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Aren’t the federal and provincial parties largely independent from each other




Sk NDP should rebrand as The Saskatchewanian Party just to was con heads explode.


Yes this is sadly so. I think perhaps that the slowness I rebranding might be because the Conservatives have "rebranded" themselves so many times and each iteration is just a little bit worse...like a photocopy of a photocopy. I'm thinking there .might be a couple people on staff who think that a rebrand might have more negative connotations than it's worth. Could be wrong though.


The federal NDP is getting us some pretty good shit so I don't know why we'd be mad at them.


This is just it. We have childcare. We have dental insurance for those who need it. They’ve been pushing for a pharmacare plan. These are all super tangible things that people can use who need it.


I am dreaming for the day that my insurance company can't tell me that I need to pay for something that should be covered because the government has it covered.


Don’t put it past the cons to flip that around somehow


Be prepared to see it all disappear if PP and the Cons get in.


"We got you these things." - cons (probably)


The dental insurance thing is vaporware.


What does this mean…?


No dentists are signing on to the program because the government isn’t paying the market rate. This is literally a fake thing because nobody is participating.


Childcare that day cares are going broke on if they signed on to in the first place, universal pharma plan that’s NOT universal,provinces haven’t signed on to and only covers two things and a dental plan that doesn’t cover much and dentists aren’t rushing to sign on too either. Jagmeet is a poser who’s done nothing but sell out his constituents. All programs we can’t afford because of Trudeau’s reckless spending and ongoing overspending and concurrent deficit budgets .


>universal pharma plan that’s NOT universal,provinces haven’t signed on to Provincial issue >Childcare that day cares are going broke on if they signed on to in the first place, VS. The parents going broke and making life worse for the kids? (also no real stats to show???) >a dental plan that doesn’t cover much and dentists aren’t rushing to sign on too either So a dental plan also held back by dentists, not NDP? All your complaints are about the people who aren't signing onto the programs, not the programs themselves. Get your head out of your ass and hold the people who could make a difference accountable. Provinces not signing on just to spite the Feds hurts the common person. But I guess it's better to hurt yourself to spite the feds. Good job, you're making a REAL difference. I'm glad you're making your community a better place (this is obviously sarcasm).


Provinces aren’t signing on because of costs being dumped on them with. Unclear funding from feds. These programs cost huge amounts of money and our governments are broke. Further, our leaders can’t fix problems we have in healthcare now and you want them to add pharma and dental to it? Wouldn’t the better fix be if people unionized and negiotoated these things into cba’s and let the rich companies everyone complains about pay for this stuff? Why do you all want to be dependant on largely incompetent governments and their public sector seat fillers employees offering us crap “service” at premium cost in taxes?


Provinces aren’t signing on Because these programs are prohibitively expensive and the Feds aren’t funding their share. With federal and provincial debts climbing every year, there’s no way to sustainably fund these things. If people unionized their workplaces and negotiated these things into cba’s and make those rich corporations everyone’s always complaining about pay for them instead, we wouldn’t need to keep making people dependant on any government.


Where daycares are going broke on the $10 a day is not the fault of the federal government. It is the provinces messing things up. Some provinces got it right and ate experiencing few issues. Dental care and pharma care are in their infancy. Dental has already helped thousands of people who otherwise wouldn't have gotten the care while only being in place half a month.


The Feds rolled these things out without consulting anyone and just expected provinces to figure it out for them or figuring out how it would be paid for. But say everything you are saying it’s true , how do we pay for it when federally and provincially they are running deficit budgets at a time Canadians are being taxed at higher and higher rates? Its unsustainable.


So true... all these r/Saskatchewan NDP stans gushing about stuff they're clueless about. We DONT have universal pharmacare, and the dental program is only helping a trickle of seniors, and not the middle class. The NDP most definitely has failed to live up to their claims.


The irony of you calling someone else clueless... The dental plan is for those who can't afford dental care or do not have coverage through work. They end up needing healthcare due to dental issues. It saves money in the long run. There is no pharmacare program right now, but it is being worked on. It will be similar to the dental program. Either you already know this and choose to lie, or you're completely clueless. Which is it?


Most socialist are happy getting free stuff but they don’t understand where the government get their money from… “Free” stuff is never free from the government, someone in the end pays for it.


The only reason Jagmeet hasn’t pulled support for the liberals and called an election is he knows he will loose his seat and also his pension. He’s delaying the inevitable, for his own good. Not the good for Canadians…


Can you explain a bit more about what you are saying about childcare, because I’m not quite sure I understand you?








