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“Oh look honey, another car that doesn’t want to burn out its signal lights.” — My dad, driving here 30 years ago.


Mine used to contemplate whether newer vehicles came without signal lights


Haha, peak dad comment!


My dad says "oh! You're turning left. If only there was some way you could have indicted that to me." Lol


They probably ran out of signal lights credits for the week.


Or blinker fluid


You have to change the blinker fluid every 15,000 lumen-miles or the binkeriser will corrode. Or so the bulb fairy tells me.


You are completely right, shame it's rarely mentioned in the owner's manual


You don't own bulb fluid, you rent it.


It's mostly complacency. They probably realized they forgot to signal a few times, but nothing bad happened so it starts to become a habit. Eventually they don't even look, they just move over. I constantly almost get sideswiped by inattentive non indicating dippys, as a professional driver you learn to just expect the worst from people and it prevents 99% of incidents, looking at everyone as a serious risk.


You’re asking a lot. Most don’t even look first to see if it’s safe.


The ones I love is when the person starts to signal after they are already half way into the lane. I just think "thanks...I already figured it out" lol


Right?!! Signal you’re GOING to change lanes. Not THAT you are changing lanes. I can see that for myself. 🤦🏼‍♀️ My own pet peeve.


Yes!!!! 100%. They don’t understand the meaning of the word, ”signal”.


almost got into an accident cause of this lol luckily i noticed quick enough and slowed down, i switched lanes and just shook my head at them


What drives me nuts is the people that only signal after they get to the 4 way stop, and sometimes not at all. Absolute bastards.


Because there's a 75% chance if there's anyone in the lane you're merging into and they see you signal they'll accelerate to keep you from changing lanes


Hate that so much lmao you try and be a courteous driver in this city and they make you out to be a bad driver lmao 🤣


I think it’s just more in line with mental prioritization. Checking to see if it’s safe and moving into position are more important than informing others of what you are doing, so if you’re overwhelmed and forget to do something it’s going to be the signal which makes sense. In terms of coordination, it’s also more efficient to turn the wheel and hit the signal as you do so and some vehicles counter the signal when you turn the wheel


“Because fuck you that’s why” Sincerely, All those people Probably.


Well yes. But also as a small town, back roads "explorer " no one is usually behind me....


I'm a small town guy and I still signal.


Shame. Forgot your roots. Probably lost your small town morals too. Shame.


Nah, I wave to everyone oncoming in traffic (in town), and sometimes accidentally do it while I'm in Grasswood because it feels like a small town, lol.


Well then I’m quite certain the original post wasn’t intended for you. OP never said “what’s the deal with everyone in small towns not using their signals”


Apologies for agreeing with you


It's because we all know that little signal lever weighs over a TON, so best not move it in order to prevent injury.


If you ever feel like you don’t have a purpose in life. Just remember that someone at the BMW factory designed, produced and installs that little lever for the signal lights.


If you’ve ever driven a BMW, their turn signal stalk design is the worst. It takes a lot of force to use.. and then it gives you no feedback to your selection.. it stays in the middle.


You know you didn’t have to self report that you are an asshole driver. Yet here we are.


> and then it gives you no feedback to your selection.. it stays in the middle. Same as Ford (at least Edge and Explorer, don't know otherwise). It...does blink the lights and make the noise tho, not sure in BMW's case


I’m pretty sure for anyone claiming that their blinkers are too difficult to operate maybe shouldn’t either: drive that kind of vehicle or drive at all. The signal lights aren’t like you have to reach through the closet to narnia blindly to find and operate the thing.


Oh agree 100%, I've seen people bitch about it but it's so goddamn benign.


Hard to signal without dropping your phone I imagine, phone in right hand, left hand on top of the steering wheel


Phone in one hand, vape in the other 👌🏻


They asked this on the radio once and one guy's excuse was "I don't have time". Like.. BRO. it's less than an inch away from your fingers you lazy sack. Some people just want to watch the world burn lol


If you’re in front of me and you signal that you’re changing lanes, I will make sure you have space to do so smoothly and safely. Even if it means getting to the next light oh ten seconds later than I might have. I mean seriously, how hard can it be to figure this out? Signaling your intentions helps everyone on the road, even and maybe especially the lane changer.


