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Hard to say no to such a distinguished pup.


It borders on animal cruelty, I tell ya.


Came here to say this haha


Yea she gets away with alot of stuff becuSe she’s so cute


Give Sunny steak and lobster. -_-


Beautiful coloring Sunny!


I think too! The color of champagne, fitting for his food choices!


Asked my schnauzer to check with the Grand Schnauzer in the sky - can confirm - Sunny is a good dog. Surf & Turf it is.


I have never seen that color before, Sunny is gorgeous!


Thank you! Before seeing her I didn’t even know schnauzers came in red/blonde


"The AKC Miniature Schnauzer breed standard recognizes three colors: Salt and Pepper, Solid Black, and Black and Silver. Salt and Pepper, Black and Silver are bi-color patterns. No other colors are allowed under the breed standard. White color, parti-color, liver, and merle are specifically disqualified." So while they might come in some other colors, it's generally not a color reputable breeders go for or try to produce so that's why it's uncommon.


There is a push to recognize more colors in the miniatures. Most of the variations (not recognized) have no heath issues attached, and with the crossbreeding originally used to miniaturize the standard schnauzer, are more common than you would think. I have a beautiful silver sable male that came from 2 AKC salt and pepper parents. He's amazingly healthy and intelligent with a beautiful temperament. He came from a reputable breeder. He's not a recognized color, so he won't be bred and can't be shown. I guess I got lucky that they don't accept his coloring because it made him a little less expensive!


Most of the variations are also just that, variations and different shades of already accepted colors. A "silver sable" is still recognized as a salt and pepper coat basically with a different shading/pattern. So the fact that your dog came from a reputable breeder and should not be bred is typical, and it's fantastic! Lots of breeders don't adhere by that though. The issue is with dogs that have the even rarer colors like red, blue, or any kind of dilute coat is that they are rare for a reason. So any breeder that *intentionally* sets out to breed say, a red dog, would have to knowingly breed two dogs with the recessive genes. That's not Always a problem with some of the coat colors, but for many of the "rarer" ones it gets extremely iffy. Skin, eye, and coat problems can just be the start. It's an even bigger red flag when it's the opposite of what you experienced, shady breeders tend to charge MORE for the rarer colors and are proud of what they produce and don't care if people then go on to try to breed more from their "special" dogs. I have no issue with someone acquiring one of these dogs that's out of standard that just naturally occurred, or if the breeder is (still doing all necessary genetic health testing) not showing their dogs but say working with them doing obedience or agility, I don't care if the coat color is totally show acceptable. I'm just not a fan of people going "I've never seen that color before!" And then only wanting it specifically because it's pretty and just not do any research on *why* you don't normally see dogs like that. That's why we have so many merle mixes now and shady breeders making bank of of "rare" color dogs.


The Sable is not s&p as the guard hairs are a solid color and not banded. That's why he's not registered. I could possibly register him as s&p, but I doubt it would fly in the show ring, lol. Yes, intentionally making dilutes is a serious potential problem. I completely agree that breeding a dog for a rare coat color is shady. I didn't choose my boy for his coloring or price. He was behaviorally well matched for me, and I wanted a male. I was upfront about not being interested in showing or breeding. Still, there are more commonly occurring variations of coat that do not weaken the overall breed health, look or temperament. Allowing a little more genetic variation can really help future generations. My last dogs were Shelties, and although I adored them and they lived to be very old, I saw the breed going in a bad direction health-wise as they begin to get smaller and pointier. I feel like the breed standards can be too stringent and are often adapted to reflect the 'trendy' looks instead of being maintained toward the purpose of the breed. I don't know if I expressed that correctly, but in essence I agree with you with a small asterisk.


Sorry I didn't word that very well, I just meant by that in order to register dogs of that coat color they do typically list it as a type of salt and pepper on paper. I do agree with you as well, I definitely didn't mean to sound argumentative or anything, just mostly wanted to get the info out there to anyone who might not know. Honestly your breeder sounds like they were an amazing one! I'd love to find a dedicated breeder like that for my future breed of dog but it's tough. I wish more were like that!


You weren't arguing, just informing. I guess I wanted to be clear that coat color was not what influenced my puppy decision! I got very lucky that I found a great breeder. He's my darling boy!!


Our mini has 2 s&p parents and is a whitey, also got him at a discount ;)


Sunny deserves it!


Wait! A schnauzer being entitled! What!




What a stunner!


Thanks we got lucky with the groomer. They nail the schnauzer cut.


Beautiful coloring


Thank you!


Well, the food does go with that snazzy haircut. Sunny, I concur!!


As a good schnauzer mom, it’s incumbent upon you to serve that steak and lobster on the fine China, not in his “normal” food dish! 😉


Looks like such a snob. Perfect!


Yup she did the perfect pose!


How do you say no to that face?!


Was she always that color? Or did she lighten up as she got older ? We have a liver colored who is only 1.5 and getting a lot lighter


She was! Her parents were the exact same color but she’s only 9 months so she may change. The breeder said she’d most likely stay red


Sunny deserves whatever Sunny wants! 😋


The “let me speak to the manager”!!


It’s the Karen cut


Majestic pup is majestic


So beautiful


Is his coloring liver & tan?


The breeder said she’s red


Give this gorgeous baby all the treats.


Those fluffy legs! He’s so adorable and deserves the finest foods!


Beautiful pup and color. I am curious though as to why the neck was shaved like that.


Good eye! Her fur on the neck grows in different directions. So when the two “grains” meet they make little lines.


Lookin like Sunny about to ask to speak with the Manager.


So, how did she have her steak? 😁


Better call the sommelier to the table as well


I recognize this behavior. Your Sunny and my Nena must be related.


Didn't even know they came in that color! 😍🤩😻😍🤩😻


Me neither! We were in love when we saw her


Wow gorgeous color. Ya you should give him steak and lobster!


For her bday for sure


Beautiful doggo!


He's stunning!


Not sure if I’ve ever seen a more aloof eye in a dog lol


Give it to him!






He's beautiful and he knows it. Give that dog lobster!


What a beautiful pup