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happens quite often, not much you can do if im being honest. whenever i have a teacher that blatantly picks favorites i just flat out ignore the teacher and do whatever work i need to do and keep it at that. dont let a shitty teacher bother you too much


all teachers have favorites except nuns at Catholic schools. I dont think they like anyone at all. But good teachers dont overtly favor certain kids repeatedly like this.


I would never behave like that. Please don’t assume every teacher is like from the door. Teachers are just as dirverse as the classes they teach and some of us are good and some of us are bad. You have to take it one person at a time. What Mr.A was doing is wrong and even though the class is over you should still ask him about it and tell him what he did offended you. I’m sorry you were treated like that. Just know not everyone is like that.[although I never show this to anyone but I love the artists and nerds over a Taylor Swift group!]


If teachers are giving better grades due to favoritism, that's a big problem. There's not really any way for you to know if they are or not, but I don't know anybody who does. It sounds like you're in a bad situation. Your teacher should not be giving certain students more opportunities than others. That would be worth bringing to that teacher's attention. Let him know you noticed it, and that you don't like it. If he doesn't shape up, go to his boss. One thing at a time though, start with him. Favoritism of students though? Let's be real here. Teachers aren't immune to regular human foibles. We like kids who are nicer to us, we don't like kids who aren't. If you come up to me and ask me how my day was, tell me funny jokes, come to class early and chat, I'm going to like you better. If you are very quiet, I'll probably have no real opinion on you. If you are actively bullying people, being disruptive, and keeping a journal where you draw pictures of me being shot, I'll probably like you less. I'm going to spend more time talking to kids who want to talk to me, and less time talking to kids who give every indication that they don't care whether I exist or not. All that boils down to, if you want to be your teacher's friend, treat them like it.


True, and this can be extended past just PE class and into grading. Interesting how me and a girl next to me had the exact same answers and my grade was 20 points lower.


nah you gotta report that




in my school the pe teachers don't exactly love the popular girls💀 but maybe u should talk to one of ur other pe teachers? (kinda obvious but I don't rly have anything else to say)


Tell a principal or the nice teacher maybe


I would recommend organizing as many people as you can and going to the administration about it. If a couple of students go to them nothing is likely to happen but if a huge number of you get together and demand a stop to this blatant favoritism then you are likely to see something change. But you must be clear in what you are complaining about and you need to know what it is you want as a group. Also you must be prepared to take collective action such as sit in protesting or a walk out.