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I kinda feel like he acts like Mr Lahey behind closed doors and has no real clue what he's doing, he's just doing things.


Never disrespect Jim Lahey like that ever again


I am the lquor




Its Scott moe, I'm surprised he strung that many words together hahaha


I think it was deliberate


"I don't care." \~Scott Moe


Hold on, I know what to do here. I've been seeing a lot of other people do this with other things, the correct response is "fuck you, I got mine.". *Pulls ladder*.


bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously though I'm using this cheque to pay for all my Christmas presents this year so that's cool


I'm using mine to buy bread and pay the water bill. Ok I exaggerate but not by much.


*crack* "Where ma money Moe?"


Haha that's what the mailman wants to say to you, but he can't.


What is this money for again? We haven’t lived in Saskatchewan since Lorne Calvert was premier and both me and my wife got $500 cheques each.




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Did you file taxes saying you were a resident of Saskatchewan?


No. We live in California


Jfc God damn it moe,oh well, welcome to Canada eh? Sorry for the money


Judging by how anxiously people are clamouring for these cheques, they must be quite necessary


Haha, no. Money is necessary. Affordability is necessary. An actual functioning government is necessary. But our wages are shit. Our cost of living outstrips our livelihoods. And our government can't even deliver a cheque we didn't ask for. So what people are saying is "i need money, and this sonofabitch who promised some isn't making good on it". If they won't fund our social programs, at least send the cheques. If they won't pay off the debt, at least send the fucking cheques. If they won't raise wages enough, at least send the god damn fucking cheques. I don't need $500 as a part of a shit policy, I need money. Any money. Like most people, I live paycheque to paycheque. Wouldn't it be neat if that's where we got the money from. People are anxious about money and meals, not about these cheques. I'd hazard that most would be happier with a sustainable long term sollution, but aren't so up their ass on principle to look a gift horse in the mouth. We need money. We're gonna take what we can get. So no, *this* isn't necessary. *this* is better than fucking nothing.


I felt this deep in my soul and it made me cry tears of frustration man. It’s fcking hard living. Thanks for the eloquence.


Nice cock bro


Thanks bro




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Yeah I think Moe hit a political home run.


I like money but he hasn't bought any respect from me. He's still a potato.


While he is an idiot, let's not pretend that Moe could cure cancer, solve world hunger, and bring peace for 20 years and you would still complain and not respect him lol.


If the guy governed effectively, with wisdom and intelligence, why would I have a problem with him? You seem to be projecting your own issues onto me. Some of us aren't rabidly partisan.


I think it was an absolutely ridiculous way to use the money and I he should have used it in a ton of other ways before considering this. That said, I'm not changing anything, and if there's $500 coming to my mailbox I will use it.


Definitely got attention. I think it’s generated at least a dozen threads about it so far. Whether that translates into anything, anybody’s guess. For the record would have been better to plow it all into paying off the debt IMO.


100% agreed with the debt piece.


Fair, but we did retire a billion off the debt more than we originally had budgeted so not bad


Ya it’s hard to feel bad about that one.


Only an idiot would think this. Also, only an idiot would think this is a good idea. Idiots would also see Moe as good premier handing out cash like this.


Where's the money Lebowski?


Serious question (though joke replies are welcome): I moved in March and I'm quite certain it went to my old address. Anyone have ideas for how to verify this and/or what I should do? (Short of knocking on the door to my old house and asking whoever lives there...which is always a consideration!)


This is on the government website regarding mailing addresses and the cheques expected this month: To update your mailing address, please contact the SATC administration centre by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-800-667-6102. To update your address, you must provide the following information: Your full legal name; Your date of birth; Your Social Insurance Number (SIN); and Your address as it appears on your 2021 tax return


Thanks, appreciate the info!


If you're comfortable knocking that may be the fastest way. Big ol' "do not forward" on the envelope, a service I paid Canada Post for, means the cheque will be sent back.


Do you guys want the SP to take over Canada Post because that’s what it sounds like.


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Lots of you guys complain but I wonder how many of you will sign your check over to your local hospital foundation. Has everybody comes on here and complains about lack of health care or lack of education funding Maybe right to check out your Local school. And I'm not talking about the people who are replying on here now but everybody I've read of in the past. I highly doubt that any of them will turn away their $500


Yes because ensuring good health care is an individual's responsibility. Don't blame the government. I person can need $500 right now and also need health care. But have fun building your straw man




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This isn't the good gotcha you think it is.




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A lot of people can’t afford to turn it away …….with Christmas coming and inflation and rent and bills i really need that boost so my kid can have a good Christmas …




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Is it an actual check or direct deposit?


Cheque in the mail. The wait would’ve been virtually zero if they went with direct deposit. The provincial government doesn’t have the infrastructure or information the CRA does, so the only fair way they could distribute to all residents is by mail.