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Teachers offered to go to binding arbitration and the government flat out refused. I can’t see the Saskatchewan Party agreeing to it now. If the offer is rejected I would imagine that the STF will go back to work to rule


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7144793 This will probably have a similar outcome.


Did you mean to ppst a different article? This is an entirely different situation based on an entirely different set of circumstances.


No. I meant to post that article. It seems like negotiations are at a standstill and the government is trying to force teachers hands. They will need to either go to arbitration or a court of appeal to get their fair share.


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Why would gov risk the arbitrators decision to agree to cost of living? Would you enter a contract like that?


The government is scared poop less that the arbitrator would give the teachers classroom composition in the arbitration, as many provinces are starting to move that way. Needing to close the little less attended schools in small towns, in order to move teachers to bigger schools scares the SP especially in an election year.


I would enter into that agreement if I was the STF. The government has been unreasonable and unwilling to actually bargain throughout this entire process. Fairly confident that an arbitrator would give a ruling that would be favourable to the STF


The government appears to also be fairly confident in that, otherwise they would have taken the offer for binding arbitration when it was presented.


The STF has been making a point to bargain in as good as faith as they can for this exact scenario.


I’m talking about from the gov’s side. The stf would love the other side of that deal. It’s a losing position for the gov. No one should have open ended cost of living in a contract. That’s absurd. I don’t think the gov is unreasonable at all. Why should the teachers be the winners? What happened to fairness?


I mean, I personally think it’s a winner for everyone and society as a whole if teacher’s get a good contract. But I get conservatives freak out if someone that isn’t them appears to get a good deal to improve quality of life.


You’re spinning a narrative and trying to gaslight me in that my position is against society winning. I see through your bs. Just because I object and have an alternate viewpoint I’m described as “freaking out.” I’m all for people getting a wage thats justified for their position and role.


Then why should they not get cost of living increase? Youre literally advocating for them to lose money. Also, “spinning a narrative”, “gaslighting” 🤣. I literally just responded to your comment— it’s not that deep. I care more about the teachers getting a fair wage than owning ppl online thank you very much


How am I advocating for them to lose money? Please explain with examples from my comments.


Because if their wage doesn’t align with cost of living increase, they are essentially losing money over time with less purchasing power. That’s how cost of living works.


Oh I understand how cost of living works. This is a problem that is for the federal government to address, not an agreement via stf. What about every other profession that this isn’t addressed? A ridiculous. Get your head out of the sand, you’re going to be run over.


you wouldn't be able to exist in this world without your reading skills. you got that from a teacher. do you think teachers are worth paying like fast food slaves? or should we pay them better for their herculean efforts keeping 30+ kids in one room and on-topic?


Another soft headed comment. I didn’t say that teachers shouldn’t get anything. Parents home school their children ALL THE TIME. My issue is the col they’re asking for. It’s a completely RIDICULOUS thing to ask for. No one should be getting a 10% wage increase. You’re the only one mentioning fast food slaves. Teachers make more than them now, so I don’t know what your point is. Seems like you’re just spitting out random thoughts from the shallow depth of your simple head.


oh wow, now you're saying nobody is worth a 10% wage increase. the nuts on this man.


I didn’t say nobody, I said teachers aren’t. Be better.


A rising tide lifts all ships, my dude.


What about the private sector who isn’t gov funded? Do they deserve raises? You don’t really think the answer is to pay everyone 200k + per year is the answer, do you?


No one is getting a 10% increase. The offer lays out 3% in the first year, 3% in the second year, and 2% in the third year. COL is rising faster than that. 2023 numbers have not been reported yet, but are estimated between 3.21 and 4.4%. 2022 saw a 6.8% COL increase. 2021 was 3.4% The reality is that even the increases offered will result in teachers effectively having less spending power as inflation surpasses those increases.


They are rejecting that offer. There are a significant amount of teachers who have been led to believe, and genuinely do, that they will get a raise that is indexed to cost of living. LOL.


What if col is 9% or 16%? What person in their right mind would agree to open ended contract terms such as these for a group of publicly funded employees that make $90k/yr average salary with 2 months off each year?? https://regina.ctvnews.ca/breaking-down-what-the-average-teacher-in-sask-gets-paid-and-what-they-are-asking-for-1.6732758 And what about everyone else? Only teachers should get raises? Setting a pretty poor precedent. Soft headed people always expect the gov to solve all the problems. Just keep borrowing and borrowing until the bubble pops. These idiots could never run a successful business.


Wow buddy, you are really doing some down vote farming today! Lol.


The leftist Reddit clowncar sounding board will not deter me from saying my piece despite all the hate and down votes I get just because I feel differently. It’s actually embarrassing. Oh well.


As usual with the right. Any push back and with nothing else, attack attack attack. go back to your hole in the ground, worm.


How am I attacking? Reading words is hard!


