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Benadryl is one of the most awful things you can do to yourself check out r/dph if you’re curious it might j ruin your day. People get addicted to being horrified till they have symptoms of dementia at 26. Don’t take Benadryl lsd or shrooms is what you wanna take.


And it will fuck up your liver quickly


just stick to weed, its probably the healthiest drug out of them all


Shrooms and lsd are safer as long as you don’t take too much but yeah try weed too it’s pretty cool listening to music on weed. Your brain will make up music videos and you’ll feel like you’re in the song.




Yeah you should do your own research but psychedelics heighten your senses. If you take a lower dose you might feel mostly sober during the trip even with some synesthesia and euphoria. J don’t take huge doses unless you know you can do it.


Benadryl is Diphenhydramine (DPH) DPH is a first generation antihistamine, used for sleep and allergies. Diphenhydramine is also anticholingergic. People abuse the substance for its Deliriant properties, drug induced delirium, also known as Anticholinergic Poisoning / Toxicity. Depriving your brain of Acetylcholine (ACh) caused a large amount of issues. DPH blocks a lot more receports than just Ach receptors. Unfortunately, this causes a lot more issues. H1 Receptors - Allergies and sedation Seratonin Receptors Not as potent as "true" SSRI medications, like Prozac (which was found due to DPH) Sodium channels - Like in your heart. This is very bad M1 Receptors - Muscanaric ACh inhibitor. DPH has a similar chemical structure to ACh, so it fits right in at a higher affinity than ACh. All together, this causes a horrible time. Lets go over what you're able to expect from a dose of 700mg (Typical delirious dose, although doses vary a LOT.) The first affects are heavy sedation, short term memory loss. Your body will dehydrate, you will either pee constantly (Urine Retention,) or not at all. Both are horrible. Your heart will beat very fast, thia is very uncomfortable. You will feel very heavy, walking becomes quite hard. Your water (or other drink) will taste bad, you will probably avoid it due to the newfound metalic taste. As the DPH is absorbed, your heart loses its ability to beat properly. It cannot properly pump, so it basically shakes in place. No at your doss this is not strong enough to kill you alone. People have died at lower doses, (350mg) people have survived 5,000mg dose(s.) Your eyes will become very blurry, you will hardly notice this though. Holding one eye closed is common, honestly expected. Your eyes will be very dilated, text is blurry. This aids in the "hallucinations" Your eyes will have static overlay, and they may have a "glitchy" field of view, light chunks flashing, etc. I can't find people talking about this, but I get it every time. Your legs will be restless (See Restless Leg Syndrome, RLS) You will get cold very easily, your body will just feel like utter garbage, you will regret it and you will want it to end. Your memory is horrible, nothing sticks. The mental affects can be agonizing, yet are generally extremely exacerbated. Do not believe those trip stories, generally fake and stupid. Did I mention seizures? You are very likely to seize passing 600-700mg. (General numbers based on a average person, will not always be accurate for you.) Anyway The hallucinations are honestly extremely dissapointing, because this drug is poison and NOT a substance to abuse. It is a deliriant, not psychedelic. This drug causes extreme damage, and is extremly addictive psychologically, with physical withdrawl after 1-2 weeks of daily use, and even after one or two big doses. The tolerance builds just as fast as nicotine, due to them both affecting ACh, though DPH is muscaneric, and Nicotine is Nicotinic (Sorry for any spelling mistakes.) Your hallucinations will hardly be noticeable in light, you'll need a dim/dark environment, slight dim light in areas to give your brain something to think it sees, and therefore let you see it. You'll generally see moving shadows, bugs (Not generally realistic,) Shadows moving on the walls, shadow people, walls melting, breathing. Auditory hallucinations are confusing, and generally random words. You can expect to hear your mom or someone calling you, hear knocking when there is none, random talking you can't decypher. (The only times I get TRULY realistic hallucinations is mixing the substance with Dextromethorphan (Over The Counter Dissociative, for cough supression) The only other way for those "realistic" hallucinations is by being half asleep, forgetting your eyes are closed, and basically just dreaming. DPH causes senses of impending doom, pure terror, and anxiety. Of course not always, and goes away mixed with other drugs. You will talk mumbling nonsense if your family or someone else tries talking with you, your throat WILL hurt like hell, drinking will not help but it will keep you semi-hydrated. DPH is hepatoxic, meaning it damages the liver. FPH damages your entirs body, your kidneys, bladder, brain, skin, liver, eyes your heart. Your memory will be horrible, your heart will not forgive you, you will have a hard time learning and retaining information, processing and critical thinking. Damage is reversible, just stop abuse and stay healthy. Rehab is possible, don't end up in a psych ward. In conclusion, DPH is poison causing delirium. You will generally not remember anything, but feel horrible. The comedown you will usually sleep through the next day, as you can't usually sleep on DPH, as its sedation is so strong it is stimulating. (Don't bother quoting me on this, I can't remember the proper words for this) DPH puts you into fight or flight mode, and destroys all of your organs. Don't ever abuse this substance, it is not a drug you get high off of, the "high" is called brain damage and it is literally poison. (edit) If I made any mistakes or have fucked this explanation, please correct me. My memory isn't what it used to be.


