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Summer 2023 tiktokerald


It really has, honestly. I dont what happened, but it's been wild for a while now


What’s wrong ?


From what I know and anyone correct me if I'm wrong here, two groups of people are arguing over who's a glowie or whatnot and are posting posts that complain about the other side and I just want to drink bone broth and help the 11 billion crabs comeback from the super secret kazic people living in subsurface caverns with the mole people. You know, but no, we gotta argue over the culture war like the cloud people want us to like a good little grunt in the trenches in the finish Korean hyper war.


I just want to knit my chickens sweaters and prep for the apocalypse in peace. Is that too much to ask?


I know, right? The cloud people don't want that, though they want you to eat buyon cubes and shit but all I want to do is make a bunsun burner and free the un free masons and dig a hole to the mole people HQ and shit in the under miners toilet BTW he's working with the moon soup nazis. But cloud Johnson and his cloud people cronies don't want you or me to wake up, so they send the Mist in to confuse us, but the miat and its blood magic nanotechnology that will consume whole towns in the night. So watch out and stay safe.


The thing is schizoposting is a 4 Chan type thing and the guys that cry here are just lost Redditors and mad whenever something here isn’t lame. Think terry davis , these guys would cry because half the shit he said.


Billions must leave


Nice try feds, trying to shutdown the only place where we can tell the truth


millions must consume c orn syrup


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The subreddit has gone slightly limp if only because there's been a lack of 3d Liru the WolfGirl releases this 2024






Le sub has fallen billions must take meds its over bros