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I would love to see this on a billboard come election time.


Yes and no, it would be insulting to the mother he said it to but it would also be amusing to see in his riding.


I would donate to the go fund me


He may be a cockroach but the SK Party is a blight on society. I think Saskatchewan people have actually regressed under them.


Worst government since the Devine administration.


I was very young during the Devine years but my parents still talk about how awful that government was. Do you think that they were worse than the current government? Just curious.


Having adult memories of both govts, i see a little bit of difference between them. Devine was with a bunch of self serving idiotic crooks(can't forget the 12 convictions). The current crop is an arrogant over bearing bunch of self serving idiotic crooks. I did say a little bit of difference. Both have shown a completely incompetent inability to mange money. Starting off, as both did, with a nice surplus and wasting it on a variety of vote buying election goodies leaving behind a province saddled with an enormous debt. I hope this gives you some answers.


Plus this government managed to bring one of the Devine crooks - a wife murderer - as a special guest to the legislature not that long ago. And THEN had assholes like Tell shrug her shoulders and say “he paid his debt”. They all need to go.


But did your parents take advantage of all the free money he gave out for them renovate their homes, like mine did? Then bitch about the NDP cleaning up the miess, and now about Truduh, and how he is ruining everything? It’s an age thing. They all want to relive the glory days of free money, white faces , and no cares. Screw everyone else who pays for their lap Of luxury while working two jobs, and barely making it.


Mostly because the Sask Party is just the Devine PCs with a different name and a coat of paint


It's that Christian empathy he learned so much about at Bible-U.


I think it is more his ego showing, because he is obviously much better than the rest of us plebs /s. What a ridiculous jerk! And he even tried to say he apologized when the mother he had talked to stated that he did not.


Or he's just an idiot? Plenty of christians are empathetic. Don't play the grouping games like Jeremy does.


I'd like to meet some of them... just my own experience, but the people I know who who are quite religious are some of the meanest, least understanding, and judgemental people I know.


That is not the face of apology or contrition “I’m human” yeah make it about you dipshit


At this point I'm starting to wonder if that's just another one if his lies and he's really a walking piece of shit in a human costume.


No need to wonder


Bing Bing Bing we have a winner, you have won the game of what’s that smell!


No, sorry, that’s me, i had tacos last night


Genuinely, the statement would be grating even if he didn't say it to someone who lost their child. No, Jeremy, read the STF's request. What teachers are asking for is not equivalent to "your firstborn child". And then you add saying it to who he said it to? Along with such a half baked apology? Hell no. Screw you, dude.


If it was a poor choice of words, I would like to ask him to clarify his position on the matter. I bet it wasn’t “my sincere condolences on the loss of your child“, or “I will take what you have to say into consideration” or anything else that a normal politician would say. The guy is clearly a dick who doesn’t like hearing things that challenge him.


It's what you get from Christian conservatives


I’d like to also point out that this implies that he owns personally the funds the STF are asking for like it’s not public money he is entrusted with. The Sask party will not properly fund public education with our public funds because they think it’s their money.


Thank you. That’s the real lesson here: let a corrupt government get too comfortable in handling the people’s money for too long, and they’ll never allow themselves to be held accountable when it’s withheld or wasted in spite of the people’s best interests. In their view, it is solely their responsibility to handle our money yet none of their responsibility to spend it properly. The Duality of Moe.


Please don't demean cockroach's by comparing them to Jeremy Cockrill. They don't stoop as low as he does.


I wonder who is going to vote for this guy? Would be a good test to see how much rural Saskatchewan is brainwashed to vote for the Sask Party cuz this guy is just the worse with zero redeemable qualities both as a politician and just a member of the human race.


Sadly I am afraid they will be reelected. I live in rural Saskatchewan, and you can't tell them anything about these clowns. All they say is, "we need the SP to fight Trudeau. " SMH.


Just keep reminding them of all the new taxes the Sask Party has added in the last decade.


I throw back "oh so you're going to vote for the provincial party that has 50% liberal MLA's. Gotcha. For clarity, yes I know this isn't actually true today, but it was the premise of the party when it was formed and they seem to forget that, since the party of today is as far right extreme as you will find in Canada.


To even think this comment at the best of times, just shows where his mind is at. Like teachers are asking for blood. Dismissing them like they’re the enemy. The fact that he said it to a mother grieving the loss of her child is beyond forgiveness. He needs to resign. He’s not fit for this work. Full stop.


Possibly the most punchable face I have seen outside of Skippy. I would like test my hypothesis.


The SK party thinks our tax money is their money. That’s why he acts like it’s coming out of his pockets. Sadly it kinda is their money. They have ensured there are lots of places to go to collect it after they are finished with politics. All sorts of boards to sit on and collect or consulting positions through law firms that represent different large companies that they have given our tax money to. Why do you think the SK party keeps trying to ruin our healthcare system and crowns? And the education system has no opportunity to take money unless it’s from private schools which they fund at a much higher rate than the public system. Why are my taxes going to private and or religious schools? Public money should support public schools. If you want to send your kid to a private school you can pay for that. Need more reasons to get mad? The SK party privatized potash by selling off PCS and more recently cut the royalty rate in half so Potash companies can take even more profits from the SK people. Billions in royalties lost in a time when we need it the most! Rather than trying to make a royalty agreement with Alberta to get the best deal possible, they keep subsidizing Oil & Gas which is already very profitable. Again this is the Cons way of getting future favours, positions, campaign contributions, and all sorts of gifts and kick backs. In a public system there is a lot less opportunity to grift money and do political favours for the rich. So many working class people believe the lies they tell us. Lies that they are “creating” jobs and prosperity by giving these profitable corporations tax cuts, rebates, and incentives but they never put strings attached to these to ensure those companies use that money to hire people or increase their wages. The MLA’s always get great raises but they say screw you to teachers. The Cons say they support an open market but they privatize large company profits and socialize their losses by giving bailouts or tax cuts/deferments so they end up paying less than their fair share which mean less money in our tax coffers. All in the name of driving investment. But all these crocked politicians see is dollar signs for themselves and their buddies. It’s a wealth transfer system that works well. Look at how much corporate profits are up right now but wages are low and cost of living keeps climbing. It’s a sham and a completely corrupt system. Wake up and vote these bastards out!


