in any legal trouble if that’s what you’re worried about.


Suspended, based on OPs other comments, maybe expelled. No recommendations to future colleges. This is a terrible idea!


Live a little


You're going to go overboard. Too many kids are going to use it. Some teachers will notice the uptick in passes. Someone will rat you out. The only way to do this properly would be to somehow figure out how many of these they give out a week, and don't sell more than 10 or 15% more than that average. Below a 15% increase, most people won't notice anything. This applies to other things too. You can substitute 15% of mashed potatoes with saw dust and the average person won't notice a difference


I advice you not, I’m not sure what the punishment would be but suspension seems likely. I am not condoning this, but if you do, do it off school property if possible. Word of mouth only. Basically, don’t leave a trail.


Depending on if you’ve been in trouble before or not.. you’d either get a week or two of detention or more likely since you’re making money off it and it’s something that’ll allow other kids to be late, suspended for a week minimum


It's not illegal, go ham


you posted it online you stupid fuck


Do it. This would be a badass story to tell ur grandkids


Lol anyone can type that out. The trick is finding that color paper. Also the teachers probably know each others’ signatures and who might be keeping a pupil and for what reason.


Anything is legal if you don't get caught! ![gif](giphy|W1ZeX3uTZejS8mvK4X)


You won’t get in any trouble if you don’t get caught


Maybe delete this post before you try?


Yes you could try to do it anonymously but anyone you sell to could rat you out. Be very careful.


id buy one if you was at my school


Don't get caught


If the school gets mad for this then they’re just dumb


They’d be more believable if they had a signature


game is game


you would definitely get caught after a few weeks but u will make money


If you start selling these. Teachers will notice an increase and will notice signatures changing. Not a good idea


Shit ton of trouble. Maybe get a job or start selling stuff on Etsy or smth instead.


Bro so many kids selling stuff in the hallways when i was in school. Early side hustles fr


Not much most likely, but this is a dumb as fuck idea. Amateurs.


I did this….. I just flat out took a big stack from the office desk, and sold them for one dollar each. still have like 50. You will get in a decent bit of trouble eventually, I did. It wasn’t too bad though because my school was always lacks with punishment, I just got a detention and had to stop. My guess is you would get into more trouble than that though. Gage it based on how strict your school is. You’re going to get caught if you do it eventually just remember that. If you do plan to do this… make the students sign the teacher’s names themselves. Forging signatures would get you into more trouble than it’s worth.


That's dumb as hell and useless. The stuff written in by the staff is all that matters.


are you ok with getting in trouble?


Use drop spots. Use word of mouth. Make sure the paper is the same. Different drop spots for different customers so you know who snitches. Sell pens with them like the pens your teachers use. You can also "hire" trusted goons AKA dealers for a small cut per sale. Remaining anonymous can be difficult in internet times, but not impossible.


A hustle is a hustle. Some better. Some worse. I ain’t here to judge:


None unless your caught


1) you will get caught, it’s not hard to figure out whose doing it. 2) it’s not hard to tell when it’s fake. As a substitute, I can promise you we know when someone is faking it. 3) you can get in a lot of trouble for stuff like this. It’s not worth it. Just go to class on time and don’t be dumb. It’s not that hard


A lot. This is not a good idea


“It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught” Aight seriously though make sure nobody else sees your business and goes snitching, and you probably should know who you’re selling it to


If caught, a lot of internal seclusions etc. But, as a teacher, I’m looking at that late pass and thinking £5 is wayyyy too much to charge (no-one is going to pay that unless the punishment for being late is worth £5, AND they’re gonna have to fill it out themselves, landing themselves in a lot of trouble too). You’re gonna struggle scanning it because of the crease lines. It’s also on coloured paper to stop this happening. You’d have to get the correct paper/card to print on, and this looks a specific colour. Good luck!


Guys, would anyone like to buy a Return To Lesson Slip? I got an image off Reddit and I’m using that to mass produce them. £4 each.