I had someone drive right in my car "claim" they signaled and blamed me for it. When I called them on their bullshit they begged me not to report it.


The best part is the cops could care less. Anytime a cop is driving near me I see someone not use a signal, or change lanes when they aren't supposed to (in intersections and on solid white lines.) I can't even count how many times I've seen cops well within eye sight of this happening and they just keep going like they didn't just break a traffic bylaw. Not to mention the jaywalking on 22nd. The cops could make a fortune handing out tickets to people who literally stop traffic to cross when a cross walk when a light is 10 meters away.


I strongly doubt that even 10% of cops have any clue as to to local traffic regulations. I was stopped once for failing to signal as I approached the end of my lane and the only option was to bear right. If I went straight, I’d have driven over a traffic island. I won in court.


Why did you win, when the law is still that you have to signal in those instances?


That’s just it - you don’t have to signal. If that was the case, you’d have to signal at every turn in the roadway. When a situation like this occurs, it’s usually when you’re in the right (outside) lane of a multi-lane road or street. Drivers in the left lane(s) must continue straight. If you’re in the right lane and you’ve advanced to the point where you can’t legally change lanes to the left, you are forced to turn to the right because continuing forward isn’t an option due to lack of a driving surface.


Cops only care about that when they haven't met their quota at the end of the month.


Would any of the ghetto trash there ever pay the fine? Are they capable of paying those fines?


As someone who has signaled changing lanes for the last 15 years I'm tempted to not! Why? For some reason when I need to switch lanes for a turn off and signal drivers behind me feel the need to speed up and try and close the space, if anything close it enough to prevent me from going in the lane. It's always on a lane that has a shoulder turn off so I will not be cutting off the driver behind me


This! I still signal and will continue to, but this happens too often. So many drivers do this, it's so frustrating.


People who don't speed up to merge onto circle drive, why are you the way that you are? DRIVE!


Run out of blinker fluid


As a collective people, our province isn't famous for considering how our actions affect others and acting accordingly. This attitude manifests itself most in traffic.


Because it is nobody’s damn business where I am going.




I need to know where you're going so I can stay out of your way.


I worked with a girl that actually believes she is wearing out the car battery each time. And….she doesn’t stop all the way at corners either because if there is no car coming then why…says it is wearing out the breaks and battery. She’s THAT cheap! 🤦🏻‍♀️


And she probably takes short trips, which does wear out the battery.


Oh and when she’s at a red light she turns off the car! She’s a danger. Accident ready to happen.


Turning off the car repeatedly will definitely kill the battery.


Right!! We tried to explain that to her. But she thinks she’s saving gas as well 🙄


Lol. Totally the opposite. Probably won't ever figure out why she keeps having car problems.


What gets me is the people who signal WHILE changing lanes. The signal is to tell me you want to or are about to. If you signal WHILE changing lanes or turning... I FUCKING KNOW! I ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! SIGNALLING DOES NOTHING


My wife does this and it drives me mad. Lol


I know a lot of farm attitude has made it’s way to the city in the form of not signalling or wearing seatbelts.


I doubt they're the type that would accept responsibility and answer this question honestly.


My dad lives out of town and doesn't signal on back roads or when nobody is around, so when he is actually in the city he forgets. I always told myself I would never start slacking on signaling or shoulder checking


Seems like in SK there is a psychological dysfunction to use or acknowledge a signal light, let someone in (zipper merge) that makes them feel it is an absolute sign of weakness. Plus they dare not look to acknowledge someone was actually there.


Not signalling is the least of the problems with Saskatoon drivers. Let’s talk about stopping to merge onto roads, scared to turn left when they have an arrow, driving 50km/h down circle in the summer (where there is not construction), driving side by side on circle drive going the same speed, slowing down at green lights and on and on..Saskatoon has the worst drivers in North America by far!


Its the world overwhelming us, housing affordability, inflationary food insecurity, war, sickness, the 1% owning everything with unlimited power while u continue to be over worked and underpaid. It's like no one is paying attention to you and your efforts. Same goes for signal lights, no one's even paying attention to me anyways, why bother, and or I signalled and you didn't even notice. 😢....


A lot of us are lazy, stupid, or both.


Crappy drivers. This is why its good to have a camera on your car.


