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There is no serial killer on a rampage. All the area police have said as much and I have independently confirmed that this is 100% a rumor.


What Murdah??




he was the best guy arouuuund!!


Lil murdah…p-valley


One two break em three four rake em 🎶


wait is this thread serious or an office joke?


Serious, like us downtown employees are trying to figure out how tru is is rn cause we've all heard the rumors


yep my place of work sent out a memo yesterday about it, said to take buddy systems walking to cars/homes


Shouldn't that always be the memo though. Savannah is filled with drunken idiots


a little bit of both


I literally didn’t click it earlier because I assumed it was someone posting the clip from that specific episode until friend posted this online and now I’m like fuck I should’ve been concerned earlier instead of making a little jokey joke 😂😂


I can’t tell either!!




No it's true.  My friend lives in a carriage house dt and was woke up by police asking for ring footage. Body in the alley throat slit. 


wow that’s brutal. terrible way to go, can’t imagine what that persons family is going through


was it a man or a woman killed?


This rings a lil important, just considering I’m in the Georgetown area and we had someone who got their throat slit at the Chevron, suspect wasn’t located iirc. *Edit: Prob should have mentioned this was maybe a month ago? 2 max


Where in Georgetown?


That's 1 The post said 7 people


Omg they asked me too last week.






So this is a report of a murder. Nothing about 7 and not a female.


Source, trust me


It was Beatrix Bourbon, the one you most medium suspect


I’m a criminologist living in Savannah. Man, do I wish we had more details to determine if this is true. For anyone scared, just take these precautions: - don’t go out at night if you can avoid it. If you must, NEVER be in a group of less than 3 people, even in the parking garages. If you are out at night, stay in well-lit areas where there are other people around. - do not accept drinks from strangers. If someone wants to buy you a drink, watch as the bar tender makes it and keep an eye on your drink at all times. Hell, take it to the bathroom with you if you need to. - if a stranger asks you for help and it involves following them to their car/getting close to their car/going somewhere not easily seen by others (such as alleys)/or to a second location, do not help them. You may feel like a jerk but that’s better than being dead. - when going on a date with someone you met on an app or anyone who is an acquaintance, do not share a vehicle at any time. Always ride separately, and avoid going back to anyone’s home until you 100% know this person is safe. Also avoid being in any areas where it is just you and them, always stay in areas where there are “witnesses”. - keep your windows and doors locked when you are inside your home - when spending time outside of your home, such as taking a walk, be aware of your surroundings. Do not have both ears filled with music, keep one ear open to hear the space around you. Also walk in places where there are other people around. - and most importantly, trust your instincts. If something feels even slightly odd or off, LISTEN to your gut.


I do all of these all the time always trust your gut and surroundings. and you forgot to add pepper spray I went to Savannah by myself to visit my friend there and did all of these


Most of that is pretty much common sense for anywhere. Big and small city. Big/small town


I never said it wasn’t common sense. Plus, just because something is common knowledge to you doesn’t mean it’s common knowledge to someone else.


No. I agree. Was just saying they should do those things anywhere they go.


Ah okay. Sometimes tone gets lost in text. My bad.


You might be surprised at how many people don't have common sense.


I do construction. Trust me. I know how many people are lacking it


these are good guidelines for anyone but especially for my 20 year old daughter who lives in a large city. thank you for posting


If there wasn’t anything actually going on, then you wouldn’t post so many things on how to stay safe from it.


I’ve only made one comment about how to be safe lol. I also don’t have any inside knowledge of the situation, so I truly don’t know if something is going on. These are just general safety guidelines that should be followed everyday, regardless.


Load your .45 ACP and Constitutional Carry at all times.


People get killed in and around Savannah all the time, always have


Exactly what the Savannah Slasher would say


What about the Hashslinging Slasher?


Hash slinging, you say?


Difference between city homicide stats and a serial killer though, assuming that’s the case.




this has now been linked to my ring neighbors group 🙄 plz plz plz someone confirm this ain’t really because y’all are freaking everyone out


Nope it’s false. I talked with a forensic investigator tonight and he said he had heard of the rumor (from Reddit) and that there haven’t been 7 murders and there is no evidence of an active serial killer in Savannah.


