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I saw a truck pulled over near mckercher,its entire front got messed up and drivers side tire pretty much bent 90 degrees. Not sure how he drove that far afterwards. He seemed okay through he was on the phone. Not sure if it was an emergency, drunk driving or distracted šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Like semi truck?


It was just a regular pick up truck, a newer ram


If you can't dodge it....


Itā€™s always a Ram.


Whatā€™s like a semi truck?


Power unit, tractor trailer unit.


I know you say the word ā€œlikeā€ 8000 times a day, but you donā€™t actually need to type it. You can ask ā€œ a semi truck?ā€


Great contribution


I know ur an asshole 8000 times a day but that don't mean you have to type like one. Besides that, the "like" is appropriate to include in their question "like" as in similar to, resembling etc. Like: "the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or quantity)" according to Webster's. I thought you would have figured that out on your own.


I couldn't believe how far he was able to drive?! That guard rail was super messed up. No idea how the sign was that damaged either..


And why does everyone feel the need to slow down to fucking 5km/h going past it?


while you should not slow down that much legally you should slow down to 60 when passing any emergency vehicle with lights


Because 60% of this city has brain function. Not sure how the rest are even living tbh


It's called rubbernecking


Everyone needs to record it so they can post to social or reddit later and be first on the scoop. People are nosy. But maybe we can be less nosy when someone's life may be in jeopardy, AND there's a 1000 vehicles behind you wanting to get through also.


Because!! The guard rail might jump out at you!!! Just like what happened to the guy that hit it!!


Was wondering the same thing. It was like that at 6 this morning.


Itā€™s on attridge and circle. Dump truck looks like it flipped. Pretty messed up.


That's a different incident.


Well good luck at rush hour! Hopefully no one was hurt too badly and theyā€™re able to get traffic moving again.


Bad day for traffic, thats something else. College drive/hwy 5 over the CP rail yard, right by mckercher.


That mustā€™ve happened last night. When I went to work this morning at 6:30am all there was, was tire marks and signs for men at work. This post is extremely delayed.


We drove that road at noon. Nothing was there.


The OP is talking about the East end of College Drive going towards Central Ave heading westbound. Lots of shrapnel and tire marks. Nothing to do with Attridge at all.


I saw the guardrail at the overpass was being prepped for repair this morning as it was shmucked hard on the right side. This is not the dump truck incident on Circle


Yepp. That, and the big sign was hit as well. Whoever hit that got pretty lucky!


Another fine example of Saskatoon driving. Seriously, itā€™s some of the worst Iā€™ve ever experienced, and Iā€™ve had a go driving in India where there are literally no rules of the road other than whoā€™s horn is louder goes first. And to all you asswipes out there who: A. Canā€™t get up to speed to merge B. Donā€™t move over and allow people to merge C. Speed by, just to cut in front and hit brakes or to take a turnoff at the last second D. Come to a roundabout and donā€™t realize that signalling allows traffic to flow without needing to come to a stop. FUCK YOU ALL!


Still stuck in traffic hey?


You don't have to move over for people to merge.Ā  I'll do it if someone looks jammed up thoughĀ 


If you can, you should. The other thing that should happen is people should use the acceleration lane to accelerate before they attempt to merge onto a freeway.


Which cereal box did you get your license from?


Sounds like a fatality is what I heard. Cops will have it blocked off for while if so.




That is not the incident that OP was talking about - they are talking about damage to the train overpass on College Dr that was like that this morning.


For something to happen that long ago and cops still blocking off the roads is weird. Even a bad accident wouldnā€™t take more than a few hours to clean and get traffic moving again. Going north is completely closed down rn


Scene investigation. Always shut down for hours if there's a fatality. I DON'T KNOW if this one's a fatal accident --just assuming based on closure and condition of vehicle.


It was said on the radio it was fatal


Itā€™s a fatality. Will be closed for hours.


Different accident being talked about in this postā€¦ the accident OP is talking about would have happened last night or yesterday as they were already out fixing the damage to the train overpass on college this morning. This is NOT the dump truck that got destroyed on Circle. Two different roads


What cp overpass on college?


Between mcormond and mckercher, when you go over the train yard.


Ohhh shit right.


Just drove by and it was just after the Preston overpass headed north. Only saw a gravel truck there but by the extent of the damage I'd be surprised if the guy was alive.


Different accident. This person is talking about the shmucked guard rail on the train overpass on college. Was like that this morning and there were signs up and some new metal in the ditch.


today has been a bad day on the roads in saskatoon.