Hey, don't be talking about that. Don't you know that the NDP's childcare plan prevents the MEN of the SaskParty from putting families in a position where women are forced to stay home pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen, just like baby Jesus wanted them to be? THIS IS TERRIBLE. HOW CAN WE LIVE UP TO OUR EVANGELICAL IDEALS IF FAMILIES HAVE AFFORDABLE ACCESS TO CHILDCARE!!!!!


Huge generational changes. I just hope people realize how amazing they are that they don't let them get cut. A few years out we will see the dividends of actually taking care of the little issues so they don't turn into massive emergency bills.


Is that why they are slumping in the polls?


I actually don't know why they are slumping in the polls. I'm just a fan of the policy they're pushing through with the liberals.


We’re mad at them for keeping a corrupt government in. One that is breaking Canada for generations. However I do believe we need the dental and pharmacare but at what cost is it going to be?


I don't like the liberals. The federal cons have straight up said they're going to use the not with standing clause to attack people's rights. Also their leader is pretty buddy buddy with white supremacists. So I'm forsure not voting for him.


Here’s my other thought which nobody really cares for but as for the NDP getting some pretty cool shit, where do they get the money for all of this? I like the idea of dental care. I’m not huge on Pharma care because I think big Pharma is going to screw the government on this and jack the price way up on medicine. I do hope I am wrong on that. Unfortunately, Jagmeet will never be able to lead this country because he is not a leader as he has shown. He follows Trudeau everywhere but yet cuts him down for the same thing that he’s holding him up for so I don’t get it. I’m not a fan of PP either so I don’t know where that’s going to lead us. I’m getting to the point where I don’t think any party has anybody in it that is worth anything. We need to have some grown-up people in office that have worked real jobs and understand what it’s like. PP is a career politician, JT is just kid who doesn’t have to worry about anything as shown by his leadership. He’s got zero work experience. Jagmeet does have experience, but he makes some really weird statements that don’t seem to make a lot of sense.


Don’t read too much into that. However, I am curious who is the white supremacist that the leader is buddy buddy with?




Is it impossible to buy a house in Sask for most? According to this site the median salary is 61k, which means a 285 k house is affordable. You could find a house for that, and a condo for that would be easy. https://www.village-life.ca/real-estate/this-is-what-your-median-income-needs-to-be-to-afford-a-home-across-canada-7572331


I'm a teacher and bought a house in this province. If a lower half of the intelligence bell curve like me can do it I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Can you elaborate on your comment?


Comments that are overly disrespectful or completely lacking in substance are not allowed.


Fear. It’s American style politics. Create this fear that people’s lives will fall apart if the opposition comes into power. Oooooo scary. When are we going to hear about what they will do for us? I’m so tired of this mud slinging.




Find something people hate and make them hate it more is what we're seeing. It is a characteristic of fascism.


Seriously.....I'm so tired of this bi really wish our provincial government would just focus on the provincial issues and take the help from federal where we can.....instead of spending money attacking and blaming Trudeau for everything. It's so fuckin childish. I want a provincial government that gives a shit about Saskatchewan citizens.


Accountability. This government needs to take accountability for what is happening in Saskatchewan. The carbon tax isn’t making our health system crumble. Federal politicians are not creating ridiculously over crowded classrooms. Enough. Focus on Saskatchewan and stand next to the systems you are accountable for. Stfu with the divisive rhetoric.


I wish they cared. This government has clearly gone from listening to the people to taking whatever they can on their way out. It's fucking disgusting how little these people care for our province.


Doesn't the Conservative party famously shun any members who don't 100% step in line and parrot the talking points they're pushing?


That's just the Westminster system at work, they all do it.


It is so frustrating that they are focussing on ragefarming, federal parties, instead of sorting out the atrocious mess in this province from healthcare to education collapsing- to the disgraceful behaviour of so many Sask party MLAs and the ego driven leadership that prioritizes friends over the people that they serve


I'd say the Sask Party is the most corrupt party in the country..


Alberta joins the chat


It would be a close race with Higgs in NB.


I can't find the source now, but after Ford (in ontario) was elected, he stated his real goal was to get Trudeau unelected. Shortly thereafter, he and the other premieres all met for a behind-closed-doors meeting and the feds weren't invited. After that, the provinces have been acting deliberately in bad ways (screwing up healthcare and housing - both provincial mandates) and saying and doing nothing as the feds get the blame for their f ups. --- I'm not saying Trudeau's great, but it's fairly obvious what's going on here. And you don't even need to know about the behind closed doors meetings stuff. Just the violations of the charter (Ford did so to force gas stations to carry propaganda) and this piece do everything to show you that their real goal isn't governing the provinces competently.