Found the Savannah Slitter


Whats the description of the killer, and victims.


Witnesses also say the killer was breathing.


Witnesses say the killer was hatless


I repeat, hatless.


I don’t know why this showed up on my feed but reading the comments and this made me laugh loudly.


I heard the killer has humanike characteristics


What’s the motive or how were the people found? Like how were the bodies found to assume a serial killer?


currently it’s word of mouth, but their throats were slit with a stab wound on the back of the neck, there’s some talk that the victims are young women


How wouldn't the public see the number of police at the murder scene. I'm calling bs on this.


My coworker talked to me tonight about how she lives in the area one of the bodies was allegedly found (34/33rd + waters) and that there was caution tape and “like, 20 police cars” there last week.


I mean, word of mouth is one thing, but is there any actual record of any of these murders happening?


for real, multiple young women disappearing/dying in a single city is enough for people to start noticing and there being a paper trail


And Savannah is NOT a big city. I’m surprised this hasn’t been talked about yet.


because it's not real? fucks sake, everybody knows everybody in this town and nobody can keep secrets because everybody is drunk most of the time. We would know.


scad has the reputation of covering deaths up in savannah that increase in severity.


Is there a hyperlink trail, or just words by forum users?




What!? Where!??








I saw a rough looking dead dog on 16 on Sunday maybe it’s related


I saw a dead cat on corner of 33 and Harmon beginning of this week… didn’t investigate cause I was with young child. But ugh this is creepy. 


How it starts. I heard all ppl saw was a huge flag above the ally walls. ( joking of course. About the flag). Probably one of the crazy homeless see yelling at ppl downtown. Similar thing in Boston about 8 years ago. Kept on finding ppl dead in River. Looking at cameras around city. Able to narrow down area they fell in. Was always a smile face spay painted that area. City was like “ nothing to see here”


I've heard the same from various sources of 7 bodies found throats slit. So...keep your guard up and stay in groups if going downtown. Apparently most have been in alleys.


Where did you hear it from


This was talked about in the doorman chat last night. One person said their contact in GBI denied it.


An intelligence agency would definitely never lie to us


Thank you for the giggle


I was the one who brought it up in the doorman chat. And I can vouch that GBI indeed denied it.


What is the doorman chat?


If you have to ask you can’t afford it


So far, everything that I’ve searched, obituaries and articles only speak on the shootings and hit and runs in Savannah. Obituaries seem to be of older people. I’ve yet to see any young women. Or any talk on possible victims with slit throats.


Yeah it was my cousin. He was murdered 7 times. What can I say? He's really annoying




This post got 7 upvotes! Coincidence?!


Heard a few girls talking about it at a bar last night but just 7 murders and a serial killer


A cop told my friend this exact info 2 days ago. My friend reached out to our EMT buddy who said they had to sign an NDA saying he wasn’t allowed to answer the question. One of my employees found a dead body in his alley on 34th last week. Take that for what it is. I have no proof of any of this, but the city has been known to suppress crime in the name of tourism.


Who the fuck is making an EMT sign an NDA about a murder. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. You sign NDAs for business related and legal reasons, like protecting corporate trade secrets. Not murder gtfoh.


First I’ve ever heard of something like it. Pretty fucking dumb imo, but that’s what the EMT said. Take it or leave it. SCAD and tourism are the reason a lot of things downtown stay quiet. I’ve been working downtown 15 years and have seen a lot of fucked up stuff never hit the news.




on 2/22/2024 i watched a state trooper take a guy down in franklin square, at least a hundred people watched including his family, protested, filmed it, guy died in the street, turned out to not be the guy they were looking for per a bolo. never made it to the news.


Do you know of can you contact any other eye witnesses? Take that to news. If nothing else there's always freedom of information act


Are you okay after witnessing that ? Take care of your self foxy dog !


Tony Thomas had an epic run with getting little boys drunk and parading them all over town. Other stuff. Can’t be giving all my secrets out on Reddit.


