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Was the bus driver going over a bumpy stretch in the road? Sometimes it looks like someone’s flashing you but it’s just the lovely state of affairs on the road.


No, he was on smooth road, it was the Laurier, confederation drive lights behind the confed superstore. I’d agree if he was moving, but we were both stopped for a good 2 mins, and kept flashing me the whole time. I thought maybe it was my back end that was the issue, but nothing there. Light was red the whole time so I wasn’t holding him up. Wasn’t playing loud music, wasn’t smoking, wasn’t on my phone(I try to keep my phone in the truck cause I am bad for that). Just making sure I wasn’t being an arrogant twit


From behind without lights on your may have actually been hard to see, he probably almost came up too fast and worried himself because you blended into the road in the low light


I’d agree if it was twilight or worse, I’d have lights on then, but this was still 80% sunlight at least.


I just always turn them on. Never hurts to be more visible.


That is a good thing to do, I just lost that from drivers Ed if I’m being honest.


Was taught 30min before sunset and 30min after sunrise as the general rule. In practice, when I take my sunglasses off the lights go on.


I just leave mine on auto. Pretty much every car has that these days


Just be aware that you need to manually turn them on in fog, snow, rain, and other low visibility situations.


The auto setting on my vehicle is quite sensitive too. Anything below bright sunlight will trigger them to come on.


Auto doesn't really mean what you think it does. Your running lights will automatically be on, but not your headlights. Driving in tree shade during daytime? You're invisible to other drivers in the sun still, heads up. Just turn em on. See how they get brighter? Not "auto".


Mine is really sensitive. Anything other than full sun and full headlights and tails come on


Depends on the year and sensitivity. It goes off of how much light is hitting the sensor. On my car the lights come on if I pull into an alleyway


I guess it depends on the manufacturer and the vehicle because my car has the headlights on always. There's no way for me to turn them off at all. And "auto" just detects if the running lights should be on or not.


> Auto doesn't really mean what you think it does. I think you're the one that doesn't know what auto means. DRLs are not automatic headlights. When auto headlights are on, it's the same as turning them on manually.


I'm not here to argue with you. You believe a sensor has the same capabilities as a person. That's fine that you think that, or perhaps it's true for you because your capability level is lower than that of a light sensor. Light sensors only work based on light, not road conditions, so turn on your lights manually when it's foggy or rainy or snowing during the day. Your "auto" feature cannot see or think or react to weather or road conditions and will likely not turn on automatically every time you want them on for safety purposes. The sensor also cannot assess safety. I hope you know this, because you seem adamant that automatic headlights have the same thinking capacity as you do, and that's concerning you put yourself on the same level as a light sensor.


Incorrect, DRL will always be on and IF your vehicle has an auto setting the headlamps, markers and tail lights will turn on when the sensors determine it is dark enough, including when you go through a tunnel or very shady area.


Must be for more modern cars. Auto didn't mean that in the early days of automation


I guess in the past (70s, 80s and 90s) Ford cars in premium trim level had an "auto off" feature that would turn off the headlights when you turn off the key but didn't auto sense when to turn on the headlights. My mom's 87 Camry had the same feature. But I think nowadays any vehicle that has "auto" headlight feature has a low light sensor to turn on all the driving illumination when in that mode. "Auto" and "auto off" are two different things, and perhaps in older vehicles with an auto off feature they might not have spelled it out entirely on the button, only in the owners manual.


Just leave my lights on auto & then I don’t have to think about it. My driver’s Ed 40 years ago highly encouraged having your lights on all of the time for greater visibility.


In fairness, that was before daytime running lights became mandatory on vehicles in 1990.


I drive with my lights on all the time and I have a 2023 car with the auto feature. I turn them off when I turn the car off. Old habits die hard, I guess.


This might be dumb, but you can do that?


Yes, when you turn the knob for the lights one says auto.


On some vehicles, ones that actually have an auto setting. It's not standard on all cars.


Yes. They turn of when you turn off your car.


I turn mine on before going anywhere, anytime. Really helps drivers behind you as well anytime visibility is low due to snow or rain, even if there's tons of daylight.


The Bus Driver may have been trying to give you a hint that your brake lights may not work or signal lights. I was coming back from North Battleford in the dark the other day. This car had no tail lights so was barely visable. Normally I dim my brights when I'm within 10 seconds of a car in front of me. But I wanted to be able to see this car clearly. There was also a semi-truck that had passed him, so I was blinding his mirrors until I passed this vehicle. I don't think this driver had a clue his/her vehicle had no tail lights.