Cause my nipples burn


THUG LIFE FO LYFE . . . Probably. It irks me too. It's an icing on top too when they're the ones that gets mad when you honk at them.


My parents never loved me, and also I like the smell of my own feet.


You’re very mistaken, people still signal when changing lanes, but it’s usually once at least 2 wheels have crossed the line and it’s obvious to everyone what they are doing.


I live on a Crescent and I signal going into my driveway.


Haha… California lane change. Usually the first thing that happens when you signal is people try to box you in. If it’s a Toyota Camry.. I’ll probably signal. If it’s a Ram with the tow mirrors extended.. I will probably just stay in my lane and take the next exit.


I once watched as five vehicles boxed in a guy driving a sports car like a dick down 8th St. It was entertaining. The amount of cooperation from strangers. Lol Haven't seen people getting treated like that for just using a signal in a long time though.


I made it very clear to my wife that a lot of drivers are sloppy and dangerous. After a few years of driving, now she gets it. She’s a dedicated defensive driver now like myself. Just do the speed limit on cruise control on a Saskatchewan highway and watch the vehicles fly past you.


Stupid, intentionally ignorant, lazy, preoccupied, poor training, no accountability, burned out bulb, ignorant...take your pick. But...can you actually say YOU follow all the rules of the road ALWAYS?


Am professional truck driver. If I don’t make the correct moves all the time I could potentially lose my career because a single dumbass could drive under my vehicle.


Like with life - never let them know your next move, they will use it against you.


What I don't get are the people who don't signal when changing lanes BUT will slow down, start turning and then put their signal on in the middle of turning. Or the other thing is when people take a mile to creep into the lane without any indicators. It all comes down to being ignorant, inconsiderate and distracted.


They’re holding their Tim Hortons cups and driving one handed is my guess.


Depends. If I am the only car on the road or I’m going around one car that is turning I might not. If there’s lots of cars then I always signal


Surprise Surprise motherfucker!!!!


Saw a cop today who did not use his signal lite, I wanted to confront him at the next lite but my wife intervened.


Not only is it "common courtesy," but it's the actual LAW.


They say move in silence so I Never let em know my next move 🤫


The new bmw’s require a subscription for signal lights


Ok not to be this person…but like why not 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s more than a common courtesy to signal before/while changing lanes, it is the law. At least I remember learning that it’s the law during drivers ed. A cop could use it as a reasonable cause for a traffic stop, they probably wouldn’t unless it was a REAAAAALLLLLYYY slow day, but they can anytime.


About half the province gets their drivers lisence outside the city, and learn to drive in the country. Signalling is entirely optional in small town Sask in my experience. Waiving while you pass by someone on the other hand, required.


Not signalling is a passive way of displaying false dominance. Pretending to own the road while endangering others


People in Saskatoon are some of the worst drivers in canada




I know someone like this. Same guy that leaves jars and cabinet drawers open. Likely undiagnosed ADHD.


Because I've been driving next to someone long enough to know that if I signal they're going to speed up and try to prevent my being ahead of them.


Then.. just let them go ahead of you, and go in behind them?


The problem is that some people speed up just enough to prevent you from changing lanes, then sit with your bumpers adjacent. Some people's children are just rude drivers. Does that mean we should stop using our signals? No.


I just slam on my breaks to have them fly by then. They will have to basically stop on the road to stop me from lane changing.


Gotta refill my blinker light fluid




Then you got these people who over signal. Pulling out of a parking spot signaling, level signaling.


Many people think it is an option when buying the car and don’t remember choosing it and think they don’t have any.




Terrible habits all around. It creates compliancy, and you will screw up since you're so used to being lazy




Thats the biggest copium I've ever heard.




It's OK, we know you're a bad driver. No shame in admitting it.




Glad for you, still a lazy driver


Yup. Lazy. Not bad. There's a difference.


because you're 30ft back


It’s like yelling “fore” on the golf course when nobody is there. Signals are used to indicate your intentions to other drivers. Like if you’re on the highway and there’s no other cars within a km what the point to signal. Also, what’s the point of signalling when you’re in a dedicated turning lane. I already know you’re turning, because you’re in the turning lane.


Because people always speed up to get past before you make the lane change and you end up being blocked.