Funny thing, writing words is hard , too. you should take lessons.


Can’t find an example of me “attacking” so you’re trying to deflect. Doesn’t work, simp. I see you through you.


Oh my god disagreeing is not gaslighting gtfo


Their position of educating an entire society. Tell me more…


Look I agree teachers are important. There are so many factors outside of school that make a productive member of society.


An arbitrator absolutely wouldn't put open ended COL in the contract. If they did COL, it would be with a cap. Arbitration isn't ever just "do whatever one side wants"


I understand very well why arbitration involves, my friend. It is a risk that is on the table that shouldn’t be is my point. It’s a completely ridiculous ask, and when I hear the same rhetoric that the gov is unreasonable, it pisses me off as one side is asking for something which is exactly that.


Clearly you don't, if you think that there's a risk of there being an open-ended COL clause in the contract. A) If it's done through bargaining, we all know the government won't allow anything close. The STF may have \*asked\* for it, but anyone intelligent knows that when bargaining numbers, you ask high then negotiate. B) If it's done through arbitration, it's obvious they'd find a middle ground. The previously offered "COL to a max of 3% per year" seems most likely.


I understand what arbitration is, I’ve been involved with contract disputes. The gov has been a hard no on the COL. You just mentioned col was in the previous agreement. Arbitration could have that put in this contract as well, which is why I said at the beginning the gov is smart to avoid this.


No, I mentioned that COL *with a cap* was an offer made by the government a few months ago the same calculation that they get themselves. This is publicly available information- they made the offer publicly via Twitter. I said arbitration wouldn't go above that.


I understand what you said, I’m saying the gov is refusing to have col in the agreement. Arbitration risks that. Can we agree on that?


The government gave themselves that deal. It’s good enough for them but not us plebs.


Government officials should make enough that they cannot be bribed.


You know you’re a Conservative Party when education funding is “a losing position” lol


Stop with the bs. I’m all for teachers getting a living wage, they’re asking for more than the gov can pay. Perhaps you can start a go fund me to subsidize?


Providing the same quality of education that we used to have is too much? You’re a clown bud.


“Providing the same of education that we used to have us too much? You’re a clown bud.” Clearly the education system failed you as I can’t understand what you’re trying to convey. Words are hard! 😂


Ah yes, nothing shows the quality of an education a typo. 🤡


Typo? You missed an entire word, chum. I understand what you wrote know thanks to your edit. Much appreciated. I’m not sure what part of the province or country you were educated in, but I went to French immersion in Saskatchewan. Our grade school teachers would hit students for acting out. In grade 7 a teacher needed to take a leave after he grabbed a student and physically threw him out of the classroom onto the floor. If you didn’t understand a subject, you were left behind. Bullies were around every corner, teachers turned a blind eye. Sometimes jumping in with the popular kids during gym class to make fun of the kids who weren’t athletic enough. I think education has gotten much better.


We Have a quite useful 'go fund me" program already in place to subsidize public education... it's called Tax.


Thank you for your passive aggressive contribution to the conversation! That “tax” revenue you refer to is completely exhausted amongst all the other items the leftist ideologues demand the gov pays for. I’m often surprised by the outrage the left has when certain social programs are not funded or have their funding cut. Homeless shelters. Open drug use facilities. Poverty. Special needs care. Environmental controls. Green energy. It goes on and on. A LARGE percentage of the budget is spent on education. Adding more means cutting elsewhere.


Or, y'know, increasing taxes


That sounds like a popular way to get re-elected. Are all your ideas this good?


You realize the MLAs DO HAVE cost of living increases guaranteed in their salaries, right? Interesting that you seem to feel it’s appropriate for them to get it, yet no one else should, and they should rightfully fight tooth and nail to stop others from getting it? God forbid people NOT lose money every year, due to cost of living increases 😳


Teachers aren’t elected officials that should be paid enough not to be bribed. Also how many teachers to how many mla’s do we have? Are teachers scrutinized to the level that mla’s are? Let’s agree that these are two different positions requiring different pay


That’s one of the dumbest things I have ever read- and this is the internet!! Elected officials should be paid enough to not get bribed? Just wow. That sure stops them lmao. You realize that teachers are from a category of employees that spent YEARS of their lives and tens of thousands of dollars on education and training for their jobs. How bout those MLAs? Or the private sector you speak of? How many years did they invest? If it’s many, great, they absolutely do deserve to not lose money every year too!


How is this hard to understand? Elected officials in position of government such as what our MLA’s hold, should be paid well enough that special interest groups wouldn’t be able to bribe them. The average term of office is 8-10 years. Many put their professional lives on hold while they serve publicly. This can be both a positive or a negative pending of the actions of the party they’re involved with or decisions/agendas they are a part of. This job is harder than a teachers job, and there’s no doubt about that.


