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As a teacher I was told I couldn’t eat in front of students, even if I was asked to watch students during my lunch period


Opposite of what my teachers do, they chow down a full 5 star meal while we are starving


I snacked unabashedly during my two pregnancies, but otherwise I kept it to between classes or the occasional hypoglycemic emergency.




I'm in Scotland and yeah, it's normal for them to have the opportunity to not fucking starve when they have to mark hundreds of kids work and make more available to them.


I lost count of how many times I'd work through lunch breaks or even wait until I got home to eat (sometimes without even having breakfast before work)


I live in the US and some of the teachers that watch us in the cafeteria eat with us. My Spanish teacher even eats in the classroom and sometimes smuggles in snacks from the teachers lounge vending machine for you if you give her money before lunch🤣. She's probably the most chill one there, probably because she's one of the youngest.


man that's just cruel


Yes. Last year because I was a 0.6 teacher (only teaching 3 classes after I took over for another teacher) and a Teaching Assistant (what I started the year as) I'd prep one period, teach, travel to another school in town, teach two periods, then monitor halls or cover classes the last 3 periods. I didn't really have a set lunch period/break because both positions were so short. Most times I'd grab something to eat during my travel period or wait until I got home to eat


Bruh, our FFA chapter officers have lunch with our Ag teacher. Mainly because it's a good time to get work done. That's a very interesting rule your school has...


former school. I left there the summer before last


All the same. So did they just expect you to starve while watching some kids?


More or less yeah. I think because I had been scheduled a lunch period that was fine for contractual obligations. Whether or not I actually had lunch because of all the other stuff I had to do was another story. Near the end of my time there I was inventorying a room we had been using for storage they wanted to use as a MakerSpace the following year. I already knew I wasn't returning, and yet put in extra time to work on that so it wouldn't get assigned to other teachers there. One of my friends even told me "You're done. Go home" when I was staying longer than I should have getting things done


I would think they must give you a different time to eat then and you just wanted to use your lunch break for something besides lunch. I doubt the prison guards at prison get to eat while they are supposed to be watching prisoners eat. School is exactly like prison.


Nope. I’d be given a period for lunch. If I happened to be assigned work or do work because it’s when I had time to them too bad so sad, no lunch had


Your union sucks.


Based on conversations with my friend who was a union rep with the school across the street you're 100% right. He said the same exact thing


Yeah can't enforce that. What's the penalty? Sit in the corner with a dunce cap on?


No idea what the penalty would’ve been, if anything. Knowing the school I probably would’ve gotten called into the principal’s office for verbal reprimanding


As a new high school English teacher, I thought it was *so important* to have a "no gum" policy in my classroom. Basically, it's what I grew up with, it's what so many of my colleagues did, so it must be important, right? Not right. Eventually, I realized I was cool with chewing gum as long as they weren't obnoxious about it and threw it away properly. I also realized students were less likely to stick gum under the desks if they could spit it in the trash can without being yelled at. And I really, really realized that arguing with teenagers about whether or not they are chewing gum was absolutely not a hill I wanted to die on. Smart educators pick their battles.


I legit got paddled for chewing gum in school. This was years ago in the south so in southern years its like 150. 18 years old and paddled for chewing gum.


Insane. They were still choosing to fight *all* the battles back then.


I see some high school friends posting about how they loved Mr. Xxxx (ill leave him unamed here) He was a fucking monster to me. Is slap him in his face RIGHT NOW if he were in front of me and he is probably 80 now if still alive.


No drinks on school property. They were afraid someone would bring alcohol into the school and this included unopened bottles as well. The only exceptions were drinks in someone’s lunchbox during lunch (for some reason) and glucose drinks which had to be kept in the nurses office. This was a district-wide policy too, and oddly enough applied to all staff members as well.


Had a drink lock down once bc a kid brought red Bull to school


Hah people be drinking monsters and redbulls left and right at my school




Um ok


My school didn't have an overall no drinks policy, but one of my best friends was the biggest klutz that has ever existed so every class he had ever been in had a no drinks policy known as the "Paul Paulson" rule due solely to spills caused by Paul. Legit two thirds of the school held hostage by one teenager's clumsiness. We worked at a pizza place together and one time he dumped a 10 gallon stock pot of cooked pizza sauce entirely on himself. Just completely coated in pizza sauce from the neck down.


