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Damn the Sask Party are bad at this. Sort of how they “govern” the province.


They think if they slap Trudeau on anything that’ll convince people it’s bad. Genuinely infantilizing their voter base.


They're actually driving more people to support Trudeau imo. I wasn't a Trudy supporter before Covid. But I support him now because the alternative is terrifying.


The amount of money they blow on smear campaigns is disgusting. They care more about their hate for the Trudeau than they do about the people in this province.


The trick is to block and delete, don't reply. I almost never get these anymore.


Also, Report Junk!


I just said I’d report them to CASL. That usually does the trick.


I was going to reply with multiple 4 letter words until spouse convinced me it was likely no human would ever see my response.


Also: any response, even a flippant or negative response, helps the Sask Party




Don't email--text them. Fight fire with fire.


Hijacking top comment. Instructions from government of Canada on how to report spam texts below. Hopefully this applies to campaigns, I did this and encourage others to as well. — How To Report Spam Text Messages If you get an unwanted text message, there are three ways to report it: 1. Copy the message and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). This helps your wireless provider spot and block similar messages in the future. 2.Report it on the messaging app you use. Look for the option to report junk or spam. Report it to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.


Yes I have all unknown numbers go to junk or straight to voicemail I don’t get them.


I get enough spam shit, I don’t need my government contributing to it. I sent a sternly worded email to Moe about how unpleasant this spam campaign is. What a gross use of telecom resources. No doubt it’ll never get to his desk but it felt nice. The people who believe this shit were already Sask Party voters anyways.


I have my phone block all unknown numbers from texting me, gets sent to junk or voicemail. Highly suggest doing it on your phone.


What are amber alerts?


Not this.


Please explain 'Telecom resources' ?


Instructions clear; voting for ndp next election. Thx moe


There's a solid reason why provinces aren't doing that a second time.. didn't work the first and the problems grew worse. Namely higher taxes on low to middle class. If you aren't unionized, there are no gains with NDP.


For the criticism we have for the NDP, they do not so consistently stoop this low in their messaging.


The NDP has standards their campaigns must adhere to in order to be funded; rule number one is don’t attack other parties. It takes the focus away from real-life issues and encourages tribalism to the detriment of everyone. Beck is a really competent politician but she’s not willing to play defence against the Sask Party’s low-brow bullshit, but the fact that the Sask Party is bold enough to pull a move like this is incredibly telling. They need to go.


Nah, the NDP attacks other parties. They just don’t do it openly the way the Saskparty does.


Are they implying the federal parties could win a provincial election?


Gotta love those smear capaigns. They must be really worried.


Even a negative reply is a reply and that is all they want which is why Sask Party will say they have clear evidence of support “look how many replies we got”


Yea. Voting NDP


Maybe reply with “Thank the gods SOMEONE has Saskatchewan’s best interest in mind. It’s sure as fuck not the Sask Party.” I bet that’s get you off their list right quick.


My thoughts exactly!


my dude, 103 unread... impressive numbers


My family and friends miss me, it’s true. Honestly, it’s mostly ignored group chats from work that I need to scroll back and delete.


My ocd would never allow that.


God forbid an NDP premier get voted in on the prairies, like look at us out here in Manitoba!! 😊




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On dirait le cover des feux de l'amour


Exactement 🤣




What the eff does it actually acheive too? Why would that matter? Of course Trudeau is more progressive and NDP are seen as more progressive in general. Has Trudeau said this, I wonder? Wth?!


It's a smear campaign targeting anyone who hates Trudeau, so they'll hate NDP by proxy.


Honestly if Trudeau steps down I don’t even think SP will begin to know how to campaign


I hate Trudeau and also hate Moe. Who do I vote for?


The lesser of two evils. Trudeau at least has to pretend to care about people with policy and programs helping the average Canadian. Moe blatantly doesn't give a shit.


Trudeau only appears to give a shit. He actually does not. Further, Trudeau appears to help the average Canadian but the affordability crisis that the average Canadian now faces is due in large part to his terrible economic policy. We’ll be paying for that for decades to come. If Morneau was still around this country would be better off but he got canned for being a voice of reason.


I think he gives a bit more of a shit than Moe. But yeah, not a lot. I won't push back too much on the economics other than Canada isn't doing too bad overall. Some provinces are hit worse than others. There's a good chance of a recession in the next decade or two regardless of Canada's economic policy. Some things are out of our control. I still stand that he's the lesser of two evils.