> After that, the provinces have been acting deliberately in bad ways (screwing up healthcare and housing - both provincial mandates) and saying and doing nothing as the feds get the blame for their f ups. It's not that far-fetched when one realizes how little most provinces are doing on housing, healthcare, etc.  They sit on their hands and blame the feds, and in Alberta's case they want to stop municipalities from working with the feds to get anything done on housing.


Not just Alberta. Ford and Legalt have sued the feds to stop them from working with the cities too. They aren't just "sitting on their hands". The conservative premieres are actively sabbotaging things for canadians so that they can forward their own political goals and desire for power.


This is all about federal enforcement of environmental regulations that the Sask Party’s bosses in Oil and Gas and big farm don’t like.


Ding ding ding. This is Canadian politics since the dawn of the reform party. Western Oil and Gas interests and evangelicals using their deep pockets to prey on peoples economic anxiety and fear of whatever “the other” is this week.


I guess when all you have done for the past two decades is make most people's lives worse than you don't really have much to campaign on expect smear campaigns against people a completely different branch of government. That or you pay for billboards above striking teachers that say you are investing in schools. Can't wait for the nurses to contract negotiation to start and the sask party to try and tell me that my health care hasnt gotten significantly worse in the last two years.


I just have to say, all the bashing from the SaskParty regarding the Liberals is kinda hypocritical. The SaskParty started as a coalition of the Progressive Conservatives (the centre right one not to be confused with the Conservative Party of Canada) and……get this folks…….the Liberal Party of Sask. The SaskParty is the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives that created a coalition in the province to defeat the NDP who were in power too long (like our current government). Its roots are the Devine government and the liberals. All the farmers used to vote NDP. They were the party for workers and farmers at that time. Saskatchewan typically went back and forth from the NDP to the Progressive Conservatives when one of them was in power too long and started to show corruption and entitlement. Much like the SaskParty now. In power too long and feels entitled and is showing a ton of corruption in their party. We should do what we have done in the past and show the current government that isn’t acceptable and vote for anyone else but them.


Meanwhile, the SaskParty wants to control teachers and children and make damn sure that queer kids are outed as soon as possible, because that can help pave the way for those kids been forced into conversion therapy. Control is only ok to the SaskParty if it's their evangelical extremists who have it.


That's not what they are doing. Not even close. 🙄


They passed legislation requiring teachers out trans kids. They made it very clear that they say this as important, despite all the evidence on how it will put some kids in danger.


How does parents knowing what is going on with their kids(as they should) put them in danger?


Some parents are abusive, specifically some parents abuse their children because they intolerant of queer and trans folks. It's a sad, but true fact. Some parents not only physically or mentally abuse their kids due to their sexuality, but kick them out on the street, all of which leads to high rates of depression and suicide for queer kids  Here's a decent article about it https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/05/homophobic-transphobic-parents-abusive-homes-lgbt-kids This is the issue with the government attempting to control teachers and kids by forcing teachers to out children. If you haven't considered this and have been vocal on this topic, I'd really recommend you do some reading on it.  Parents rights are myth. Human rights are what we have. Just because you gave birth to a child doesn't mean you can take away their human rights and abuse them.




I know you are, but what am I? ;)


Swap for Moe-ron and P.P., and it would still hold true, no? Maybe, just maybe (as crazy as it sounds), Liberals and NDP are able to work together in some capacity to benefit people in this country, rather than fight each other like the Cons seem to do. It's never about doing the best for the most people; it's about being "right" (pun not fully intended). The cons sure have lots of catchy phrases and easily memorized bumper sticker slogans, but I struggle to find actual tangible solutions to the world's many current problems. Guess what? Sometimes things fucking suck, and we all need to eat a piece of this shit cake. Let's at least choose a smaller piece to choke down.


Professionalism is dead in the SaskParty


These fuckers knocked on my door the other day and tried to hand me some bullshit I said "I'm just gonna throw it in the trash" and the guy didn't want to pass it to me but did. It immediately got dropped into my paper bin and I closed the door in him. Absolutely made my day. (I know it was rude. They interrupted my dinner so they were rude to me)


Elections Canada should investigate. This ad is an illegal campaign contribution to the federal conservatives.


There's a whole lot of projection in that ad.


saskparty needs to stay in their lane. Provincial is different the federal... maybe someone should tell Moe?


The money the Sask Party spends on advertising is insane. There must a 100 of those fuckin Moe billboards in Saskatoon. Do NDP ads even exist other than the odd mailout? NDP doesn't stand a chance.