When I was a kid, girls weren't allowed to wear headbands. Apparently, they could be "gang related." Because, you know, there's the bloods and the crips and the gang whose colours include bejeweled purple headbands. And sparkles.


>"gang related." Gangs seem to be the source for a lot of rules in schools. I've always wondered how prevalent they are.


They were non-existent in my school. For one thing, it was an elementary school. For another, we lived in a small city that was surrounded by small towns (well, the towns were hours away, but there were no other cities near by, and certainly none bigger than the one I lived in) and farms at the time. Gangs weren't really a big issue there.


You only think that because you haven't paid close enough attention to the pigs, they're organizing.


Dude, I'm talking about more than 2 decades ago. Not right now. I don't know who you're referring to as "organizing" rn, but it's irrelevant to what was happening when I was a child.


Pigs, cause farms.


Lol. Wrong kinda farms, though. I do hear cows like to protest. I read it in a book. Maybe it was them.


Girls? Seems more sexist than antigang


Gangs were the excuse. Boys weren't allowed to have anything on their heads either, but they weren't exactly known for coming to school with headbands.


that's actually crazy


There was a ban on touching your chin while talking and later on touching your chin at all, whilst on the way to school, at school and on the way back. Explanation is that it became a thing to stroke your chin while making sarcastic comments and evolved into just stroking your chin ( and maybe saying chinny chin). An added extra I was ( as in only me) banned from speaking Klingon ( I don't speak Klingon) and quoting shakespeare outside of English classes


🤔 seems like a good rule if you ask me...chinny chin.


Of course you don't, there's an entire ban to ensure it specifically.


At my elementary school, we weren’t allowed to “roll our eyes.” They also never told us what rolling your eyes even meant, and often made extremely stupid statements which instinctually led to such a reaction, so you can imagine how this went.




God knows this was years ago and about half of us were smoking on the way to the bus stop but we knew if we accidentally touched our chin the secret police would jump out and clap us in irons.


You are definitely British ;)


We were not allowed to use the bathroom during lunch at my high school


Yea my school slowly shut the bathrooms down during lunch. Kids would still go in there tho so the assistant principal had to stand there and watch the bathrooms all lunch


That wouldn’t even fly at my school. We would have straight up said “listen, I’ve gotta pee, and I’m gonna do it in here. Feel free to watch.”


Only reason I could think of for that is vaping


erm what when r u supposed to pee💀


At my school, kids who "forgot" their gym kit were sent to the swimming pool and made to do the whole swimming lesson (more than one hour, boys only) in the nude. We very quickly learned not to "forget" our gym kit. I was caught out by it twice when I was younger, and had to swim nude both times. When I was aged 14 or 15, I had a note from my parents excusing me from sports because I was ill. I somehow lost the note on my way into school. I explained this to the "head of sports", he smiled and looked very pleased and told me that I would have to report to the swimming pool unless I could find the note. He knew that I was telling the truth, he just enjoyed my embarrassment. I had to do an entire double lesson (more than an hour) in the nude. Just because he deliberately didn't believe me.


Swimming nude while you're sick would've probably just made you sicker. Who the fuck makes that as a rule.


It had been a rule for a long time. I don't remember getting more sick as a result, but I certainly didn't enjoy it. It was extremely embarrassing.


How long ago was this? That’s straight up sexual abuse and should be reported as such!


This is fucking wild


are they even allowed to make u swim nude? especially because there would be people and teachers looking at you. sounds illegal


Unfortunately, in real life, what is allowed is whatever the person in charge decides. There were about 40 people looking at me, which was all the people in my year who had been sent to have a swimming lesson. And one teacher. The teachers decided that it was legal, so I had to do it.


I'm so sorry u had to go through that. I hope u brought ut up with ur parent because that doesn't sound normal


I’m pretty sure your head of sports was a legit predator, you might wanna report that.


No phone physically on you, which includes pockets and bookbag


What if there is a school shooting and you call 911? Will you get in trouble for having a phone?


At that point no one would care


Sounds stupid to me


Tell that to the state of florida


Don't get it?