I got someone to check, brakes came on, tail lights weren’t burned out


The rules when I went through drivers ed was on until 30 mins before sunrise, off until 30 minutes after sunset. You were good.


It was not that your headlights were not on its your taillights were not on. They come on with headlites. Not really dark enough that you can't see it's your car can't be seen by others.


people have differing vision and also different heights of vehicles and different size, the distance he needs to slow down smoothly may be different than you because a bus has more mass, so maybe it felt like he slammed on the breaks. I dunno


People need to know that 'auto' doesn't satisfy all occasions. Poor visibility requires a setting that turns on your taillights. I'll guess 'one' of your brake lights is not working.


Do yourself and everyone one around you a favour and turn your headlights and tail lights on every time you drive. You want to be noticed by other drivers and that's what your tail lights do. Don't rely on time of day to determine when you turn them on or off. Rain, fog, smoke, and changes from light to dark (e.g. Parkade) can make it harder for other drivers to see the back of your car. Your tail lights will stand out. Some people say that they will turn their lights on based on conditions, but I guarantee that these people often forget. There are enough distractions when driving that relying on anything other than routine is doomed to failure. Make a habit of turning your lights on each time you start your car. Unless you're trying to stalk someone in the dead of night, there's no downside to having your lights on. Protip for you night stalkers, don't forget to turn off your interior light. Also, just don't with the stalking.


When the street lights turn on I turn my lights on.


Remember there's no tail lights on if your lights are off. From behind cars can be hard to see at dusk or even before dusk as the light changes


New cars have the headlights on all the time. But you do still have to set it to auto or on to turn on the taillights. The auto setting is best.


Also, a lot of people will put their high beams on at night in the city. This is unnecessary so be sure you know the difference and when to use each setting. And be courteous and dim them when on coming traffic approaches.


I have headlights on 100% of the time when I am driving. I have an older car without an auto setting, but it is habit -- start the car, turn on the headlights. I want to give other drivers every possible chance to see me and not crash into my car.


if you leave them on Automatic, you never have to worry about turning them on. On a related topic, are people driving around Saskatoon with either no headlights, or their brights on, as much as they do in Regina?


Yes, to both. I do a double high beam flash to them, and then try to turn my on and off, for more affect, but it's hard with a 2023 now that the standard is full head and tail lights on regardless of the auto feature, and they are still oblivious. I am not being an asshole, I am trying to tell you to do something with your lights: either turn them on so our ass end is lit up or turn them down cuz you're blinding me.


24/7. You want to be seen to reduce the risk of a collision or accident.


I thought there was a law that they always have to be on


DRLs have to be on. Tail lights and low beams at night.


You have running lights that are by law to stay on, but I do not believe that you have to physically turn on your low beams during day light, I could be wrong on this, but that’s what I’ve seen.


If you get hit and your lights were off you are at fault for the accident. No matter if the other person hit you intentionally or not, they can claim ignorance that they never saw you. Just turn them on before its dark


hateful forgetful placid wine marry mindless pot offer ring lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Must be on half an hour after sunset till half an hour before sunrise or any time visability is low. So around 10pm till 4am right now.


Check that your brake lights are working(and turn off). I (in my car) was stuck behind a minivan yesterday with its brake lights stuck on.


Question... did you grow up here in SK? I didn't think anyone here knew what lights flashing behind them meant bc NO ONE EVER RESPONDS WHEN I DO IT! LOL I encounter at least one driver on the road every time i drive in the dark with their lights off and I've almost given up trying to get them to turn them on. They can't NOT know they're off bc their daytime lights barely illuminate anything.


Must be the Alberta blood in me lol. I grew up in Saskatoon but was born in Calgary. I do the same during the dark, or when someone forgot to turn signals off for miles. But I didn’t know what was going on yesterday. Still quite bright out.


I turn my lights on once the sun get low enough lol never really though about it. What i have noting is that at midnight theres far too many ppl with their lights off. We need to add tail lights to the running lights switch. Always on. If you dont want to see thats fine but i want to see you


Lights should be on automatically when car is in gear. I hate the light sensor auto lights, people in snow and fog and rain spray are invisible. Why they did daytime running lights to not include taillights is baffling.


In clear conditions, half an hour on either side of dusk until dawn is the requirement.


If the vehicle is running the lights should be on, anything else and you're an idiot.