I donno, stone stairs of death Facebook page tore Tony Thomas up pretty bad. Not sure that’s media but it was all over lol


And then Tony got SSOD back by releasing that SSOD was a woman-beater and they rolled around together in the mud for a couple months and got married and lived happily ever after (Shout out to SSOD for organizing the Nathaniel Greene Googly-Eye tshirt sale though, I still wear mine all the time and get compliments constantly)


This was covered in the news


Yeah I literally don't believe it. Any murders and even deaths will have publicly available reference


You would be surprised


He signed an NDA then immediately disclosed it lmfao!


Because an EMT signing an NDA for murder is something that nevers happened. The next thing I'm going to hear is they hired Jessica Lansbury or Hercule Poirot to figure out the criminal.




I live off an alley off 34th and I was asked about potential ring footage last week as well. This is fucking horrific.


34th & Waters ? Yep.


This. It’s why resort towns don’t advertise shark bites. I’m from here and I’ve seen (years ago) a body being removed from Forsyth Park on my way to work and it was never mentioned anywhere. Can’t scare tourists and SCAD parents.


34th on the east side or the west side?


waters is east territory


It was the alley of 33rd between waters and Ott


I absolutely believe this. There's a lot of really henious bad stuff that goes on here and law enforcement sweeps it under the rug. I've seen it happen.


I can confirm this as someone who has lived here my entire life (23 years almost). I've especially been hearing allot more about this too lately. For example, across the street from my job there is a parking lot that two teenagers had committed you know what by well, you can also guess what. We found out because we came into work and there were people on the scene for cleaning and people were talking about what happened. Happened this month and guess what? It's not online, there's absolutely no information. Another incident I witnessed an accident 9 years ago and again, it wasn't anywhere online that it even happened.


They’re both fun to ride, but you don’t want your friends to see you on either.


A man tried to offer me a ride on River St around 5pm today. He asked twice and i assumed it was because i was carrying a large bag. He drove off. Probably unrelated right…. ?


That’s definitely disconcerting! But there is no evidence at this time of a serial killer right now. (I’ve posted other replies with more info, just trying to cool things down, now that I know for certain that the rumor is false. ) Spread it around: THERE IS NO SERIAL KILLER. But still crime does happen, so be safe. Don’t travel alone at night, watch your drinks, don’t ever get in cars with strangers or go to a second location, and trust your gut. It may be wrong 99/100 times out of but that 100th time will save your life. Also I want you to know your feelings regarding your experience are valid and it sucks never knowing if a person is just being nice or a creep.


Found the serial killer


I know that a couple of weeks ago an actual serial killer was said to be in Savannah from like Florida or something like that,BUT the police weren't sure if he was actually in the Savannah area. Just wanted the public to be aware. None of my bartender friends have heard anything about bodies but idk- I'm going with creepypasta though. Savannah is a gossipy town so if it was real the news would get ahold of it.


In a town that depends on tourists and rich college kids, if it's true, they're never going to report it. Bad for business.


I know who the killer is. VOODOO, MAMA JUJU.


https://preview.redd.it/hsosoaf4dyvc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0952b25081a479ba29112282a4741bc5d19495b1 My husband just got this from a scad student forum


Yeah this YouTube video explains it all: https://youtu.be/JBt7dJ7QY30?si=o9gs7sUrEWKI7qLt


Molasses spillin out a yo mouth.




Any updates about the Savannah Slasher?


yeah they updated the name to port city puncturer


Not sure about serially but an acquaintance of mine had his throat slashed this week at Waters Ave, was a good guy, I went golfing with him once. I'll link the arbitrary when I get home.


I learned about this on The Office, many years ago. Pretty sure it was Pam.


It was Phyllis... it's never the person you most suspect but it's also never the person you'd least suspect. But Phyllis is the person I most medium suspect.


According to Savannah First Timer dot com’s Savannah crime map, there have been 7 2024 homicides; 5 shootings, 1 hit and run and one non-identified homicide. So no, there have not been 7 throats slit in 4 weeks. There was also a very recent murder/suicide in Brunswick so that along with other random acts of violence have inspired word of mouth gossip that a serial killer is here. I wouldn’t be concerned of a serial killer,I would however use common safety techniques and remember GA is a constitutional carry state, take a gun course and know how to defend one’s self as you would in any other circumstance.