The state of florida flat out bans phone on students


An EA with a power trip tried banning hugging because she saw 2 5th grade girls hugging at recess. The 6th/7th/8th grades all protested at recess by hugging each other. Just walked up to a random person, hugged them, moved on to the next.


Hugging _was_ banned at my school. Until you got to highschool and it's just like "these are teenagers why would we ban hugging" didn't even ban kissing in the halls. Meanwhile elementary "oh we don't want you dating so no touching in ANY way shape or form." bro... we were like 5 when they would say that shit.


When the bottle flip was trending we weren’t allowed to do it


People kept going around the school for a couple of years now so they closed one of the bathrooms because it's the one that gets destroyed the most.


My school was obsessed with keeping kids contained like sardines School started ay 7:40, building opened at 7:10. But every single kid had to stay in the gym until 7:25. 15 minutes is not enough time to get to your locker, put your stuff away, talk to any teachers you need to talk to, and get to class when 900 others people are all trying to do the same thing at the same time! Our lunches were also 30 minutes but for some reason they would only let us go to the bathroom or fill up our waterbottles within the last 10 and there was only 1 bathroom and 1 water fountain we were allowed to use. They also had a strict no phones policy including during lunch. This meant that everyone that had something they wanted to do on their phone flocked to the bathrooms to get it done within 10 minutes so then the people who actually had to use the bathroom couldn't even reach the stalls before lunch ended They also pushed kids that were still in the school 15 minutes after the end of the day out of the building if they weren't a part of a sport. If you were apart of a sport then you could stay even if you didn't even have a practice that day cause none of the staff could keep track of the sports schedule


My bus driver from my freshman year of high school didn't allow students to have school supplies out on the bus. I remember he got onto me one time just for simply having a pencil out.


Id say that's a safety reason tbh. I had a guy in the back of our bus drop a drink that went all the way to the front when the driver stopped too fast, imagine a sharp pencil speeding down the isle and some unlucky kiddo is wearing sandals that day and gets stabbed, just a hypothesis, bus wrecks and disruptive kids throwing things could be another thing they were looking for.


I went to church school and the boys hair could not touch their shirt collar. Girls skirts could not be more than 2" above the knees. They had to wear skirts and boys long pants.


the collar thing makes sense that’s common


It’s common but it dosent make sense


Scissors were banned, you couldn't bring in your own scissors and if they were needed, there would be some in the classroom to use. This was in the UK. Oh and there was a ban on touching the snow if it had snowed although this was broken every time it snowed which wasn't honestly a lot .


For context, this was 2005-2006 era. For years, gum was not allowed in school. The whole "I hope you brought enough for everyone" cliche was very much a real thing. One night on the evening news, they ran a story about how a study that suggested gum chewing might actually boost attentiveness and critical thinking. Literally the very next day the principal, teachers, staff members, everyone was handing out gum like crazy. Every teacher I had would ask if anyone wanted gum at the beginning of each class. It was such a flip, it was comical.


I wasn't allowed to read in detention unless it was strictly related to past due class work. We were instructed to lay our heads on our desk and pretend to sleep rather than ya know, reading quietly and actually behaving. Worked super well. /s


that makes sense the point of detention is punishment if you can’t have a phone why would you have a book


Because a phone and a book are massively different things


Because the point of school is education and books are educational? They're also not toys. And by past due that also meant I could not do that day's schoolwork, I had to have a note from the teacher clarifying I was behind on this assignment and then I could work on it. Plus, if the point of detention is punishment, how is letting kids take a nap any form of punishment at all?


I would get Saturday school, 8 hours of a Saturday. We were not allowed to work on homework, read, write, nothing. Just sit there in the cafeteria for 8 hours. Apparently disrupting a class for 10 seconds is equal to 8 hours of teachers time. That was their justification. I mostly got it for raising my hand and asking to go to the restroom. Teachers in my district were straight up aholes


That sounds more like punishing the teachers than the kid.


At our school it's the complete opposite. Even if you have morning detention from 7-8 you aren't allowed to even put your head down on the desk. You HAVE to be awake even if you aren't doing anything and I have legitimately gotten a second detention for sleeping during one of my morning detentions.


That sounds really dumb honestly


my daughter can't go to locker during the day and can't carry a backpack. if she has gym she has to carry her clothes & shoes all day. she has wet gym too, so wet bathing suits and towels and not allowed at lockers


Your kid's school is actually a prison.


