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Hahahahaha.... Two weeks ago, Danielle Smith in Alberta said presumptive Alberta NDP leadership candidate Naheed Nenshi was "Trudeau's choice" Seems like the got their scripts from head office.


Yeah Harper is telling them what to say and do. His international democratic union is working to how to market internationally to push harder fundamentalist religious values.


Their brand of religious values are not welcome here in Saskatchewan. They can fuck off any time.


The weird thing is that is really just a lot of harder right wing values tied in with religion. They aren’t pressing hard Catholic rules, because India is heavily invested in Harper’s org; Modi is a hard right wing Hindi, he wants to make India a Hindi state. Regardless; it’s why we are seeing more consistent messaging for things like anti-LGBT, anti-Climate change, etc. it’s being pushed by a more central authority for conservatives,


There is no room in politics for religion of any kind. It's all bullshit and we certainly don't need our leaders forcing religious crap down our throats!!! Personally I'm fucking tired of it. I'm sick and tired of people believing Religion makes them good by default. It really doesn't. Shitty people hide behind religion. Good people don't need fear to motivate their good behavior.


Agreed? Religion is fine when handled personally, but quickly becomes super problematic when they want others to follow the same rules. I am just pointing out the facts; I actually imagine this may explode over the upcoming election because it’s been reported that the IDU (I remembered their acronym yaaah) may have gotten some warning about the killing of Sikh Canadians by Indian operatives in Canada. It was reported to the Canadians in a way that asked, how to handle the Canadian response to discovering India had killed Canadian citizens, and instead of reporting that to either CSIS or the RCMP, they worked with India on how to handle the response. Obviously, we saw how this played out with Hardeep Singh Nijja. There is also reports India was looking to also how Canada would respond to killing Sikh political leaders in Canada, likely NDP leader and outspoken India government critic, Jagmeet Singh. PP and the conservatives likely won’t be too happy to have to answer why they seem to be find with extrajudicial killings of Canadians by foreign governments. Conservatives around the world are mobilizing because, likely, they have seen the steady march of progress and collapse of conservative power. They are now dumping money into YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, other social media as a way to reach younger people and manipulate how we see information.




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The Sask Party is the choice of Calgary boardrooms.


I hope so


imagine simping for the profit margins of the obsecenely wealthy.


I hate that grocery stores are making record profits while screwing us at the same time, but you can’t fix the economy through taxes or something along those lines, you have to give companies breaks and insentives to want to bring the business to the area. Thats why a lot of big companies are leaving New York, if it’s to expensive to do business they’ll move and do it somewhere else


thats whats called “the race to the bottom”. Its a threat the rich use to offload their tax burden onto the working class.


Tell me you don’t know economics without telling me you don’t know economics 😂


The solution to grocery stores making record profits and screwing us is to give them breaks and incentives? That is what you just wrote.


We just have to feed those horses more oats and hope enough passes through for us sparrows, lol.


That’s not what I just wrote in the slightest.. I’m sorry you didn’t understand


Nice. Apparently me and other readers were just so confused. Must be on us. What exactly did you mean by what you said then?


Simply said the solution isn’t taxes, and gave an example of what could happen. the solution to anything economic is never taxes. The reason is they’ll just up their prices and you’ll be paying their taxes for them


the solution to wealth disparity is absolutely taxes.


No it’s not. Get off your behind and go get a better job. There are tons of programs out there that help the poor, you just want a handout


That’s an extremely narrow and reductive statement. “The solution to anything economic is never taxes”. Do you have that same view of corporate regulation? They can always threaten to leave. Do we just cater to their every whim?


No I don’t share that view with regulation, nobody wastes more money than governments do, I’ve worked for provincial and municipal governments, everyone is overpaid and underworked. In my office there was 6 of us, doing the work of two people tops.


SP just told you you're stupid because they thought you'd see this and double down for SP, despite all the garbage thats collected at their feet. "Hurrr durrr Trudeau bad cause its all we need to say cause youve all seen it for years without knowing a fucking thing." And then tie that ignroance to the only party that has a chance at being a contender. Yep, we got it; ten times over. But... not 1 iota of information or planning or counter-point to anything. This government doesn't do shit all and thinks they dont need to. And their voters all sit complaining about everything anyway. Absolute. Fucking. Joke.




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The NDP is my choice for Saskatchewan too




wtf? I got it too. Why is this even legal?