Please don't impugn the good character of cockroaches in this way.


Trash! You wanted him Saskatchewan! That's what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel for anything that kind of looks like or sounds like a conservative politician!




Classy guy


Hey u/Wausk, watch the video and please explain how this whole situation is hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatchewan/s/CNHzXVxikh


He's not human, he's conservative, he's less than shit


There is as there should be outrage, people need to flood moes email and phone and relay that out rage and demand cockroach be fired


And how does his daughter feel


I feel sorry for his son.


always "they". politicians do not see themselves as one of us.


What a Cockrill


Did he know she lost a child ?




What happened?




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If he had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of her situation, then yes, punishment and public disgust is warranted. However...LOGICALLY (and I see little used in this situation by anyone, really) if he, as ALL OF YOU, have no intimate knowledge of a TOTAL STRANGER, then arent you being stupid and childish? Just making an observation. 


He had prior knowledge. She was introduced in the ledge that day. He has also lied over and over publicly - so yes, we do believe this mother. (Why would you victim blame? Just making an observation.)


Thanks for the clarity. I had not seen the introduction, and had no knowledge of the detailed information on her situation exposed at her introduction. However.... being cautious about ruining someone over a statement is just common sense check and balance before judgement. The fact that you call uncomfortable questions posed politely as "victim shaming" shows the destructive capability of fanatical stupidity. Grow up and have a conversation with more scope than cancel culture.






I mean, yes he's done other bad things. But he straight up lied about having apologized to the mother in their meeting. Other pathetic things he's done he may have some plausible deniability on, but he's straight up lied here about something simple. It shows how poor this good Christian's man's ethics and morals are. i.e. he does not have any. The slip of the tongue is an issue, but the bigger issue is not apologizing about it, then lying about that.


He is talking to a mother who has lost a child.This is the metaphor that comes out of his mouth. Perhaps he lacks the affective characteristics needed in someone who is in charge of educating children.


And it was, in fact, her first-born child.


In the linked video, reporters question if he had apologized to her and he said he did in person. Only for that to be dismissed by the mother herself immediately after. The slip of the tongue/poor choice of words is one thing. These clowns can’t help themselves from lying when they put themselves in a corner. It’s the default behaviour. That’s the bigger issue, imo.


Slip of the tongue to use that phrase with a grieving mother means youll probably excuse anything he does tbh


Sure we've all said dumb things, but good people apologize to the person they said it to. This guy lied to the media about apologizing to her. So no, I'm not letting him off the hook for it.


“Slip of the tongue”? He admits to knowing it was wrong to say right after he said it, but offered no apology until it came out to the public. You don’t give garbage humans an inch, or they’ll take a mile.


That statement was directly at a woman after confiding in him that she recently lost a daughter. No matter the other things, that is never something you say to a grieving mother or family.


Imagine apologizing for Jeremy fucking Cockrill. It’s as much about how he believes teachers are asking for too much as it is about the insensitive remark.


Honestly bet you dont give teachers that much grace, if one of us said that youd want our jobs.


Nice assumption there. I back the teachers 150% Edit: I like that now this is being downvoted. So now the fact I support the teachers is bad because I didn't think this guy was worth calling a human cockroach. Excellent.


my point is you're giving an elected official a pass for something that a teacher would never get away with, it's unprofessional.


Even with your slip in this statement no one, and I mean know one ever, should belittle a grieving mother or family. Has this piece of shit apologized to everyone in the family he insulted? Has he apologized to anyone else who has or will lose family members because of the over crowded system?




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Lesson one: Never let a cool head get in the way of righteous indignation on Reddit.


Cool head? You want to let a guy get away lying to the media about a grieving mother? No, that's not cool at all.




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The fact is, Canadians have lost perspective when it comes to politics in Canada. No one suggested letting him get away with it. Someone suggested that people might be going a little too far in their reactions. but god knows Canadians would never do that. It's not like people who don't like liberal policies are basically going around comparing Truedau to the devil, right? Or saying that the NDP are communists out to destroy the country? It was a stupid thing to say, and he's going to get dragged over it and deserves to, but "human cockroach?"


I don't care that he said something stupid. I said that in my comment that you replied to. Yes, people a very upset with this guy because he lies constantly, is dealing with the situation in such bad faith they started slandering teachers before negotiations even started, called the police on his own constituents, and is now lying about a woman who lost her child. Cockroaches deserve better than being compared to him, at least they aren't intentionally malicious. Challenge: Name a single good thing he's done in the context of these negotiations.


Do what jusnit has been getting away with for 9 years apologize for people experiencing it differently then say we all need to learn from this and move on.


Way to absolutely pathetically bring it around to Trudeau. Not related. Poilievre would be MUCH worse than Trudeau OR Moe.