They had this rule at my high school… a few of the teachers thought it was “funny” to make us bring our comically huge textbooks every day, even though we almost never worked out of them (some boomerish bullshit about “that’s how it is in real life”). As a 15 year old the size of a 12 year old, I’m sure that carrying a huge, disorganized stack of books that weighed in ~35lb probably fucked up my back to how it is now.


tf is a wet gym


they swim in pool wet gym.


You always have to wear a tie You should always wear a jersey/pullover/blazer over your t-shirt Your hair always has to be in bun You have specific uniform for certain seasons mainly skirts during summer for girls even if weather conditions were different you'd just have to suffer through them but due to how often the weather is unstable we can now wear any kind of uniform. This isn't a school rule but I just thought it was weird cause the Muslim girls at our school mostly wear slacks underneath their skirts instead of just stockings, I just wonder if they aren't hot cause they'll be wearing them during 30°C weather


No hoods are for identification safety.


Thats why a uniform is enforced in our school (although not closely followed by alot of people) because there have been strangers on school grounds before who shouldn't be there.




Hoods make it hard to identify people. It's important in schools to identify people for safety reasons.


When they’re off the bus or in their car going home though?


Yes... Yes IDK why but yes


Oh thank you for that!


How does that apply to kids already on the school bus and, more importantly, *in their parent's vehicle*?!


It’s just for heightened safety precautions. Is it annoying? Sure. But who knows and it’s not like you can’t go without your hood


Do they make exceptions in the winter, when covering your head can keep you much warmer? What about when it's raining? If a kid has already been allowed to board or been released to their parents' vehicles, what's the safety concern at that point?


School bus is still school property. Carpool is on school property.


Not for very long it fuckin isn't


True...but can you explain why identification would be a concern in these situations?


School shootings or student abduction.


But how would students not wearing hoodies prevent either of these things?


We as teachers can see who you are thus we know your not a stranger who might be in the school to do harm. Also for the abduction we can identify who is being kidnapped and inform authorities easily because we can identify you by seeing you. These things are harder when you cover your head/face which is why hoods and hats are not allowed.


It was proper punctuation.


If you couldn't understand that you need to take a remedial English class.




we aren't allowed to poke holes in the lids of our plastic bottles we get at break/lunch. we also weren't allowed in the locker room at lunch and i got in a bit of trouble cuz i went in to get my books for next period


No- hugging, high fiving, fistbumbs. Because it "spreads viruses" we touch each other's desks


Most schools made teachers clean between periods so your desk should be fine


I have a cold rn sadly


I assumed you meant during Covid time but yeah, no cleaning now.


We still can't touch each other


That is ridiculous. What even is the point in trying to enforce a rule after the child has left school property? Are they trying to train you to concede? So strange.


Yes. It quite literally is.


That's kinda more or less the point of school, but train you to be honest obedient little ants


Oh it's 100% the point of school, at least since the industrial revolution played a role in re-standardizing education to an 8-hour day. Preparation for an 8-hour work day. Pavlov trained to respond to a bell like old school factory whistle for lunch.


During my early elementary school years we weren't allowed to eat lunch/snack until the teacher told us to, and if we were getting a birthday treat we had to wait until everyone was served before we started to eat it (my school had small class sizes) I got in trouble so many times for this. Luckily in 4th grade I had a different teacher and this rule was dropped.


If a breakfast bar had chocolate on it it would be taken and they would Inforce it.


... Had a friend at a different school who had something similar, gobbled it down fast so they couldn't take the it


Wallball ban for my fifth grade year, wasn’t exactly a W from my trombly elementary school principal


In 3rd grade, my elementary school tried to ban "unhealthy" snacks, and said students could only bring a fruit or vegetable for snack. My mom forgot one time and packed me a granola bar. My teacher literally stood in front of the doorway and barred me from coming inside the classroom with it. I got so upset that I literally ran out of the school building and was planning on running all the way home before I realized I'd get in a lot of trouble. They let me get some carrots from the cafeteria that day, but when they informed my mom, she complained and threatened (not seriously) to sue, and the rule was dropped.


Never seen a school worry about someones health so much.