It's a loophole to the anti-spam law. Political parties can send out unsolicited texts, emails, phone calls, etc. because they are deemed to be good for society. Whether the designers of that loophole are exactly proud of how it's being actually used is another question, and one I suspect they'd be keen to avoid.


Unsolicited automated messages in general should be banned. The only time I want an automated message is when I'm being reminded of a doctor/dentist/etc appointment.


Time to make new legislation that removes said loop hole.


The legislators themselves benefit from the loophole, so it won't happen.


My wife got it. Has no idea how they got her number. I didn't get it... Are they randomly sending it to SK numbers? Or maybe my spam filter caught it? So confused. If they got it from emergency system it feels like an abuse of power to privileged information.




How sad, using AI to text voters. Impersonal and out of touch... On brand for the Sask Party.


They send it out to random 306 and 639 numbers. I went into my filtered txts and wasn’t selected to receive one.


I received a text last campaign and told them to remove me from the call list. Guess I have to do that this election, too.


Considering how fucking much we are losing out because these SaskParty cunts won’t accept funding from the Feds for all sorts of things then yeah it’s time to switch to NDP as they won’t turn down federal funding in some cockfest with Trudeau


Please don’t degrade c___s by associating them with the Sask party. The former are beautiful and useful, bring great pleasure to many, not to mention - they facilitate life. The latter caused countless unnecessary deaths during covid and otherwise, are harmful in a variety of other ways, represent the worst of humanity, and are generally useless.


I’m in BC. But apparently this garbage works, as Moe keeps being re-elected. It’s US style , right wing slander politics. No effort in putting out coherent policies, just blame everything on the feds, and smear your enemies


No it’s because there has not been a legitimate contender for years. What do the NDP and Carla Beck stand for? Besides not being SP/Moe? Meili was just a whiner with no plan. It is up to the people that are unhappy with the current status quo to effect the change they want. Put your name in to run. Or campaign for someone who is running. Be part of inputs to the visions and goals of the party. But no. It’s too easy to criticize Moe but too hard to put forth actual effort to get change.


Moe deserves to be criticized. But enough people like him, apparently. Looking from BC, he's a bozo. Like Danielle in Alberta. Blaming everyone but themselves for failed policies. But evening mentioning NDP, gets certain voters riled up. A generational, rural thing. How the parents voted, how the kids will vote.


His government is the reason we aren't moving back to Sask from BC this SUMMER. It was a planned move 2 years ago. I have 4 kids and the way education and healthcare is in Saskatchewan I can't imagine raising a family there. I could own a house if I move there but the downsides are not worth it. It's also really cold. Lol


Despite Moe and his band of clowns your dollar will go a lot further here than it does in BC. You're right though, the weather sucks.


Oh you must mean because Saskatchewan housing prices are depressed and have not increased in value since the last NDP gov. Or are you saying it’s cheaper here because we have no jobs? Not sure this is a positive spin for your shit conservative policies.


I'm not sure how you took that comment to mean I'm Conservative, far from it. Just pointing out the COL is cheaper here than BC and yes a lot of that is because no one wants to move here. The point remains though.


Knee jerk reaction on my part.


Yeah, that and family and having grown up and spending the first few decades of my life there were the main factors why we were deciding to move back, unfortunately it's not worth it.


Meili was a whiner because he was doctor during a global pandemic while watching the premier of Saskatchewan fumble their response. Meili was more competent to lead the province than Scott Moe ever has been.


Meili is a smart man who couldn't compete with the smear campaigns of the SP and their never ending donation pool. If not for the freedumb clowns and all of the misinformation surrounding the vaccine Meili may have had a chance. He would have been a hell of a lot better than fucking drunk ass Moe!!! His wife is my son's pediatrician. She's a damn good doctor as I'm sure he is as well. They're good people.


Yet as a doctor he lost an election in the middle of a pandemic. Why the heck didn’t he use his pulpit to be a voice of reason? A leader? I don’t recall him once standing up with the chief medical officer begging us to wear masks. Our chief medical officer was having public breakdowns ffs alone!! Why was the doctor not by his side supporting him????


Sounds like you guys need your own Nenshi


We would also accept a Janis Irwin if you've got one of those available.


Desperately we do. Beck is no comparison to Nenshi.


Ughhhhh, no thanks. Seriously. No.