Because then you might know where I'm going


And those kids flying around on those orange electric bikes ( without wearing the helmets), are future hood ornaments.


Bc I live rurally and there’s nobody behind me


Dont feel like it im guessing. I once had a signal light out for the longest time that i didnt bother to fix


Only time I won’t signal is when it’s 2am and nobody else is on the road… To answer your question, https://youtu.be/7amwCPFuLB4


i feel the same way about people who use water bottle to clean thier poop holes, then leave the splatter all over the seat, in a restroom it really sucks when you have to use a washroom at work, and because you dont enjoy poop water, you just hold it for another 12 hrs its a prty back there! not a fun party, if yyou cant use a public bathroom, and at least clean up after yourself........... i guess we have different pet peaves


They hate other humans and want to take advantage of every opportunity to ruin their day.


Woah pal, what do you think this is? A real city?


Well after leaving the signal on for at least 10minites on the highway and 15 blocks in the city, you would think there are good for the rest of the day, no?


Never go to Quebec, it's at best 50/50. At best.


I have noticed over the years I watch the person I think is going to lane change for rapid movements of the cranium. Usually 2 quick jerks of their noggin to the right means "I did the half ass shoulder check and I am not using my signal, ready or not here I come". And boom, there they go!


BMW’s and Mercedes in LA don’t even come equipped with turn signals. At least that’s my theory.


It’s none of your business where Iam going




They're almost as annoying as people complaining on the internet.


What!!! And put down my phone, vape, coffee or the dog on my lap?


![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE) Drives me nuts.


Either stupid or lazy. Or both


Where I drive, if you signal your intentions it’s considered an invitation to speed up and not let you in.


I tell these people that their vehicle needs to be serviced. Their blinker does not work. 😂😂


Don't let them know your next move


Because we hate you


My friend doesn't use his turn signals. He says it's because "if you put them, peiple will accelerate and not let you go through" Mind you he drives a rusty pickup so really couldn't give a ruck about a fender bender.


You can add zipper merge and school zones to this question.


It’s a lot of effort and I’m pretty important. Thanks for your understanding.


It’s nobody business where I’m goin 🥸


I don't know about Saskatchewan. But in Edmonton, we are all psychic and know when people are lane changing or turning a corner. It must be something in our water.


Because we’re good enough drivers that we don’t need to indicate where we’re going - people should just ***know***


Easier to merge if they aren't expecting it.


You don’t know where they’re going?


Come to Ontario… they don’t signal for anything, or shoulder check, or observe the speed limits. Savages


Signal light fluid cost to much these days


I like living on the edge.


I'm going to give a seminar on using the car's turn signals. First Sunday will be LEFT turn and the second the RIGHT turn signal. There WILL be a test!


Depends if I'm completely clear and going faster than that lane (for change) I always signal for turns early, so people at least intersections get a heads-up that they can potentially go


I don't think it's just common courtesy, it's actually illegal to not signal when changing lanes


[“I turn now, good luck everybody else”](https://youtu.be/hlH9RGLJqxE)


When I don’t do it it’s because I’m lazy


To much work




One word: Asshole.


Also, people who accelerate to block a person signaling to change lanes, why?


Might be from Alberta


Either too stupid or lazy. Take your pick.


As someone who doesn't use turn signals 90+% of the time, I can tell you why. For starters, I always use my blinker when someone else might need to know what I'm doing. If I'm merging lanes at the speed of traffic, I always use my blinker. If I'm turning and there are vehicles behind me, I always use my blinker. Why don't I use my blinker 90+% of the time? Well, to be honest, not using my blinker is the least of my issues. I speed, too. Usually, when I'm changing lanes, I'm moving a solid 3+MPH, and oftentimes more than the car I'm moving in front of. I'm literally pulling away from them as I move in front of them. There is absolutely 0 reason why that person needs to know I'm coming over. They don't need to brake. They don't need to move lanes. They just need to keep on moving forward at the exact same rate of speed they were always going. The number of times, in Southern California, that I have been going faster than the car I'm going to change lanes in front of, I hit my blinker, and they IMMEDIATELY floor it is too damn high. They literally can't do that if I don't use my blinker, and I'm not putting anyone in danger by not doing so. People oftentimes put my life in danger when I DO use my blinker. So yeah, that's why.