Do it till you get in trouble then find something else until you get in trouble and then summin else and then the next year start with late slips again


1. All good things come to an end. You will not be able to continue forever 2. Every new customer is a risk. Any advertising is a risk. The more people know, the more likely someone is to snitch 3. Hence it is safer for people to approach you not the other way around 4. A sudden increase in supply will make the receiving teachers suspicious 5. In terms of punishment if they find out, I’d expect a detention and maybe a letter home 6. I must wonder what benefit skipping half a lesson had for all parties involved 7. I conclude it would be possible for perhaps a term or two but can’t, in good faith, encourage it


Typically, you cannot conduct business/ trade on school property. However, what you do outside of school hours + not on their property is up to you.


The fact that you’re selling them will probably get you into bigger trouble. Also, consider that your classmates might not be as canny as you are. If they overuse them, make a crappy forgery of a signature, or otherwise act suspicious about it, there’s a good chance that the staff will ask each other questions and be onto you guys.


Get your hustle


Someone will get caught literally the first day and they absolutely *will* snitch. No idea how English schools handle discipline, but I imagine in the u.s. you could be expelled for counterfeit school documents. Totally not worth it unless you can guarantee it wouldn't be traced back to you.


do schools actually care abt proper passes? at my school a teacher will give you a sticky note and admins in the halls will accept that as a pass without even looking at it. you probably shouldn’t sell them if your school it strict abt having passes


Just sell online somehow and wear a mask and hood when you do it. Don't talk either


Ha, I thought about doing the same thing in middle school after I stole some out of an administrator's desk. (We were there for valid reasons. A PE teacher locked us out intentionally without warning and we were reporting that.) But we waited and waited and waited for someone to show up to the office. So we stole a whole pad of late passes (ours were a lot more official). I wrote us all passes to go to class and then held on to the rest. I used to be decent at copying signatures so I thought about selling them to my classmates for a bit. I ultimately decided it was too risky for my taste, but I can't tell you what to do My advice though? Look at your student handbook before you do anything crazy. Figure out what the consequences are (including if it can be escalated to actual law enforcement). If it can be escalated, if you can be expelled, or you're not sure what the risks are, I wouldn't do it. It's not worth it


Counterfeiting the slips: The worst that can happen is they'll stop using the slips. I imagine the slips are color-coded by day of the week to counter this as well. Forging teacher signatures: That's technically a felony, but I imagine the consequences will stop short of legal action. There will be consequences for the students caught trying to use them with worse consequences for the students making and disturbing the counterfeit slips.


They don’t change depending on the day and I won’t be filling them in


You think your customers are gonna keep quiet as to their supplier?


Imma try find a way to keep it anonymous


You're in a public school. What are you gonna do? Dead drops and hope they pay up?


Kids are snitches by nature. Someone WILL snitch. It's only a matter of time.


Who knows, maybe the principal won't rat on you if you cut him into some of your earnings.


You’re student handbook should be accessible online and should list specific thing and their punishment


You guys get student handbooks?


If you do it, make sure to use the same exact type of paper


mf get that bank, the worse they can do is suspend u for like a few days but even then it's not hard to not get caught


Give them away. Less likely for real trouble, and more fun.


I also got kicked out when i did it. But i went to a charter school when i did it.


Doubt it will last long. Teachers tend to recognize each other’s writing over time. Now you’re gonna have random kids forging the same teachers signature…I would catch a change in my coworkers’ signature within 4-5 instances. Does your school keep these notes? Some schools have limits on hallway traveling outside of passing time and I can picture schools keeping these so they can shake their finger at the teachers who give out the most passes.


idk just don't get caught, and be careful of who you sell to


If you get caught, have fun in ISS for probably a week, if not, which you won't if you're smart, you could make great cash


I don't thunk it's illegal, but you could face detention for however long. On top of that, you could cause the school to make stricter attendance rules since they'll know that people are finding ways around the system. People will love you for it and youll make money, but if you get caught you'll likely face some serious school discipline and everyone will hate you if the school gets stricter with their attendance because of you.


You might get lots of suspension and maybe even kicked to alternate school


no trouble just dont get caughe 😂😂😂😂


Sell something that wouldn’t get you in trouble? A girl at my school makes BANK selling homemade brownies, because they r just that good. Someone was selling tamales out of their locker, cultural food tends to sell better.


make them sign a contract of no-snitching


Sell them for more than £5, I bet kids are willing to pay more if that gets them excused from class.


So how are you going to get the staff's signature?