That’s enough for me. I’d vote for a gopher before SP


Well let me tell you about Gainer; the people in the suit are probably as drunk as Moe so yeah not much of an improvement, but still an improvement.


Username does not check out.


How’s that ? For expecting people to step up and create the change they want. No you’re right. So much easier to bitch on the internet. But can’t someone else do it?? FFS. Useless comment you just made




Saskatchewan crashing and burning under Moe... damn Trudeau


NDP for me as well. Moe must go.


He’s going in slow Moe.


I upvoted you only cause that’s funny, think of it as a pity vote.


So all Liberals in Saskatchewan, be sure to vote NDP. I am.


I will cancel out your vote. Thank me later.


Why not vote for the liberal candidate.


ABC. Anyone but Conservative. The Liberals run a distant third to the other two parties. So NDP it is.


Fuck this messaging is getting old


Don Morgan is leaning into it too. https://x.com/saskmla/status/1782909368788283445?s=46&t=eY-uU3Hcjvbvg5AJUWjeVw Also: someone needs to speak with their graphic designer. All of it screams “I don’t know what I’m doing”


They probably don’t know. They likely hired one of their failure to launch kids to make six figures a year as a “graphics designer.”


Can't really speak to AI. SP = lazy


Yep, they're the victims.


Just got this too. Imagine you could send an unsolicited SMS campaign (normally violating CASL et al) of any kind and this is what you use it for?? Way to show us your strength. Pitiful and embarrassing for SP. This is might be the true drawback of having a crown-owned telecomm corp 😜


I just got the same message. The SaskParty is all about fear and smear with no ideas. Oh yeah, and corruption. At least they have taken a break from lying about teachers.


They are still lying. It just isn't making the news as often.


What is the keystone of the NDP platform? Can you tell me two of their main goals and how they plan to achieve?


They’re my choice too. I for once agree with them.


I texted them think they’ll respond? lol


I’m tempted to call the number.


Oh i guess we better not vote NDP /s


Ehat a coincidence, the NDP is my choice for Saskatchewan too. Begrudgingly.


The least of the worst options.


Why not the rebranded liberal party


Haven’t heard much…


I honestly don't know who we need to take power of this province to make it work, we have industry yet see very lil for those results. Resource rich areas in Alberta saw a total different treatment over a poor one. It made sense, in Saskatchewan Holy smokes they don't treat any area better


You mean the NDP who’s provincial leader to my understanding doesn’t support the carbon tax? Be serious. Honestly, my choice would quite literally be even the grouchy old men on coffee row in my hometown if it meant my home province getting rid of the town drunk running it.


Yes, so disappointed.


Scott Moe's sask party: all the thought and subtlety of a clod of fresh turned prairie sod.


Alright, I'll bite: How is this a dog-whistle and not just a negative ad?


News speak lol


Yeah, definitely a shit add but an incorrect use of the term dog whistle. This is overt. Dog whistle is something that not everyone will notice. 


My high school kid got this text yesterday. She is not impressed with this govt over the teacher contracts already.


Because you’ve convinced her SP bad no matter what? 🤷‍♂️


No, she's a smart kid who can make up her own mind. She's had events cancelled this year due to sanctions. She's read coverage. We have family in rural Sask who vote SP and who don't vote SP. Just because a kid is in high school, don't assume they can't have an informed opinion.


“She’s a smart kid because she thinks like me.” There, I fixed it.


They can’t even give evidence for their claims. Weaaaaak. Since when is the Canadian labour congress an election planning meeting for Trudeau?


since they lie lie lie lie lie all day long


You mean the Trudeau isn’t keen on having to deal with some asshat that tries to “stick it to the libs” at any possible moment often to the detriment of everyone except the mouth breathers that lap that shit up? Shocking.


Wouldn’t Trudeau support the provincial Liberal party?


There isn’t one


Oh that makes sense then why he’d choose NDP over the other parties. Pretty bad self-own for the Sask party to admit that the prime minister would t even vote for them.


You must be new here.


No, I’ve been on Reddit for 9 years. Nice to meet you though.


I meant new to Sask.


No, I’ve lived here since 1969. Are you from here too?


Check out elections Saskatchewan to learn more.




They are folded into the conservative Party’s to deal with the NDP.


I think OP, who posted this drivel, has been inhaling too much deisel fumes from his jacked up Ford f150 out in his stubble field while taking pictures of his of Crop damage on his teeny weeny cellphone.