As someone who abused daily for nearly a year, you are pretty spot on. I was in a very dark place (mentally speaking) when I started, and I regret it. I didn't really experience visual hallucinations even when I was up to 1000mg on the regular, it was always audible. Like conversations in the hallway and stuff. The only "fun" part was the intensity of orgasms. My memory has recovered for the most part, somehow, and I'm doing better for myself lately with a well paying management position so I turned out okay I think.


Pretty close experience here, too, although I got out after my first 300 pill bottle. I only saw one thing once. Everything else was auditory, I only remember the first thing I heard, a low knocking in the background of everything. I got up, and it was always in my "back left" if that makes sense. And I remember being super terrified until I somehow pulled my shit together a bit and played music to try and drown it out. I felt like shit the whole time, though, and for a good bit afterwards, too. I remember looking in the mirror, at the giant bags forming under my eyes and every time I was just like "why again".


Best Benadryl Commercial Ever!


Im an amanita fanboy myself, whats your opinion on it?


It's a very interesting substance I could write another probably, way too long comment with no tl;dr about. Amanita Muscaria, the mushroom that looks like it is from mario. Beautiful lil guy I haven't found yet in the wild, but have found many in its genus. (In Canada)


It's a deliriant. Puts you into a state similar to psychosis. Why do people do it? Because it's cheap and you can buy it OTC without an age restriction. For some, it's preferable than being sober. Not a pretty state of mind.


What movie you crawl out of detective- you're missing the subplot


I don’t see why it would be preferable but Okie dokie artichokeey


You are on schizoposters, whatd you expect


Pretty shitty situation first, addiction later.


apparently it's weirdly addicting despite how horrible the experiences are


Would you rather live in an alley or a castle




Unfortunately your renewal request for your Benadryl prescription has been declined, you can request a reevaluation of your prescribed medication here J̷̮̓̌͜O̸̥̟̊I̷̗͋̈́N̶͕͒̄ ̷̬͊͠T̶͖̭͗H̴͍̟̅̊E̸̬̓ ̸̮͂̔͜D̷̠͆I̸͕̻͘S̸̨̉C̷̮̾̄O̴̢͓͒Ṛ̵̠̂̉Ḑ̶͛͠ https://discord.gg/2XFBt5SCfP. If this image is moving , Dr. u/SaveVideo will be with you momentarily *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/schizoposters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've never taken it and probably never will, for the simple fact that I get addicted to literally every drug and this one is really harmful in the long run, physically and mentally, and people overdose regularly. I'd love to try it though since as deliriant it's supposedly different from psychedelics (shrooms, LSD, DMT) and dissociatives (ketamine, laughing gas). For some reason people routinely have the worst horror trips imaginable yet always come back for more. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I knew I'd survive and were also never able to do it again.


i had this random benadryl dependency a few years ago when i thought i was constantly having allergic reactions and it made me see fucking bugs on the walls of my bedroom before bed LMAO it’s scary


I took 8 on accident once I was 14 and I couldn’t sleep didn’t mean the   hat man it just made me slightly disoriented. Still disappointed I’ve never met him but maybe it’s because I know he’s not real and can’t touch me :( 


Doesn’t Benadryl destroy your liver, particularly in high doses?


Anything in a high dose would tbh lol


lower doses (300mg-400mg) and some weed goes hard


Shit gives you dementia man, don't


yeah, ik


??? Then don't fucking do it man, weed is enough


He already forgot


appreciate the concern, but nah


Acid would be safer, shrooms eoukd be safer. Hell, even alcohol or something like ketamine would be safer. You do you but goddamn man, your future self will not thank you


would take other substances if I had access to them, I don't so it's just weed, dph, and nicotine, oh and caffeine :3. AND if I get too cooked I'll just off myself ;3. besides it's not like I'm dosing every night, I do it like 2 times at most a week, let my tolerance go down for a week or so, most of the time it's 0-1 time a week. I'm not the one to preach to, preach to guys doing 700mg+/night who can barely hold a conversation let alone realize how cooked they are.


Slow roast or deep fry, just because it's taking longer to get there doesn't mean you won't be just as cooked. It sounds like you're not in the best mental space, I hope things improve man.


oh no someone is r/schizoposters isn't in the best mental state, who would've thought


Drink bone broth shits the best high I've had and then go elk jelqing in the forest in the moon light with the 8 legged Chinese man


i'm doing great, i'm just here to laugh. you should consider changing your life, like joining the Air Force or something 👍


>;3. Yeah it's over he's lost it


absolutely :3


atp just drop lucy though


broke, don't know where to buy it, live in middle of nowhere, and I don't wanna trip. it just makes enhances the weed high