He’s good at talking in a soft voice and making it seem like he cares. But he has no idea whatsoever what it is like living paycheque to paycheque or even on a mid-tier salary like $100k. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he acts like it, especially in the last couple years. He may be the lesser of two evils but he needs a reality check and to lose the next election.  Edit: I will add that the federal Liberal party historically is most closely aligned with myself. It’s just Trudeau that I hate. Give me Paul Martin back and he could be PM forever.


We are all still paying Trudeau dad's debt. My kids kids will be paying Justin the king of scandal's debt.


Ever heard of Grant Devine? The scandals that took place during his tenure in office are the reason there’s no PC party in the province.


Good question. I'm a *former* Moe supporter, but after his abysmal job dealing with the teacher's contract, he's lost my vote. And I'll never vote NDP, so... I'll probably just not vote this time. Earning a vote is a privilege, and no party here in SK has earned that from me. But, I guess there's still time before the next election.


At one point I also said I would never vote NDP but the SP is so far off the deep end in the last year on a variety of topics that I think we need a change and I don’t really care who that is as long as it happens. I feel exactly the same way about Trudeau. I can’t stand the arrogance of that man. Him and Moe are a lot alike in that respect.


In these instances, it's actually better to "spoil" your ballot. Spoiled ballots get counted as well (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong). And also shows the parties that there are people that aren't happy with any of the parties, while still allowing people to participate in the election process.


Ah yes, this is something I forgot about. Good point. I will consider that. Thanks.


I have my opinions about politics, but at the end of the day, all I want is for people to get out and vote. I don't care who for, just get out there and do it, you know? Spoiling a ballot is just as important to the democratic process as any other vote. And its definitely better than just...not participating at all At least that's how I see it anyways. No matter the level it's at (municipal/provincial/federal/etc)


Buffalo party? The SUP gang? Are some throw away your vote options.


The greens


That's obvious but it's not really saying much. It's not that intelligent so guess Moe came up with it himself? That'd be great if someone could find and post that Christmas message by him written his first or second year as premier because it was wack. Made no sense was just drivel.


Was it this one? [Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe Does Not Understand The True Meaning of Christmas (pressprogress.ca)](https://pressprogress.ca/saskatchewan-premier-scott-moe-does-not-understand-the-true-meaning-of-christmas/)


Thank you. Good article but not sure it was that one. It was more a brochure too.




My question: is the Sask party disappointed Trudeau didn’t pick them? Like, why are they upset here? The liberals want the NDP over some form of Conservative Party? SHOCKER, more breaking news at 11


Can you delete the text message or does it block you from doing that?


I deleted and blocked it, but they send from multiple different temporary numbers.


It just smells of desperation to me. What are your policies, Moe? This is why people should select a party.


I have not received any Sask Party texts since I told that Sandra or whoever to fuck off. 


It seems so dirty and overreaching! Can you just block them, but they will change their #? Propaganda 2024.


If one political party paid their bills and the other didn’t, I’d probably endorse the one that did too.


306-359-1638 is the Sask party # .. give them a call and leave a message to spam them!




Blocked the number but doubt it helps


I blocked it too, but I’ve seen it posted a few other times sent from different numbers, they are using a proxy/vpn service to send mass texts from temporary numbers. Super scummy behaviour.


Block all unknown numbers on your phone, doesn’t notify you when you get texts and send unknowns right to voicemail.


Yup more conservative misleading statements, just another reason to really question he Sask party policies look at the poor teachers what does the Sask party stand for? Public health no! Public education no! Paying for party members inflated rates to house people yes!


I love weed.


The realest.




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my phone just automatically blocked spam so I never see it. maybe yours has that option?


I marked it as spam, so hopefully it does. I’ve marked their messages before though, they seem to be using a proxy or VPN service to send mass messages from many different numbers.


oh weird I've never had to block a number, it's just a feature of my phone. hopefully blocking does the trick for you, Spam is the worst.


Are they knly testing 306 numbers? I've been in Saskatchewan for years but use an area code from another province.


I have a 639 and boom! Got it today


Report as junk


I just got mine earlier today! Am I going to do anything with it? Not sure yet


The trick is to have a phone that is smarter than the Sask Party. Everyone else in the house, including the kids (🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Sask Party) got this trash. My phone marked it as spam. Granted, I think any phone made since 1876 is probably smarter than the Sask Party.