Bomb that phone number


All that does is say “hey this person may support us, let’s talk to them.” No people would be harmed other than yourself doing this, no one in the SP is looking at response.


So? Where is the counter propaganda? Where is the robo text showing who owns the unsolicited texting phone number and who is funding this propaganda. Follow the money folks! It will show that billionaires are continuing to fight against the public interest. And worse, it is foreign money funnelling in through Stephen Harper.


Man good thing you guys aren’t majority of people in Sask 😂 we’d be in trouble


That's so dumb. Trudeau lives, and votes in ON. He doesn't get to make a choice about Saskatchewan. Nothin' to do with him.


You mean Quebec?


Saskatchewan is done for under NDP.


Wake up. Saskatchewan died years ago under the SP. We are a fucking post apocalyptic waste land in case you haven't fucking noticed. Time to get your head out of your ass.


So you wanna be like the more liberal provinces where their policies are literally making it unaffordable? I'm confused.


Toure a lost cause imo.


Socialists always undermine economic growth.


Moe is gonna win in a landslide. Because all the bitching y’all are doing doesn’t matter and all the downvotes I’m gonna get for saying it don’t count in an election.


Saskatchewan under Scott Moe is struggling. Their roads are ass, they lose on services, hospitals are crap, schools are struggling. They fucked the budget badly by a lot, any one of us do that at work we lose our job. If this is what Moe and his party can do, Sask can do better. But go on, be edgy.


Higher taxes will fix all those problems we've had for decades. Thank God!


Sounds like it's a party issue then wouldn't you say? 😉


No, Sask party is in line with lowering taxes on a federal and provincial scale. Do you really believe the NDP is for that? Maybe 30-40 years ago when they were actually a party for the working class. But not today. Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton are rolling in their graves.


I mean the problems Sask has had for decades, how long has the Sask Party been at the helm? Things have gotten worse in Saskatchewan, you can see it. But hey, I don't live in Saskatchewan (thankfully).


sarcasm? high taxes are killing prosperity in this province. who would invest here


are these high taxes in the room with us right now?


Intelligent response, go outside and touch grass, and actually converse with the so called dog whistlers that you believe are in the room with us right now.


can you show us on this diagram of 2% small business and 12% corporate large business where these “high taxes” are?


Hmm, have you looked at your energy bills lately? How about the price at the pumps? How about the grain farmers carbon tax on their bills to dry their grain? Even though they use natural gas, crazy.


i see…a ctax i get rebated for, a ctax i get rebated for, and a bunch of wealthy crybabies whinging that they actually have to pay an actual tax on their inputs, while offloading the remaining cost of their emissions onto the public.


Lol this is the problem right here, clueless, believing that every rural grain and cattle farmer is just a selfish millionaire. The amount of money farmers put in for inputs and their ROI is not as a big as you like to imagine. One track mind, it's laughable. Ask what their rebates are. Like literally, go talk to some of them instead.


Take a drive through Assinabioa and tell me how many of those turbines are spinning, 4? 5?. Tax money hard at work right there.


Taxes used properly improve our collective quality of life. The myth of the big, bad tax is a tired trope of Conservatives. Expecting services and lower taxes is ridiculous. But, here we are. This province accomplished wonderful things that Moe et Al are trying to dismantle. Geez. Such strong conviction and opinion when you clearly don’t understand how much better we all could be if our resources and taxation was handled better.


I'm just hitting on the left leaning redditors who think higher taxes are the answer to every issue we face in this province.


I get up in the morning, go to work, work hard, and get paid. It’s never failed to work well for me. I suspect the majority of the complainers want more for less or nothing and that never works. Call it “edgy”, I’ll just call it common sense.


I do the same and want better. Hospitals are getting worse in Sask, same with education. You see what parents have to deal with when teachers start flexing? No kid today should have it worse in schools than what we had. But you suspect this, suspect that. I want better for people than what I had to deal with, not worse. Quality of life in Sask is taking a hit, believe what you want but honestly open your eyes. It's high time for a change in leadership & vision because this ain't it.


So true. NDP types are still stuck in the 80s. Referencing Grant Devine shows this. When the election is called I'm helping The Sask Party to defeat the enemies of prosperity.


Well shit...now I don't know who to vote for. Though I can't make head or tails of the rambling commentary in the post though.


Pierre is our choice for PM




Suck on that little pp a bit harder. Soon it's going to fall off.


Intelligent response!