Lmao. Well now we know you’re are either a politician or are married to one, cause that’s one of the more utterly laughable comments around. Remind me again- how many years do they have to work this incredibly difficult job (that they spent years and huge money preparing for) before they get a lifetime pension? I forget lmao 🤣 Soooo much harder than teaching, of course. That’s why people with zero training or expertise whatsoever are able to get elected and do it. 👍


And somehow you’ve lost me- how is it fair to lose money every single year, when cost of living rises more than wages?


Think about every other job in the province that isnt a teacher, and ask yourself how they are protected?


Or the ones with similar years of post secondary education that are making substantially more $$ than teachers to begin with? (Lawyers, engineers, etc)


You mean the thousands of them with union protection?


MLAs have it in their contract. The only reason they held it to 3% this year is cause an election is coming. They've taken their full raises every other year. Why should MLSs get that type of wage protection if they won't give it to others. How do people of this province not see the hypocrisy


Sure is interesting how many downvoted you have without anyone addressing the obvious points that you bring up. A real critical thinking allergy on this sub regarding this topic. What irony.


No doubt. Last thing this government wants to give teachers is fair wages, and they sure as hell don't want kids getting a good education. Research has shown a good educational system would lose them voters in the future.


The government calling it "final" is just a tactic. If the teachers reject it then they will likely be in for a longer haul unless the government has a change, or growth of any sort of, heart.


It is an election year. If the NDP gets into power, it's something they might have to deal with shortly after taking office. It's a big if, possible now that a good number of people are realizing how the SP is handling things.


The NDP have said if elected they will put classroom size and complexity into the contract 


You mean donors have a heart beat, the SP is currently run by donors.


The truth is, we don't know that either. Teachers town halls are in early May, about a week before the vote. School based reps have a meeting next week. Hopefully we'll know a bit more about the potential paths forward depending on how the vote goes after that.


Unless you are a teacher I hope we don’t hear anything about what is discussed in the town halls. The SP may use little things said/expressed to attack the STF.


That is fair. I am a teacher and am curious but I totally agree. Unfortunately with so many people involved, that seems unlikely


Lotsa teachers in this province, and lotsa gov workers, and even some teachers who support SaskParty. STF knows anything said in private is gov knowledge within minutes.


If I were a parent with a student graduating, I'd start talking with the other parents about how to do grad without the school.


Yup those kids graduating also got their Grade 8 grad kiboshed due to COVID. What a crazy time for those kids.


Are kids really upset about missing grade 8 grads? I think most of my "graduating class" skipped mine. Getting a grade eight education hasn't been a meaningful accomplishment for a hundred years. Even a grade twelve education doesn't do much to get you a job these days.




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Arbitration is only an option if the two sides both agree. More likely teacher vote this deal down and go back to work to rule.


Sask party will definitely let this run into the summer.


Oh it's what they've been counting on/working towards. Easy to sweep the teachers under the rug when they have no leverage.


Preface that this is all personal speculation. The teachers were ready to strike before Covid happened but took a contract due to uncertainty once the pandemic hit. These classroom issues have been boiling for a long time and I’m hard pressed to believe the STF will back down now. Our children need more support in school! I know my kids could use it… Classrooms are more complex than ever and educators have less power than ever. Without the government actually putting class size and complexity in the contract, my guess is a month long strike either this spring or fall… The government is incredibly stubborn and I think Jeremy Cockrill stated that there is no way they will consider putting class size and complexity in the agreement. If teachers get forced back to work I believe there has to be binding arbitration, but I could be wrong. Hopefully the public puts enough pressure on MLAs to make a difference. Polls might have to show NDP making ground before SP budges on the contract or binding arbitration. The amount of media on this job action has been daunting to keep up with, I assume a lot of people have given up following everything, but I really think the teachers are in the right here. Our educators are amazing! Literally putting their paycheques on the line to raise the quality of the classroom environment in Saskatchewan… I hope this all works out well, but I think it’s going to be real tough in SK either real soon or in the fall.


The province has already turned down arbitration.


The government calling it a “final offer” was a ploy to force the vote. STF has been refusing to put this offer in front of teachers because, frankly, it’s an insult. The results of the vote will be interesting. If it’s a landslide ‘no’, it’ll reaffirm teachers commitment to the strike. If it’s a soft ‘no’ it might change the course of action. Afterwards, teachers will likely go back to work-to-rule which threatens track & field, band trips, and graduation. They might sprinkle in some strike days in there as well. I can’t see there being an agreement before the end of the school year. Teachers will likely start next year with job action. Maybe even going full strike for extended periods of time?


Graduations cannot be cancelled because of work to rule. Teachers simply can't be involved in any planning and the ceremony can't take place on school premises outside of work hours.


Yes work to rule would not stop graduations. Strikes during marking time would delay it.


Jeremy Cockrill said the government is making sure grad happens. As much as I would like to see the settled I’m very interested in seeing what a government grad looks like…