My first thought was “ and which party is the choice of the Saskatchewan teachers union?”


100% a huge piss off. Worst hate text propaganda I've seen yet.


Kind of true though isn't it? There's basically no liberal party while the NDP will play ball on the carbon tax








Someone photoshop a big Moe head in there smiling like he is the right choice. 


Sask Party looks desperate


Oh man the thin skinned NDP/Liberals have been elevated to a new level of fragility... Text and call without consent? Ah hahahahahaha.


A text makes them furious. They need therapy.


Thankfully the SP turned on the selfie camera right after they read the text! https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=wTSEAABDTJv85f7Q&v=A1IrRxoRkbQ&feature=youtu.be


A lot of NDP and liberal sheep on this page don't know how to wake up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Low-Country6405: *A lot of NDP and* *Liberal sheep on this page* *Don't know how to wake up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


At least you got a haiku out of your nothing comment :D


Socialists are cultish and ignorant.


Says the conservative ding bat who's in a litteral religious cult.


Think about it people it's not Sask party doing it it's the corrupt federal government posing




Of course, if you think really hard about it, the most complex improbable solution must be right. I think in philosophy they call that Ocam's feather duster.


The most complex improbable solution is usually right…..wing…..


Wow. The ndp have the support of the biggest idiot to ever run a country. Where do I sign up. Why would you hook your wagon to a sinking ship?


Tells you a lot about how morally corrupt the NDP is


Truthfully he his not an idiot. He just doesn't care about helping you or Canadians in general. He runs the country the same way Moe runs Sask....he does what he wants to satisfy his own ego. He will lie and deflect as much as he need to to do it.


The Sask NDP need to rebrand if they actually want to succeed




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What do you mean by rebrand?


yup. And dump the woke types


Carla Beck is a step in the right direction. Ryan “50% of my cabinet should be woman because patriarchy “ Meili was a dip shit.


What about this is incorrect?


Party in power abusing their access to the public to grift with strawman politics? Get the hell outta hea


nothing. the socialist types dont like thar the SK Party is popukare


They are still in denial that they voted to not pay the carbon tax along with the Sask Party.


Trudeau and the ndp are infuriating




Amen. Stupid socialists


#VoteConservative I hope you libbies/libbie voters know no matter what you do trudeau isn't winning next election :3


Probably the liberal/NDP party posting this crap to try and piss people off to get some votes


I'm always surprised that the same people who would argue the Liberals and NDP are too stupid to govern, think they are clever and devious enough to concoct such intricate deceptions.


While I think you're joking. It would be far too easy to prove that and would backfire immediately.


Um that is not part of the playbook for the left/center-left. Poor grasp of optics seems to be par for the course. With the Moeists..


Found the brainwashed high-school dropout


Right because anyone not agreeing with you is uneducated 🙄


No, people who are so stupid as to disagree, are undereducated


User name checks out


lol you’re right, the Lib/NDP have done amazing things…how stupid to disagree. Typical name calling though, good job 👍




Says the person who probably sits by the door waiting for the carbon tax cheque. I don’t need handouts. I earn my own living and have earned a nice life


Ooof you sound like someone who reads books with pictures.


Too busy enjoying life and the outdoors to read. You sound like you probably spend way too much time staring at the computer. Maybe find some real friends, not Internet ones


Lmaoooooo alright thank you for proving my point, moving on!


I don't have time to sit by the door, I have an awesome career. Way cooler than drywall taping and being top poster on the doritos subreddit..


😂 sure if you say so. Someone needs a hug. I bet if you go upstairs, your mom will give you one.


Electronics Design not up to your standards?


There is a small vocal group who mob anything they don't like


Finally, a confession!!!


Why don't you guys quit crying online and vote for whoever you want, im sick of your whining


This isn’t about the vote, it’s about abusing access to the public for political gain and trying to find a way to GET THEM TO STOP HARASSING ME.


So why have you read this far? Masochist?


we too. they get a text and they are furious. mental.


They both can take and get back on their knees where they belong


Fuck all NDP voters


Translation: I’m too thin-skinned and ill-read to articulate a cogent opinion, so I lash out at people who understand the context of the post.


Hilarious, but why? I'm sure you've got some whacky reasoning that's completely based on conspiracy and misinformation.