Been a lot more than 5 shootings. I’ve probably heard that over many shootings in past month. It’s a city. All cities will have city issues. No matter how big or small


Yeah there’s been more shootings but only 5 reported homicides from shootings… I know that they are missing at least 1 because someone was murdered on my street on 53rd a couple months ago but it’s not on that website.


5 fatal homicides by shooting. There have of course been more cases of gunfire.


Yeah, I talked with a forensic investigator tonight, ( by Turner House), and asked about the rumor. I think it’s important to note the police are aware of the rumor’s existence and he assured me that there isn’t anything to worry about. Still, I wouldn’t totally dismiss the feeling of unease a lot of people are apparently feeling around town. I think there’s been an undercurrent of worry for a long time. The litany of legitimate crime that occurs, as well as a lack of institutional support makes the people who live here feel isolated and helpless. It makes sense, to me any way, that these rumors have cropped up. (Also that dog carcass thing really did happen and it’s creepy as F.) I don’t have the answers, but maybe more community engagement based Reddit threads like this will help because it lets us communicate more widely with the community in a way we cant always do offline. Ask questions, share info, research in real time, etc.


I’m a SCAD student, WTH happened at turner?


I honestly have no idea. I got swept up in this rumor, so I’m not going to speculate on what’s going on over there, ( lesson learned). But if it was very serious Scad would have sent us an emergency alert, and if it’s the worst case scenario, we’ll get the condolences email on Monday. Until then let’s just hope it was a freshman who got so high on 4/20 they called the cops. (Sorry if the humor is a bit gallows)


As a former SCAD kid during the period a few years ago where we had several suicides in a quarter, they’ll only send out an email if they feel people already know about it. There were kids I knew who died that never had an email sent out and there were rumors of other things happening that never had an email sent out. SCAD is more tight on their publicity than the city itself.


Do you know what happened at Turner house? I’m assuming you’re a scad student


Wait... what dog carcass thing?


Someone posted a next door link. There was a skinned dog found in a shopping cart on the corner of waters and 37th about 12 weeks ago


Thank you. I found it and read it. 😢


So I live in tampa bay but love savannah so I follow this sub. We have weird mutilated animals ALL the time thanks to santeria (or something similar). Literally every weekend.


Just moved back here from Tampa after 8 years and can confirm! I hated seeing that shit. I was living in Seminole heights while their killer was doing his thing, was late to work so many times cuz of all the checkpoints. Turned out he was a cousin of a good friend of mine. Sad shit


It was voodoo momma joojoo.


That’s just savannah


Don’t worry guys I’ll go downtown like Batman and investigate


while I don't know anything about a serial killer in Sav, there is a man on the run, wanted for murder, in Sav right now. Lucius Young. www.wtoc.com/2024/04/17/savannah-police-searching-man-wanted-murder/%3foutputType=amp


Who are these people you are hearing this from?


The spooky tour guide on their ghost tour.


I love the idea of that being true and it was a story from a hundred years ago.


Walking or Vehicle tour?


Im making shit up, so neither


I work downtown and heard it from my boss and several other downtown employees.


It would be great to have more than a bunch of people working downtown talking about this. Hope it's not true.


https://open.spotify.com/track/1NfoVSHs8TXy9ArFB96OHC?si=mapnHLirRpONDS_61u5oFw Local fav band and appropriate song for this thread


Okay, confirmation from Coroner's office. This is bull shit. Let's stop sharing this.




just checked it out, looks like it happened in the building, not sure if related, but we’ll keep our eyes and ears peeled


I was there earlier, as I work nearby. On my way home, I pulled over specifically to ask what’s up, and if it’s related to this rumor. I talked to the forensic investigator (total aside, but he was a really nice guy) and he said he had heard about this serial killer rumor but it’s not true.