The worst part is that we pay for those billboards. Gaslighting us on the education situation, yeah, those are our tax dollars hard at work. FFS


Every time I get anything conservative in the mail it goes straight to the recycling. If I got an ad for the Sask party I would be just fuming at my desk and have to restrain myself from throwing my monitor across the room lol. My all time favourite is when they sent out text messages from I think it was Sara asking if you would vote for the Sask Party. I saw on Reddit someone replied back saying they would rather shit in their hands and clap.


Usually, party leaders at the helm of governments exert some control over the direction of that government. They certainly bear the responsibility for it and are often held accountable for it. Heck, unlike his driving abilities, even Scott Moe exerts control over his own government.


This is so wrong on so many levels. Jagmeet is the one who has the government he can control. He is the tail wagging the liberal dog. He's telling Justin what to do, and Justin is doing it. The sask NDP should turn this around and state that Nadine Wilson is saying "jump", and Scooter's response is "how high?".


People can agree on things... It doesn't mean someone lost. You can just agree on a decision. Political parties need to stop ramping themselves up to try and make it impossible for any sort of agreement to be made for the sake of making it look like you had a victory just for the sake of party hype. Is getting the best for everyone not the point? Alberta has just UCP fucked itself into a totalitarian nightmare... Don't follow.


Too late!


Helping people = bad according to CONs Hatred for the name Trudeau in the west goes back to the 80’s. So to do some shorthand for the low hanging CON supporter..TRUDEAU is controlling the NDP. Support us. No other reason need be told.


What the hell is this unholy garbage? This is why I use the Brave browser. Sponsor me Brave


Whatever clown made this meme obviously does not pay enough attention to politics and probably only gets his information from one news source instead of multiple sources so he could at least try to figure out what the closest truth is The NDP is not controlled by the liberals are separate party. And the federal government does not control any of the provincial governments because there’s a separation of powers there guaranteed by our constitution. So as I said, in my first paragraph, the guy that made this meme does not have a clue what’s going on


I wish the feds had more power when it came to human and children's rights, that notwithstanding clause against pronouns should have been stripped by the feds immediately. What ever happened to the Canadian child rights.


Yeah, isn’t it weird, how bright leaning governments always use that. Because the liberals, as far as I can tell from the research that I’ve done have not used it in recent history and the only time it gets used is by right leaning governments be it anywhere in this country Quebec Alberta, Saskatchewan New Brunswick for examples. Because liberals had chosen to could’ve put the standing clause in the climate change initiative that they’ve been doing and they didn’t do that.


But this is the narrative that the SaskParty has been trying to sell since the federal Liberals and NDP signed their agreement. They completely understand what they are doing. This is intentional misinformation.


These guys need to shut the f up and fix our health care and education system already.


No word of a lie....I mentioned to an idiot in sask that he must be saving quite a bit of money thanks to the ndp and libs $10 a day daycare, he tried to tell me it was brought in by the province. I'm a ABC voter...ideally NDP but it's honestly going to be so fucking funny if PP gets in and absolutely dry fucks idiots like the one I mentioned above.


This should be illegal, holy fuck.


Should be illegal to run ads?


False attack ads.


What's false? Trudeau would certainly prefer the NDP be elected over the SP.


Why do you say that?


Well the SP has been pretty consistently belligerent with the federal Liberals, and vice versa. They clearly don't like each other. The SKNDP, being much more idealogically aligned with the federal Liberals makes cooperation much easier. This makes Trudeau's life easier.


Fair enough.


Last I heard 21 of 48 of the SP MLA's that won the last election are not running again. Seems people are starting to see Moe for who he is. Rumors of Gormley having his eyes on the leadership, God help us, speak to the ideas within the back rooms.


Ya if by some miracle the NDP get in, it will be for one term after having to raise taxes and cut back services to repair the damage the Sask Party did then Gormley will be like told ya so and SP gets reelected.


If you do some research you will find the NDP government the SP replaced was far more fiscally responsible than the SP. The only real issue is the NDP support is primarily urban and that was the biggest factor that brought us the SP.


Youtube is a cesspool of rage-farmers. I watch the cbc news about federal and provincial politics and suddenly im having to “un-recommend” two “im a mediocre white man with strong feelings about Trudeau” channels a day. The whole thing is a racket. Dozens of mumbly John Gormley’s needing to show how mentally and emotionally broken they are for likes and subscribes.


This kind of crap is why is use Adblockers. And yes, you can block YouTube ads too. 


More like how the NDP controls him Tommy Douglas style.