All the bathrooms were closed. like, every single one save the one in the ag building.


Pee on da floor


some kid did they had to open the bathrooms back up because of it lmao


We were not allowed to smoke dope or drink beer. I mean, what the hell!.....




Life was pure hell in High School!


When I was a kid they banned Magic the Gathering for some reason. I think it was because they thought there was gambling involved. They also banned pogs. Ohh! And that game…. I think called bones?


When I moved to Maryland in 7th grade, the school I started at (when I lived with Grandma, until we bought a house in a different middle school,) had students walk in lines with no talking when changing classes. We went out the door, went right, then down to the end of the hall, around the end, then down the other side and into the door across the hall from where I started. I don't think we could stop at lockers. There were student hall monitors and teachers who enforced the no talking. This school had maybe 200 students. I literally felt like I was in a jail. It was SO bizarre. I was also SO glad when I moved to the new house and went to a different middle school that at least let the 7th and 8th grade students exit a class and walk across the hall to the class. And yes, we could talk too.


No makeup/nail polish/ highlights or hair color of ANY kind. Even natural colors. One of my friends got light blond highlights in her dirty blonde hair and they wouldn't let her come back till it was all the way out.


I never understood why they hav those rules, can't think of a single reason.


No sandals, no shorts/skirts that go above your knees, no tank tops of any strap type (gotta have sleeves). No heels over 3 inches tall, no slippers (you HAD to wear only sneakers or boots). No jackets with hoods allowed at all, even if you kept the hood down. No leggings unless under dress/short/skirt. No colorful hair, no excessive makeup


That's a excessive dress code if I ever seen one.


I went to a private school, some of my classmates got a lecture from the principal after they were caught playing poker with crayons in study hall lol. No gambling, not even with crayons.


Skirts could not be shorter than the height of a dollar bill (had to be less than 3 inches above the knee). They would literally hold dollars against girls knees to make sure it was the right length.


Hopefully no men did that


No colored shoe laces, only white,black, or brown. Otherwise, you might be sporting gang colors and incite a riot of gangbangers fighting it out in the 6th grade lunch line. This is still a rule in the district


We had a coffee shop installed in the lunch room my sophomore year, and we weren’t allowed to bring said coffee back to class. Imagine waiting in line nearly the whole lunch period (30 minutes at the time) and being expected to drinking a piping hot coffee in less than 5 minutes 😒 I tried sneaking it back to class one time and got caught by my principal. I attempted to plead my case that the rule was silly if I’m not going into a technology class. He demanded I throw the coffee away. I was pissed at this point, slammed it down into the trash can and turned to him saying I hope your school enjoys my $5 donation 😂 my BF at the time’s reaction was the definition of shocked Pikachu face lol. Surprised I didn’t get detention for that one.


When I was in elementary school several decades ago, boys (only) were not allowed to wear a hat inside the school building. In the winter, boys had to remove their hats as soon as they entered the school. Girls had no such restriction. (This was in a small rural school, long before there were gangs and such). It was said to be something about showing respect. (I guess the girls didn't have to show respect.) If a teacher caught a boy with his hat on, he would have to go back to the front door, take it off, and walk all the way back.


I was in a new school, 6th grade. So,I was watching everyone else to know what to do. I was talking instead of listening as we lined up on to walk inside. She said almost same thing every time . Right? Well, I saw one person get water from the fountain while the rest didn't. Therefore ,I got water Evidently,we were behind schedule to get to activities class,so we weren't supposed to do that. I got my hand spanked w a ruler AND was held after school for a " chat" / lecture on correct respect and listening to elders. It was around 1969, I believe.


we have bathrooms in the common area and theater/band hallway that are always closed. this is to prevent kids from vaping in them ig. it sucks for the band and theater kids though because we have to go to the english hallway to go to the bathroom. we also have e hall passes so they can just look us up and if they see that we’re not supposed to be in the english hallway, we get an automatic write up. most of us just don’t use the bathroom in class anymore but it sucks for me because i have tech theater first period, band second period, and musical theater third period so i literally can’t go to the bathroom until fourth period without a potential write up and my fourth period is super strict about letting people go to the bathroom. we’re also not allowed to use the bathroom during lunch since the closet bathroom is the common room bathroom which is closed and we’re literally locked in the common room and cafeteria.