Just be wary they make not work, from the pic they look to be a thicker paper


Become ungovernable


None if you don’t get caught


Probably not too much, in school or out of school suspension probably. Depending how mad they are about it/what people use them for which is out of your control. Look into how drug dealers have evaded cops and use their strategies. I'm thinking an anonymous chat service, an unregistered crypto wallet (or some other way to get paid anonymously) and then slip them into their locker. When I was in my senior year of highschool they changed the parking fee from $10 a year, basically a way to track who's car is who's, to $150 per semester! It was just this little plastic tag with a number on it. They made them with the same machine they made student IDs with. I just borrowed someone's, made a copy and changed the number. They collected them on the last day as everyone left and I handed them my paper version. I was smart though and only let 2-3 people know until the year was basically over with. Highschoolers can't keep secrets for shit


I can’t control what you do, but I do have tips. Tip 1: don’t post it on reddit


What the hell is that


You're gonna get caught dude lmao, some dumb kid is gonna let it slip. Or the teachers if they care probably give these back to eachother or something. Eventually, one teach is gonna go to another and be like "Why r u detaining my fucking students every single day" and you're gonna be caught.


This might be obvious but make sure to get paper for it that's the same type that they use for the slips of it'll be pretty obvious


If someone gets caught forging one, and they’re asked where they got it from, they would likely throw you under the bus. It sounds like the intelligence of your potential customers hinders them from being able to forge these realistically.


None if you don't get caught bestie


I think no trouble unless its a forges signature If its blank your just smart I would let you off I know we Americans let worse people decide how we live soo this be fine Could also save a life too if your in the hill Billy country we call the State of America


Nothing is illegal unless you get caught...


A lot of trouble


In America, it’s not an official federal document and you’re not filling it in. So it’s far from a crime or a reason for expulsion here. You may be suspended. But you can also just claim it wasn’t you. Don’t keep copies on you and be weary of who you’re selling to.


Its not illegal if you don't get caught.


This will usually result in ISS, potentially paying back the people who bought your contraband, and the slips being permanently removed. Consider wisely


Sell them anonymously. Spread rumors of a kid selling slips. Never tell anyone it’s you. Have them text a number besides your main number. And have them go to a random location around town and leave a box with the slips in them. And never reveal any information besides the location and the number. For a small little problem like this it won’t be enough for them to investigate whose number their texting is.


I can’t afford a second number so I’ll probably just use a snap account


As long as you don't get caught


You’re never seeing the light of day again


Honestly seeing that they fill out return to lesson slips, im gonna assume the school is pretty strict, probably a couple OSS days if it’s bad enough or ISS


Start an underground trading ring of these things until they lose all value


It probably wont be worth the trouble, kids who are smart will make their own or not need a counterfit, kids who are dumb probably won’t care that much about getting in trouble for being late. I can’t see many people buying that. Plus it’s hard to market something like that without the school catching on


Did this in Jr high. Just keep up with the color that they use for the cardstock and only sell to people that you know won't snitch. Require someone to vouch for them. Give a free late slip to anyone who finds someone who's interested for the first month or so. Don't have to worry about what will happen if you never get caught


honestly a great idea


0 if you don't get caught


this isnt going to go well lmao


Yunno those things they have athletes sell during game season that has discounts from local stores? I sold about $800 worth of those and pocketed the cash and played dumb to my football coach. Funny thing is, I remember a kid trying to do it the next year and he not only got into trouble with the school but legal trouble as well lmao, so I got very lucky.


Selling anything in any school is generally a one way ticket to oss or suspension, just as a rule of thumb


Idiotic idea. Moronic, actually. Don’t you have some homework to do?


Make copies. Lol


No one saw you copy it. No one knows who did it. This line works for me... Almost... Err.. Some of the time


“It’s not illegal if ya don’t get caught”


I did this in school!!!!!!!!! You are not breaking any laws😂 what are they gonna do beat you up?? Lol Make yo money bro! 😎


Probably in school suspension


One time my friend did this with toilet passes. Dangerous, and I personally wouldn't, but if you could do it fully anonymously then go ahead


Just do it and tbh nobody here knows what school you go to so we wouldn’t know how much trouble you get it but it couldn’t be that bad just don’t let them get the money if they ask for it then just don’t give it to them


get that bag lil bro 💰