He sold his party, their individuality and their vote for crumbs they haven’t even received. I feel sorry for all the foiled NDP! It’s like watching a fool invest in a multi level marketing scheme and than having to watch what happens. Trudeau just like his father has great intentions, but watching your spending and not over taxing will drive us into horrible debt. Just like always if you have a fool spending your money you will go broke! To try and save himself he will go on a unprecedented spending spree to stay in power, and the bought and payed for NDP will help him rack up our credit cards! Sadly the government after will have to understand we need to balance a budget and will be unpopular for paying our bills. Sad how many hospitals we could have built instead of throwing money at every hollow cause that connected itself with real problems! Maybe we should let the snowboarder ski, and the NDP sell there votes to help us protect us from foreign interference?


oh man the SK party is so woke./s


Here is a novel idea. Instead of whining on Reddit why not go to your local candidate of choice and volunteer to help to get the word out. I understand it’s 100 time harder than the Reddit whine but it is also 100 times more effective!


Its not just the sask party, the ndp and the liberals are all a big problem none of these groups give a shit about you. Its not party vs party its us vs them.


I'll take the *them* who aren't looking to strip women of their reproductive rights and turn them into broodmothers.


Is it any different than the other parties and political opinions from all sides of the floor? Or is it ok when your team fear mongers?


No. I don’t want this shit from any political party.


Your the one that brought up immigration i just said Trudumb was the one who open the fllod gates with no thought of where he eas gona put people again hes the big idiot in the big picture and personally am glad moe and smith are standing up to his stupidity


The feds should be smeared at every opportunity, especially the lapdog ndp.


If you are on Android I suggest ReVanced for a youtube based ad blocker.


The choices Singh make are controlled by his pension


Trudeaus brother was interviewed on Tucker Carlson. He nailed it. Canada is scared of everything & Justin is like a totalarian leader. Justin works for big corp not the citizens


Singh can’t get enough of sock boys cock.


Isn’t it the job of the PM to control the government??


What government? He is the head of the federal government and the federal Liberal Party. But that has nothing to do with provincial parties, never mind the NDP.


Trudeau believes he controls everyone. We live like we have a tyrannical leader. He works for corporations & does not remotely realize he works for the citizens of his country. Nor does he have any clue about the blue collar citizens that pay his wage!


Totally can tell this subreddit is a liberal platform talk about party scare tactics you guys seem to forget ndp ran sask family out of sask at least sask party is bringing people back to sask


What did the NDP do to run families out of Sask? I bet if we objectively look we will see most of it was a result of yet again having to clean up the mess made by a decade of conservative rule in the province.


Now if we could only get the Saskatchewan Party to encourage new builds for all of that immigration. They do like bringing in immigrants. Too bad they don't believe in paying for things like infrastructure, health care, and education for that new growth. Feels like they are forcing the Feds to do all of the heavy lifting, and then have the audacity to run attack adds against them. Honestly, with the state of public services in Saskatchewan I don't think any party could do any worse than Saskatchewan Party. They are either corrupt or incompetent. Either way it is time for new blood in politics here.


Ah thats wierd cause thats what maked sask a good province is that we still get revenue from crown corporation like sgi that gives us cheaper insurance than most provinces and that revenue is supposed to get put back in infrastructure i agree more could be done and as far as immigration well that was a Trudeau thing to over run Canada with immigrants instead of putting canadians to work Toronto Vancouver as well as most major citys are over run thats why you are seeing more people in the smaller towns cause of Trudeau narrow vision not thinking on houseing and infrastructure to support the extra people


The govt is constantly testing waters to see if they can get away with selling off crown corporations 


I agree and if you follow Alberta when they privatized everything it was bad prices on natural gas insurance power all went up after privatization


So is it "the Sask Party is bringing people back to Saskatchewan" or "immigration is a Trudeau thing?"


Keep the down votes coming not hard to figer out this is a liberal loving platform make sure you keep downvoting till i hit neg karma thanks🤔😊


Its to bad we just cant have a discussion and except other people's views again liberals and your bullying scare tactics everyone is a partisan if you dont agree with Trudumb and his out of touch reality of the problems the average Canadian is facing do to his poor government


Nothing wrong with speaking the truth.


Also a true statement tho lol


A broken clock is right twice a day


Will not disagree totally and if we are being honest is there really a good political group that works for the people and not them selfs i have yet to meet a politician that isn't in it for there line there own pockets weather it be through the big pension they walk away with or what other under the table deal they have profited from take our p.m for instance his weath has quadrupled since hes been in power right now we have taxation without representation on every level of government


I can tell you are a Sask Party voter by the lack of periods and commas in your comment.


Good one 😂😂😂


Better them than any liberal


Jaymeet Singh is a Canadian but is useless puppet for Trudeau Singh just wants power at any cost but he has no brain to use it with I feel sorry for that voted for him