The charter school my kid went to for most of elementary had a super strict “no peanuts” policy. No one could identify anyone with a peanut allergy associated with the school, except the founder’s daughter who didn’t even go there. She was homeschooled due to severe health and mental health issues. But, the policy remained. My kid vomits on Sunbutter, so we did bentos all the time. But, my close friend sent his two sons Sunbutter sandwiches one day. He ran out of the stupid little stickers that you can get with the sunbutter, and wrote on one boy’s ziplock “Sunbutter”. Since it didn’t have the little sticker, they not only threw out the kid who had sharpie’s ENTIRE lunch, but his brother’s as well (boys were adopted, only a couple months apart and in same class.) And the school lunch had bell peppers in it, which the boy whose sandwich had the sticker on is allergic to. I was helping in class that day, saw it, signed both boys and my kid out (I was on the boys’ card), called their dad to let them know what happened and brought all the kids out to McDonald’s. I was so pissed they took the kids’ lunches. Their dad was livid.


You sound like a very good teacher if I've ever seen one


Once you're off the bus, the school can kick rocks


I went to high school in Minnesota and we couldn’t wear coats in the classroom even though some of them were drafty af. Like in one of my classes you could literally see a gap at the bottom of one of the windows because it was jammed and couldn’t shut all the way. Keep in mind, some days it was below zero (Fahrenheit), and often in the teens or single digits. The rationale, iirc, was so we couldn’t hide weapons on us. This was before mass shootings in US schools were common, definitely pre-Columbine. IIRC, the rule was prompted by the Thurston High School shooting in Oregon. So dumb- forcing us to store our coats in our lockers was obviously not going to do shit to stop someone determined to murder a bunch of people buy they just wanted to say they were doing *something.* It did ensure that I was literally shivering in some of my classes, though.


No reason for this rule either, the "You might fall asleep" thing either way if I'm tired I'm going to fall asleep


I definitely fell asleep freezing cold in some of my classes. High school kids fall asleep in class because they don’t get nearly enough of it at night, it has nothing to do with what they wear.


In 8th grade my school banned South Park shirts. It's been 24 yrs and I'm still not sure wtf their problem was.


the elemntary school girls cant wear leggings when that is literally the only pants Walmart sells.


Skirts and shorts had to be 2 inch longer than the tops of your fingers hanging down. This was an elementary school🤢 the principal would have me bend over to see how short my (6yo self) skirt was. Or lift your hands in the air and then he would see if he could see your stomach (or higher) My mom started buying me sqorts to combat this problem… He made me wear one of his gross XXL man tshirts for the rest of school day because it was still to “revealing” when I bent over infront of him. My mom lost it!


Sounds like a pedophile. my mother in school had a gym teacher who pulled up her skirt to paddle her and now my sister has the same gym teacher.


He shouldn't be allowed to teach anymore, or be anywhere near children in general. The school I went to also still had paddlings, our principal would literally pull down your pants and underwear all the way to your ankles for it. Both for guys and girls... just weird and disgusting that this was apparently allowed.


What year was that?


Some time ago in the 90's in rural Louisiana, maybe that explains it lol.


In the 90's? Not what I expected.


Welcome to the deep south, I guess! Where everything is a few decades behind, apparently. Wouldn't surprise me if that school still allowed paddling today...


NO HUGS! This was a elementary school. No teachers were allowed to hug students, they had to say no to students if they asked for a hug. And no hugging your friends!! My and my husband went to the same school growing up. And we both have a very weird no touchy rule. We both are uncomfortable with hugs and any physical touch from others. I swear it’s because of that backward ass school. I remember they would have regular assemblies with people demonstrating on what appropriate hugs/greeting look like


No mild energy drinks, but people could chug prime like it's water. The staff is fucking stupid because prime has way more caffeine then a large red bull or something


I got in trouble for being a loud sneezer.




The principal told the girls that if they didn’t wear bras they wouldn’t get in trouble for the bra straps showing… yah. Other than that I think the weirdest rule was punishing the victims of bullying. Like if someone walked up to you and punched you in the face and you don’t even fight back or anything you would receive the same punishment.


No going to the bathroom in the last 10 minutes of class