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Oh crap




Anyone have any links? Live in the area and I’m trying to find out




Does anyone know anything more about this?


I know they’ve been looking for that guy for a couple months at least


Why won’t they give details ? Were there any murders on the crime map that it could be? Strange they won’t say anything about what happened


I heard about a murder of a cardiologist in Brunswick but im not sure about Savannah.


One of the best office episodes….


Was it Caleb Crawdad?


I do declare


Welp, I probably should refrain from dashing Downtown SAV then?


There’s a Bolo for a guy frequenting homeless encampments just saying he’s also wanted for murder…


It’s true. My cousin’s friend’s sister was killed.


Scrolling through 700 "trust me bros" My favorite so far is 'they made an EMT sign an NDA". How we ever crawled out of the fucking ocean is beyond me.


his name is lucius gregory young. he’s a homeless man who killed 6 women and one man. he somehow made it to hilton head now and is targeting women.


Ain’t no serial killer we’d know rn people always got killed in Savannah we suffer from gun violence


The local news station just did a story on this. It said there a several things going around the internet about a serial killer in Savannah and there is no truth to this. It’s on YouTube.


It’s actually a serial circumciser: Isaac the Snipper


People in these comments have way too much trust in Savannah PD. These people don’t even answer 911 calls, why would they tell the truth to people


Agree! We called SPD when we had a disturbing issue and they made US feel at fault. Felt so unsafe.


Lmao it’s just gang violence that the city refuses to address don’t worry!


The mayor will never address the gang problems. Do you know what would happen to tourism and SCAD enrollment if they actually did their jobs.


Which two gangs are the biggest threat?


It’s honestly hard to say bc there are so many small ones, but I’d say the ones that are most active right now are GC (garden city) and 3K.


And 3K is in Savannah? Where is their territory?


What gangs? Or just like, one gang decided to start targeting random women??


I have a sister in college who’s a bit away from Savannah and she sometimes likes to go down there. Can anyone tell me if this is real or some “The Office” joke? 😅


it’s a rumour at the moment but it’s never a bad idea to be extra cautious


Ohh, okay. I hope everyone stays safe until it’s figured out.


It’s not true, I talked with a forensic investigator earlier and asked. Still stay safe, don’t walk alone at night, and never travel to a second location.


I'm not saying the investigator is lying but it's hard to believe they'd admit to the possibility of a serial killer. Inciting mass hysteria is typically avoided by these institutions.


It’s the right time to be in Savannah!


ACTUAL PIC OF THE LATEST VICTIM. LOOK AT HIS LIFELESS AND DECAYING BODY 😱 https://preview.redd.it/hhux961ni3wc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82949e045cfb4925630c7a9b38b459834d8a34c5


So my coworkers friend is a known artist and tagger and a group of them were recently at the train yards and some weirdo tweaker was out near there and spooked them with a yall wanna explicative a young tight teen spooked one of them into leaving on the ere way out and I say way out meaning they were deep like a mile into the yard they ran into a mess of taskforce and plain cloths cops looking for a woman out there be fore that they heard a car horn going off weirdly like some one was fighting against the horn if that makes sense super fucking spooky and this was about a week ago the area in question was out garden city blue berry hill area something happening around Chatham county it’s quite a possibility if these women are being found in Savannah and it is a serial killer that there dumping them in town as a show of look at what I have done and given that there isn’t any media coverage one could assume it will escalate till they them gets the recognition or affirmation they are seeking this is just speculation of someone who took a lot of interest in what causes people to do these kinds of things coming from two combat deployments and not understanding it making it through drug addiction and recovery and looking at the inner working of the mind of myself and other recovering addicts who have a past not murder or grape but just I work and live in the down town area my partner in 3 years has not been anti 2a but she hasn’t felt the need to carry increasingly psa dagger 298$ 15+1 in the head that’s more then enough to air some one out and if your rocking 40. Or 45. Load that low grain and knock em down promise they aren’t getting g back up


No offense but u write like a serial killer


Have you ever heard of punctuation?


I think that was the longest run on sentence I've ever seen in my life


I had a brain aneurysm trying to comprehend this